if your child is taken ill at school

On behalf of our Staff, Pupils, Parents and Governors I am delighted to
welcome you and your family to Folville. I hope that your time spent
within our School Community will be both enriching and enjoyable.
We are ‘child centred’ Teachers - a caring and expert Staff who believe
that children learn most from people they respect and who respect them.
At Folville we believe that children must enjoy their life at school and
must experience success. They have to believe in themselves and
expect that they CAN do things. They need to acquire the basic skills
and attitudes that will equip them to meet new challenges with
CONFIDENCE. If a child has such positive feelings they will become
motivated, involved, full of energy and ready to make lasting gains in
their education.
We are a School that values partnership with Parents. We welcome the
help and advice of Parents and other members of the local Community.
We hope to build with you a friendly, understanding and helpful
relationship, which will be of mutual benefit to the education of your child.
In this Booklet you will find items of information which will be of use to
you now and in the future. If you have any concern or query, do not
hesitate to telephone, or come into School.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in the near future.
Bruce Wells
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Raj Gill-Harrison
Chair of Governors
The vision for Folville Junior School is that it should be a caring and loving place
where ALL members of its Community feel valued and confident.
Folville encourages its members to co-operate and collaborate in a stimulating and
comfortable environment. Within this environment of care and challenge, the School
aims to enable children to strive to achieve high academic standards, develop social
skills and self-awareness.
The values we wish to influence and promote in the children’s learning include:
 Enthusiasm for learning
 Persistence in learning
 Enquiry and curiosity in learning
The personal values we wish to promote include:
 Self respect, integrity
 Honesty and trust
 Acceptance
 Courtesy and compassion
 Sharing and learning together
 Openness and optimism in approach.
The values on which the whole Staff at Folville base their practice include:
 Learning for its own sake
 Working in collaboration
 Consistently apply an agreed set of policies
 That all members of the school are learners
 Trust in each others professional judgements
 Developing each persons individual form of intelligence
 Continually seeking to improve the quality of our children’s experiences and
We recognise the importance of the partnership between Parents and the school in
optimising learning. The development of these partnerships is a priority for Folville
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
At Folville, children are learning to:
Observe, listen, discuss
Plan, enquire, invent, construct
Read with enjoyment and understanding
Solve problems
Mentally use number skills with speed and accuracy
Make music
Calculate – understand mathematical concepts
Collect and organise information from varying sources
Study the local and wider environment
Work with computers and calculators
Communicate and express ideas and feelings in speech and writing
And encouraged to:
Care for others and for the environment
Be self reliant, self confident and self disciplined
Express themselves through music, dance, drama, art, performance and Design
Make the best possible effort
Develop any special talent
Work co-operatively
Concentrate and persevere. Be reflective
Appreciate literature, art and music
Gain increasing control over physical movement
Perform in Class assemblies, choirs, music groups and School productions
and helped to make their own special contribution to
school life!
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
At Folville, your child will…………..
Follow schemes of work to ensure that they follow a broad, balanced Curriculum
where there is continuity and progression designed to allow each child to attain
his/her fullest potential.
The subjects studied by your child
will be those contained in the National
The Teachers endeavour to teach these
subjects in the most interesting, relevant
and challenging way.
Folville is organised in four Year Groups with
three mixed ability classes in each.
During Literacy this year we had an additional teacher in each Year Group working
with different groups of children to provide the optimum learning environment. We
also run an intensive ‘Catch-up’ programme in Year 5 and Year 6.
The School has time-tabled Literacy, Numeracy and reading times, which use whole
class teaching and appropriate group tasks.
Aspects of subjects will often be embraced in a carefully chosen and planned topic.
Our devised Schemes of Work ensure coverage of the National Curriculum.
However, single curriculum lessons, eg. History, Music, Science, Technology, will
often be seen in specialist teaching sessions.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
All children benefit from a close partnership between Parents and School. We hope
that you will be involved at all stages of their education and that you will enjoy
sharing in his/her achievements.
Our aim is to create a warm and caring
environment where Parents feel
welcome at all times.
Your child’s Class Teacher is usually available
To help you with any small immediate problem
either at 8.40 am or 3.10 pm. If you would like a longer
discussion, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office to arrange a
mutually convenient time.
If you have any special concerns, the Headteacher, or Deputy Headteacher, are
available to talk to you.
Please do not hesitate to contact the School to arrange a talk at length with either
your child’s Class Teacher, the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
You are most welcome to visit your child’s classroom at any time to see your child at
work and experience and share in your child’s achievements and successes. You do
not need an appointment for this. Teachers are obviously busy teaching during the
day so specific concerns should be discussed with them as outlined earlier.
