Memorial School Handbook 2015-2016 Memorial School 2015-2016 203 E. Midland Avenue Paramus, NJ 07652 Main Office: Attendance Line: 201-261-7800, Ext. 8302 201-261-7800, Ext. 8320 2 Staff Principal: Teacher in Charge: Secretary: Office Aides: Mrs. Laverne O’Boyle Mrs. Gina Boisits Mrs. Linda Ann DeBenedetto Mrs. Anna Tormey/Mrs. Ann Battaglia Classroom Teachers Kindergarten: Mrs. Debra Marino Mrs. Mary Ellen Baker Mrs. Nicole Snyder 1st Grade: Mrs. Agnes Moore Mrs. Doreen Oliff Mrs. Ellen Mozingo 2nd Grade: Mrs. Elisa Giblin Miss Stefanie Luckow Mrs. Debbie Cassella 3rd Grade Mrs. Alexis Fishman Mrs. Joy Mandara Miss Hera Yang 4th Grade: Mrs. Gina Boisits Miss Kaitlin Moran Mrs. Kathy Looney School Nurse: Mrs. Mary Ann Certosimo Media Specialist/Enrichment: Mrs. Marie Creste Art: Mrs. Lisa Moran Mrs. Kally Williams 3 Music: Mrs. Kristine Hart Physical Education: Mr. Michael Kukla Mrs. Lisa Quimby Reading Specialist: Mrs. Marian Kaufmann Special Education/Basic Skills Mrs. Stephanie Barone Mrs. Bharti Ohri Mrs. Carol Russell Mrs. Carol Bua Speech: Mrs. Kristen Swisher English as a Second Language: Mrs. Mona Bennett Paramus Board of Education Joanne G. Bergmann, President Sharon L. Bower, Vice President Anthony A. Balestrieri Alison Donoghue Sheila Criscione William Holzmann Bernadette McCausland Anthony Feorenzo, Jr. Jeffrey Warren Central Office Administration Dr. Michele Robinson, Superintendent of Schools Mr. Sean Adams, Assistant Superintendent for Administration, Supervision and Curriculum Mr. Steven Cea, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Ms. Meredith Conway, Administrative Assistant/Human Resources Mr. Robert Autorino, Director of Buildings & Grounds 4 Board of Education meetings are open to the public and begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Board meeting room located on the Spring Valley Road side of Paramus High School. They are usually scheduled for the second Monday of each month. These meetings are announced in all local papers and dates are posted in the Board of Education offices. Board and Central Office personnel can be contacted at (201) 261-7800. 5 School Calendar for 2015-2016 September 1 2 3 14-15 23 30 Full Day Staff Development First Day for teachers /building meetings First Day of School/Marking Period 1 Begins Schools Closed – Rosh Hashanah Schools Closed – Yom Kippur CogAT testing (Grade 1 and Grade 3) October 1 1-2 Back to School night (1:10 dismissal) CogAT testing (Grade 1 and Grade 3) November 3 5-6 9 16-20 25 26-27 30 Election Day (Schools closed for students)/Staff Development Day Schools Closed – NJEA Convention Portal opens to begin recording grades American Education Week Minimum Day (1:10 Dismissal) Thanksgiving Recess Fall Conference Window Begins December 2 9 14 17 24-31 MP 1 Ends Report cards due to principal MP 1 Report Cards open for viewing on Parent Portal Holiday Concert Holiday Recess January 1 4 Holiday Recess Schools Reopen February 12, 15-16 22 Winter Recess (Friday through Tuesday) Portal opens to begin recording grades March 11 16 21 25 MP 2 ends Report cards to Principal MP 2 Report Cards open for viewing on Parent Portal Schools Closed (Good Friday) April 4-8 11 Spring Recess** Standardized Testing Window Begins – Grades 3-4 May 13 23 25 30 TBD (Tentative) Standardized Testing Window Ends Portal opens to begin recording grades NJASK Science - Grade 4 Schools Closed – Memorial Day Spring Conference window June 10 MP 3 Ends 6 10 15 21-22 23 Spring Concert Report cards to Principal 1:10 Dismissal Days Last Day of School (1:10 Dismissal) MP 3 Report Cards open for viewing on Parent Portal FOR DISTRICT AND OTHER ASSESSMENTS: Please refer to Assessment Calendar Absences If your child is absent, you are urged to notify the school nurse by telephone before 9:00 AM at 201-261-7800, Ext. 8320. If we do not hear from you, the nurse or other school representative will call you to find out the nature of your child’s absence. Upon your child’s return to school, a note must be sent explaining the reason for the absence. You are encouraged to keep sick children at home until they are well enough to participate in a full school day. Before returning to school, a child should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. Once they return to school, children are expected to participate in recess and PE, unless the doctor indicates that restrictions are advised. Please discuss any concerns with the school nurse. Work can be sent home when necessary. Please call or write a note to request this. Children who contract an illness or injury that requires absence for an extended period of time (minimum of two weeks) may be eligible for home instruction. Parents are requested to contact the principal as soon as they are aware of the need. Paramus Public Schools have an attendance policy. An excess of twenty absences in one school year can lead to student retention. It is strongly advised that students not be taken out of school for vacations or other inappropriate reasons. Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Arrival Children are permitted to go to their classrooms at 8:45 a.m. They should not arrive earlier since there is no supervision provided before that time and the doors will remain locked until 8:45 AM. If you are driving your child to school, please follow procedures in place; let your child out safely from the passenger side of your car. There may be a line at different times and for different reasons, but please do not try to pass another vehicle. When exiting the driveway, be advised that left turns onto Midland Avenue are strongly discouraged. . 7 If your child is late, send a note to the teacher explaining the reason for the tardiness. Your child should bring this note to the office upon arrival. Dismissal Staff members supervise all dismissals. Due to traffic conditions in Paramus, buses are late on occasion. Please do not call the office unless your child’s bus is more than one-half hour later than usual. Important: In order to ensure a safe dismissal, we ask parents not to make any last minute changes. A change in dismissal should be noted with a letter received by the teacher in the morning. Late in the day phone calls for changes are strongly discouraged. Pick up – Kindergarten Students Kindergarten Walkers are only dismissed through the “Kindergarten Walker Door” ( Room 108) off of Washington Place. This is a “hand to hand” dismissal so parents must receive their children. Pick up – Walkers in Grades 1 thru 4 Students are dismissed as walkers to the front door or Washington Place as per the Dismissal Declaration. Please follow all parking ordinances and procedures. Please be prompt; dismissal is at 3:00 PM. There is no supervision after 3:00 PM. Bus Transportation Students taking buses home will be brought directly to the bus depot by their teachers. Parents must meet their children at the bus stop or make arrangements to have a responsible adult meet their children at the bus stop. Please remind your child of the importance of being seated and buckled in the seat belt; it is the law in New Jersey. Keeping hands, feet and objects to oneself, keeping voices at a low level, and using appropriate language, further ensure your child’s safety and make travel more enjoyable for all. Only students assigned to a bus may ride the bus and can only ride the bus to which he/she has been assigned. Walkers may not be transported by bus. SACC Children who are enrolled in SACC will be discharged directly to the SACC staff at the end of the school day. If you are unable to pick up your child by 3:00 p.m., you may wish to consider enrolling your child in our after-school program (SACC). Please call 201 261 7800 x 3037 Dismissal Declaration 8 Each parent is required to make a dismissal declaration now for the entire year that can only be changed because of a permanent change in life circumstances. We regret that we cannot accommodate occasional changes for convenience. Please complete a separate dismissal declaration form for each child at Memorial School and return it to your child’s classroom teacher on the first day of school. If your child is enrolled in SACC for only part of the week, indicate two dismissal declarations. Parents are requested to notify the school in writing of any change in dismissal for their youngsters. This would include such occurrences as an early dismissal, going to a friend’s house, or not going home on the bus. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide transportation for activities or play dates after school. Please refer to Board Policy #5113 regarding late arrival and early dismissal. Policies are available in the main office and on the web at All of the procedures for arrival/dismissal require cooperation between home and school. We are certain that you understand that the safety and-well being of the children are our first priority. Birthday Celebrations A Parent’s Guide to Celebrations at Memorial School Nutrition Student’s lifelong eating habits are greatly influenced by the types of foods and beverages available to them. Working together to teach our children healthy eating habits will promote healthy behaviors that will strengthen their bodies and minds. Please help us promote healthy eating habits by following these simple guidelines for birthday and classroom celebrations: 1. While parents always retain the option to send in a snack of their choice to mark a child’s birthday, please use child size portions when possible. For example, consider sending in smaller portions of baked goods (for example, mini cupcakes). 2. Consider some “healthier” alternatives for party treats such as fresh or dried fruit, vegetables, individual bags of pretzels or sugar-free pudding cups. 3. Please do not send in candy as a party treat. 