SCCMinutes-May2014 - Strathdearn Community Website

Minutes of a Meeting of the
Strathdearn Community Council held in
The Strathdearn Hall, Tomatin,
On Tuesday 13th May 2014.
Mrs. V Roden (Chair), Mr. E Usborne (Vice Chair),
Mrs. A Glynne-Percy, Mr. J Cameron-Mackintosh,
Mrs. M Saunders.
Mrs. D Ross (Secretary), Cllr. Gowans, Cllr. Caddick,
ATTENDANCE: Cllr. Prag, Mr John Appleton (RES), Mr Morgan
Houtmeyers (ENECO), Mr RuaraidhTaylor (ENECO),
Mr Andy Bailey (Morrison Construction), Mr Tim
Allan (Active Schools Co-ordinator).
Mr. T Gerlings, Mr. D Bryden, Cllr. Crawford.
Declarations of Interest from Community Councillors
Mrs Roden and Mr Usborne at Item 7.1. (Windfarms)
Minutes of the Meeting of 8th April 2014
The Minutes were proposed as correct by Mr Usborne and seconded by Mrs
Matters Arising
Leaning Trees at Corrievorrie
Mrs Glynne-Percy thanked Mr Cameron-Mackintosh, who in turn thanked Alan
Hodgson, for removing the trees.
Refuse Calenders
These will be dropped off by Councillor Crawford before Saturday, to either Mrs
Roden or Mr Usborne. Mrs Roden thanked Councillor Crawford in his absence for
Station Road
Mrs Roden and Mr Cameron-Mackintosh met with Mark Allan of Network Rail to
discuss whether Network Rail would be willing to tar the short stretch of road
between the end of the adopted road and Station Square. It was noted that
Network Rail has replaced the fencing that was down near the railway, and that
basically there was no money to do the road repairs. Mrs Roden will keep
everyone updated on this situation. Mr Cameron-Mackintosh asked if we should
raise the matter with Fergus Ewing MSP, but it was agreed to hold off for the
Paths Project
It was noted that a meeting took place with Mr Bryden, Geoff Fagan, Cllr Prag
and various Highland Council officials on 17 April.
Local Development Officer
A member of the public noted that on the Agenda there was no Local
Development Officer item. Mrs Saunders reported that there is no LDO just now,
and that the Development Company are moving things forward. Mrs Saunders
anticipated that the LDO, when appointed, would attend CC meetings when there
was something to report. It was also noted that the Company Secretary has
Brief Introduction to Mr Tim Allan, our new Active Schools Co-ordinator
Mrs Roden reported that Mr Tim Allan has replaced Jake Williams, and Mr Allan
then introduced himself and gave a brief outline of what his job involves. Mrs
Saunders asked him if he might be interested in joining a sub-group to provide
input into discussions on integrating the Sports Facility. Mrs Roden thanked Mr
Allan for coming.
Law and order
No Policeman was present. Mrs Roden noted that PC Davy Elliot is our new
Community Beats Officer, and read an email from him. Mrs Barley asked for his
contact details for the next newsletter. Mrs Roden went over PC Elliot’s Reports,
which had been emailed for March and April, and also read a letter from Police
Scotland. It was noted that armed police sometimes attended routine calls.
Mr Cameron Mackintosh chaired this Item.
7.1 Information from RES on the Proposed Aberarder Windfarm
Mr Cameron-Mackintosh introduced Mr John Appleton, from RES, who had come
along to give a presentation regarding the Dumnaglass Windfarm. Mr Appleton
reported that the 12 turbines to the north of Dumnaglass, was an extension to
the Dumnaglass Windfarm. RES were to hold an Exhibition in the hall on
Thursday from 10-2pm, and at Inverarnie tomorrow from 2-8pm. They have
scoped for the Environmental Survey. Regarding access, they are going to
replicate what was done for Dumnaglass Windfarm. A member of the public
asked the height of the turbines, and Mr Appleton said they would be a maximum
height of 130m to the tip, and that they would be 36 megawatts. Another
member of the public said that they hadn’t received a letter about the Exhibition,
and Mr Appleton apologised for this. Mr Cameron-Mackintosh thanked Mr
Appleton form coming, and he left the meeting.
