ED Outreach Services MEDICAL DIRECTIVES Hôpital régional de Sudbury Regional Hospital ISSUED BY: AUTHORIZED BY: ISSUE DATE: CATEGORY: ED Patient Care Team Emergency & Medical Program Council SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures REVISION DATE: PAGE: 1 of 15 Medical Directives ED Outreach Services Medical Directive - Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Directive Activation Date: Sponsoring/Contact Person(s) (name, position, contact particulars): Orders: Directive Number: EDOS01 Review due by: Dr. Chris Bourdon, Interim Chief of Staff Dr. Andrew Caruso, Interim Emergency Department Medical Director Dr. Andre Roch, Physician Lead, Extendicare and TCU Mary Beth Gibbons, RN - Clinical Leader – ED Outreach Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Orders for laboratory test and diagnostic procedures as identified on the appended order tables: Page 2 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 1. Laboratory Test Order Table a) Routine Blood Work CBCD (Hct, Hgb), Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl), Total CO2, Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Calcium b) Cardiac Marker (Troponin I) c) Venous Blood Gases (pH, PCO2, PO2, TCO2, HCO3, Base Excess, sO2) d) Serum Coagulopathy (INR) e) Blood Cultures X 2 f) Urine for R&M/C&S g) Sputum C&S h) Wound Care Swab C&S 15 2. Diagnostic Procedures Order Table a) 12 Lead ECG b) Glucometer - Capillary Blood Glucose c) Peak Flows (pre/post) Recipient Patients: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Any patient presenting to the ED Outreach Services (within the HRSRH or Long Term Care facilities with who the HRSRH has a Memorandum of Understanding) who meets the conditions identified in this directive. Patients having received lab testing and diagnostic procedures administered under this directive will have their results made available to the attending LTC Physician, and/or MRP. ED Outreach Nurse will make available and forward the record of administered tests and procedures to the attending physician for disposition. Authorized Implementers: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Page 3 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 15 All ED Outreach Nurses and designated staff who have successfully completed the relevant ED Outreach Services Medical Directive orientation program as described in Review & Quality Monitoring Guidelines. Medical directive certification is to be completed every 2 years. The ED Outreach Nurse - Team Lead will maintain a list of authorized implementers as part of the Medical Directive record. All physicians involved in the ED Outreach Services will review the medical directives yearly and upon any new directives added to the program. The ED Outreach Nurse - Team Lead and/or ED Medical Director will make available to all new physicians to the ED Outreach Services a medical directive package which will be signed prior to program involvement. Indications: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Lab tests and diagnostic procedures will be administered for the period beginning from when a patient is assessed by the ED Outreach Nurse to first contact with the attending LTC physician, unless the attending LTC physician explicitly orders implementation of the directive beyond that period. Prior to implementation of any directive, a patient assessment is completed by the ED Outreach Nurse in accordance with standards of practice and any applicable Hôpital régional de Sudbury Regional Hospital (HRSRH) policy. Allergies and sensitivities must be documented. Specific indications are identified in the appended Order Tables. Definitions for indications used in the table: 1. Anaphylaxis – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Uticaria (rash, hives) Swelling of lips, tongue, throat Dysphagia Shortness of breath, wheezing 2. Cellulitis – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Inflammation (hot to touch) Redness Fever – Temperature greater than/equal to 38°C Mild/moderate pain 3. Dehydration – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Loss of appetite/decreased fluid intake Nausea/vomiting Diarrhea Fever – Temperature greater than/equal to 38°C 4. Falls – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Page 4 of 15 Mild/Moderate pain and/or discomfort to extremity and/or acute back pain (compression #) Mild/Moderate swelling of extremity 5. Fever – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Fever – Temperature greater than/equal to 38°C Loss of appetite/decreased fluid intake Nausea/vomiting Dizziness Decreased urine output 6. Foley Catheter Difficulties – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Hematuria Increased sediment in foley drainage bag Possible blocked or kinked foley catheter Mild/Moderate abdominal pain and/or discomfort 7. Lacerations – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Controlled bleeding Wounds not involving the face or ears Minor skin tears 8. Respiratory Tract Infections – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Mild/moderate shortness of breath Cough Fever – Temperature greater than/equal to 38°C Pleuritic Pain Mild/moderate crackles or bronchial breath sounds Mild/moderate SOB Known asthmatic or mild COPD Audible wheezes 9. Syncope – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Pale Diaphoretic Hypotensive Brief LOC 10. Urinary Tract Infections – as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Hematuria