Responsibilities of Lunch Program Supervisors

Revised August 2008
The following Lunch Supervisor responsibilities have been written to help everyone work towards
our goal of assuring all students have a safe and pleasant lunch hour. While it is important that a
consistent approach be taken and that our interactions with all students be respectful, kind and
caring, we also recognize that lunch supervisors are individuals with varied approaches to their
1.1 Classroom Supervision
1.1a Arrive At The Classroom By 12:00 Noon
 By being at the classroom when students are dismissed at 12:00 noon, you will have
time to speak to the teacher about which students are absent or excused from being
at school during the lunch hour. This is also a good time for the teacher to discuss
with you any other issues that will help you to do your job.
Take Daily Attendance
Every classroom has an attendance sheet in the classroom binder.
Attendance must be taken every day.
The attendance record is used for invoicing purposes and must therefore be
 When taking attendance, place a check mark ‘√’ when the student is present or an ‘X’
if the student is absent. Any other symbols that you need to use to indicate the
activities of students should be explained at the bottom of the attendance sheet. For
example: “LM” = lunch monitor.
 Students in grades 5 through to 8 must initial the attendance sheet to confirm their
 Should a student be unaccounted for, fill out the “Missing Student” paper and send it
to the office. The “Missing Student” paper can be found in the folder of the classroom
1.1c Stay in the Classroom
 From 12:00 to 12:25 you will be assigned to supervise a classroom.
 You must stay in the classroom you have been assigned to supervise.
 The students should never be left unsupervised.
 If, at 12:25, there are students who have not finished their lunch due to their patrol
duties or students waiting to meet with their teacher, they must go to the office. They
are not permitted to stay in the classroom unsupervised.
 Should you need help in the classroom, page the office (there is a call switch in each
classroom) or send a student to the office who can then page the On-Site
Revised August 2008
1.1d Timelines
 The following time lines should give everyone enough time to eat their lunch:
o 12:00 to 12:10 – get lunch/milk, use washroom, and wash hands. The quicker
students can do what they need to do, the more time they will have to eat their
o 12:10 to 12:20 – sit at desk eating lunch
o 12:20 to 12:25 – clean-up lunch and get ready to go outside
o 12:25 – exit classroom, turn off the lights and close door
Students who are finished their lunch quickly, can continue to sit at their desk, doing
a quiet activity.
Microwave Use
Supervise microwave use very closely.
Students are allowed to microwave only those foods that need to be microwaved
prior to eating. Examples of foods that should not be placed in the microwave are
cookies, granola bars and fruit.
Students are discouraged from bringing soups and other liquids needing to be
microwaved. If a student does bring such a food, the lunch supervisor should be
responsible for microwaving the food and taking it to the student’s desk. Inform the
On-Site Coordinator if a student has brought soup or liquids needing microwaving to
1.1f Nutritious Eating & Reducing Waste
 While supervising in the classroom, kindly encourage students to use their time
 Encourage students to eat their “healthy” food before eating their “treats”.
 Students should be discouraged from throwing out food and encouraged to take uneaten food home. Having students take un-eaten lunch home will let the lunch
maker, usually the parent, see what the child has not eaten and they may then want
to change the contents of future lunches!
 The Pembina Trails School Division has a nutrition policy. This policy does not
extend to lunches sent from home, therefore it is important that comments regarding
students’ lunches, that is, their nutrient value, are not made.
 Copies of the Pembina Trails School Division Nutrition Policy are available from the
On-Site Coordinator.
1.1g Being Ready For Outdoor Recess
 Students must be ready to leave the classroom by 12:25.
 Students should start putting their lunches away at 12:20. This will give students
approximately 5 minutes to get dressed and line up to go outside.
 Students in grades 1 through 4 should be led by the supervisor to the exit doors.
 Students who are slow dressers should take their outdoor clothing to the exit and get
dressed there.
 You must then proceed to the playground with the children. It is very important that
there are adult supervisors outside from 12:25 until 1:00.
