GWENFRO COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL SCHOOL PROSPECTUS Dear Parents/Carers, This prospectus will, hopefully, give you all the information you need to help you choose a Primary School for your child – a very important decision to make. At Gwenfro Community Primary School, our aim is to offer each pupil, regardless of age, gender, race or ability a friendly, caring, stable environment. Our staff strive to offer pupils the best education, treating all as individuals, offering encouragement to do their very best. Raising standards is a key priority with emphasis on teaching the basic skills of literacy, numeracy and information technology. Hopefully, the information you will read in this booklet will help you appreciate the varied, stimulating and inclusive curriculum that we provide at Gwenfro Community Primary School. Yours sincerely, J. Ashford Headteacher. 1 Our Vision Effective teaching and quality learning experiences in a happy and secure environment. Our Mission Statement At Gwenfro Community Primary School we aim to provide a happy, safe, caring, inclusive learning environment which our pupils will enjoy being part of and, as a result, will learn and thrive. Our School Prayer Dear Father God, please listen to our prayer We praise you for your goodness We thank you for your care We ask you to be with us At school – in all we do And help us to be sorry when we don’t please you. General Aims To establish a safe, happy, orderly atmosphere where pupils are eager to learn. To promote high quality education whereby each child develops to their full potential. To foster friendly, open relationships with parents so that both teachers and parents can work together for the benefit of the children. 2 Our School School Details: Gwenfro Community Primary School Queensway Wrexham LL13 8UW 01978 340380 Fax: 01978 340381 email: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Ashford (B. Ed) Chair of Governing Body: Sgt. D. Jacks Type of School: Community Primary School Gwenfro Community Primary School opened in September 2007 following the amalgamation of Gwenfro Infant and Junior schools. It caters for pupils of 3 – 11 years of age. Currently, there are 256 full time and 38 Nursery pupils We have a part time Nursery, 13 full time classes including 2 Special Needs Units (1 at Foundation Phase and 1 at KS2). The school building is spacious and light, surrounded by grass and trees. Most of our pupils live within walking distance of the school so we feel we are part of a close and supportive community. Our classrooms are large and airy and our school features include: Two school Halls – equipped for PE/Movement/Music/Drama – they are also used daily for assemblies and dinners Two libraries (one at KS1 and one at KS2) Interactive Whiteboards in every classroom or area A free breakfast club (from 8.00 am) Two separate playgrounds and two large playing fields 3 Our school is maintained by Wrexham County Borough Council. Chief Learning & Achievement Officer: Mr. John Davies PrimaryAdviser and Link Officer: Mrs. Sue Edgar Children & Young People Service 1st Floor, Lambpit Street. WREXHAM Telephone: 01978 297505 The Governing Body We have a very supportive Governing Body. They make decision about how the school is run and provide support for the Headteacher and Staff. They meet at least once a term and have legal duties, powers and responsibility. The following people form the Governing Body of this school: Name Designation Responsibility Sgt. D. Jacks Councillor M. Jones Mrs H. Jones Mrs. M. Barker Mrs. J. Harding Mrs. J. Stanhope Ms. E. Hughes Mr. P. Hampson Councillor D. Mitchell Councillor N. Hughes Mr. T. Thomas Chair, Co-opted LEA Teacher Governor Staff Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Community Council Governor Co-opted Governor Co-opted Governor 4 English/IT & PE Welsh & Foundation Phase SEN Science/ Geog/History PSHE / RE PSHE/RE/Foundation Phase Art / DT / Music Maths ECO PE Science/Geog/History/SEN School Staff Headteacher: Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. J. Ashford Mrs. K. Owen-Jones (KS2 teacher) Early Years/FP: Mrs H. Kind Joint Senior Teacher FP Mrs. D. Hughes – Senior Teacher Mrs. D. Murray Mrs. K. Young – Joint Senior Teacher FP/ Foundation Phase Manager Special Needs Unit: Mrs. E. Venables Mrs J. Fletcher Mrs. A. Lloyd Miss H. Barratt Miss A. Jones Mrs H. Jones Teaching Assistants: Mrs. C. Staples Mrs. S. Webb Mrs. S. Jones Mrs. A. Bird Mrs. D. Richardson Mrs. L. Gough Mrs. M. Barker Miss S. Dolan Miss D. Hughes Miss E. Tudor Miss S. Poynton KS2: Mrs. L. Ingman Mr. E. Johns Miss S. Evans Mrs. N. Mulley-Jones Mrs. S. Jones Mrs. M. Roberts Miss N. Jones Special Needs Unit: 5 Teaching Assistants: Mrs. G. Martin Mrs. J. Evans Mrs. A. Barber Mrs. B. Brown Miss A. Jones Administrator: Admin Assistant Mrs. S. Evans Mrs. T. Kocker School Caretaker: Mr. D. Griffiths School Cook: Mrs. N. Thomas MDSA: Mrs. A. Farrant (Lunchtime Co-ord) Mrs. R. Bromley } Mrs. S. Parry } FP Mrs. J. Stanhope} Mrs. K. Thomas } Mrs. G. Martin Ms. E. Hughes Miss E. Rogers Mr. M. Jones School Cleaners: Mrs. J. Jones Mrs. K. Thomas Mrs. S. Parry Mrs. D. Allibone School Nurse: Helen Price Education Social Worker: Mr. John Grant 6 } } } } KS2 School Organisation Early Years: pupils aged: 3 – 4 will be in Nursery } taught together in an 4 –5 will be in Reception } Early Years Unit FP: pupils aged: KS2: pupils aged: 5 – 6 Year 1 6 – 7 Year 2 7–8 8–9 9 – 10 10 – 11 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Admissions Policy and Procedure In accordance with LEA Policy, children are admitted to the school Nursery class in the September following their 3rd birthday. They begin full time education in the September following their 4th birthday. If your child is transferring from another school, you are required to make contact with the Admission Section of the LEA for confirmation of entry into this school. The information given on the Parental Information Sheet is kept on the school computer. No details are disclosed to any outside agency. Should you change address, telephone number or circumstances during the school year, please advise the school immediately. School Security We endeavour to ensure the safety of both pupils and staff at Gwenfro Community Primary School. The main entrance is in the EY/FP dept. The entrance door is locked and visitors need to ring the bell in the entrance porch; Both playgrounds are well supervised at play times; The school benefits from external lighting, a CCTV system and intruder alarm; We teach pupils to keep themselves safe – both in and out of school. 7 Discipline We encourage good standards of behaviour at all times. We encourage positive behaviour and regularly give out stickers and certificates. At Gwenfro Community Primary School, discipline is firm and fair. Undesirable and unacceptable behaviour needs to be corrected and we ask for your support when this is necessary. We always encourage self-discipline and self esteem. School Rules We have a set of rules to foster a positive and pleasant learning environment. We call these our Golden Rules: FP/KS2 We listen….we don’t interrupt We work hard……we don’t waste time We look after property…..we don’t damage things We are gentle……we don’t hurt others We are honest…..we don’t cover up the truth We are kind and helpful……we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings KS2 We are honest; we don’t cover up the truth We listen We are gentle We always try our best We work hard We look after property School Day School Times Nursery (Monday to Friday) EY Nursery Morning 9.00 – 11.30 Rec Morning 9.00 – 11.5 KS1 Morning 9.00 – 12.00 KS2 Morning 9.00 – 12.15 9.00 - 11.30 am Afternoon 12.30 – 3.00 Afternoon 12.45– 3.00 Afternoon 12.55 – 3.00 Afternoon 1.00 – 3.05 The bell will be rung at 9.00 and your child will be met by the class teacher and the class will be led into school. 8 Please ensure that the children are punctual. (It is a statutory requirement that pupils arrive at school on time and regularly). We are legally responsible for your children 10 minutes before the school day i.e. 8.50 am. Children should not arrive on school premises before this time, unless they are in your care. If, for any reason, you need to leave your child before 8.50 am – please let us know, we will always do our best to accommodate your request. Once pupils are inside the building, the side doors will be locked (FP) and the main entrance and sides doors – KS2; the only means of access is through the main entrance. Teachers will always be willing to talk to you between 8.45 – 9.00 am or after 3.00 pm. At EY/FP, our pupils will not be allowed to go home with an adult other than a parent unless we are aware that you want another adult to collect them – please inform the school. We ask you not to bring dogs onto the yard for obvious Health & Safety reasons. Cars are not allowed on the school premises, again for Health and Safety reasons, except in an emergency – e.g. if your child is ill and you need to collect them. School Meals Children can have a school meal, bring sandwiches or go home, but they must be collected by a parent at FP and have written parents consent at KS2. The present cost for school meals is £10.00 per week (£2.00 per day) at FP and £10.25 per week (£2.05 per day) at KS2. Money should be paid on a Monday morning for the week (or the first day in school). We ask that you put the money clearly labelled in an envelope with the child’s name and class plus the correct amount. If you are entitled to free school meals, a Free School Meals form is available from school. It is your responsibility to ensure that the entitlement is valid and return the form to: Wrexham Contact, 16 Lord Street, Wrexham. 