It is important to establish and maintain regular contact with your
child’s Class Teacher.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Your child’s successes and achievements
At Folville we are very concerned to share information with you about your child’s
There is an ANNUAL REPORT to keep you up to date with your child’s progress,
and the School holds PARENTS EVENINGS each Term during which an
appointment can be made with your child’s Class Teacher to discuss your child’s
In all Year Groups we use LEARNING LOGS for homework. This records weekly the
learning objectives for each child. The children are very proud of their work and are
creative and imaginative in demonstrating this new knowledge.
During the year on Friday mornings at 10.00 am we hold CLASS ASSEMBIES when
each class produces a performance and Parents and Grandparents are very
welcome to attend. We use this opportunity to celebrate achievements
 In School, ie. Headteacher’s certificates and sports team results
 From home, ie. Clubs, certificates and awards
There will also be opportunities to come to WORKSHOPS run by the Teaching Staff
where you will be able to have first hand experience of the types of activities,
methods of working and materials that your child uses.
HOW YOU CAN HELP ………………………………………………….…..AT HOME
We hold regular Parents Meetings when Class Teachers will discuss your child’s
achievements and targets for the next step in their learning.
Reading: regular reading with your child (10-20 minutes a day) is extremely
important. It is fun for all concerned.
Maths: practice telling the time; practice with money; play board games; involve
children in practical measuring activities, eg. Weighing ingredients when cooking;
involve children with the shopping; encourage them to add and subtract numbers to
10 mentally.
Home Learning Logs form a vital home/school link enabling Parents to be active
partners in their child’s learning. Learning objectives for each week are outlined and
your child is encouraged to work with Parents to demonstrate their learning.
More detailed information about the School’s Code of Conduct and our partnership
with Parents will be contained in the Home/School Contract, which you will find in the
new Parent Pack.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
We are very lucky at Folville. Our Parents have a wide variety of skills, which greatly
enrich the life of the School.
A number of Parents already give us regular support in the classroom, in Clubs and
during out of school activities. If you have time to spare perhaps you could help on a
regular basis, or on the odd occasion? Either will add to the variety of education that
we are able to offer to your children.
If you are interested, you could help with:
Reading books with children………… Story Telling……….. Cookery ……………
Making Equipment …………. Helping with displays ……… Sewing, Craftwork
Library visits …. Educational visits and trips…. Helping with a Club
Please do contact your child’s Class Teacher, or the Headteacher.
Twice a year, at the beginning of the Autumn and Spring Terms you will receive an
‘Outlines Booklet’.
These Booklets are designed to give a picture
of the programme we have planned for your
child for the forthcoming Terms. They are
designed to provide you with a framework of
the Curriculum and give you an opportunity
to share and develop your child’s interest in
the topics they will study.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
There is a half-termly Newsletter, giving you information about what is happening in
School. Contributions are from the Teaching Staff, Governors, the children, and
hopefully, from you. There is a Notice Board in the main entrance to the School and
in the playground which are for Parents and School notices.
Our School Council is made up of elected pupils from each Year Group. The School
Council, with a Teacher facilitator, meets once every two weeks to discuss issues
raised by other pupils. An agenda is followed, minutes taken and the Council
decides on what action is necessary and who will undertake it.
We value music highly at Folville and hope that all our children will be able to
experience the pleasure of playing an instrument and performing to others.
All of Year 3 children will experience playing either a violin, viola or cello. Those
children showing an aptitude will be encouraged to continue to learn with a
peripetetic music teacher. The school will subsidise part of the cost of these lessons.
We will celebrate our musicians with regular concerts to the school and the wider
We also have very successful Singing and Djembe Drumming Clubs. Both these
groups perform during the year.
We offer specialist art teaching in two Art Clubs, which enable
the children to develop their skills and talents
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Our aim is to provide each child with the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of
movement activities, which will include:
Dance/Salsa/Street Dance
Educational gymnastics
Fun games
Jump Gym
Lunchtime skills development activities
Netball, Basketball and Volleyball
Outdoor pursuits
Skill sessions
Tag Rugby
Sport at Folville aims to :
 Aid a child’s physical, personal, social and cognitive development
 Allow each child to experience a sense of achievement at their own level through
varied and challenging physical activities
 Give children the opportunity to experience different roles and relationships as an
individual, in co-operation, or in direct competition
 Build and reinforce positive attitudes to physical activity
 Promote the health related benefits of a vigorous physical exercise programme
 Improve pupil planning, performance and self-evaluation
In 2010 our Football Teams had the most successful year of any teams in the history
of the schools’ competitions in Leicester and Leicestershire.
In 2011 our Wembley team were given three ‘Team of the Year’ awards.
Each Year we hire Saffron Lane Sports Stadium for our Sports Day.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Folville recognises the importance of physical education as
part of the National Curriculum, but also for the health of your
A change of clothes is essential - all children need a P.E. Kit.