Difficulty voiding Dysuria Mild abdominal pain Page 5 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 15 Fever – Temperature greater than/equal to 38°C Lethargy / Altered LOC 11. Weakness/Dizziness - as manifested by one or more of the following signs: Brief LOC Pale Diaphoretic Generalized feeling of unwell See appended Order Tables. Consent: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Staff implementing the directive will obtain consent in accordance with the Health Care Consent Act and any relevant HRSRH policies and procedures. Guidelines for Implementing the Order / Procedure: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Tables Blood specimens for diagnostic studies may be collected by: 1. Venipuncture, 2. Saline Lock, or 3. Accessing established Vascular Access Device (not including hemodialysis lines) if central line certification is completed. For specific guidelines, see appended Order Tables. Page 6 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Documentation and Communication: 15 Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Implementing staff will document the: Specific lab test and diagnostic procedure order in the order section of the patient record, noting the medical directive name and number and signing off the order with implementer’s name and signature as per the attending LTC physician (when attending LTC physician known). Ensure any requisition contains this information. Indications, implementation and patient response in accordance with HRSRH record-keeping policies ED Outreach Services Flow Chart, and Medical Directive Form (EDOS01) Note: Clear and timely notification, communication and documentation between the nurse and the physician are critical to safe, proper use of a medical directive. Review and Quality Monitoring Guidelines: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Staff identifying any untoward or unintended outcomes arising from implementation of orders under this directive, or any issues identified with it will report these to LTC Physician as soon as possible for appropriate disposition. This does not include untoward or unintended outcomes or issues that are possible clinical sequelae regardless of whether a directive or direct order is used. Certification process LTC MD - yearly ED MD renewal – yearly ED Outreach Nurse recertification – every 2 years which will consist of a written test and/or successful completion of certification exam and/or maintenance of competence process Administrative Approvals: ED Patient Care Team Emergency/Medical Program Council Professional Practice Council Professional Advisory Committee Medical Advisory Committee Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Appendix Attached in section under Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures to cover Medical Directives: EDOS01, EDOS02, EDOS03, EDOS04 Approving Physician(s)/Authorizer(s): Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table Page 7 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 15 Appendix Attached in section under Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures to cover Medical Directives: EDOS01, EDOS02, EDOS03, EDOS04 References Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Order Table List any references here, as below, attach appendix, or list references in Performance Readiness Assessment form (Module 1). Fitchett, D., Goodman, S., Langer, A. (2001). New Advances in the management of acute coronary syndrome. [electronic version]. CMAJ, 164(9) Fenton,D. (2005 January 5). Acute Coronary Syndrome, retrieved July 25, 2005 from http:/www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic31.htm Newberry, L. (Ed.). (1998). /Sheehy’s Emergency Nursing. Principles and Practice/. 4^th Ed. .Mosby: Toronto. Electrocardiogram in Acute Myocardial Infarction new England Journal Med. 2003: 348: 933-940 Guidelines 2006 for cardiopulmonary and Emergency Cardiovascular care: American Heart Association Tintinelli,j.E Kelen,GD and Stapczynski, J.S Emergency medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 6th Edition 2004. CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Page 8 of 15 8 of 51 Administrative Approvals for Use of Medical Directives – EDOS01, EDOS02, EDOS03, EDOS04 ED/Patient Care Team Name of Patient Care Team Mrs. Diane Baigrie Name of Chairperson __________________________________________ Signature Date ____ June 7, 2010 ____ Date _____June 7, 2010_________ Dr. Andrew Caruso Name of Medical Advisor __________________________________________ Signature CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Page 9 of 15 Emergency/Medical Program Council Name of Program Council Vanda Cooper Name of Administrative Director __________________________________________ Signature Date __________________________ Date __________________________ Date __ June 7, 2010___________ Date __________________________ Date __________________________ Dr. Andrew Caruso Name of Medical Director __________________________________________ Signature Nursing Professional Practice Council Name of Professional Council Grace St. Jean Name of Chairperson __________________________________________ Signature Professional Advisory Committee Mary Townend Name of Chairperson __________________________________________ Signature Medical Advisory Committee Dr. Chris Bourdon Name of Chairperson __________________________________________ Signature Page 