
Faulty Movement Patterns: Assessment/Rehabilitation to
Athletic Development
o Functional Pathology of the Motor System
o Faulty posture
o Predictable muscle imbalances
o Faulty movement patterns
o Regional interdependence
o Functional assessment
o The Functional Screen – The Magnificent 7
1. ROM
2. T4 mobility
3. Overhead squat
4. 1 leg stance balance
5. 1 leg squat
6. Lunge
7. Respiration
o Clinical Audit Process
o Activity Intolerances
o Mechanical Sensitivities
o Abnormal Motor Control
o Sacred Cows
 Sit-ups
 Transverse abdominus
 Prone superman
 Trunk flexion
 Hip press
o Problem-Solving– The Magnificent 7
o ROM – McKenzie, etc
o T4-8 extension mobilizations
o Squat/Hip Hinge
o Balance/Foot
o Single Leg Training
o Lunge
o Breathing Re-education
o Functional Capacity Evaluation
o Side Plank
o Forward Plank
o Trunk Flexion
o Trunk Extension
o 1 leg standing balance
o C0-C1 flexion coordination
o The Pain Neuromatrix
o Tissue vs Brain
o Up-regulation vs Down-regulation
o Inflammation vs sensitization
o Adrenals/threat/cortisol
o Myelination/Neural Adaptation
Prague School Tests
o Diaphragm
o Neck/Trunk Flexion
o Arm Lifting
o Hip Abduction
o Vele’s forward inclination
Lunge Workshop
o Assessment/tweaks w/ arms
o Reverse lunges (step/slide)
o Janda lunge
o Psoas stretch
o Anterior hip capsule mobilization
o Expansion of brain receptor field for kinaesthetic reprogramming
Functional Integrated Core-Lower Quarter Workshop
o Hamstring curls w/ ball
o Janda’s trunk perturbations & Vele’s transverse arch facilitation
o Vleeming’s SLR
o IAP/Squat/Dying bug
o Foam roll marching
Functional Integrated Core-Upper Quarter Workshop
o Labral insufficiency & overhead tasks
o Closed chain training
o Wall angel slide
o Kolar arm lift
o Stir the pot
o Stability ball roll out
o Turkish get up
o Horizontal pulls (pull downs/ horizontal row/ shoulder packing Y
o Horizontal push
o Lat stretches
o T4-8 extension mobilization
o Mid-back rotation
Core Stability in the Frontal Plane
o 1 leg squat
o Hip abduction
o Lateral band walk
o Monster walk
o Farmer’s walk
o IT band foam roll
o Sister Kenny gluteus medius facilitation
o Vojta reflex locomotion
o Lateral squats/1 leg hops/lateral jumps/lateral slides
o Single Leg Training
o 1 leg squat
o supported functional reach
o inverted hamstring
o 1 leg dead lifts
o balance reach
o wall ball
o 1 leg box squat
o pirformis/posterior hip capsule mobilization
o ankle mobilization (leg swings)
o Eccentric step training
o 1 leg hop/ X hop
o Plyometrics
o Increase power/speed/rate of force development
o Squat jumps
o Lunge jumps
o Runner’s marches
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