This should be a white T-shirt, black/white shorts, or Leotard, and a pair
of plimsolls – also jogging bottoms and top for outdoors work in winter.
(see Page 21 – School Uniform)
It is best if these are kept in a bag and all items should be clearly marked with
your child’s name.
 No jewellery, ear rings or nose piercings should be worn for P.E.,
games or swimming. If your child does wear any jewellery, it should be of
the kind that they could easily remove.
 A directive from the Health and Safety Department of the Local Authority
states that goggles should not be worn unless there is a letter from the child’s
parents giving medical reasons.
All Year Groups are given the opportunity for swimming lessons and will, therefore,
need a swimming costume and towel. These lessons are free of charge, but we do
have to ask for a nominal contribution each week to cover the cost of transport to the
swimming pool and the entrance fee into the pool.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Any child may have an individual or special educational need, and many children will
need extra help at some time in their school career. Where a child is having
difficulties we aim to ensure that he/she receives appropriate support.
This may be in class, within a smaller group, or individually.
The progress of each child is carefully monitored and we endeavour to identify those
experiencing difficulties as early as possible.
We hope to earn the Dyslexia Friendly Kite Mark within the next two years to
acknowledge the support we provide for those with specific learning difficulties. Our
classrooms function on a Dyslexia-friendly ethos and we run a variety of interventions
to help the development of children with Literacy difficulties.
We aim to ensure that all our children:
 are healthy
 safe
 enjoy and achieve through learning
 make a positive contribution to society.
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, you are encouraged to arrange
a meeting with the Class Teacher or the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
(SENCO). You will also have the opportunity to discuss any concerns at our Parent’s
Evenings and be informed about the steps being taken to help your child.
Folville Junior School supports the inclusion of all children regardless of need or
There is currently an increased awareness of issues relating to the education of able
children. As a result, we are continuing to develop a Gifted and Talented Policy
which will examine how we identify these children and also the educational
opportunities we provide.
Our Curriculum is already rich in opportunities for music, drama and art, with many
lessons planned to provide for the development of higher level thinking skills.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Folville, together with all Leicester schools, follows the Local Authority’s Child
Protection Policy. This means that all members of Staff at Folville are aware of and
would carry out their role in the Child Protection Procedures. Under certain
circumstances outside agencies may need to be contacted and involved.
Child Protection means protecting children against abuse and non-accidental injury.
It applies to children below the age of 18. More information can be obtained from the
The School is not affiliated to any particular religious denomination. Local Clergy
visit the School on occasions to lead non-denominational assemblies and members
of the community from other religious groups visit to talk at assemblies about their
religious beliefs, festivals and customs.
Year Groups go into the community to visit places of worship for different religions.
We place a high value on celebrating the religious and cultural diversity within our
School and the wider community of Leicester.
Extract from LA Statement
Religious Education
Under the Education Act 1996 and the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, the legal
requirements are that:
Religious education must be provided for all registered pupils in full time education
except those withdrawn at the request of their parents (S352 (1) (a) )
1. Religious education must be taught in accordance with an Agreed Syllabus in
Community Schools (a copy of Leicester Agreed Syllabus is available to view should
you wish)
2. The Agreed Syllabus reflects the fact ‘that the religious traditions of the United
Kingdom are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices
of other principal religions represented in the United Kingdom’
3. Religious education must be non denominational, but teaching about denominational
differences is permitted.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
We believe it is the joint task of Parents and Teachers to help a child to develop a
sense of responsibility and become aware of the conduct required from each
individual in our School Community.
Any disruptive, or anti-social behaviour must be stopped. Each child is helped to see
the need to develop control over his/her emotions and behaviour, and to learn to live
as part of a caring community.
If a child is having difficulties, Parents will be informed and invited to come and
discuss how together we can help the child to overcome the problem. Our Learning
Mentor would assist this process.
We will be sharing our Code of Conduct with you more fully in September as part of
our Home/School Contract.
If a child attending this School is a victim of bullying either within the School, or the
wider community, then it will be the concern of the School.
There is a successful system at Folville in which each individual is given care,
understanding and attention. Children, with Parents, are actively involved in the
process to resolve any bullying behaviour. (Further information is to be found in our
Bullying Document. Please ask to see a copy.)
Our aim is to prepare children to live harmoniously in a multi-cultural society and to
help them develop an awareness and tolerance of other cultures. By giving children
an awareness of the richness of the society in which they live, they will become
useful, constructive and positively active citizens.