9 4. Board Policy #5141.21 forbids distribution of “goody bags” for students to take home. It also states that peanuts and tree nuts should be avoided for all classroom celebrations. Thank you for helping keep our students healthy! Birthday Party Invitations The school’s preference is to have party invitations mailed home to guests by the party hosts. However, if you find it necessary to have the invitations distributed at school, the following procedure must be followed out of respect and courtesy for fellow classmates: 1. Please note that invitations can only be distributed at school if ALL students in the class are invited, or if ALL students of one gender are invited. (i.e. all the girls or all the boys). 2. Drop your invitations off to the main office where they will be placed in the appropriate teacher’s mailbox. The classroom teacher will distribute the invitations ONLY if no students are excluded as explained above. Students and/or parents may not distribute invitations. 3. In the event you have inadvertently excluded a child, ALL the invitations will be returned to you with a brief note of explanation. You are welcome at this point to include any oversights and drop the completed set of invitations to the main office once again. 4. You may, of course, not wish to invite all students in the class or even all students of one gender. In this case, invitations CANNOT be distributed at school. Thank you for your cooperation. Care of School Property School buildings, grounds, equipment and supplies are a public trust, supported and maintained by public funds. Money used to replace carelessly treated property is money not available for worthwhile projects. All children are expected to exercise care in the use of books, supplies, equipment and other school property. Video and/or audio monitoring devises are used on school owned and contracted vehicles and may be monitored at any time. Classroom Parents/Parent Volunteers Classroom parents are volunteers from each class who assist the teacher in a variety of ways. Their responsibilities, depending on the needs of each teacher, include helping with class 10 parties, collecting class dues, contacting parents for emergency school closings, and assisting with trips and special class events. The PTA will provide parent volunteers with guidelines. Code of Conduct We believe that a school climate should foster respect for one another. All students are introduced to our Code of Conduct the first week of school so they are aware of our expectations. A safe, respectful environment sets the tone for learning, for play, and for life. The Memorial School Code of Conduct I will treat everyone with courtesy and respect. I will treat personal and school property with respect. I will create and maintain a positive and safe environment. I will come to school prepared for learning. I will act responsibly and accept consequences for my decisions and actions. I will help everyone at Memorial School feel capable, connected, and valued. Memorial School students keep: Hands Feet Objects Body Parts & Unkind Words to themselves Memorial School students are KIND Memorial School students include EVERYONE Memorial School students always do their BEST 11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT INFRACTION 1. Use or possession of Illegal Drugs and/or Alcohol 2. Theft 3. Vandalism 4. Fighting 5. Intimidation/Bullying/Harassment Relational Aggression 6. Disrespect Toward Authority 7. Misuse of Computers 8. Weapons CONSEQUENCES The principal will have the discretion to take any of the following actions: Out-of-school suspension for a minimum of three days and will return only after a parent conference. The police may be notified. The principal will have the discretion to take any of the following actions: Parent conference and the development of a plan to monitor the student’s behavior. Parent/student will be held liable for the cost of replacing the item(s). Suspension from school and police may be notified. The principal will have the discretion to take any of the following actions: Parent conference and the development of a plan to monitor the student’s behavior. Parent/student will be held liable for the cost of replacing the item(s). Suspension from school and police may be notified. The principal will have the discretion to take any of the following actions: Student will be assigned detention(s). Student may be suspended from school depending on the circumstances of the incident. st 1 Incident: For minor isolated incidents the teacher shall remediate or discipline including a warning, deprivation of some minor privilege. 2nd Incident: (or more serious exclusion from classroom and school based activities such as assembly first incident) Teacher remediation or discipline that may include deprivation of privileges programs, detention, parent notification, and/or referral to the principal or guidance counselor. 