NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH AFTERSCHOOL SNACK PROGRAM Eligibility for Participation - To be eligible for the Afterschool Snack Program through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), the following criteria must be met: A school must operate the lunch component of the NSLP. The school district or private school must operate the after school program (this includes schools that subcontract the day to day operations of the program). The program provides regularly scheduled activities for children in an organized, structured and supervised environment. Students in organized athletic programs engaged in interscholastic sports are not eligible to participate. The program includes educational or enrichment activities. The program is “open to all” children up to age 18 or for those students who turn 19 during the school year, and children with disabilities, and does not limit membership for reasons other than space or security. The program is in operation during the regular school year, which may include summer sessions and year round schools, on days when school is in session. Reimbursement - The Afterschool Snack Program allows for Area Eligible and Regular sites as follows: To be eligible for Area Eligibility reimbursement, a site must be located in the attendance area of a school (i.e., elementary, middle or high school) that has at least 50% of its enrollment eligible for free or reduced price meals. All snacks are served free of charge and reimbursed at the free rate of reimbursement. To determine if a site meets this criteria, please refer to the most recent “% Students Eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch” building data report which is available on: Select Programs, National School Lunch Program. A Regular site claims snacks based upon individual student eligibility status (free, reduced or paid) and snacks are reimbursed at the appropriate rate. Reimbursement rates for each category of eligibility are available on PEARS. Select Rates from the left side of the screen. Select the current Program Year to view the current reimbursement rates. The monthly claim for reimbursement is submitted on PEARS as part of the normal claim process. Requirements - The Afterschool Snack Program has the following requirements: Snacks are served after regular school hours. Snacks comply with established meal pattern requirements as stated in CFR 210.10(m), Afterschool Snack Program Updated 09/12/2007 1, with the recommendation of increasing serving sizes for the older children (ages 13-18). The snack is priced as a unit opposed to individual items for students receiving paid or reduced price snacks. No more than $.15 is to be charged for a reduced price snack. One snack per child may be claimed for reimbursement. Each program is reviewed twice each year, as stated in CFR 210.9(c), the first of which shall be during the first four weeks that the school program is in operation each school year. An after school care program operating year round shall be reviewed during the first four weeks of its initial year of operation, once more during its first year of operation, and twice each school year thereafter. Record Keeping – The following documentation must be maintained in order to claim snacks for reimbursement for: Area Eligible sites: Documentation indicating the Area Eligible site is located in an area served by a school in which at least 50 percent of the enrolled students are eligible for free or reduced price school meals. Total meal (snack) counts. Documentation of individual children’s attendance on a daily basis Documentation of compliance with meal pattern requirements, including production records. Regular sites: Documentation of free or reduced price eligibility for all children for whom free or reduced price snacks are claimed. Meal (snack) counts by eligibility type (free, reduced, or paid). Documentation of individual children’s attendance on a daily basis Documentation of compliance with meal pattern requirements, including production records. Non-eligible Programs and Sites - The following are some examples of situations that would not be eligible for the Afterschool Snack Program: An after school program that is not school sponsored. An after school program that is sponsored at a school that does not participate in the National School Lunch Program. Interscholastic programs and community level competitive sports programs. Weekend, holiday, vacation and summer programs unless they are a part of regular school year, Afterschool Snack Program Updated 09/12/2007 2 year round school or summer school. A program that operates other than after regular school hours. For additional information, visit or contact Sandy Souder at 1-800-331-0129, Ext. 33538, or by e-mail at Afterschool Snack Program Updated 09/12/2007 3