Revised August 2008
Supervisors monitoring students in grades 5 through 8 must ensure the students are
out of the classroom. Once all students exit the classroom, supervisors are to quickly
go outside. The back hallway supervisors will make sure all grade 5 and 6 students
have gone outside.
During the winter months, please make sure students are properly dressed for the
outdoors. They should be wearing coats, hats, mitts and boots. Students should
wear all the clothing they have brought from home.
Boots should not be worn in the school. Students should carry their footwear to the
exit to be put on.
Ask a student to return the classroom binder to the lunch cupboard so you can go
directly outside.
1.1h Helping Grade 8 Student Lunch Monitors
 If you are the adult supervisor helping grade eight student lunch monitors in two or
more rooms, move between the rooms, helping out as required. Your guidance is
very important!
 Your role is to model appropriate and respectful supervisor/student interactions.
1.2 Playground Supervision
1.2a Recess Duty Assignments
 From 12:25 to 1:00 you will be assigned to supervise a specific area either outdoors
or in the school. Your general assignment for ‘recess supervision’ is posted in the
lunch cupboard.
 If you need to leave your area, ask another supervisor to help cover your area while
you are gone.
 You must remain on the school playground until all students have entered the school
at 1:00
 While supervising outdoors it is important that you wear an orange safety vest,
unless you have been asked not to. Wearing a vest helps the students to identify
adults who they can go to should they need help.
 Some outdoor supervisors will be asked to NOT wear a vest so they can more easily
identify bullying problems.
 At least one outdoor supervisor will be assigned the job of ‘rover’. The ‘rover’ walks
around the entire playground for the purpose of offering additional support to
supervisors; relocating supervisors to areas where they are needed; communicating
with the On-Site Coordinator when needed; identifying areas or behaviours of
concern. The ‘rover’ must carry a two-way radio and should not wear an orange
 The ‘rover’ also needs to speak to each outdoor supervisor to let them know that
she/he will be doing the job of the ‘rover’.
1.2b Keep Moving & Watching
 During outdoor supervision, go where the students are.
 Continually walk around the area you are assigned.
 Situate yourself away from other lunch supervisors.
Revised August 2008
Discussions between lunch supervisors should be limited and be relevant to the
safety and supervision of the students.
While supervising in the playground, it is important that you scan the entire
playground to ensure students do not wonder out of bounds. It is very easy for
children to forget where they are and what they are doing and find themselves past
school boundaries. Gently remind students of the limits and guide them back to a
safe play area.
Students needing to enter school during recess should be instructed to enter by the
grade 3 / 4 entrance.
1.2c Playing With Classmates
 While supervising, monitor play in the school grounds to ensure students are playing
with other students who are in the same grade (or close to it).
 Mixed aged play groups can result in more injuries and frustrations on the
1.2d Play Structures
 Students are allowed to play on two different play structures referred to as the green
and the new play structures.
 The play structure at the far end of the play ground is out of bound for students.
 Students are assigned specific days to play on any given structure as follows:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Other safety rules of play structures include:
 Go down the slides and then get out of the way
 Do not climb or walk up the slides
 Stay off the outside of the structure tunnels
1.2e Playground Boundaries
The playground perimeter is the sidewalk that borders the field. However, there are some
 The Ditch: At the far end of the playground, by the park path, there is a ditch.
Students are not allowed to play in this area, as supervision is not possible. At 1:00
entry, double check this area to ensure that there are no students left behind.
 The Yellow Slide Play Structure & Surrounding Area: This structure is not to be
used by students. Students also need to stay on the school side of the trees so that
they can be seen at all times.
 The Hill: The hill and pagoda can be accessed by grade 7 and 8 students only. A
supervisor must be posted in this area if students are in this area.
Revised August 2008
1.2f Safe Play At All Times
 Outdoor play should never pose a threat to the safety of the students.