9 Snacks EY / FP At 10.30 am, we offer the pupil’s milk and a healthy snack. Milk is provided free, but we ask for £1.00 per week, to contribute towards the snack. If your child has an allergy to milk or certain foods, please let us know. KS2 We encourage healthy snacks. You may, if you wish, provide this for your child to eat at playtime. *Water is readily available to all pupils throughout the day from water coolers* Pastoral Information Attendance/Absences We believe that it is important for children to be punctual and regular attendees. If your child is absent from school, please inform the school immediately. A letter is appreciated on return. If we do not hear from you after 3 days, we will send a letter. If you do not respond, we will refer to the Education Social Worker to visit you to find out the reason for the absence. Persistent lateness is also referred to the Education Social Worker. If you wish to take your child on holiday, please ask for a holiday form. We do not encourage holidays during term time and are only able to authorise 10 school days for holidays taken during term time. Change of Address Please inform the school immediately of any change of address and we also need at least 2 telephone numbers for emergencies. Child Protection Gwenfro Community Primary School has a duty to share any concerns about the well being of pupils to the Social Services department or Education Social Worker. Guidance states: The All Wales Child Protection Procedures make it clear that schools and colleges have an important role to play in the protection of children against abuse. This is confirmed by the Education Department’s local protocol and procedures, in conjunction with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board, which set the necessary action to be carried out by staff. 10 Gwenfro Community Primary School therefore has a duty to refer any concerns about the well-being of pupils to the Social Services Department for further advice. School Health The school Health team are regular visitors to school. They screen year groups annually for sight and hearing tests. Your child will be periodically given a medical. All medicals are strictly confidential and your child will not be examined by the school doctor without your consent. Head lice is a problem in all schools. If you discover your child has head lice, please treat immediately. If we find there is a pupil in your child’s class with head lice, we will inform all parents of the class. If a member of staff discovers your child has head lice, we will contact you and ask you to treat before your child returns to school. Medication If your child suffers with asthma, please see class teachers with regard to inhalers. We do not generally administer medication in school; however, you as a parent may come into school to administer medication. Health Education The subject is dealt with informally as part of curriculum studies, such as R.E. and Science. The school nurse often comes in to discuss healthy eating. We do expect personal cleanliness at all times. We encourage pupils to keep clean and to take pride in their appearance. Homework We encourage you to help your child at home. Children will bring homework on a regular basis. Please take care with school property e.g. reading books, and return to school safely. We sell homework bags which are a good way of transporting homework. School Trips We like to take the children out of school as part of their learning. We may sometimes need to ask for a voluntary contribution to part fund an activity. As a parent, you must complete a consent form with regard to the trip. 11 School Uniform Wearing a school uniform helps pupils to realise that they belong to the school community. At Gwenfro Community Primary school we encourage pupils from Nursery to Year 6 to wear uniform whenever possible and we have a uniform which consists of: Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan. (If you wish to purchase these with the school logo, they are available from RAM Leisure on Whitegate Estate) White polo shirt or white blouse Black / grey trousers or skirt Blue and white gingham dress (Summer uniform for girls) *We ask that sensible school shoes/trainers are worn. Fashion shoes (slip ons / high heels) are discouraged for health and safety reasons. We also encourage girls with long hair to wear it tied back. PE Kit (to be left in school until school holidays) consisting of shorts / plain T shirt / plimsolls or trainers. *All items of clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please note that make up, nail varnish, dyed or shaven heads, jewellery and piercings are considered inappropriate. The School Curriculum Nursery and Reception pupils follow the Foundation Phase Curriculum The areas of learning are: Personal & Social Development and well being Language, Literacy and Communication Mathematical Development Bilingualism and Multicultural understanding Knowledge and Understanding Creative Development Physical Development 12 Foundation Phase/KS2 pupils follow the National Curriculum which is made up of core and foundation subjects. Core Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science Foundation: Welsh, History, Geography, Technology, IT, Art, PE, Music