CV di Sally-Anne Hulton: Esperienza in Nefrologia Pediatrica

MBBCh (Witwatersrand)
FCP (SA) with Paediatrics
MD (Birmingham)
GMC Registration Number
Contact Details
Department of Nephrology
Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Steelhouse Lane
B4 6NH
0121 333 9225
0121 333 9231
Current Employment
Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist, Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham
and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics at the Institute of Child Health, University of
Birmingham: appointed 1995
Lead physician for combined liver kidney transplantation, Birmingham Children’s Hospital:
2000 to date
Lead physician for renal metabolic disease, Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Additional Appointments
Chair of College Specialist Advisory Committee (CSAC) for Paediatric Nephrology and
Specialty Training Advisor for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH):
2004 to 2009. Specialty Training Advisor 2009-10
Member of Ethics Advisory Committee, Birmingham Children’s Hospital: 2007 to date
Summary of Postgraduate Training
1983 – 1989
Academic Training Hospitals of University of Witwatersrand Medical School,
Johannesburg, South Africa in Medicine, Surgery and Paediatrics. Completed
postgraduate fellowship in Paediatrics.
1989 – 1992
Renal Research Fellow and Honorary Senior Registrar in Paediatric Nephrology,
Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street
Hospital, London
1992 – 1995
Senior Registrar in Paediatric Nephrology and Honorary Lecturer in Paediatrics,
Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
Visiting Fellow in Paediatric Nephrology,
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Educational Activities
Chair of College Specialist Advisory Committee for Paediatric Nephrology: 2004-2009
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) Tutor appointed 2000, Lead Tutor:
Chair Birmingham Children’s Hospital Postgraduate Education and Training Committee:
Examiner for RCPCH and member of West Midlands Examiners group: 2004 to date
Educational Supervisor of Nephrology: 1998 to date
Undergraduate Medical Education: Examiner and trainer for University of Birmingham: 1998
to date
Research and Clinical Trials
See full list of peer reviewed publications (over 30 in last 10 years)
Renal metabolic disease particularly Primary Hyperoxaluria and Cystinosis
Renal transplantation
Nephrotic Syndrome
Collaborative ongoing departmental research
Good Clinical Practice Course completed 12.06.07 and 27.04.10
Referee Work
Referee since 1997 for journals: Archives of Disease in Childhood, Pediatric Nephrology,
Kidney International, Nephrology Dialysis & Transplantation
Referee for grant applications to the National Kidney Research Fund
Society Membership
Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
British Medical Association
British Association for Paediatric Nephrology
European Society for Pediatric Nephrology
International Pediatric Nephrology Association
Renal Association
Selected Presentations to Learned Societies
Soluble interleukin 2 receptor levels in childhood nephrotic syndrome
25th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, Paris -September
Cyclosporin A therapy in minimal change nephrotic syndrome in childhood
27th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology, Heidelberg,
Germany - September 1993
Circulating interleukin 2 receptor (IL2R) in nephrotic syndrome
North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Co-operative Study Meeting, Washington, USA April 1996
T lymphocytes and the nephrotic syndrome
European Dialysis and Transplantation Association, Amsterdam - June 1996
Experience of Tacrolimus (Prograf) in paediatric renal transplantation
31st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Athens, Greece September 1997
Culture and characterisation of human renal proximal tubular cells from biopsy material
Renal Tubular Cells in Culture Meeting, University Hospital Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium –
December 1998
Epidemiology of Primary Hyperoxaluria in children in the West Midlands, United Kingdom
5th Workshop on Primary Hyperoxaluria, Kappel, Zurich - March 1999
Urinary lactate excretion is increased in the Fanconi syndrome; a likely marker of disordered
renal tubular cell respiration
Meeting of the Renal Association, RCP, London – October 2002
Metabolic renal disease
Invited lecture for Midlands Nephrology Symposium - October 2006
Understanding Hyperoxaluira
Invited Lecture for 8th International Hyperoxaluria Workshop, London – June 2007
Renal Metabolic Disease in Childhood
Invited Lecture for Renal Association Advanced Nephrology Course, London 2009
The Ethics of Organ Transplantation and the Donor Opt In or Out System
Presentation to the Lunar Society of Birmingham, January 2009
Selected Publications
Hulton SA, Shah V, Byrne MR, Morgan G, Barratt TM, Dillon MJ. Lymphocyte subpopulations, interleukin-2 and interleukin-2 receptor expression in childhood nephrotic
syndrome. Pediatric Nephrology 8(2):135-9, 1994
Hulton SA, Neuhaus TJ, Dillon MJ, Barratt TM. Long-term cyclosporin A treatment of minimalchange nephrotic syndrome of childhood. Pediatric Nephrology 8(4):401-3, 1994
Hulton SA, Jadresic L, Shah V, Trompeter RS, Dillon MJ, Barratt TM. Effect of Cyclosporin A
on glomerular filtration rate in children with minimal change nephrotic syndrome. Pediatric
Nephrology 8(4):404-7, 1994
Hulton SA, Kaplan BS. Renal dysplasia associated with in utero exposure to Gentamicin and
corticosteroids. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 58(1):91-3, 1995
von Schnakenburg C, Hulton SA, Milford DV, Roper HP, Rumsby G. Variable presentation of
primary hyperoxaluria type 1 in 2 patients homozygous for a novel combined deletion and
insertion mutation in exon 8 of the AGXT gene. Nephron 78(4):485-8,1998
Moghal NE, Hulton SA, Milford DV. Care in the use of ibuprofen as an antipyretic in children.
