LUNCHROOM APPLICATION FORM & CONTRACT NAME OF CHILD: _______________________________________________ ROOM #:__________ NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN: _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________________________________ WORK PHONE NUMBER (1): __________________________________________________________ WORK PHONE NUMBER (2): __________________________________________________________ ANY ALLERGIES OR HEALTH CONCERNS: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER INFORMATION, COMMENTS: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ My child(ren) will be staying for lunch on a full time basis. My child(ren) will be staying for lunch on a part time basis. My child(ren) will not stay at school for lunch. ____ Goes home. ____ Attends daycare. I have reviewed the lunchroom guidelines and expectations with my child(ren) so that they understand what behaviour is expected of them. I, _________________________________________ understand that being a member of the (Student’s name) Lunch Program is a privilege and that my behaviour over lunch directly affects the atmosphere of all who participate. It is my responsibility to behave in a respectful manner, not talk back to my supervisors and ensure that my eating area is left clean. I have read, understand and will comply with the Lunch Program Expectations. I am aware that this privilege can, and will be withdrawn for defiance or continuous disruptive behaviour and it will be my parents(s)/guardian(s) responsibility to make arrangements for me to have my lunch outside the school program. _______________________________ Student Signature ______________________________ Date _______________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ***PLEASE FILL OUT REVERSE SIDE Dear Parents/Guardians: PLEASE KEEP PAGE 1 and RETURN PAGE 2 TO THE SCHOOL. Re: SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM A break from the building, school routines and a walk in the fresh air are important for children during lunch. We encourage students to go home or to the sitter’s for lunch, but appreciate that certain family circumstances and school of choice necessitate a child having to stay for lunch. Students staying at school for lunch should provide their own substantial, healthy lunch and snack. Please be sensitive to the time constraints of the lunch hour by sending: 1. 2. 3. Hot food in thermoses; Proper utensils (bowls, forks, spoons, etc.) Microwaves are not provided Lunch Program Behaviour Expectations We aim to provide a safe, happy and controlled environment for students to enjoy their lunch and each other. Please discuss our lunch program behaviour expectations and consequences with your child to ensure the atmosphere in our lunch areas is safe, appropriate, positive and a pleasant experience for all. Please review, sign and return to the teacher. Thank you. Expectations Eat quietly at desk or table Use an “indoor” voice and practice good manners Show respect for supervisors, lunch mates and self Report to lunchroom and remain within school boundaries unless the school receives a signed note or a phone call Consume all food indoors (including treats) Do not exchange food because of allergies Lorelei’s Behaviour and Conduct Policy is pertinent during lunch hour Remember that Lorelei is a safe and caring school and treat all others accordingly Consequences Students who choose not to co-operate with Lunch program Expectations will receive a warning. If inappropriate behaviour continues, a record of the behaviour will be documented on an Office Referral. Three referrals will result in the loss of privilege of lunching with peers for up to one week. The student will eat lunch in another supervised area and the parent will be informed. If unacceptable behaviours continue, the student will lose the privilege of staying at school in the Lunch Program. Students who show improvement in behaviour by not receiving an Office Referral for thirty (30) days will be given a “clean slate”. Students who consistently display appropriate behaviours during the lunch program will be recognized through a Pride Referral. We appreciate students who help create a positive lunch time environment by co-operating with our lunch program and school expectations. Please contact me at 456-4488 if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Liz Yule Principal Lunch Program Schedule Division 1 and Division 2 students will eat their lunch at opposite times. Supervisors will be assigned two classrooms adjacent to each other to supervise. There will be one supervisor for every 2 classrooms. Division 1 (Grades 1-3) will eat from 11:33 – 12:00 Division 2 (Grades 4-6) will eat from 12:00 – 12:25 All students will eat in their own desks in their own classrooms. Division 1 and Division 2 will be outside for their lunch recess break at opposite times. A bell will ring at 11:55 for the outside students to come in. Division 2 will be outside from 11:33 – 12:00 All Division 2 students will enter the school through door “D” at 12:00. All Division 2 students must come inside when the bell rings, and will eat their lunch. Division 1 will be outside from 12:00 – 12:25 Students who leave the school grounds for lunch to go home, to a day home, or daycare should not return to school before 12:10. Division 2 students who have left the school over the lunch hour will come inside when the bell rings to resume classes at 12:25. LUNCHROOM EXPECTATIONS Bring a healthy lunch Listen to the supervisors Eat enough Co-operate with the supervisors Help plan your lunch Use quiet voices Take leftovers home Use positive language Bring containers and necessary utensils Keep hands and feet to yourself Sit at your assigned table Use appropriate table manners Recycle Respect differences Follow routines Enter and exit orderly Keep space clean Eat only what you bring Clean up after yourself LORELEI LUNCH PROGRAM ATTENDANCE IN THE LUNCH PROGRAM REQUIRES PRE-PAYMENT OF FEES Lunch supervision fees must be paid on time. Non-Payment of lunch supervision fees will result in withdrawal from the lunch program with alternate arrangements being the parents responsibility fees are paid in full. Student Name: __________________________ Room # ______ $150.00 Annual Cash/ cheque #_____ attached $25.00/month/child Post-dated cheques dated for the 1st of each month cheques attached $5.00 per day drop-in attendance (payment on the day of attendance for drop-in) Punchcards available in $20.00 increments, which = 10 stays (unused money is refundable at the end of the year or applied to the following year.)