3rd Incident: (or very serious first or second incident) In addition to the steps noted above, exclusion from school sponsored activities such as class trips, sports activities, after school clubs, etc., referral to the principal or guidance counselor, parent notification, detention and possible suspension. The principal will have the discretion to take any of the following actions: School detention assigned and parent notified. In-school or out-of-school suspension and a parent conference. Detention(s), parent conference, and compensation for damage. Subsequent offenses: out-of-school suspension and possible loss of computer privileges. Following state code a student can be removed from school for up to 1 school year and the police will be notified. 12 Communication Communication between home and school is vital to your child’s growth and success. Several different forms of communiqués will be part of our routine. The Memorial School PTA will regularly update their informative website which can be accessed at Teachers will update you on classroom happenings through class newsletters or notes. A monthly school calendar noting special dates will be sent home. Information is provided on our website, Class parents will contact you from time to time regarding special information or school emergencies. You can be well informed by making sure your contact information is current. Please let us know whenever you have a change of address, home or work phone numbers, doctor’s number, or emergency contact persons. To contact a teacher, write a note, send an email, or call to leave a message. Every effort will be made to respond in a timely manner. When sending money to school, please seal it in an envelope and label with the child’s name, event, teacher’s name and amount enclosed. Conferences Parent conferences are held after the first report card in the Fall and again in the Spring. Teachers will arrange their conference schedules. Additional conferences may be arranged throughout the year by teachers or parents when needed. Spring conferences are scheduled in May and early June. Dress Code Students should wear appropriate athletic footwear on days they have physical education class. Please remember that our students go outside to play at recess time, so dress them according to weather conditions. No flip-flops please! These are unsafe when running and playing outside. However, sandals with straps that secure them to the foot may be worn on non-PE class days. Educational Field Trips Educational field trips are a valuable part of our school program and are encouraged. Teachers acting in accordance with a planned outline carefully schedule trips so as to gain maximum educational opportunities for their students. Permission slips are sent home including all information relative to the trip, including the cost. These must be signed and sent back to school before the youngster is permitted to participate in the trip. Verbal permission is not acceptable; we are required to have written parental consent. Checks for field trips should be made payable to Paramus Board of Education. Monies for field trips are not refundable or transferrable. 13 Electronic Devices Electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, iPads, game devices, etc.) are a distraction in the classroom, at lunch, and on the bus. Keep these expensive devices at home for safekeeping. Refer to Board of Education Policy 3515.1 for further information. Emergency Forms Emergency forms are a vital resource when a youngster becomes ill or injured during the school day. The listing of home and business phone numbers as well as the name and number of a relative, friend or neighbor must be verified when sent home on the first day of school. Please notify the school whenever a change of information should occur. Please make it a priority to verify this Emergency Form and return it to school as soon as possible. Health Program There is a certified school nurse assigned full time to the school to oversee the health program. During the school year, each child is weighed and measured and given screening tests for vision and hearing. All children age 10 and older are screened for scoliosis. If any further examination is necessary, parents will be notified. Students new to Paramus Schools and all third grade students are required to have a complete physical examination. It is recommended, whenever possible, that this examination be performed by the family physician that is familiar with the child’s health records. A school physician is available, however, to administer this physical. If your child needs medication during school hours, it is necessary for the physician and the parent to complete a Medication Authorization Form. (This form is also required for over-thecounter medications such as Tylenol.) All medication must be transported to the school nurse by the parent, not the child. Please notify the school nurse immediately if your child develops a contagious disease, or