Cap 7th-12th Grade Info

7th – 12th grades
Introduction to CAP Homeschool Co-op
“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the LORD, “plans for welfare and not for
calamity, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
The acronym CAP stands for “Created For A Purpose”, based on Jeremiah 29:11. We are a nonprofit homeschool fine arts cooperative. We function under an appointed Board of Directors. We
have an established discipline policy and dress code. We promote ourselves as a Christian
organization and all teachers will be required to sign a Statement of Faith.
All subjects are taught from a Biblical perspective. We offer field trips and social outings
throughout the year, including socials for the older grades only. At the end of each semester, an
evening program is presented. Each new family will be interviewed regarding your expectations
and ours for class participation, student concerns, homework completion, test administration, etc.
We will schedule these interviews after registration.
General Information
Location: First Baptist Church of Helena – 815 Hwy 52 Helena 35080.
Time: Required Core Classes - 12:30 pm - 3:35 pm
Elective Classes - 8:15 am - 12:10 pm (study hall available)
Lunch: 12:10 pm - 12:30 pm (for students taking electives/study hall)
2015-2016 School Calendar
Orientation: August 25th, 6:30 pm – mandatory for volunteers, spouses welcome
1st Semester: September 8th through December 8th
Fall Break: October 20th
Thanksgiving Break: November 24th
Fall Program Rehearsals : Monday, December 7th
Fall Program : evening of December 8th
2nd Semester: January 5th through May 10th (Note: Lower grades end on April 19th.)
Talent Show/Silent Auction : evening of Friday, February 19th
Spring Break: April 5th
Spring Program Rehearsals : during week of April 18-22
Spring Program : evening of Friday, April 22nd
 Mandatory
The program for 7th-12th graders is linked to the K4-6th grade program, yet has some distinct
differences. CAP Cooperative functions as one school, no matter the student’s grade level. But
while the classes for the younger grades are considered “exposure” classes, these classes are
meant to be college-preparatory in nature and all 9th-12th grade classes are eligible for credit.
Parent is responsible for purchasing curriculum. Details on the particular curriculum needed will be
sent out as soon as possible. Teacher’s preference of notebooks and other class information will
be emailed in August. All electives are subject to cancellation due to low interest or lack of a
teacher. A non-monitored study hall is available throughout the day. Math tutors (free of charge)
may be available during some of the study halls. If you would like further details about any of the
classes, please email Gwen Hood at
Core Classes 7th – 8th grades (12:30pm – 3:35pm)
1) General Literature – curriculum TBA – varied selection of novels picked by teacher
and submitted to parents for review by August.
2) American History – Each of the following from Notgrass is needed:
America the Beautiful, Part I and II
We The People
Maps of America
America the Beautiful Lesson Review
2) Drama/Art – one semester each – no curriculum purchase necessary
Elective Classes 7th-8th grades
1) Science (9:10 a.m.-10:10 a.m.) – Each of the following workbooks from Answers In
Genesis are needed:
The Human Body ISBN: 10 1-60092-161-2
The World of Animals ISBN: 10 1-60092-160-4
The World of Plants ISBN: 10 1-60092-159-0
2) Writing (10:10 a.m. -11:10 a.m.) – no curriculum purchase necessary
3) Bible (8:20 a.m.- 9:10 a.m.) - Each of the following is needed:
Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook ISBN: 0805495878
$5.00 copy fee
Supplemental reading – titles to be disclosed
Copy of the New Testament, ESV version
Core Classes 9th – 10th grades (12:30pm – 3:35pm)
1) World Literature – curriculum TBA - varied selection of novels picked by teacher and
submitted to parents for review by August.
2) World History –
Each of the following from Notgrass is needed:
Exploring World History Parts I and II
In Their Words
Student Review Book
3) Drama – no curriculum purchase necessary
Elective Classes 9th-10th grades
1) Physical Science (9:10 a.m.-10:10 a.m.) – Exploring Creation with Physical Science,
2nd Edition, 2-book set – texts and Solutions and Test Manual. ( Lab fee:
$10. Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra or currently taking Pre-Algebra.