RE must also be taught and a daily act of collective worship must take place. Additional Learning Needs (Special Educational Needs) Our school has a Resource Provision at both Key stages; these units have pupils with differing special needs. These pupils integrate into our mainstream classes each afternoon to enable and encourage them to reach their full potential. At Key stage 2, Resource Provision pupils integrate for 3 afternoons a week. Main School - any pupil who is experiencing a learning difficulty will, in the first instance, receive special attention from the class teacher and their needs identified and a programme of work compiled (IEP). You, as parents, will be kept fully informed. Collective Worship A daily act of worship will take place in accordance with Government regulations and is broadly Christian in content. This may take the form of class or prayers or whole school assemblies. Friday is a special assembly – it is a time when we celebrate pupils achievements. Parents and friends are also invited to Class Assemblies. (If you do not wish your child to take part in Collective Worship, you must request this in writing, stating your reasons, which will be considered sympathetically). Sex Education Sex Education is taught through Personal & Social Education and the Science curriculum and questions are answered informally as they arise. The School Nurse visits to discuss issues such as growing up and speaks to boys and girls. The Nurse talks to Year 6 pupils in the final term and parents are informed of these talks as permission is sought. 13 Equal Opportunities We will ensure that all pupils are treated fairly regardless of gender, race or cultural background and we are committed to offering experiences and opportunities to allow all pupils to develop to their full potential. Assessment Assessment is seen as an everyday, integral part of teaching and learning. A Baseline Assessment will be made on entry to the Reception Year. At the end of Year 2 and Year 6, pupils will be assessed in English, Maths and Science (and Welsh at KS2) in line with the government requirements. Reporting to Parents You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher formally, 3 times a year. Early in the Autumn term each class will have a MEET THE TEACHER SESSION, when the class teachers will introduce themselves and explain what your child will be learning during the school year. In the Spring, there will be an opportunity for you to have a consultation with the class teacher and see children’s work. In the Summer term, you will be invited to discuss your child’s end of year report. Home/School Links We pride ourselves on having good relationships with our Parents. Parents are welcome in school to discuss the progress of their children or to discuss concerns at any time. Parents are welcome to help in school providing they have had a satisfactory CRB check. We have a Home/School Agreement which sets out what the school is committed to and how, as Parents, you can support us. We encourage Parents to sign it on their child’s entry to school. Bullying Bullying of any sort is not tolerated in our school. In alleged incidents of bullying, parents should initially contact the class teacher or Headteacher who will then follow set procedures and the incident will be investigated fully. 14 Complaints At our school, the complaints procedure follows five stages: Stage 1 – The Informal Stage – Class teacher / Headteacher Stage 2 – Headteacher Investigation Stage 3 – Review by Governing Body Stage 4 – Review by LEA Stage 5 – Review by WAG We would, however, hope that as we have an “open door” policy, any issues could be dealt with before these stages became necessary. Any complaints will be dealt with as soon as possible and in confidence. Parents Notice Board This is situated in the window area near the front entrance and contains information and posters plus a copy of the latest newsletter. Parent Governors These Governors represent you on the School Governing Body. Any concerns or comments you have about the school may be discussed with these representatives and if necessary, any issues will be taken to the next Governors meeting which are held termly. Finally If you choose our school for your child, your can be sure that the staff at Gwenfro Community Primary School will offer the best possible start to your child’s education. Thank you. Mrs. J. Ashford Headteacher. 15 School Dates 2012 - 13 School Opens School Closes Autumn Term Tues 4th September Monday 5th November Friday 26th October Friday 21st December Monday 3rd September Friday 16th November Training Days (school closed):- Spring Term Friday 8th February Friday 22nd March Tuesday 8th January Monday 18th February Training Days (school closed):- Monday 7th January Summer Term Monday 8th April Monday 3rd June Friday 24th May Friday 19th July May Day (school closed):- Monday 6th May Training Days (school closed):- Monday 16th April Friday 28th June Monday 22nd July 16