horrabridge community primary school newsletter

Number 12– 27th November 2015
Working Together
Achieving Together
After School Clubs and Activities
All after school clubs have now finished for this term with the exception of Table Tennis which has one more session
on Monday 30th November. Anybody with a Children’s University Passport can now hand them into the office for
Calendar of Dartmoor on sale
The Young Enterprise Calendars have proved extremely popular. Excellent sales have been made at Ladies Night
and in Morrisons and Tesco stores in Tavistock. We will also be selling them at the Christmas Fayre on Friday 4 th
December but if you can’t wait till then they are available to buy from the school office. They make wonderful
Christmas presents! We know from sales that they are being sent to Scotland, Australia, America, New Zealand and
Thailand. To avoid disappointment and to support this young enterprise project we are hoping to sell all 250 copies
(with approximately 200 sold to date!)
Christingle Service on Tuesday 1st December at 6pm
Everyone is welcome to come along to St John’s Church for this service. Our choir and hand bells group will be
performing some songs. Please don’t forget to hand in your Children’s Society Christingle collection box. These can
be returned to school by Monday 1st December or taken to the Christingle Service on Tuesday evening.
Jeremiah’s Journey Mufti Day
On Wednesday 2nd December we will be having a onesie/pyjamas/dressing gown day to raise money for Jeremiah’s
Journey. This is a local charity that supports bereaved children, young people and their families when they have
experienced or are anticipating the loss of someone special. In the last year they have helped nearly 220 children
and young people by meeting with them when they need support. We are asking for a £1 donation in exchange for
coming to school in your onesie or pyjamas/dressing gown so that we can help this excellent charity.
Horrabridge Nativity Festival
St John's church and surrounding churches and village groups have come together to present a nativity festival. A
variety of nativity scenes, including some fantastic work from our children, will be on show in the church from 28th
November to 6th December 10am - 4.30pm and until 7pm on Thursday and Friday. Entry is free but donations to the
church will be welcomed.
PTA Christmas Fayre ~ Friday 4th December 3pm
The Christmas Fayre will be held next Friday from 3pm to 5.30pm. Thank you for all the donations received today for
the tombola. Please come along and support this event. Santa will be very pleased to see all the boys and girls
when they visit his grotto. There will be lots of stalls, refreshments, games and activities in addition to the raffle.
in order to allow time to set up for the fayre in the afternoon.
Today each child will be bringing home a book of raffle tickets for you to buy and/or sell. We have plenty more
available from the office if you require them and more will be on sale at the Fayre. Please hand in the money and
stubs to the school office by Thursday next week.
Christmas Post Box
The Christmas post box will be in the foyer from Tuesday 1st December until Wednesday 16th December. Anyone
can post cards to children and adults within the school, which will be delivered by our Christmas post boys & girls
from Year 6. Please ensure that all envelopes clearly state the name (surname where possible) and class of
the recipient.
Foundation and KS1 Christmas Production
The Christmas production for Reception, Year 1 & 2 will take place on Monday 14th December with performances at
1.30pm and 6.30pm. Details regarding tickets/seat allocation will be in the newsletter next week. Again, we are
spreading our team performances out across the year and Years 3 & 4 will have their production in the Spring term
on Tuesday 22nd March and Years 5 & 6 will have their production in the Summer term on Wednesday 6th July.
Christmas Jumper Day on Wednesday 16th December
We will be taking part in the Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day ‘to make the world better with a sweater.’ on
Wednesday 16th December-our Christmas Lunch day. This mufti day aims to raise as much as possible for the
charity simply by wearing a Christmas jumper. Our pupils & staff are invited to take part by paying £1 to wear their
Christmas jumpers. Parents & carers can also join in, as we hope to see as many people as possible at school in a
festive jumper. If you don’t have a festive jumper or t-shirt then don’t worry as you can easily jazz up an old jumper
for the day. Go to christmasjumperday.org for some great ideas.
We have been informed by parents that their child has come home from school with headlice. It would be greatly
appreciated by all parents if you could check for headlice and treat as necessary.
Pupil Absence due to illness
Following a visit from the Educational Welfare Officer we would like to remind you that for all schools within the
Tavistock Learning Community any absence due to illness of 5 or more days will be classed as an unauthorised
absence unless there is supporting medical evidence. This can be in the form of a signed/stamped appointment
card, a printout of the telephone log from the surgery (if you consulted by telephone) or sight of a prescription with
the child’s name and date of appointment.
I am learning
The school subscribes to this excellent online learning programme. All children in Reception to Year 6 and parents
can access this site by using the following log in details:
Google: I am learning
School ID: HCPL20
User name: first name and surname (all one word) (for example FredSmith)
Password: Their date of Birth (format ddmmyyyy) 11042006
This may from time to time be used to set homework by the class teachers and can be accessed at any time for
revision and additional independent learning.