Our agreed intentions are :
To show no racial prejudice to any ethnic group
To promote racial justice and cultural harmony
To establish individual equality
To respect the dignity of all human life and encourage the development of positive
values and attitudes
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
This will be achieved by :
1. Giving all children equality of opportunity
2. Sharing our different traditions, knowledge and beliefs
3. Making children aware that they all have an important part to play in the life of the
School and the community at large
4. By encouraging all people concerned with the School towards an awareness of
sensitivity to other cultures
By Law, we must now log all racist incidents.
At Folville there is a commitment to providing equal opportunities for all children and
adults at all times, whatever their gender, colour, creed, disability or social
Discrimination in whatever form is actively opposed and children are encouraged to
grow in respect for themselves and for others.
At certain times of the year, in conjunction with a television programme and always
with parental knowledge, Year 6 children follow a course of sex education – the
reproductive cycle of humankind and Year 5 children consider the changes as we
grow into adulthood.
The issues are handled in a sensitive, yet matter of fact manner, and the children are
encouraged to talk openly with both Parents and Teachers.
There is a syllabus, which is available for your inspection, and you are welcome to
see the material we use and find out more about what is offered.
Our Drug Awareness Policy has been devised by Governors and Staff.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
We are proud of the range and depth of this provision at Folville. Our ‘Education
Extra Award of Excellence’ is displayed with pride in School.
I must acknowledge here the energy, time, effort and commitment given by our
Staff to this area of School life.
Here are some of the activities that your child might take part in:
Art Club for Upper and Lower Schools
(the 24 children in this Club change
every half term.
African Drumming Workshops
Film Club
Board Games Club
Boys & Girls Football
Chess Club
Dance Club
Family Crafts and Cooking
Family History
Lunchtime Craft Club
Singing Club
Sports skills for the Lower School
String Club, Brass Group, Recorder Groups
A variety of skill based clubs throughout the
Many of these activities are offered as lunchtime or after-school clubs. The
programme varies to reflect Staff interests, expertise and time commitments.
Educational visits are valued by everyone and make a significant
Contribution to our children’s education.
At Folville we endeavour to bring excitement,
value and relevance to your child’s learning.
The School Trip gives first hand experience
to stimulate interest and enthusiasm in
We also invite experts into School to
demonstrate their skills and run ‘hands-on’
At Folville we value the experience of live performance and aim to bring at least two
of the following into School every year - in music, drama, poetry, mime and dance.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
The Governors support and encourage activities additional and complementary to
those that are provided as a normal part of the School’s Curriculum and believe that
they offer an important and valuable contribution to a child’s development.
Last year the Governors heavily subsidised school trips. The Governors are
committed to continuing with a subsidy, but this will always be dependent on school
finances. The school will ask for a voluntary contribution from parents towards the
total cost of these trips. No child will be excluded on the grounds of cost, but unless
a proportion of expenses can be met, the trip may not be able to take place.
The funding for swimming will be by voluntary contribution.
By Law, the School has to make it clear that contributions towards any activity are
We are one of the few schools in the City and County where the Governors are able
to financially support music lessons, but we do ask for a contribution from parents
towards the cost of employing music teachers from Leicestershire Arts, or releasing
our staff to teach individual instruments.
Bosworth Battle Field Centre (Yr4)
City Learning Centre (Yr3,4,5)
Conkers, Ashby de la Zouch (Yr3)
Church of the Martyrs (Yr3)
John Ley’s Wood (Residential trip Yr6)
Ullesthorpe Scout Camp (Residential trip Yr5)
Leicester New Walk Museum (Yr5 and Yr3)
Severn Trent Water Educational Centre at Cropston (Yr5)
Shree Sanatan Mandir (Hindu Temple) (Yr4)
The Leicester University Botanical Gardens and Arboretum
Twycross Zoo (Yr4)
Ullesthorpe Scout Camp (Yr4)
The Brite Centre (Yr3)
Curve Theatre
‘Think Tank’, Birmingham (Yr5)
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
8.50 am to 12.15 pm
1.15 pm to
3.10 pm
8.30 am
the main playground gate will be opened
8.40 am
children will be asked to go to their own classroom where a welcome
activity will be provided
the register will be taken and the school day begins
8.50 am
Please ensure that your child/children are in school by 8.50 am so that we can
start the day on time.
School Term and Holiday dates for 2011 – 2012
Autumn Term 2011
Inset Days (School Closed)
School Opens
Autumn Half Term Holiday
School Opens
School Closes
Inset Day (School closed)
Christmas and New Year Holiday
Tuesday 30 & Wednesday 31 August
Thursday 1 September 2011
Monday 17 to Friday 21 October
Monday 24 October
Wednesday 21 December 2011
Thursday 22 December
Thursday 22 December to
Friday 6 January 2012
Spring Term 2012
School Opens
Spring Half Term Holiday
School Opens
School Closes
Easter Holiday
Monday 9 January 2012
Monday 13 to Friday 17 February
Monday 20 February 2012
Friday 30 March
Monday 2 to Friday 13 April 2012
Summer Term 2012
School Opens
May Day
Summer Half Term Holiday
School Opens
School Closes
Inset Days (School Closed)
Monday 16 April 2012
Monday 7 May
Monday 4 to Friday 8 June
Monday 11 June 2012
Friday 13 July
Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 July
Note: Queens Official Birthday – Monday 4June 2012 – included in holidays
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Punctuality and regular attendance at school are major contributors to the ongoing
success children at Folville Junior School. The majority of parents recognise this and
are very supportive throughout their child’s time at the school, but there are
occasions when communication between home and school need to be clearer.