2) Writing (11:10 a.m. – 12:10 p.m.) – no curriculum purchase necessary
3) Bible (8:20 a.m.-9:10 a.m.) – Each of the following is needed:
Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook ISBN: 0805495878
$5.00 copy fee
Supplemental reading – titles to be disclosed
Copy of the New Testament, ESV version
4) Marine Biology (9:10 a.m.-10:10 a.m.) – Exploring Creation with Marine Biology, 2book set – texts and Solutions and Tests Manual. ( Lab fee: $10
5) Journalism Writing Basics/Mock Trial (11:10 a.m.-12:10 p.m.) – Needed:
The Associated Press Stylebook
Mock Trial Notebook
6) Art (11:10 a.m.- 12:10 p.m.) - no curriculum purchase necessary
Core Classes 11th – 12th grades (12:30pm – 3:35pm) PLEASE NOTE: As of this year, we are
allowing ONLY 11th and 12th graders to pick and choose core classes, as we do electives. So,
there is no requirement for the number of core classes that an 11th-12th grader must take.
1) World Literature – curriculum TBA (AP credit may be available) - varied selection of
novels picked by teacher and submitted to parents for review by August.
2) Personal Finance/Psychology– Needed:
Foundations in Personal Finance Homeschool Student Text by Dave Ramsey ISBN:
Psychology, A Christian Perspective by Tim Rice ISBN 978-0-9815587-2-1
3) Drama – no curriculum purchase necessary
Elective Classes 11th-12th grades
1) Physical Science (9:10 a.m.-10:10 a.m.) – Exploring Creation with Physical Science,
2nd Edition, 2-book set – texts and Solutions and Test Manual. ( Lab fee:
$10. Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra or currently taking Pre-Algebra.
2) Writing (11:10 a.m. – 12:10 p.m.) – no curriculum purchase necessary
3) Bible (8:20 a.m.-9:10 a.m.) – Each of the following is needed:
Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook ISBN: 0805495878
$5.00 copy fee
Supplemental reading – titles to be disclosed
Copy of the New Testament, ESV version
4) Marine Biology (9:10 a.m.-10:10 a.m.) – Exploring Creation with Marine Biology, 2book set – texts and Solutions and Tests Manual. ( Lab fee: $10
7) Journalism Writing Basics/Mock Trial (11:10 a.m.-12:10 p.m.) – Needed:
The Associated Press Stylebook
Mock Trial Notebook
5) Art (11:10 a.m.- 12:10 p.m.) - no curriculum purchase necessary
Co-op Operation
The only paid positions are the Directors’ positions. All others are volunteer positions. All
volunteers must be cleared through the Alabama Department of Human Resources. (Forms will be
signed before the school year begins; there is no cost for this service.)
Volunteering is a requirement for membership.
Each year, CAP holds different types of fundraisers to pay for extra supplies, needed
replacements, various activities, a cushion for unexpected expenses and to supplement
administrative fees. One fundraiser is mandatory and the others are encouraged, but optional.
The mandatory fundraiser is our Talent Show/Silent Auction, which will be held on February 19,
Dress Code/Cell Phone and Toy Policy
Dress Code: All students may wear modest attire of their/parents choice. No inappropriate logos
on shirts, please. The measurement requirement for skirts and shorts - when student is standing
tall with arms down by sides, skirt or short length must be at fingertips or below. No spaghetti
straps. Staff reserves the right to contact parents to bring student a change of clothes, if deemed
necessary. Volunteers must also take caution with their attire, dressing modestly.
Cell phones: Students may have cell phones in their backpack ONLY, turned to vibrate. They will
not be allowed to talk or text on cell phone unless approved by one of the Director’s, or teacher.
Toys/Electronics: Students are advised not to bring these items to the co-op. If brought, they
must stay in backpack unless given special permission by teacher, or one of the Director’s. If this
rule is not followed, teacher, or the Director’s reserves the right to confiscate item until end of day
and forbid the return of the item to the co-op. NOTE: E-readers, cell phones, iPads, computers,
etc. may be used in class for class purposes only with the teacher’s permission.
Volunteer Expectations
1. Attendance: Nursery workers, teachers, teacher assistants, and substitutes must be
present at the co-op location at least five minutes before their duties begin. For a planned
absence, the Director’s will need to know at least two weeks ahead. (Also, please see
Commitment Form.) For unplanned absences, the Director’s will need to know as soon as
possible. Since we function on a volunteer system, weekly attendance is of upmost
2. Clean-Up: All volunteering parents will participate in clean-up at the end of each school
Student Expectations
Students, or parents on their behalf, will be required to sign their agreement to a copy of this
statement during the week preceding the start of the school year.
Rule #1 We are one class, one school, serving one God.