Key Stage 2 SATs 2016
A date for your diary - Key Stage 2 SATs for all Year 6 pupils will take place week beginning 9th May, 2016
Meeting Dates (proposed dates which may be subject to change)
Friday 11th December 2015 @ 9.00am
Monday 18th April 2016 @ 2.00pm
Monday 11th January 2016 @ 2.00pm
Wednesday 18th May 2016 @ 6.15pm
Wednesday 24th February @ 6.15pm
Monday 13th June 2016 @ 2.00pm
Friday 18th March 2016 @ 9.00am
Friday 15th July 2015 @ 9.00am
Celebration Assembly Timetable for Autumn Term 2015 Assemblies start at 2.20pm unless stated otherwise
Friday 4th December 2015 * 9am as Christmas Fayre
Year 4
Friday 11th December 2015
Christmas Choir
Friday 18th December 2015
No Assembly
School Breakfast Club
From 7.30 am to 8.45 am daily
Selection of healthy breakfast foods
Range of group and individual activities
Themed days/weeks
£4.00 per child, per session
After School Club
If you require after school care or your child would like to join in our fun, please speak to Nicky, Hayley or Clare in
the After School Club room everyday from 3–6pm.
Follow your PTA on facebook-‘like’ PTA of Horrabridge Community Primary School
PTA benefits from ~Easy fundraising ~ a reminder that if you shop online and go through this
website first, we receive a donation from the retailer. A very useful and easy way to help the school
Baby & Toddler Group
This group will meet every Monday morning from 10am to 11.30am in the Busy Bees hut. There is no need to bookjust come along and sign in at the school office. The session is open to anyone in the local community with toddlers
or babies. The aim of the group is to provide a nurturing and caring experience that is as supportive to
parents/carers as it is to providing a fun play environment for our babies and toddlers.
You can be assured of a very warm welcome
Term Dates 2015/16
Start on
Finish on
Autumn Term
2nd half
Monday 2nd November 2015
Friday 18th December 2015
Spring Term 2016 1 half
Tuesday 5 January 2016
Friday 12th February 2016
2 half
Tuesday 23 February 2016
Thursday 24th March 2016
Summer Term 2016 1 half
Monday 11 April 2016
Friday 27th May 2016
2 half
Monday 6 June 2016
Tuesday 19th July
School will be closed on Monday 2 May 2016 for the May Day Bank Holiday
This week’s certificate winners are:Year R ~ Samuel Griffith and Harvey Knight
Year 1 ~ Kyra-Leigh Kendrick and Charlie Brown
Year 2 ~ Megan Pearce and Rowan Mills
Year 3 ~ Lila Tweedale and Isaac Berridge
Year 4 ~ Imogen Anstis and Ollie Edwards
Year 5 ~ Amelia Collings and Jamie Carver-Lee
Year 6 ~ Tierney Robinson and James Arscott
This week
Mealtime Assistants Awards:
KS1 ~ Kyra-Leigh Kendrick for helping the nursery play fun games on the playground
KS2 ~ Alex Grenardo for always being very helpful on the playground
This week’s Breakfast Club Cup Winner is: Jamie Carver-Lee for being very responsible and most
appreciative for his breakfast. He always remembers to say thank you
This week’s Courtesy Cup Winner is: Lillie Edwards for all her help and hard work in sorting out the nativity
costumes with Mrs Jones
Next week’s Celebration Assembly will include contributions from all pupils in Year 4. All parents /carers are
If there is anything that you wish to discuss, please feel free to contact us.
Best Wishes
John Clarke – Headteacher
Please contact us on 01822 852605
DINNERS FOR _____________________________________Name(s) (Cost is £2.20 per day)
Monday 30th November
M: Oven baked burger in a bap
V: Lentil lasagne
SPL: Ham & tomato baguette
JP: JP with beans and/or cheese
Tuesday 1st December
M: Tuna pasta bake with crusty bread
V: Cheese wheels
SPL: Cream cheese & carrot wrap
JP: JP with beans and/or cheese
Wednesday 2nd December
M: Roast beef & Yorkshire pudding
V: Quorn roast & Yorkshire pudding
SPL: Cheese & coleslaw bap
JP: JP with beans and/or cheese
Thursday 3rd December
M: Hunters chicken
V: Sticky sausages
SPL: Beef & tomato sandwich
JP: JP with beans and/or cheese
Friday 4th December
M: Fish fingers & tomato sauce
V: Cheese & tomato quiche
SPL: BLT baguette
JP: JP with beans and/or cheese
Please pay in advance for all school meals either by cash or cheque or online using school
comms. Please ask at the school office to register) £2.20 per day or £11.00 per week.