NEW WOODLANDS SCHOOL 49 Shroffold Road Downham Bromley BR1 5PD Tel: 020 8695 2380 Headteacher: Mr. D. Harper Deputy: Miss C. Warner REFERRAL FORM TO ACCESS PLACEMENT AT NEW WOODLANDS SECTION 1 Child’s Name: D.O.B Year UPN Number ULN NUMBER – ETHNICITY KS3 Y9 only SCHOOL: BOROUGH OF RESIDENCE NAME OF REFERRER (person completing this form) POSITION: HEAD’S NAME: CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL: DATE: Is the child welcome to return to your school if they meet New Woodlands’ readiness for reintegration criteria? (circle) YES NO If the child is not welcome to return to your school please explain why Headteacher’s signature: Date: Parental Consent I have read the above and consent to my child being referred for a placement to New Woodlands School. Parent/Carer’s signature: Date: 2014-15 Name of Adult with Parental Responsibility: ADDRESS Home Telephone Mobile SECTION 2 OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT CHILD (Tick) ] On Child Protection Looked After Child – state Free School Meals [circle] Register Authority that has responsibility YES NO PLEASE ENSURE YOU NOTIFY NEW WOODLANDS OF ANY CHANGES Previous schools/provisions attended with dates and reasons for leaving: 2014-15 SECTION 3 : Special Educational Needs/Support Does the student have a statement of Special Educational Needs or an Educational, Health and Care plan? (circle) YES NO If the student has a statement or an EHCP has an emergency review taken place where this referral to New Woodlands was agreed? (circle) YES NO If the child does have a statement or EHCP please attach a hard copy of statement/EHCP to this referral form. You will also need to send by email an electronic copy of this to either Jayne West for primary children or Carlie Warner for KS3 children. Please TICK which of the following apply: CHILD HAS NO SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS CHILD IS RECEIVING SEN SUPPORT CHILD IS RECEIVING OR HAS RECEIVED OUTSIDE AGENCY SUPPORT CHILD IS UNDERGOING ASSESSMENT FOR AN EHCP Has the child been diagnosed with any of the following [PROVIDE DATES & PERSON WHO COMPLETED DIAGNOSIS + attach copy of paperwork] DIAGNOSIS TICK Name & Date ADHD ASD ODD CONDUCT DISORDER ATTACHMENT DISORDER DYSLEXIA LANGUAGE DISORDER 2014-15 Support Child has received Please give details of the support offered to this student and attach any relevant reports. Internal Support (e.g In class support/One to One withdrawal/Literacy Group/Numeracy Group/Mentoring/ Social Skills Group/ Counselling etc) Type of support Dates (Start and End dates/please state if ongoing) Aim Outcome External Support (e.g CAMHS, Speech and Language Service, Social Services, YOS, Educational Psychologist etc..) Type of support and person delivering this support (please also include their contact details) New Woodlands Outreach Service Name of Outreach Teacher: 2014-15 Dates (Start and End dates/please state if ongoing) Aim Outcome SECTION 4: BEHAVIOUR - REASONS FOR REFERRAL Please detail what has led to this referral and why New Woodlands would be considered an appropriate placement for this student: GIVE 3 SPECIFIC BEHAVIOUR TARGETS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE THIS STUDENT ACHIEVE DURING THEIR PLACEMENT 1. 2. 3. 2014-15 Prioritise the 3 BEHAVIOURS OF CONCERN the student gets involved in [1 worst, 2,3 etc]: Threatening Behaviour to Verbal Abuse to staff Verbal Abuse to Peers Staff Threatening Behaviour to Peers Physical Abuse [assault] to Peers Self Harming/ Depressed Physical Abuse [assault] to Staff Gang Involvement Drugs/ Alcohol Related Damage to Property Truancy Theft Racist Sexual Misconduct Bullying Persistent Disruptive Behaviour Disobedience/Not following Other instructions 2014-15 In order to meet student needs and to risk assess effectively, we need the following information. Please complete table below Behaviour Date Details Of Incident Consequences/Action Harm to self or others Sexualised Behaviour Criminal Behaviour Drug/Alcohol/Solvent Abuse Police involvement? Circle YES Details 2014-15 NO SECTION 5 : Attendance Student Attendance for this term: % Student Attendance for last 12 months: % Number of days excluded over the last 12 months: SECTION 6: Educational Information Current Literacy/English Reading Level Current Literacy/English Writing Level Current Numeracy/Maths Level KS2 SATs Levels (please include for all KS3 students being referred) Literacy: Numeracy: KS1 SATs Levels (please include for all KS2 students being referred) Literacy: Numeracy: What kind of learner is this student? Please detail what type of lessons this student enjoys and why. Please state the curriculum areas that this student may find challenging 2014-15 Checklist: Please ensure that all the above sections on the form are completed. If these items are not completed satisfactorily the form will be returned to you for completion before we can make a decision on placement. Please ensure that a CAF for this student is also completed/updated. Please make sure this is also attached with this referral form. Please also ensure that the CAF is signed by the referrer and parent/carer. Please ensure that the following are also attached with the placement referral form and CAF. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Statement/EHCP where relevant Attendance print out Behaviour Log/ Incident reports Outside agency reports (especially those where a child has received a diagnosis) Reports from school professionals involved (especially those detailing the internal support the child has received) 6) Any school reports detailing current attainment. 2014-15 OFFICE USE DATE OF MEETING : COMMENTS 2014-15