What is the Law?
 By Law, all children of compulsory school age (5-16) must get a proper full
time education and you, as parents, are responsible for making sure this
School Times :
8.50 am to 12.15 pm
1.15 pm to 3.10 pm
 Registration takes place twice a day, at the beginning of each morning and
afternoon. The Law requires the School to record your child’s absence from
School as either ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’. Your child’s attendance is
coded and computerised.
 Late Book : The School Gate is closed at 9.05 am for the security of the site
and any child arriving after this time should come in by the Front Door and
report to the School Office, making sure that they sign their names in the Late
Book outside the School Office before going to their classroom.
What can I do to help?
 If your child is not at school because of illness, or any other reason, we ask
that you tell us why by preferably contacting the School Office, or sending a
note when your child returns
 If your child has a planned absence eg. for dental/medical appointments, you
need to inform the School Office in advance (see Release During the School Day – P. 22)
 If you want permission for your child to miss school because of a special
occasion, eg. wedding, religious holiday, please complete a form (available
from the School Office) in advance.
 Be aware that unauthorised absences may trigger an automatic referral to the
Educational Welfare Officer and may result in the issue of a Fixed Penalty
Notice. Most unauthorised absences will be recorded because we were not
kept fully informed
May I take a family holiday during term time?
 The Governors have made the decision that from January 2011 the school will
not authorise any holidays in term time.
 Any holiday taken, therefore, may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice of £50 per
per child per parent being issued by the Education Welfare Services.
 Any absence from school at the beginning of the academic year, particularly
when a child starts a new school, is detrimental to your child’s education and
their progress in class
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Extended absence from school
 Permission must be sought from the Headteacher for any extended absence
from school
 Where permission is given, the absence is authorised up to the date of the
agreed return
 If your child fails to return to school on the date agreed and no satisfactory
reason is given, then the absence becomes unauthorised
 If your child does not return after a further ten school days, his/her name will
be removed from the school roll.
Any holiday taken without permission will be brought to the attention of the
Education Welfare Services, who may decide to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.
What is the role of the Leicester Authority?
 The LA is responsible, by Law, for making sure that registered pupils of
compulsory age attend their school regularly. They track and monitor patterns
of absence
 The LA employ Education Welfare Officers (EWO) to monitor school
attendance and to help parents meet their responsibilities
 Our Education Welfare Officer works closely with the school and visits on a
regular basis to monitor and gather information from our attendance registers
 As a result of your child not attending school regularly, the EWO may decide
to visit you at home
Government legislation requires us to publish the levels of authorised and
unauthorised absences in the school.
Unauthorised absence is that which has not been covered by an appropriate
explanation from Parents/Guardians/Carers.
 Average whole school attendance 2009/2010
 Authorised absence
 Unauthorised absence
The Local Authority required attendance percentage is 95%
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
The Governors have decided that from September 2011 school uniform will be
compulsory for all pupils at Folville Junior School.
The children will be asked to wear the following :
Bright blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece a) can be purchased through the School Office - please ask for an order form
b) can be purchased at most supermarkets (plain - no logos)
No jeans, but black or grey trousers or skirts
A white t-shirt, blouse or shirt (plain - no logos)
sensible shoes
in summer, girls may wear blue school dresses
In addition, all pupils must have a P.E. kit in school consisting of black shorts, white
t-shirt and plimsolls.
Reading book bags with school logo, and clear bags for Home Learning Logs can
also be purchased from the School Office – please ask for an order form.
On site lighting and security cameras are linked directly to the Police via the
Blackbird Road Monitoring Station.
The restricted access at the front of the school has been welcomed by most Parents,
who value the added security this provides for their children.
 The school gates are opened at 8.30 am each morning
 The school gates are locked at 9.05 am, after which access to
the school site is by the front door only
 The school gates are opened again at 3.05 pm.
 At the end of afternoon school, children exit the school
building to the playground and we would ask that Parents wait
in the playground for their children and leave school via the
playground gates.
 The main door will be locked at 3.00 – 3.20 pm to avoid any
children leaving by this door.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
 If your child needs to be released from school for part of the school day
for medical or other related appointments, we would ask that you collect
your child from school close to the appointment time and bring him/her
back into school after the appointment.
