References: Bariatric Surgery

References: Bariatric Surgery
Clinical Guidelines
1. Mechanick JI, Kushner RF, Sugerman HJ, Gonzalez-Campoy M, Collazo-Clavell ML, Guven
S, Spitz AF, Apovian CM, Livingston EH, Brolin R, Sarwer DB, Anderson WA, Dixon J.
AACE/TOS/ASMBS Guidelines: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, The
Obesity Society, and American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Medical
Guidelines for Clinical Practice for the Perioperatie Nutritional, Metabolic and nonsurgical
Support of the Bariatric Surgery Patient.Endocrine Practice vol 14(suppl 1) July/August 2008.
2. ASMBS Allied health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgical Weight Loss Patient. Allied
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Parrott J. SOARD 4:S73-108, 2008.
3. ADA Pocket Guide to bariatric surgery. Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group,
Biesemeier CK, Garland J. eds, 2009.
National Organizations
1. American Dietetic Association, Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group, Bariatric
Subunit. , sign in as a member of the practice group, click on tab for
subunits, click on Bariatric Subunit link to the Bariatric Subunit web page.
2. American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Gainsville, FL: American Society for Metabolic and
Bariatric surgery, 2008 Accessed July 5, 2008 at
3. ACS division of Research and Optimal patient Care, American College of Surgeons Bariatric
Bariatric Surgery Center Network (BSCN) Accreditatio Program manual. American college
of surgeons.
Clinical Outcomes
1. Buchwald H, Avidor Y, Braunwald E, Jensen MD, Pories W, Fahrbach K, Schoelles K.
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3. Sjostrom L, Narbro K, Sjostrom CD, Karason K, et al Swedish Obese Subjects Study; Effects
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Mechanisms of Action
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4. Moo TA. Rubino F. Gastrointestinal surgery as treatment for type 2 diabetes. Curr Opin
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Sleeve Gastrectomy
References: Bariatric Surgery
Hamoul N, Anthone GJ, Kaufman HS, Crookes PF. Sleeve Gastrectomy in the High-Risk Patient.
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Diabetes and Bariatric Surgery
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Nutrition and Bariatric Surgery
1. Cummings S. Chapter 9, Surgery: Part B: Practical Applications in Managing Obesity: A
Clinical Guide. Nonas C, Foster G. editors. 2009
2. Shikora S. et al. Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Complications of Bariatric Surgery. Nutrition
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3. Warde-Kamar J, et al. Calorie intake and meal patterns up to 4 years after roux-en-y gastric
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4. Bavaresco M, Paganini S., Lima TP, Salgado W, jr, Ceneviva R, Dos Santos JE. Nutritional
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6. Madan AK, Whitney SO, Tichansky DS, Ternovits CA. Vitamin and trace mineral levels after
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8. Xanthakos SA, Inge TH. Nutritional consequences of bariatric surgery. Curr Opin Clin Nutr
Metab Care 2006;9:489-96.
9. Clements RH, Katasani VG, Palepu R, Leth RR, Leath TD, Roy BP, Vickers SM. Incidence of
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10. Shah M, Simha V, Garg A. REVIEW: Long-term Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Body Weight,
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11. Bloomberg RD, Fleishman A, Nalle JE, Herron DM, Kini S. 2005 Nutritional deficiencies
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12. Riedt CS, Brolin RE, Sherrell RM, Field MP, Shapses SA. True ractional Calcium Absorption
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14. Goode, et al Obes Res 2004, Xanthakos/Inge; and Miller AD, Smith KM, Medication and
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15. Miller AD, Smith KM, Medication and nutrient administration considerations after bariatric
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16. Fugioka, K Follow-up of nutritional and metabolic problems after bariatric surgery. Diabetes
Care 2005;28:481-484.
References: Bariatric Surgery
17. Gasteyger C, Suter M, Calmes JM, Gaillard RC, Giusti V. Changes in body composition,
metabolic profile and nutritional status 24 months after gastric banding. Obes Surg.
18. Angstadt J. et al. Peripheral Polyneuropathy from Thiamine Deficiency following
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19. Singh S. et al. Wernicki encephalopathy after obesity surgery: A systematic review.
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21. Warde-Kamar J. et al. Calorie intake and meal patterns up to 4 years after roux-en-y gastric
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Weight maintenance and regain after Bariatric Surgery
1. Cummings S and Lentendre J. Weight Regain after the RYGBP: Surgery Failure or Poor
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2. Orth WS, Madan AK, Taddeucci RJ, Coday M, Tichansky DS, Support group meeting
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3. Pajecki D, Dalcanalle L, Souza de Oliveira CP, Zilberstein B, Halpern A, Garrido AB Jr.
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predict outcome of bariatric restrictive surgery in morbidly obese patients. Obes Surg
5. Evans RK, Bond DS, Wolfe GL, Meador JG, Herrick JE, Kellum JM, Maher JW. Participation
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6. Faria SL, de Oliveira KE, Lins RD, Faria OP. Nutritional Management of Weight Regain After
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7. van Hout GC, Fortuin FA, Pelle AJ, van Heck GL. Psychosocial functioning, personality, and
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8. Van Hout GC, Verschure SK, van Heck GL. Psychosocial predictors of success following
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