has any change in health patterns. The school nurse will contact you if your child is too ill to remain in school or is injured and needs additional medical attention. Honeywell Instant Alert System The district utilizes the Honeywell Instant Alert System to inform families of school closings due to inclement weather, early closings or emergencies. It is also used to keep families informed about district and/or school events. It is imperative that you keep your information in the Honeywell System up to date. You can manage your account by logging onto the Honeywell site at . If you are not new to Memorial, simply enter the user name and password you chose when you registered in the Honeywell system and update your information. 14 If you are new to Memorial, you will need to register. Please click on the “Parent” button in the “Sign Up Now” box. This can be found on the right hand side of your screen directly below the User login area. Please be aware that, in the event of an emergency closing, you may receive several phone calls. If the Honeywell system indicates that its call was picked up by an answering machine or flagged as undeliverable, the office is required to call all emergency numbers until they are able to give the emergency closing message directly to the student’s parent/guardian to verify dismissal procedures for that particular event. Library/Media Center We are proud of the Memorial School Library/Media Center. The collection continues to expand through district budgeting, PTA fundraising and donations. Our growing collection includes books, periodical subscriptions, online subscriptions and audio-visual materials that will enhance curricula and match students’ interests. Students are encouraged to sit and read in our new “Book Nook” reading center. All Memorial students are scheduled for one period a week in the Library/Media Center for instruction and book selection. Teachers may arrange additional periods; students may use the center for special projects and research. The Memorial School Library/Media Center thrives with parent support. Volunteers are needed for many aspects of the library program. If you can offer assistance, please contact the Library/Media Specialist at 201 261 7800 x 8322 or Life Threatening Food Allergies The Board of Education recognizes the importance of policies and procedures designed to provide a safe and healthy environment for students with food allergies or other allergies that may lead to anaphylaxis. Specific details can be found on the district website under the policy tab. (Relating to Policy 5141.21). Lost Articles Students are advised that valuables should not be brought to school. Parents are encouraged to place their child’s name in all belongings brought to school. Clothing that is lost may usually be found on the “lost and found clothesline” in the main hallway. In the event that your child has lost an article on a school bus, please contact the bus contractor directly. Lunchtime The elementary lunchtime is from 12:00 noon until 12:45 p.m. Children leaving the building for lunch must be signed out and back in at the main office. Although it is discouraged, if you must bring lunch to the school for your child, please do so before 11:45 AM and place it on the table in the front hallway with name and class affixed. With the exception of days with severe 15 weather conditions, children are routinely sent outdoors during lunch recess. Please dress your child(ren) appropriately. Milk Program Milk is available to all students should families wish to purchase it. We encourage you to take advantage of this program to avoid the problems associated with sending drinks to school. Milk money is collected twice yearly, once in September and again in January. If your child is absent, we cannot refund the money. PTA Our PTA, a member of the National Parent-Teacher Association, welcomes all Memorial families to the beginning of a new school year and a new school community. We encourage all parents and teachers to join the PTA and become active participants in their children’s school lives. The PTA assists and plans many worthwhile activities for our children. Parent participation is helpful to ensure the success of these activities. Executive Board President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Treasurer: Recording Secretary: Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Karen Serrano Mrs. Ann Marie Franson Mrs. Danielle Douglass Mrs. Josie Giugliano Mrs. Vishakha Patel Mrs. Ellen Mozingo Publicity From time to time during the school year, positive publicity appears in district publications, cable TV shows and in local newspapers. You will receive a release form in your first day information packet. Please return this immediately indicating whether your child’s photo can be used when school events are submitted to the media for school-related publicity. Pupil Accident Insurance Accident