Classroom Management Plan

Mrs. Matthews’s Classroom Management Plan
Contact Information:
Mrs. Matthews
Online textbook information Redemption Code: 79TK-EXS1-2LJQ
Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone
else expects of you. – Henry Ward Beecher
Great Expectations:
(1) Strive for Excellence
(2) Be Respectful
(3) Be Responsible
(1) Talk only when given permission
(2) Only leave seat when instructed or for an emergency
(3) Come to class with textbook, binder, paper, pen/pencil, agenda, highlighter and an
attitude to learn
(4) Once students are in the classroom they must remain in the classroom unless given
permission otherwise
(5) All school and Phoenix Team rules
 Upon entering the classroom, please read the agenda on the board and put
homework in the appropriate tray and begin completion of the question of the day
that will be posted for you daily.
 All homework is due at the beginning of the period.
 Late work will not be accepted. However, students may use their late homework
pass for one U.S. History homework assignment per grading period if they forgot
to do it. If a student uses his/her late homework pass they will need to turn in the
completed assignment with the pass stapled to it and give it directly to Mrs.
Matthews the next day.
 Any work that is illegible or sloppy will not be accepted.
 Finding out what the student has missed is the student’s responsibility. Please
refer to the daily calendar (located on the back counter) to see what was
covered-including any homework that was assigned or turned in while
absent and check the Absent Cube for any handouts that were passed out or
graded papers that were passed back while absent. (Note; if a student misses
taking class notes, it is his/her responsibility to make up by asking a reliable
 Students will be given one day per each absence to complete make up work.
Make up work will be turned in directly to Mrs. Matthews and label it
“Absent” at top of the page.
Grading Scale:
A = 100 – 90
B = 89 - 80
C = 79 – 70
D = 69 – 60
F = 59 - 0
45% of the grade will be determined by tests and quizzes (including binder quizzes)
40% of the grade will be determined by in class work, homework, projects, agenda
checks and PAS points
15% of the grade will be determined by the quarter exam
Note: Students who score 69% or below on chapter tests and quizzes (excluding binder quizzes)
test corrections are mandatory for extra credit. (Students who score 70% or higher optional)
Binder Requirements:
 Binders must include the following: this classroom management plan, all tests
and quizzes, daily notes, handouts, homework assignments, question of the days
and a grade record sheet.
PAS Points: (Practicing Academic Success)
 Students will be monitored daily and graded for staying on task in class and
bringing all required materials to class. (Examples of staying on task: starting and
completing the Question of the Day independently without prompting, taking
notes fully/completely, participating in class/group discussion and talking only
when given permission.) Students will earn 2 pts. a day, total of 10 pts. per week.
Should a student earn an infraction, then a point will be deducted for the day
and will be documented by Mrs. Matthews. At the end of the week, a name will
be drawn and if a student did not earn an infraction for that week, they get to
pick a prize from the basket.
 PAS points will also be recorded weekly in Mrs. Matthews’s grade book and will
be included as a grade.
Class Webpage: Please use Mrs. Matthews’s webpage as a tool this school year. It will
have the following information posted: Online textbook information, homework
assignments, class announcements, practice tests/ quizzes, handouts and extra links.
Avon North website:\msnorth, then click on teachers,
then click on Mrs. Matthews.
Parent/Guardian and Student Signature Page
Please return this page to Mrs. Matthews no later than Wednesday, August 6th.
I______________________ have read and understood Mrs.
(Parent/Guardian signature)
Matthews’s classroom management plan for U.S. History.
I _____________________ have read and understood Mrs.
(Student signature)
Matthews’s classroom management plan for U.S. History.