Newsletter Issue 2 Summer 2015 We are delighted to welcome you to the second edition of the Beacon Teaching Alliance newsletter of Summer Term 2015. We hope to keep you updated on all Beacon Teaching School activities and share with you our plans for the next academic year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all partnership schools for their support since our launch in September 2014. Your support is greatly appreciated and benefits staff and students in all our schools. We look forward to continuing to work with you in 2015-16. Continuing Professional and Development and Leadership Training Update We deliver a range of school-based CPD opportunities in response to the needs of the Alliance. There have been opportunities for staff development at all levels. Key areas of training include developing leadership potential, sharing good practice events and bespoke training. Examples of some of our activities include: “An excellent course, really helpful, lots of practical advice Aspiring Middle Leaders Programmes and tips.” French Language Upskilling National Professional Qualification for Middle Leaders ‘Dealing with Difficult People’ workshop ‘Twitter Twilight’ focusing on the use of social media websites and Google apps in the classroom ‘Talking Voices’ vocal training ‘Innovate My School’ speed dating event for School Leaders We facilitate a number of Curriculum Support Groups in History, Geography, MFL and Design and Technology. We have been delighted with the feedback and evaluations from colleagues, who find the experience of sharing good practice extremely positive and a valuable use of their time. We are adding English, Maths and Science groups to our programme this term. Leadership development courses are ongoing. Beacon Teaching School works alongside a number of other providers including L4NE, Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle and Carmel Teaching Alliance, to offer middle and senior leadership training. Recruitment for National Professional Qualification for Senior Leaders has begun with a cohort commencing in September 2015 in conjunction with St Bede’s Teaching School in Lanchester and L4NE. Please see the Beacon website for further information or contact for all information regarding upcoming CPD/Leadership activities. “A great time to get together with other teachers and share ideas and resources” Initial Teacher Training Beacon Teaching School Alliance works in partnership with Carmel Teaching School Alliance to offer a number of School Direct places for initial teacher training. In 2014-15 we have trained five students in Design and Technology, RE, English, History, and Music. Three students completed their second placement with us in MFL, Music and History. All trainees were graded as outstanding in their final assessment. We also offer work experience and a series of open days to individuals who are considering teaching as a career. These events offer the chance to observe some teaching and include discussions around the various routes into teaching, including PGCE and School Direct. Six School Direct trainees will be joining us in September 2015. We also welcomed a total of 17 students from the Universities of Durham and Sunderland PGCE courses for both the preliminary and main practices in a wide range of subjects. All are expected to be graded at least good, with many expected to be outstanding by the end of the course. An OFSTED inspector for the Sunderland PGCE course visited St. Anthony’s in May. He observed lessons and met with the trainees and subject mentors. He was very positive about the experience that trainees received at our Academy, stating that their needs were met very well and he agreed with all of our judgements. A School Direct school based training programme was delivered for the first time this year by St. Anthony’s staff. Training sessions ran every Thursday over 20 weeks, covering themes such as active teaching and learning strategies; behaviour management; safeguarding, SEND etc. The training team includes members of the Senior Leadership team, Specialist Leaders of Education, the Teaching School team, the SEN Coordinator etc. School Direct trainees from other schools have attended some training sessions e.g. from Framwellgate School Durham, St. John’s School in Bishop Auckland and English Martyrs School in Hartlepool . The training sessions have been very successful and consistently graded as outstanding in trainee evaluations. For more information on teacher training programmes please see the Beacon website or contact Research and Development An important aspect of the work of the Teaching School this year has been to undertake research and development as part of our vision to transform teaching into a research based profession. Dr Gillian Emery has led staff across the Alliance in Practitioner Enquiry, looking at the ‘what, why and how’ in everything we do in the classroom, ensuring practice is rooted in evidence. We have established a Masters Programme in Teaching and Learning in conjunction with Sunderland University, delivered an Action Research programme with Catholic Partnership schools and have undertaken in-house work with Kepier School and Harton Technology College to lead practitioner enquiry training sessions. We have also worked with a number of schools on externally funded research projects: Evidence Based Teaching (in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University). This is a two year project focusing on ‘Lesson Study’. The project involves working with Carmel College and St Bede’s Catholic School and Sixth Form. Research Rich Schools, a project involving collaboration with 14 other Teaching Schools. This has led to the development of a website that provides resources and case studies to support the development of R&D in other Teaching Schools. Closing the Gap: Test and Learn 11 schools recruited and key staff in each school have received training in one of the interventions being trialled (Growth Mindsets, RTI-Literacy, Numicon, or 1st Class for Number). Evaluation is ongoing but early feedback is very promising. We look forward to working with other schools in the coming academic year on R & D across the region, for further information please see the Beacon website or contact Specialist Leaders of Education and School to School Support We have a strong team of 13 Senior and Middle leaders who can offer support across the region in a whole range of specialisms: Member of Staff Specialism(s) Mrs Monica Shepherd (Head Teacher) National Leader of Education Mrs Ruth Abbs Behaviour and discipline, Attendance Mrs Julia Adamson English, Closing the gap, Assessment, Leadership of curriculum Mrs Amy Roddam Physical Education Miss Kate Brown Design and Technology, ITT Mrs Frances Collins Behaviour and discipline, Attendance, MFL Mrs Elena Diaz-Frances (St. Aidan’s) MFL Mrs Laura Dudley Music Dr Gillian Emery Science Mr Steve Jordan Design and Technology, Assessment, ITT Mrs Sarah Marshall MFL, Behaviour and discipline, ITT Mrs Sam Ward MFL, ITT Miss Jude Wallis History All of our SLEs have an extremely successful track record of working effectively within their departments in school, have outstanding subject knowledge within their specialism, and are committed to innovation in their working practices. They could be deployed to coach other leaders, for example they may observe lessons, complete data analysis, identify priorities, jointly create action plans etc. We are hoping to recruit SLEs in Maths, Science and Geography within and beyond our Alliance. For more information on schoolto-school support or if you wish to know more about becoming an SLE please contact Contact details: Beacon Teaching Alliance Thornhill Terrace Sunderland SR2 7JN Telephone: 0191 5537700 e-mail: KEY PERSONNEL Mrs Monica Shepherd Director of Teaching School Mrs Maria Burns Deputy Head Mr Michael McDonagh Deputy Head Mr Michael Flores Consultant Mrs Marie Lanaghan Assistant Head Teacher – Partnership and CPD Mrs Samantha Ward Teacher Training Ms Judith Wallis Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator Dr Gillian Emery Research and Development Co-ordinator Ms Kate Brown School to School support Co-ordinator and SLE Recruitment Co-ordinator Mrs Julia Adamson Marketing Co-ordinator Mrs Joan Donaldson Administrator