This is important to ensure that children do not miss significant parts of
the Curriculum
 Except in exceptional circumstances (ie. hospital appointments) we can
no longer authorise a full days absence from school for medical or
dental appointments.
 For all appointments in school time, would you please bring your
appointment letter/card to the School Office.
 Please call in at the School Office – you will be asked to wait while a member of staff
collects your child. Without an approved Criminal Records Bureau check you are not
allowed to move around the school in an unsupervised capacity.
 Please sign him/her out in the book outside the Office
 Once your child returns, would you please repeat this procedure so that he/she can
be marked back in
 If your child has regular dental/hospital appointments, it would be helpful if you were
able to give the School Office a list of dates
 Children who need to be released from School during the day must be
collected by their Parent(s)
Please do not send your child to School with medicine.
As there are no medically qualified persons on the School Staff, we are not allowed
to administer medication. If your child requires a regular dosage of medicine, may
we suggest that you discuss this with your child’s Doctor. It has been found that :
A nominated adult may come into School during the day to give medicine to a
A course of medication can be administered – before School, immediately
after School, at teatime and bedtime.
Please note the suggested times for keeping your child away from school if they
suffer from any of the following illnesses:
Infectious Disease
Remain at home for
German Measles
Impetigo, Scabies, Ringworm, Head lice
Scarlet Fever
Sickness and Diarrhoea
Whooping Cough
6 days from the appearance of rash
4 days from the appearance of rash
Until adequate treatment has been carried out
7 days from the start of the illness
7 days from the appearance of rash
Until swelling has subsided (7 days minimum)
7 days (appropriate treatment must be given)
48 hours after last episode
21 days from the beginning of the cough
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
We have qualified First Aiders on the School Staff and our Dining Supervisors have
received one day training in first aid. If your child is injured, appropriate treatment will
be given and, if necessary, Parents will be informed immediately. In all cases where
we treat your child for any bump to the head, the School will always send a letter of
In a very few cases, an ambulance will be called to take your child to hospital.
It is important, therefore, that we are able to contact you and ask
that you inform the School Office of any change of address,
telephone number for home, workplace, or emergency contact.
Should your child become ill whilst at School, we will always inform you as soon as
possible. We do recognise that an ill child requires the love and attention of his/her
Again it is important that you inform the School Office of any
change of address, telephone number for home, workplace, or
emergency contact.
The School has a very well practised policy to enable children with Asthma and/or
Anaphylactic Reaction to carry out their school life as normally and safely as
Briefly :
All medicines should be clearly named and labelled with dosage
Written, clear instructions should be given by the Parent to the School Office
advising on dosage and availability.
All asthma medication for Year 3 and Year 4 children is kept in the School
Office and will be available at all times to your child. Following advice from the
Health Authority, Year 5 and Year 6 children will keep their medication on
their person
If your child needs any medication, eg asthma inhaler, please make sure that
they have it with them in school on the day of any swimming lessons, or school
trip. If your child does not bring the correct medication, we cannot ensure their
well being and so cannot take the responsibility of taking them out of school.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
May we ask for your help ?
Unfortunately, a small number of children within this School are allergic to nuts and under
some circumstances this allergy can cause death. It is possible that an allergic reaction can be
triggered just by the smell of nuts. I am sure you would be as anxious as we are to avoid
such a tragedy within our School.
Please can you help by: Not sending your child to School with any packets of nuts, eg. peanuts, hazel nuts,
coconut etc.
 Not putting peanut butter on sandwiches
 Not sending your child with any chocolate bars containing nuts
Please do not let your child bring valuable possessions into School, eg. Mobile
telephones, jewellery, electronic games and official football kit etc
If your child carries money in School, please provide him/her with a clearly named
waist bag, or neck purse. Any of the type that can be worn is suitable.
On occasions it will be necessary for your child to bring money into School. It may be
dinner money, money for School trips, or money for School photographs. It would
assist us greatly if this could be put in an envelope and clearly labelled with
your child’s name, class and the amount enclosed.
The School does not accept any liability in the event of
theft or loss of personal possessions including bicycles,
mobile phones, jewellery, cash and other personal effects.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
We have received guidance from Leicester City Council about the use of camcorders
or cameras during any school production.
The use of camcorders or cameras may only take place providing the school
receives no objection from the parents of the children involved
If an objection is received, then photography of any sort of other people’s
children may not take place
If no objection is received, it must be emphasised that any video/photographs
are for home use only and that the names of any children who appear should
not be given to a third party
Occasionally photographs will be taken as part of your child’s education. These will
be used in school, but may also be published in educational journals.
