INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOME: An important part of your Abdominal Hysterectomy surgery is the recovery
period at home. The following information and suggestions should assist your speedy recovery.
ACTIVITY: Avoid activities that strain your incision. No lifting greater than 10 pounds for 6 wks. You
may use the stairs. You may return to work and normal activities, as you feel able as long as you don’t
lift more than 10 pounds. You may feel tired for several weeks after you return home, plan to get some
extra rest.
VAGINA: Place nothing in the vagina for 4 weeks. No tampons, no douches, no intercourse for 4 weeks.
After 4 weeks you may resume intercourse. There will be some light bleeding or discharge from the
vagina as the stitches in the vagina heal. That may continue for up to 8 weeks after the surgery. Use
sanitary pads as you need to. Contact your surgeon if you are concerned about the bleeding or
discharge. Go to emergency if you bleed more than a pad worth of blood in less than an hour.
DIET: Your normal diet.
BATHING: You may shower. You may bath or use a hot tub if you can get in and out of the tub without
straining your incision.
PAIN: You will experience pain / discomfort at the incision and in the pelvis. For pain you should start by
using an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen (also called Advil or Motrin). Use according to the
instructions on the bottle. If that isn’t sufficient for pain control then add acetaminophen (also called
Tylenol) and take that according to the instructions on the bottle. You can take both an antiinflammatory and acetaminophen at the same time. If your surgeon has given you a prescription
medicine for pain then add that to the anti-inflammatory and acetaminophen, as you need to. If your
pain is not adequately controlled then contact your surgeon.
BLEEDING: There may be a very small amount of blood from your incision. Any large amount of
bleeding, apply pressure to the area and call your surgeon or come to the hospital.
POSSIBLE PROBLEMS: Contact your surgeon or go to the Emergency Department if you have: heavy
vaginal bleeding; redness / bleeding / discharge at the incision site; fever / chills; shortness of breath;
chest pain or pain / swelling in your legs. Please direct concerns and questions to your surgeon. If you
do not understand these instructions please ask your nurse or your surgeon to explain. When at home,
should you have any questions or complications, call the Fergus office.
POST-OPERATIVE VISIT: You should see your surgeon in 6 weeks. Contact either the Fergus office or
Palmerston Hospital to book that appointment.
Dr. Reilly – Fergus office (519) 787-7418 or Palmerston Hospital (519) 343-2030 ext. 0
Dr. Rollings-Scattergood – Fergus office (519) 787-7418
This education tool has been prepared by Nursing Staff of Day Surgery at Groves Memorial Community Hospital in consultation with your
surgeon. It is our hope that the instructions will alleviate any concerns or apprehensions you may have during your recovery at home.