Number 25 on 27th March 2015
Working Together
Achieving Together
Dear Parents and Carers,
Easter Holidays
Today is the final day of the spring term and a very busy day with all our Easter activities. We hope you all have an
enjoyable holiday and remember to return to school for the summer term on Monday 13th April.
PTA Easter Competition
Well done to all the children who decorated an egg and entered the competition. Rev. Gary Shirley had the difficult task
of judging all the entries for us this morning. Congratulations to all the winners.
West Devon Hockey Finals
Last week our mixed hockey team took part in the Devon Winter Games in Torbay. They were one of the teams
representing West Devon, having qualified by winning the area tournament in Okehampton. The teams were placed into
three pools each containing five teams with the group winners and the best runner-up to progress to the semi-finals. We
won our four group games: 6-0, 1-0, 4-1 and 3-0 and therefore progressed to the semi-finals where we met a school who
had also won their group and had also scored 14 goals and conceded only 1 (as we had). Despite such stiff competition,
we managed to win again, 3-0, and moved forward to the final. Another tough contest awaited us, however we managed
to score the only goal of the game winning 1-0 and therefore being crowned Devon Champions. Throughout the journey,
we had scored 46 goals and conceded only 1. Those who played were: Thalia Bellan, Charlie Brownlow, Charlie Frost,
Tilly Murdoch, Jessica Patterson, Beth Scott, Jim Scott and Helena Woodbridge-Harris. Many thanks to Mrs Scott, Mrs
Essam and Mrs Pett for their support once again and to Mrs Woodbridge-Harris for all her help and support in running
our school hockey club over so many years.
Tag Rugby Tournament
The Horrabridge Tag Rugby team travelled to Tavistock Rugby club to take part in the schools Tag Rugby Festival on
Thursday 26th March. Despite losing our captain to sickness, the team worked hard and gave some good performances.
We made a slow start losing to both St Andrews and Whitchurch, and could have easily dropped our heads and suffered
a disappointing tournament. The players responded well, and grew in confidence, earning a draw against Bere Alston,
which was followed by two fine victories against Tavistock Primary and St Peter’s respectively. This ensured that we
were third overall, and will therefore be competing in the West Devon finals. This is the first time Horrabridge have
progressed to this event in a number of years, and so we look forward to developing our rugby skills further at that
Wake & Shake
For the first half of the summer term, we have decided to run our Wake & Shake session a little later in the morning.
Wake & Shake will still take place with the whole school together in the school hall. The children will be taken to the hall
by their class teachers who will then be able to join in and support the children in taking part. All the children will have the
opportunity to be involved, as Wake & Shake will be taking place within school teaching hours. This will also allow some
of the Nursery children to participate as their start time is later than ours, at 8.50 a.m. We propose to trial this change of
timing in the first half-term as we do value the benefits of all our children having the opportunity to start the school day
in an active and healthy way.
Assembly on Friday 17th April
Just to let you know that the assembly on Friday of the first week back will be a Certificates only assembly.
Beam House and Sailing Week 2015
A reminder that the initial deposits for both of these activities were due in by 13th March. If you haven’t already done so,
could you please send your deposit (£30 for 3 day sailing, £40 for 5 day sailing and £63 for Beam House) to the school
office as soon as possible. If you wish to discuss payments please contact the school office.
Nursery Appeal
In order to help us enhance the outdoor provision, we are asking if any parents/carers have any donations of pots, pans,
wooden crates, tree stumps, wood chippings, guttering etc. Please see Emma or Karen in the Nursery if you can help.
Lunchtime Club Appeal
Mrs Downing will be running a ‘Top Trumps & Comics’ club one lunchtime a week in the summer term and would be
grateful for any donations of used comics or children’s magazines. Please hand them in to Mrs Downing via the school
office. Thank you in advance!
New School Lunch Menu
A copy of the new menu is being sent home today which will be available for the summer term. Please note that due to
the Easter holidays and ordering times we have switched the options for Monday and Thursday for the first week back
Open Afternoon at St John’s Church
St John's Church is holding an open afternoon on Easter Monday 6th April from 3 – 5pm. Everyone in the village is
invited to come along and see the new kitchen and enjoy complimentary tea and cake. There will be an Easter Egg hunt
for children.