We will seek the permission of the parents of children involved in any press or media
coverage before such material is used. Images will be reproduced only with the full
consent of ALL parents or carers concerned.
The Pupil Contact Form giving personal information about your child is covered by
the Data Protection Act 1998. The School is a Data Controller for the purposes of
that Act and will only use the information for the purposes for which it is collected. It
may be necessary to share this information with the City Council in its capacity as
Local Authority and the Health Authority for the purposes of dental checks,
inoculations, accidents, health screening and counselling.
The returns and withdrawals system on our School Library System is computerised
and the children access the system by a thumbprint, which is digitally recorded.
We need you to be aware that your child will have his/her thumbprint recorded on the
Library System.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
As part of the Curriculum we use computers in school and provide supervised access
to the internet. We believe that the use of the world wide web and E-mail is
worthwhile and an essential skill for children as they grow up in the modern world.
Staying safe on line is an integral part of home/school life. We aim to educate pupils
about how to stay safe when visiting the internet and using other forms of electronic
communication, as well as their responsibility to others.
We will ask you and your child to sign an agreement for Responsible Internet Use so
that your child may use the internet at school.
If you have any questions about E-safety you can e-mail us on
Very good dinners are cooked in our School Kitchens.
Each day there is a choice of main courses and sweets.
 We would ask that you send the correct money for
the week, usually on Monday, in an envelope on which
you have written your child’s name, class and amount
of money enclosed. In the case of absence, on the first
day back at School.
 Cheques should be made payable to ‘Leicester City Council’. Please write
your child’s name and class on the back of each cheque.
This enables us to meet the Security Audit’s recommendations.
 Should you wish your child to change between a hot school dinner and a packed
lunch, the School Kitchen needs one weeks notice.
 A daily salad choice for the main meal is offered which gives flexibility in the
choice of salad and vegetables. Our aim is to encourage the children to eat
You may wish your son or daughter to bring a packed lunch. This should be stored
in an airtight container marked with your child’s name. Drinks should be in a carton,
or a plastic bottle.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Children whose parents receive the following support payments are entitled to
receive free school meals:
Income Support (IS)
Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA) or
Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
National Asylum seeker support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act
1999 or
Child Tax Credits, but not Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, as
assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,040.
Please note that it is very important that you ensure that ALL pages of the
TC602 form issued by the lnland Revenue are included as proof of
entitlement, or
Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
If you receive both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit you are not
eligible for free school meals.
Application forms for free school meals are available from the School Office.
As the School receives additional funding based on the number of children
entitled to a free school meal, even if your child does not take the meals,
please let the School Office know of your entitlement.
Our Breakfast Club runs from at 8.00 to 8.40 am each school morning. We use the
School Dining Room and entry will be through the Kitchen Gate (just up from the
main playground gate), round the Dining Room and in through the Blue Door into the
Dining Room. After breakfast, children will then go into the main playground, or to the
School Hall in inclement weather, until school starts at 8.50 am.
Three members of staff will be on duty at all times.
The cost will be £1.00 per day, payable each day to the members of staff in the
Dining Room. There will be no charge for families entitled to free school meals.
The cost will include a healthy breakfast and a drink. Activities will be provided.
Please ask at the School Office for details.
Our After School Care facility, staffed by a team of our own Teaching Assistants, runs
from 3.10 to 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday. The cost will be £4.00 per evening, which
includes a healthy drink and snack. Indoor and outdoor activities will be organised.
Please ask at the School Office for details.
You may also be able to claim 80% of your child care costs back through Child Care
Tax Credits (Tax Credits Helpline 0845 300 3900 to find out more)
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
The Governors have decided that the School will take over the running of the Tuck
Shop at morning break. Prices will be subsidised to encourage the children to eat a
healthy snack at break time.
 For the safety of the environment, we have made Folville a ‘Nut Free‘ and a
‘Chewing Gum Free’ Zone’ and we would ask for your co-operation in
maintaining these policies.
Twice a year, once in the Summer Term and
Once before Christmas, we have a bookshop in
School. The children are given the opportunity to
browse and may purchase a book if they wish.
As many children like to buy presents for their
family, we do guarantee total secrecy!
In the Summer Term many Year 6 pupils purchase a leaving present for the School.
The book has a nameplate inserted to mark the gift.
Folville will remain open unless it becomes impracticable or dangerous to do so.
Parents will be given as much notice as possible.
If bad weather means that the school is likely to be closed, information can be
obtained by listening to BBC Radio Leicester, or,
log into
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Thank you to everyone who shows consideration for the safety and well being
of the children at Folville Junior School.
Many Parents have expressed their concerns over parking on the zig zag lines and
the movement of traffic outside the school before morning school and at the end of
the day.