10 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 15 Appendix ED Outreach Services - Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Directive (EDOS01) Title and Number of Directive: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Directive (EDOS01) 1. Anaphylaxis 2. Cellulitis 3. Dehydration 4. Falls 5. Fever 6. Foley Catheter Difficulties 7. Lacerations 8. Respiratory Tract Infections 9. Shortness of Breath 10. Syncope 11. Urinary Tract Infections 12. Weakness & Dizziness Page 11 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 15 1. Laboratory Test Order Table ED/LTC Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Directive (EDOS01) Orders Indications/Contraindications Care Map Guidelines Laboratory Test a) Routine Blood Work CBCD (Hct,Hgb), Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl), Total CO2, Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Calcium b) Cardiac Marker (Troponin I) Signs and symptoms including one or more of the following: Cellulitis SOB, weakness, dizziness, looks unwell Dehydration Neurologic condition (alteration in neurologic status, decreased LOC, confusion, suspected stroke) Falls Syncope Fever Dehydration Respiratory Tract Infections Mild to Moderate abdominal pain Shortness of Breath Signs and symptoms of infection - fever or hypothermia with tachypnea and tachycardia Syncope Urinary Tract Infections Chronic, diagnosed disease(s) with change in status or exacerbation in condition Weakness & Dizziness Signs and symptoms of one or more of the following Falls SOB Syncope Weakness/dizziness Weakness & Dizziness Looks unwell Page 12 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Orders 15 Indications/Contraindications Care Map Guidelines Laboratory Test c) Venous Blood Gases (pH, PCO2, PO2, TCO2, HCO3, Base Excess, sO2) Signs and symptoms of one or more of the following d) Serum Coagulopathy (INR) Signs and symptoms including one or more of the following: e) Blood Cultures X 2 Shortness of Breath Falls Mild to moderate shortness of breath Chronic, diagnosed disease(s) with change in status or exacerbation in condition Current warfarin use Syncope Possible pulmonary embolus (SOB, tachycardia, hypoxia, risk factors such as recent surgery, immobility) Weakness & Dizziness Possible stroke/TIA (weakness, numbness, trouble speaking, vision problems, headache, dizziness) Actual or potential hemodynamic instability Patients with actual or suspected infection (localized or generalized) with temperature greater than/equal to 38°C or less than/equal to 36°C who presents with any of the following signs and symptoms: Collection standard: 2 sets of cultures 10 minutes apart Tachypnea greater than 20 RPM Cellulitis Tachycardia HR greater than 90 BPM Dehydration Altered LOC Fever Urinary Tract Infections Inmmunocompromised patients Patients with indwelling vascular access devices Page 13 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 15 Indications/Contraindications Orders Care Map Guidelines Laboratory Test f) Urinalysis Urine for R&M/C&S g) Sputum Sputum for C&S h) Wound Care Wound swab for C&S Signs and symptoms including one or more of the following Dehydration Hematuria Falls Difficulty voiding Fever Dysuria Foley catheter difficulties Mild abdominal discomfort Urinary Tract Infections Fever – temperature greater than/equal to 38°C NOTE: Foul-smelling urine is NOT to be used as a clinical criteria for ordering urinalysis or C&S. Use as a teaching point in LTC Homes to prevent over-diagnosis of UTI and subsequent antibiotic resistance. Signs and symptoms including one or more of the following Fever – temperature greater than/equal to 38°C Productive cough Shortness of breath Signs and symptoms including one or more of the following Inflammation – hot to touch Redness Fever – temperature greater than/equal to 38°C Weeping wound Weakness & Dizziness Fever Respiratory Tract Infection Cellulitis Page 14 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 15 2. Diagnostic Procedures Order Table ED/LTC Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Directive (EDOS01) Orders Indications/Contraindications Care Map Guidelines Diagnostic Procedures a) 12 Lead ECG b) Glucometer - Capillary Blood Glucose Signs and symptoms of, or including one or more of the following: Falls Respiratory pathology Lacerations Cardiac pathology Respiratory Tract Infections Metabolic imbalance Shortness of Breath Possible adverse reaction to medications or drugs Syncope Weakness or lightheadedness Weakness & Dizziness Change in neurological status – acute confusion To determine baseline glucose status in patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and for signs and symptoms suggestive of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, including one or more of the following: Cellulitis Dehydration Falls Altered LOC Fever Confusion, agitation, behavioural changes Respiratory Tract Infections Recent or active seizure Shortness of Breath Syncopal event Syncope Listless, lethargic, fatigued Urinary Tract Infections Weakness & Dizziness Page 15 of CATEGORY: Medical Directives SUBJECT: Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures 15 2. Diagnostic Procedures Order Table ED/LTC Laboratory Test and Diagnostic Procedures Directive (EDOS01) Orders Indications/Contraindications Care Map Guidelines Diagnostic Procedures c) Peak Flows (pre/post) Mild/Moderate Shortness of Breath Audible wheezing Shortness of Breath