Institute of Leadership & Management

Leadership and Management
for First Line Managers
ILM Award in Leadership and Management
This programme is designed for both aspiring and actual First Line Managers who want
to gain a foundation for their formal development as a leader. The programme focuses
on the fundamental knowledge and skills that are required by a first line manager.
Although there are no formal entry requirements, participants will normally be either
practicing or aspiring first line managers who have the opportunity to meet the
assessment requirements and have a background that will enable them to benefit from
the programme.
What distinguishes first line managers from middle managers is their limited budgetary responsibility. First Line
Managers may make decisions about resource utilisation although the budgetary accountability for these
resources exists at a higher level. They may:
 Engage in some tasks performed by fellow team members, although this is not their primary function
 Have a wider span of control, responsibility, authority/ power and autonomy than a team leader
 Be practicing managers who engage more extensively in managerial tasks.
The benefits in undertaking this programme are varied and include: enhanced confidence to manage and to
develop further as a first line manager, the opportunity to address real work issues through completing a
variety of reflective assignments, and the opportunity to share experiences and network with colleagues in
similar first line manager roles throughout the University.
How have previous University candidates benefited from this programme?
“The course has encouraged me to distance myself from my work a little in order to look at it objectively and
from a more strategic viewpoint”.
“The programme supported me to reflect on current behaviours and provided ideas and inspiration for change
and growth”.
“Completing the assignments has been invaluable as they have allowed time to reflect on real examples and
plan how I will take forward developments with my team.”
Programme Learning Outcomes and Content:
 Understand my leadership style and who I am as a leader
 Develop skills to give and receive effective feedback and to plan and manage difficult conversations
 Understand a range of different motivation theories and apply these to motivate team members to
improve performance
 Understand and use a range of problem solving and decision making tools and techniques.
What’s involved?
The table below outlines the programme.
Programme Activity
Workshop Participation
5 workshops
(see overleaf for dates, mandatory attendance)
Group Tutorials/Learning Forum
Optional attendance
Personal ILM Coaching Support
To be agreed with Tutor/Coach
(mandatory to obtain the formal award)
3 formal assignments (mandatory to obtain the formal
Programme activities consist of: interactive and participative workshops, Group Tutorials and one-to-one
tutorial/coaching support. To achieve the award it is compulsory to attend all the programme workshops and to
successfully complete three reflective assignments. These reflective assignments enable participants to
demonstrate how they have put their learning into practice within their teams. The research and writing of the
three assignments may take approximately 30 hours in total over the programme. There is also a requirement
to attend a minimum of 2 hours coaching tutorial time. This can be through one-to-one tutorial sessions,
through group tutorial sessions, or a combination of both. Delegates are also expected to complete around a
total of 2 hours of self-study as pre-work before each of the five workshops.
Support for learning
Pre-programme event: Commitment meeting to outline
programme benefits and expectations to potential candidates
and their line managers (one hour)
Tuesday 27th Ocotober
Pre-programme event: Induction meeting for candidates who
have a confirmed place on the programme (one hour)
Thursday 21st January
Pre-work: Complete MBTI Development Instrument and
participate in feedback session
Thursday 21st January
Workshop 1: Induction, Understanding Leadership
(9.15 am to 4.45 pm)
Thursday 18th February
Group Tutorial/Learing Forum 1 (one hour)
Thursday 25th February
Assignment 1 Submission
Friday 18th March
Workshop 2: Leading and Motivating a Team Effectively
(9.15 am to 4.45 pm)
Thursday 14th April
Workshop 3: Leading and Motivating a Team Effectively – part
2 (9.15 am to 4.45 pm)
Thursday 28th April
Group Tutorial 2/Learning Forum (one hour)
Thursday 5th May
Assignment 2 Submission
Monday 23rd May
Workshop 4: Solving Problems and Making Decisions
(9.15 am to 4.45 pm)
Thursday 2nd June
Workshop 5: Solving Problems and Making Decisions – part 2
(9.15 am – 1:00 pm)
Thursday 16th June
Group Tutorial 3/Learning Forum (one hour)
Thursday 23rd June
Assignment 3 Submission
Friday 26th August
Programme Structure and Deliverer:
This programme is delivered over a period of approximately three months. The programme is accredited by
the Institute of Leadership and Management at Level 3. The ILM is the UK’s largest management body,
specialising in vocational leadership and management development. The University of Stirling, along with The
University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University and Edinburgh Napier University are partners in a staff
development partnership (named ‘Edinburgh Development Connections’ - EDC) that deliver a range of ILM
qualifications specifically to university staff. EDC is an ILM approved centre, established in 2008.
To Apply: Applications are accepted on the ILM Application Form. As with all development, the application
must be supported by the line manager. For more information, please contact: Lorna Prince