A high energy fusion of pilates + boxing + dance on Thursdays @ 6.30pm at Walkhampton Memorial Hall.
Starting on Thursday 9th April. Half price offer for the first class for all parents at Horrabridge School. Usual price £4.50.
For any more info call: 0770708890
Summer Production
Performance Times
Year 5 & 6
Thursday 9th July, 2015.
1.45pm and 6.30pm
Term Dates 2014/15
Pupils finish on
Pupils return on
Easter Holiday 2015
Friday 27th March 2015
Monday 13th April 2015
May Day B/Holiday 2015
Friday 1st May 2015
Tuesday 5th May 2015
Summer Half - Term
Thursday 21st May 2015
Tuesday 2nd June 2015
Summer Holiday 2015
Wednesday 22nd July 2015
Thursday 3rd September 2015
Term Dates for 2015-2016
Autumn Term 2015 1st half
2nd half
Spring Term 2016 1st half
2nd half
Summer Term 2016 1st half
2nd half
Start on
Thursday 3rd September 2015
Monday 2nd November 2015
Tuesday 5th January 2016
Tuesday 23rd February 2016
Monday 11th April 2016
Monday 6th June 2016
Finish on
Friday 23rd October 2015
Friday 18th December 2015
Friday 12th February 2016
Thursday 24th March 2016
Friday 27th May 2016
Tuesday 19th July
School will be closed on Monday 2nd May 2016 for the May Day Bank Holiday
School Breakfast Club
From 7.30 am to 8.45 am daily
Selection of healthy breakfast foods
Range of group and individual activities
Themed days/weeks
£3.75 per child, per session
After School Club
If you require after school care or your child would like to join in our fun, please speak to Nicky or Tash in the After
School Club room everyday from 3–6pm.
Follow your PTA on facebook-‘like’ PTA of Horrabridge Community Primary School
PTA benefits from ~Easy fundraising ~ A reminder that if you shop online and go through this
website first, we receive a donation from the retailer. A very useful and easy way to help the school
This week’s certificate winners are:Class PD
Class CB/AM
Class NS
Class MW
Class PH
Class PM
Class CT
Rionna Norman and Jayden Swanston
Gracie Crane and William Courtnell
Rebecca Boyd and Lila Tweedale
Elsie Besgrove and Henry Whitwell
Catherine Bolton and Connor Norman
Tilly Murdoch and Josh Hilton
Natasha Romanel and Helena Woodbridge-Harris
Mealtime Assistants Awards:
KS1~ Erin Hill for being particularly caring with the younger children and making up games to play with them
KS2~ Chloe Hughes for always playing nicely and being helpful and kind at lunchtimes
This week’s Breakfast Club Cup Winner is: Kieran West for being unfailingly polite and fitting in with the group
so well
This week’s Courtesy Cup Winner is: Kyla Corden for being so polite and well-mannered to everyone at all times
If there is anything that you wish to discuss, please feel free to contact us.
Best Wishes
John Clarke – Headteacher
Please contact us on 01822 852605
DINNERS FOR _____________________________________Name(s) (Cost is £2.20 per day)
Monday: Homemade lasagne or Bean & pasta casserole or Beef sandwich
Tuesday: Homemade Chicken Pie or Vegetarian Sausage roll or Tuna sandwich
Wednesday: Roast Beef or Homemade Lentil loaf or Cheese baguette
Thursday: Pulled Pork in a warm roll with pasta salad or Macaroni Cheese or Egg & cress bap
Friday: Harry Ramsden Fish or Homemade Cheese wheels or Cream Cheese & salad wrap
Please ensure that all arrears are cleared as soon as possible
We are not allowed to allow arrears of more than £20.00 per child.
Please ensure that all dinner money is paid in advance.
For the summer term: £11.00 per week
£61.60 for the ½ term or £143.00 for the full term