 For the safety of all our children CARS MUST NOT STOP ON THE YELLOW
 Please do not park over the driveways of residents in Folville Rise;
consider parking further away from the School and walking the remaining
distance. This has benefits for the safety of us all and also the health of the
 At the end of the afternoon all children exit the school building to the
playground and we would request that when you collect your child/children
from school, you wait for them to join you in the playground at 3.10 pm each
We would ask for the
co-operation of all Parents
and anyone bringing
children to
Folville Junior School.
We encourage cycling to school. Each child is required to wear a cycle helmet and
use a fully maintained cycle. Before cycling to school, each parent must complete a
Cycle to School Request form and the child will receive a Cycle Permit, signed by the
Headteacher. This permission will be removed if a child is seen placing themselves
or others at risk whilst cycling. Please walk with your cycle whilst in the school
Folville Junior School cannot accept responsibility for the security of the cycle whilst on
school premises, and Parents are reminded that they are responsible for the safety of their
child on the journey to school.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
The School has to administer Standard Assessment Tests in Year 6.
These examinations are externally set standard assessments covering a specific part
of the subject and are administered at a specific time.
RESULTS – Year 2010
Level 3
Level 3
pupils achieving Level 4 or
above for 2012
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Level 3
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 5
Level 4
Education admissions will allocate places to children who meet the City’s published criteria.
If there are not enough places at a school for all the Parents who want one, priority will be
given to :
1. Pupils living in the priority area (formerly catchment area) whose Parents have indicated
the school as their first preference.
2. Pupils with a sibling who will be attending the school at the same time and whose
Parents have indicated the school as their first preference.
3. Pupils who have been placed on the Child Protection Register and need to attend an
alternative school to avoid the abuser.
4. Pupils who live nearest to the school whose Parents have indicated the school as their
first preference.
5. Pupils whose parents have indicated the school as their second preference in the same
priority order as for the first preference.
6. Pupils whose parents have indicated the school as their third or subsequent choice in the
same priority order as for the first and second preferences.
If your child is transferring from one of our link Infant Schools, he/she will have the
opportunity to meet Staff and visit Folville before they start.
Parents will be invited to meet the Staff and look round the School in the last week of Term.
However, if you wish to come and see the School when the children are working, please
contact the School Office and arrange an appointment. We will be very pleased to see you.
There are three first year classes at Folville, which are grouped together in one part of the
This occurs at the end of the academic year in which your child will be 11 years old. (Your
child must be 11 before 31 August).
The Local Authority sends out information in October/November giving you the opportunity to
select the Secondary School you wish your child to attend.
Local Secondary Schools organise open evenings when you and your child can visit the
school(s) to help with your choice.
Through liaison with our Secondary Schools, we try very hard to make the transition from
Primary to Secondary School as smooth as possible.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Parents are most welcome to discuss any matters of concern with the Headteacher.
Should matters not be resolved to your satisfaction, the School has a Complaints
Policy, a copy of which is available from the Headteacher.
The Governors oversee the strategic management of the school
The Headteacher is a Governor and the LEA selects Governors from
interested parties and local authority employees (LEA Governor)
The Governing Body also consists of elected representatives from parents and
from the staff in school.
The Governing Body meets regularly and individual Governors frequently visit
the school and play an active part in its life
If parents have concerns or complaints they can be addressed through the School
or through the Governors. There are procedures and structures in place to deal
with such incidents.
Communications with the Governing Body can be made through the School
Local Authority Governor
Community Governor
Associate Governor
Staff Representative
Parent Governor
Clerk to Governors
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012
Ms Veronica McGregor
Mr Robin Pointon
Ms Gaynor Nash
Ms Zora Visanji
Ms Sally Lewis
Mrs Lesley King
Mrs Beth Julian
Mr Les Piper
Mr Ian Widdowson
Mrs Josie Major
Mrs Gill Long
Mrs Julie Brown
Mr Paul Busby
Mrs Elaine Moore
Mrs Raj Gill-Harrison
Mrs Jo Pearce
Mrs Andrea Astill
Mrs Jan Burrows
Mrs Lorraine Goodacre
Mr Bruce Wells
Mrs Tina Hutson-Goater
Folville Junior School
Folville Rise
Leicester LE3 1EE
Tel: 0116 282 4368
Leicester City Council
New Walk Centre
Welford Place
Leicester LE1 6ZG
Tel: 0116 254 9922
Chair of Governors :
Mrs Raj Gill-Harrison
c/o Folville Junior School
Headteacher :
Mr Bruce Wells
c/o Folville Junior School
School Nurse :
Based at Westcotes Health Centre
Fosse Road South
Tel: 0116 247 1700
The information in this Prospectus relates to the School Year 2011/2012 and
was correct at the time of publishing.
It should be realised that changes to this information might be necessary at
some future date.
Folville Junior School
Academic Year 2011/2012