 Rough play, which includes tackling, shoving, pushing or body contact, is not
tolerated. Remind students that they are to keep their hands and feet to themselves.
 Snowballs can only be thrown in the summer months.
 Ice patches are not safe play areas.
 The bike racks are off limits, except when locking up bikes when returning to school.
1.2g Use Your Good Judgment
 It is the responsibility of lunch supervisors to make sure all students have a safe and
pleasant lunch hour. If you see students doing something that is or could be unsafe,
it is very important that you make sure that they stop immediately. If you feel that an
activity could cause a student to be hurt, you have the authority to make that
 Your decisions and requests to the students to make changes must be respected,
without question.
 If you are unsure, make a decision based on your good judgment and then discuss it
with the On-Site Coordinator.
 When intervening in student activity, give students ideas for other activities that they
can do, rather than focusing on what they can not do.
 Be positive! Be creative!
1.2h Injured Students
 If a student becomes hurt during the lunch hour, please take the student to the school
office. The office staff will determine what needs to be done.
 If a student gets hurt on the playground and you feel that the student can not walk to
the school without help, stay with the injured student and have another lunch
supervisor or responsible student get help from the school office.
 A staff member will be sent out to the playground to assess the injured student.
1.2i Strangers At School
 Should you see an unfamiliar adult on the playground or in the school, please
approach them and ask them if you can help them. For example, “Hello, I am …., a
lunch supervisor. May I help you?” This will help to ensure that all adults in and
around the school are “safe” adults.
1.2j Returning to School
 Students who have not paid to be at school during the lunch hour are allowed back
onto the school grounds at approximately 12:50.
 Students returning to school after lunch should time their arrival as close to these
times as possible, to within a maximum of 10 minutes prior to entry times.
 Should students arrive earlier, kindly remind students of this expectation and ask
them to sign in. (Several supervisors have ‘sign-in’ sheets.)
Revised August 2008
1.2k Responsibilities of Educational Assistants
 The school employs a number of Educational Assistants to support students during
their lunch hour.
They are directly responsible for these students. Lunch
supervisors do not need to be concerned about the activities of those students who
are supported by an Educational Assistant.
 If you are unsure of which students are being supported by an Educational Assistant,
ask the ‘EA’ for clarification.
1.3 Indoor Supervision
1.3 a Back Hall Supervisor
Check all classrooms in the back hallway to ensure there are no students left.
All students in grades 5 and 6 should be encouraged to go outside as quickly as
‘Swish’ the back hallway to make sure grade 7 and 8 students are the only ones in
the hallway.
Grade 8 students who have worked as Student Lunch Monitors for the first half of the
lunch hour are permitted to eat their lunch from 12:30 to 1:00 in their classroom,
unless the teacher requests that they do not. They can then eat their lunch in the
back hallway on the tables.
Students should not have food and drinks on the couches.
The couches are for sitting on. Feet should be kept off the couches. The number of
students on the couches is limited.
Grade 7 and 8 students who can not respect the privilege of indoor recess can be
asked to go outdoors for the remainder of the lunch hour.
Students using the computers in the back hallway are not allowed to play games or
go to sights that show violence or any thing else the supervisor deems inappropriate.
The supervisor’s judgment is to be respected.
Students who do not respect the decision of the supervisor should be requested to
find another supervised activity.
1.3 b Front Hall Supervisor
Entry Into School
All students entering the school between 12:25 and 1:00 should enter through the
grade 3 /4 entrance.
Remind students that it is their responsibility to use the washroom, wear appropriate
outdoor clothing and footwear, bring necessary games and activity items and get
drinks of water prior to going outside at 12:25.
Entry into the school after 12:25 is to be limited.
Use of Washrooms
Students needing to use the washroom are allowed entry one at a time. This
prevents students from hanging out in the washrooms.
If students have been in the washroom for a long time, inquire if they are alright or
need assistance.