God has placed each one of you in this class and each one of you is a valuable member of
our class and respect needs to be shown to all adults and each member of the class. This
leads to Rule #2.
Rule #2 We RESPECT ALL members of our class
All eyes and ears should be on the teacher.
Raise your hand if you have something to say.
We will cheer/encourage one another with our words and actions at all times.
Our language will be appropriate.
Keep your hands to yourself.
When in the hallway and changing classes, we will walk quietly to our next class, keeping
our hands to ourselves.
Respect Code:
Listen, obey instructions and speak respectfully.
“Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who
must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that
would be of no advantage.” Hebrews 13:17
Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself.
“Make your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your
hands, just as we told …”
1 Thessalonians 4:11
Walk quietly and use courteous behavior in building.
“But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.” 1 Corinthians 14:40
Respect property.
“Honor the Lord with your possessions”
Proverbs 3:9a
Practice self-control.
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23
Discipline Steps
Step 1 WARNING Students will be given a warning and asked not to continue their inappropriate
behavior and given the reason why they should not continue with this inappropriate behavior.
Step 2 SENT TO THE DIRECTOR’S Should they continue to misbehave, the student(s) will be
taken out of class by the teacher assistant and taken to the Director’s office to discuss the
Step 3 DISCIPLINE ADMINISTERED The Director will have a discussion with the student about
the offense and parents will be notified. The student will remain with the Director for the duration
of the class period.
Step 4 APOLOGIZE When that class period is over, the student will go with the Director and
apologize to the person(s) offended.
Step 5 REOCCURING INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR If another correction is required, the student
will be again be taken to the Director and the parents will be notified. The parents will be asked to
attend classes with the child for the next week’s sessions. Students whose behavior is a constant
problem will be excused from class permanently after the parents have been notified.
Well Child Policy
Children are welcome to attend CAP on any given school day, provided that they have been free
of the following symptoms for at least 24 hours:
Nasal Discharge*
Eye Discharge*
Body Rash**
*clear discharge related to allergies (and not contagious) acceptable
**non-contagious eczema excluded
NOTE: If a child cannot attend CAP because of illness, parents and siblings likewise should not
attend CAP that day. This is an effort to avoid the spread of contagious illnesses. (This excludes
7th-12th grade students and 7th-12th grade teachers.) Volunteers absent due to illness should not
send 6th grade and younger students to CAP.
Lunch and Snack Policy
Lunch: Please put all food and drink in a lunch bag. Do not send food that needs to be heated;
student food will not be heated. You will be notified closer to the first day of school whether you
will be able to send peanut butter or nuts or food containing either.
Snack: Please provide a separate water bottle for class time, as well as a separate snack for
break. Only water is allowed outside the lunchroom. Exception: Nursery may also have clear
Fees and Other Financial Requirements
One time $150.00 building fee PER FAMILY, due by August 25, 2015. This fee is paid to
the hosting church for rent, utilities and anticipated wear and tear and covers our liability
insurance. Checks should be made payable to CAP.
One time $50.00 supply fee PER CHILD (K/4-12th grade) - for art and academic supplies,
copyright use of our history workbook material, copies and teacher curriculum. This is due
with the registration form. For a family of more than four participating children, the total
amount of the supply fees due will not exceed $200.00. Make checks payable to CAP and
mail to First Baptist Church of Helena c/o CAP, 815 Hwy 52, Helena, AL 35080 with
registration form.
An administrative fee of $40.00 per month PER FAMILY is due. This fee is due August –
April (9 months). The first payment (for August) is due with the registration form. Each
subsequent payment is due on the first Tuesday of each month. The total of $360.00 may
be paid at the beginning of the school year, or two payments of $180.00 at the beginning of
each semester.
For the Fall and Spring Programs, you may need to provide a themed costume and prop
for each of your children. *
You will need to provide a dish or a snack for the Fall Program, a dessert and a drink, and
snacks for the Spring Program.
You will need to provide one or two supply items to stock the church (toilet paper, paper
towels, etc.) at the beginning of each semester. More details will be given before the first
day of school. Parents of kindergarteners will need to assist in providing class snacks.
There may be fees for the optional field trips planned by the field trip coordinator.
You can choose to provide teachers’ snacks once or twice during the year.
We will gratefully accept a one-time donation or periodic donations towards partial
scholarships for qualifying families.
Curriculum, scripts and notebooks, etc. for each class will need to be purchased.