7.2 Update from Eneco on the Moy Windfarm Construction etc
Morgan Houtmeyers and Ruaraidh Taylor from Eneco introduced themselves, as
did Andy Bailey from Morrison Construction. Mr Houtmeyers reported to the
meeting that they were here to talk about the construction plans for the Moy
Windfarm. They have been to the Community Councils, and concerns so far
have been regarding the access and speed of construction traffic from the A9
along the B9154. There will be a 45mph construction traffic speed limit along
the B9154. They will be using the Moy Hall road entrance. It is recognized that
the B9154 is used by walkers and children, and after discussions with TEC
Services, Eneco are going to upgrade the disused footpath next to the road. This
will be starting on 26th May, and should take around two weeks to complete. It
was also noted that regarding the squirrels around this area, an Ecological
Survey has identified five locations to put ropes across the road. Mrs Saunders
asked that any information could be sent to her by email, to go on the notice
board at Moy. It was noted that the turbines should arrive next summer.
Construction should finish around January/February 2015. Working hours will be
7am-7pm Monday to Friday, and 7am-1pm on Saturdays. No Sunday working at
all. Working hours in the winter will be 7am-5.30pm. A member of the public
asked about the construction around the Moy Game Fair weekend, and it was
agreed that there will be no-one working when this is on. Mr CameronMackintosh thanked everyone for coming. Brochures and business cards were
left, and then they left the Meeting. Electricity connections were to be
undergrounded 18km to Dores Road in Inverness.
Financial Report
Mrs Roden took the Chair again. Mrs Saunders reported a balance at 31 March of
Road safety
A member of the public reported that the “No Through Road” sign at the south
end of Station Road has been turned around to face the wrong way. Mr Usborne
agreed to have a look at this.
A member of the public said that the chicane at the school is getting
progressively worse (the lockblock area is sinking). Cllr Gowans is dealing with
A member of the public asked if anyone know anything about the small cameras
that are on the A9 near Dalmagarry. It was noted that these are now gone, and
that they were there for a survey that was being done.
Planning Matters
Applications to the Strathdearn Community Charitable Trust
The first Application was from Scotlands Charity Air Ambulance, and Mr Usborne
reported that he had written back to them to let them know that the Charitable
Trust money is strictly for use within our postcode area. It was however agreed
that in the future, the Trust may decide to give a contribution of funds if we need
to use this service.
The second Application was from Ewen Ross. This was to enable Ewen to attend
a clay pigeon shooting summer camp in Italy. The costs are £956 for the camp
and £210 for the flight. If Ewen continued to make good progress there was a
possibility of him being trained for the Olympic squad once he reached 16 in a
year’s time. A member of the public asked where he shoots at the moment, and
he said Glenmoriston was the closest place. A member of the public asked if any
fundraising has been done, and Ewen replied no. Mr Usborne suggested that
sponsorship may be useful. It was noted that Ewen has his own gun. Mr
Usborne suggested that the Trust give Ewen £1000, and this was proposed by
Mrs Saunders, and seconded by Mrs Roden. The cheque should be sent on to
Mairi Ross. Ewen was wished good luck. Ewen has agreed to do an article for
the Newsletter.
Community Litter Pick
The school has organized this to take place on Saturday 17th May.
Opening of The Strathdearn Primary School Climbing Boulder and a
Beetle Drive
The Boulder Wall will be opened on the 23rd May, and will be followed by a Beetle
Drive afterwards. Funds raised will be for Geography and Science Resources. All
welcome to attend.
Cold Call Control Zone Project
Mrs Roden read out an email that she had received from James Proctor regarding
rogue door calling. Mr Usborne said that as a Community we are good at getting
the word around if anything is out of the ordinary. Cllr Gowans said Trading
Standards would be happy to come and give a presentation if anyone would like
them to. Mrs Barley suggested this might be useful to have at one of the coffee
mornings, as they would probably be the target audience. Mrs Barley agreed to
ask at the coffee morning if they would like a presentation.
Mrs Roden received an email from Richard Crawford regarding the IACCF Meeting
on the 20th May, and will pass the information on to Mr Gerlings as our CC Rep.
An email from Colin Robertson from Australia had been received, regarding the
possibility of devising a walk along the Findhorn from Coignafearn to Findhorn.
Mrs Saunders asked if anyone in the walking club might be interested in seeing
it, and it was agreed that this be sent on to Kathy Bonniface.
A card from Georgie Bell and Murray Manson had been received, thanking the
Trust for the money recently received.
Magazine from Scottish Natural Heritage.
Any Other Competent Business
The Hall AGM is on tomorrow night, and Mrs Roden agreed to go as CC Rep.
A member of the public asked if there are any plans to get more dog waste bins.
Mr Usborne said that we have been through this before, and Cllr Caddick said
that it is okay to put any waste in the normal green wheelie bins.
Meeting closed 9.05pm
Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 10th June 2014
at 7.30pm in the Strathdearn Hall