Revised August 2008
Students are to use the washrooms located in the front hallway near the teachers’
Use of Change Rooms
 Change rooms are out of bounds from 12:30 to 12:50. Students needing to change
to and from gym clothes should do so quickly.
 Check the change rooms regularly to make sure students are not loitering.
 Ask a male staff person for assistance if you are concerned about the activity in the
boys’ change room.
Other Activities
Students using the small and large gym, community room, music or band rooms must
be supervised by a lunch supervisor or school staff. If there is no supervision,
students need to find another supervised activity in another area of the school.
Periodically check the side hallways to make sure there is no unsupervised student
activity taking place.
Students require permission from the office to use the telephone located outside of
the school office.
Students who do lunch hour patrol and who have not finished their lunch by 12:25 are
permitted to sit on the bench outside of the school office to finish their lunch. School
patrol students must finish their lunch by 12:35 and then go outside.
Assist other lunch supervisors who are bringing in students who have been injured or
who need to go to the office for any other reason.
Outdoor Footwear
Ensure outdoor footwear is put on and taken off on the rugs near the exit doors.
Students are expected to carry their outdoor footwear to their classrooms.
1.3 c Gym Supervisor
Students in grades 7 and 8 are allowed to use the gym during the last half of the
lunch hour, unless the gym has been booked for another activity.
Ensure all students follow the expectations for gym use as listed below.
Students not respecting these expectations are requested to find another supervised
activity in the back hallway or outside.
The decision of the gym supervisor is to be respected.
Should the gym supervisor have any questions regarding gym use expectations,
please speak with the on-site coordinator or the physical education staff.
Revised August 2008
1. Everyone must change into gym wear to play in the gym at anytime. No street
clothes are allowed.
2. The activity will depend on the season as outlined below:
 September to November – Volley ball
 December to February – Basketball
 March to April – Badminton
 May to June – Track and Field
3. Everyone is expected to play if they come to the gym. In other words, no
4. For safety reason, the gym supervisor can limit the number of students using the
5. Food and drinks are not permitted in the gym.
6. The timelines for gym use are from 12:25 to 12:55. Please respect these times.
7. There must be direct supervision in the gym, at all times.
8. If you are not interested in following these guidelines, please choose another
Revised August 2008
2.1 Expectations For Student Behaviour During The Lunch Hour
 The expectations for student behaviour during the lunch hour are posted in each
classroom. They can also be found on the back cover of the classroom binder.
 These expectations are in place to ensure that everyone has a safe and pleasant
lunch hour.
 Each expectation helps to ensure the safety of the students. It is very important
that these expectations be followed.
2.2 Lunch Room Daily Log
 On a daily basis, fill out the Lunch Room Daily Log, found in the classroom binder.
 This log acts as a means of communication with teachers, administration and other
supervisors who work in the same classroom.
2.3 Behaviour Incident Reports
 In cases where students are having difficulty meeting the lunch hour expectations for
behaviour, a Behaviour Incident Report may be filled out.
 For clarification when these reports need to be filled out or help in filling out a report,
please see the On-Site Coordinator.
2.4 Helping Students Achieve Expectations For Behaviour During the Lunch Hour
 Build a relationship with students through daily positive interactions. Be encouraging.
Show an interest in what the students are doing and talking about. Learn the names
of the students
 Regularly review expectations for lunch hour behaviour with students.
 Be fair when approaching students in any situation where they have not met the
expectations of the lunch program. Ask students what they understand the
expectations are and how their behaviour does not meet those expectations. Discuss
what needs to change in order for expectations to be met.
 Approach each situation with a fair and open mind.
 Discuss challenging situations with the On-Site Coordinator who is there to support
both the students and you.
 Lunch supervisors should not physically guide or restrain students. If a student’s
behaviour becomes out of control, please call the office for assistance.
 Leave the classroom door open at all times.
Revised August 2008
3.1 Criminal Record Check
 The Pembina Trails School Division requires that all employees submit the original copy
of a Criminal Records Check. It can be obtained at the Public Safety Building, 151
Princess Street.