Clinical Nephrology 49(5):293-5, 1998
Karet FE, Finberg KE, Nelson RD, Nayir A, Mocan H, Sanjad SA, Rodriguez-Soriano J, Santos F,
Cremers CW, Di Pietro A, Hoffbrand BI, Winiarski J, Bakkaloglu A, Ozen S, Dusunsel R,
Goodyer P, Hulton SA, Wu DK, Skvorak AB, Morton CC. Cunningham MJ, Jha V, Lifton RP.
Mutations in the gene encoding B1 subunit of H+-ATPase cause renal tubular acidosis with
sensorineural deafness. Nature Genetics 21(1):84-90, 1999
Karet FE, Finberg KE, Nayir A, Bakkaloglu A, Ozen S, Hulton SA, Sanjad SA, Al- Sabban EA,
Medina JF, Lifton RP. Localization of a gene for autosomal recessive distal renal tubular
acidosis with normal hearing (rdRTA2) to 7q33-34. Am J Hum Genetics 65(6): 1656-65, 1999
Smith AN, Skaug J, Choate KA, Nayir A, Bakkaloglu A, Ozen S, Hulton SA, Sanjad SA, AlSabban EA, Scherer SW, Karet FE. Mutations in ATP6N1B, encoding a novel kidney vacuolar
proton pump 116 kDa accessory subunit, cause recessive distal renal tubular acidosis with
preserved hearing. Nature Genetics 26 (1): 71-75, 2000
Ellis SR, Hulton SA, McKiernan PJ, de Ville de Goyet J, Kelly DA. Combined liver-kidney
transplantation for primary hyperoxaluria type 1 in young children. Nephrol Dial Transplant
16: 348-354, 2001
Hulton SA. Evaluation of urinary tract calculi in children. Arch Dis Child 84 (16): 320-323,
Johnson SA, Rumsby G, Cregreen D, Hulton SA. Primary hyperoxaluria type 2 in children.
Pediatr Nephrol 17(8): 597-601, 2002
Deshpande PV, Gilbert RD, Williams J, Hulton SA, Milford DV. Hypertension: a cause of
growth impairment. J Human Hypertension 16: 363-66, 2002
Stover EH, Borthwick KJ, Bavalia C, Eady N, Fritz DM, Rungroj N, Giersch ABS, Morton CC,
Axon PR, Baguley DM, Hulton SA, Kroes H, Tasic V, Taylor CM, Topaloglu R, Smith AN, Karet
FE. Novel ATP6V1B1 and ATP6V0A4 mutations in autosomal recessive distal renal tubular
acidosis, with new evidence for hearing loss. J Med Genetics 39: 796-803, 2002
Cregreen D, WilliamsE, Hulton S, Rumsby G Molecular analysis of the glyoxylate reductase
(GRHPR) gene and description of mutations underlying primary hyperoxaluria type 2.
Human Mutation 22(6): 497, 2003
Hulton SA, Greener M. Increasing the use of orphan drugs in clinical practice. Hospital
Medicine 65(7), 355-59, 2004
Rhodes C, Churchill D, Hulton SA. Antenatal diagnosis of fetal renal calculi. Ultrasound in
Obstetrics Gynaecol: 25, 517-8, 2005
Johnson S, Hulton SA, Brundler M-A, Moss C, Huissoon A, Taylor CM. End-stage renal failure
in adolescence with Sjögren’s syndrome auto-antibodies SSA and SSB. Pediatr Nephrol, 22
(10) , 1793-7, 2007
Clothier J, Hulton SA. Inherited and metabolic renal disorders in children. Medicine, 35 (7),
393-5, 2007
Clothier J, Hulton SA. Urological disorders in children that progress to chronic renal failure.
Medicine, 35 (8), 447-9, 2007
Santra S, Preece MA, Hulton SA, McKiernan PJ. Renal Tubular Function in Children with
Tyrosinaemia Type 1 Treated with Nitisinone.
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
published on line 23 May 2008
Price KL, Hulton S-A, van’t Hoff W, Masters JR, Rumsby G. Primary Cultures of Renal
Proximal Tubule Cells derived from individuals with Primary Hyperoxaluria. Urological
Research 37 : 127-132; 2009