insurance is provided by the Board of Education. It is noted that, while the Board of Education provides insurance, you must first file a claim with your own insurance. The school insurance will cover the remaining balance. Registration of New Students/ Re-registration of Existing Students Registration of all early childhood and kindergarten children takes place in the spring of each year. Board of Education policy specifies that a child must attain the age of five by October 1st 16 of the school year in which he or she enters kindergarten. At the time of registration, parents must furnish evidence of the date of birth, completed immunization, physical examination reports and all proofs of residency required by the district. Refer to the district’s website for registration guidelines: The district requires re-registration including proof of residency for all students entering Kindergarten, 5th grade and 9th grade. Again, refer to the district’s website for registration guidelines: Report Cards Progress reports for students in Kindergarten through 4th grade are made available through Genesis’ Parent Portal three times a year. Parent conferences are scheduled during the weeks prior to and shortly after the first report card. The teacher will arrange for conferences with parents. Parents and teachers also have scheduled conferences in late May and early June. Should you feel the need to meet with a teacher sooner, please feel free to contact him/her directly through email or phone message. School Time Schedule The elementary school day begins at 9:00 AM and ends at 3:00 PM. Supervision of children begins at 8:45 AM. Students should not arrive before this time. Lunch is from 12:00 Noon until 12:45 PM. Early dismissals occur infrequently. Schools will close at 1:10 PM on these days. Transfers Parents are requested to contact the school office if they plan to move out of the school district. We will provide academic and health information to the new school upon their written request. Visiting the School Parents are cordially invited to visit classrooms on “Back to School” night, during American Education Week in November, for prearranged conferences and for special events. When visiting the school, PLEASE STOP AT THE OFFICE FIRST. Do not go to any classroom during school hours without the permission of the principal. Visitors will be asked to sign in and out and wear a visitor’s badge while in the building. Invitations will be distributed and be posted on the school’s website to all special school events such as parades, concerts, plays and other performances. Homework, projects, or other items may be dropped off at the main office for your child. Make sure they are labeled with your child and teacher’s names. If you must drop off lunch, please do so in the front hallway before 11:45 AM. 17 PARAMUS SCHOOL DISTRICT VISITOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE The Board of Education’s policy is that all school visitors must report to the main office to obtain a visitor pass before proceeding to any part of the building. School safety is one of the most vital concerns that each of us has or should have. Members of our school staff are instructed to constantly be alert and cooperative to ensure that all visitors obey school regulations, which are in force. Without exception, all visitors to the school are expected to follow our access and visitation procedures. Visitors must use the designated entrance to enter the school. Once admitted into the building, the visitor will report directly to the main office or security desk area to be issued a visitor’s pass. In order to obtain a pass, the visitor will need to present one of the following forms of identification, which will be scanned into our computerized security system, e.g., Driver’s License, Passport, State/County Issued ID, Health Insurance Card, NJMVC Non-operator License, Resident Alien Card, Car Registration, Utility/Tax Bill. This process only needs to be done one time; after that your name will be in the system. The pass will identify the person as a processed visitor to the school with the date and time and serve as a sign-in verification. All school district employees have been instructed to challenge visitors in the building as a matter of protection for the students, the staff, and the school. They will be checking to ensure that an official pass has been issued and that the expiration date and time is current. If the staff member finds that the visitor has not done so, he or she will insist that the visitor do this before engaging in any conversation or conference. At the end of the visit, the visitor will return to the office with the pass. Once the pass has been returned to the office and the visitor has been processed as completing the visit, the visitor will proceed to exit the building. Welcome to a new school year at Memorial! Please call us with any questions or concerns. 18