Community Lunch - Central Bedfordshire Together

Fit for Funding
Covers all the basics to get you to the stage where your
organisation will be able to apply for funding.
Sandy Town Council Chamber, 10 Cambridge Road, Sandy, SG19 1JE
Tuesday 04 December 2012
6.30pm – 8.30pm
 Covers all the documentation you will need including:
o your governing document;
o policies;
o budgeting.
 Explains the basics of outcomes and demonstrating need.
 Provides the opportunity to go through examples of funding
applications and receive guidance on the use of our resources
area, including a demonstration of our funding databases.
 It’s FREE!
 Find out about applying for grants from Sandy Community First
and Sandy Town Council.
This event is being organised by Community and Voluntary Service with support
from Sandy Town Council
To reserve you place, please complete and return this form by Tuesday 27
November 2012
Contact Name ___________________________________________________
Post Code
Phone _____________________
Please reserve a free place at the “Fit for Funding” workshop for the following people:
Name __________________________
Email _______________________
Name __________________________
Email _______________________
Please return this form to CVS, 43 Bromham Road, Bedford MK40 2AA
or call 01234 354366 or email
About Sandy Community First
Sandy Community First is a programme that provides funding for small community projects in the Ward
of Sandy, Bedfordshire. We allocate grants using a set of agreed criteria.
The Sandy Community First Panel and Sandy Town Council are working together to distribute small
grants of between £100 and £2,000 to local organisations and people with brilliant ideas for making
Sandy ward an even better place to be. Funds come from central government's Community First
Programme and from Sandy Town Council's community grant programme.
Our local funding priorities for Sandy include:
Health and well-being
Tackling crime and community safety
Sustainable transport
Work and education
Community facilities
Youth and Leisure
but we are interested in any project ideas that have a positive impact on Sandy and its residents.
For further information please visit the Sandy Community First website:
About Community and Voluntary Service (CVS)
Community and Voluntary Service (CVS) is a voluntary organisation which is set up, owned and run by
local groups to support, promote and develop local voluntary and community action.
CVS supports their members by providing them with a range of services and by acting as a voice for the
local voluntary and community sector. CVS is a member of the Sandy Community First Panel.
For more information on our work and how we support the local voluntary and community sector, please
visit our website:
43 Bromham Road
MK40 2AA
Telephone: 01234 354366
Fax: 01234 347503
Registered Charity No. 1091423
Company Limited by Guarantee No. 4312967