3.2 Child Abuse Registry Check
 The Pembina Trails School Division also requires that all employees submit a Child
Abuse Registry Check through the school office.
3.3 Documents To Sign
 Sign the Lunch Supervisors Employment Contract
 Sign the Confidentiality Agreement
 All school situations are confidential and must not be discussed with neighbours and
friends. It is important to respect individual and family privacy.
3.4 Arrival At School
 Arrive at the school by 11:55 to get the classroom binder, safety vest and two-way radio
(if applicable) from the lunch cupboard.
3.5 Bi-weekly Time Sheets
 Time sheets must be completed every second Wednesday.
 Pay from the Pembina Trails School Division Is directly deposited into your bank two
weeks in arrears.
3.6 Training
 Attend orientation session and any additional training as deemed necessary by the
Lunch Program Committee and School Administration
 Throughout the year we will be offering training. The Pembina Trails School Division
offers training in the areas of first-aid and guiding children’s behaviour,
 There are a limited number of openings for these training sessions. Priority is given to
those lunch supervisors who work with the program on a full-time basis.
 The school will be arranging a workshop on anaphalaxis and epi-pen administration.
3.7 Give Two Weeks Notice When Terminating Position
3.8 Supervisor Absences
 Notify On-Site Coordinator in advance when absent from position due to illness,
holidays, appointments, etc.
 Contact Bev at home at 488-6629 or through the school at 489-0995
 You can also reach Bev via email at
3.9 Parking
 The best place to park is on the service roads on Lindenwoods Drive.
 Do not park in the school parking lot. All parking spaces in the parking lot are
reserved for staff. It is very important that staff be able to enter and exit their parking
spot at all times. Please respect this need.
4.0 Communicating With The On-Site Coordinator
 Should you have any questions, comments or concerns about the lunch program please
discuss them with the On-Site Coordinator
 Through open communication the program can grow stronger and our work place can be
a better place to be.
Revised August 2008
1. Regularly review the “Emergency Information” found in the classroom binder.
This information is printed on PINK paper.
2. Ensure you are familiar with which students have life threatening food allergies.
3. Be aware of food that may pose a threat to another student.
4. The Pembina Trails School Division requires that all students with life
threatening allergies carry their own auto injectors (epi-pens) on their person at
all times, with instructions for use. If you observe that this requirement is not
being met, it is very important that this be reported, using a Behaviour Incident
5. Should you notice a food that may pose a threat to another student:
a. Take that food away from the student
b. Wipe down the desk
c. Have the student was his/her hands
d. Let the On-site Coordinator know about the incident
6. Should a student in your classroom experience an allergic reaction:
a. Buzz the office repeatedly, indicating an emergency. Upon receiving this
emergency call, staff will be dispatched immediately to the classroom to
assist the student.
b. If the student is capable of walking to the office, accompany the student.
c. Should the student need immediate assistance, you are authorized to
administer the epi-pen.
7. It is an expectation that all this information be kept confidential.
(revised October 31, 2006)
Revised August 2008
Expectations For Student Behaviour During The Lunch Hour
 All students registered for the Lunch Program must remain on school
property during the lunch hour unless they have parental permission
(dated and signed by parent) to leave the school grounds.
 Students must eat their lunch seated at their desks and remain
seated until they are dismissed.
 Students must use proper table manners
 Students must ask the supervisor for permission to leave the
 Students must speak at a reasonable noise level, respecting
everyone’s right to a quiet and pleasant atmosphere for lunch.
 Due to allergies, students must eat only the food they brought to
school. Students are not to trade food with their friends.
 Students must eat their lunch indoors. No food or drinks are allowed
 By the 12:25 bell, students must have their lunch kits put away, their
desk cleaned and garbage and recyclables in the containers
 Students must respect other students and all adults in the school
 Students must respect École Van Walleghem School and all
equipment and belongings of the school.
Participation in lunch program is a privilege to be respected.