Trust Policy and Guideline for Pre-Operative Investigations Version 5 Name of responsible (ratifying) committee Anaesthetic Department Governance Group Date ratified 25th June 2014 Document Manager (job title) Dr Frances King, Consultant Anaesthetist Date issued 24th October 2014 Review date 23rd October 2016 Electronic location Clinical Policies Related Procedural Documents Key Words (to aid with searching) Preoperative investigations, preoperative tests Version Tracking Version Date Ratified 1 2004/5 2 2007 3-5 2009, 2012 2014 Brief Summary of Changes Author Portsmouth Anaesthetic Department Guideline updated in response to NICE guideline CG3 - Preoperative tests: The use of routine preoperative tests for elective surgery. Published 2003 F. King Amended details regarding Sickle testing and cervical spine x-rays. F. King No significant amendments. Awaiting outcome of updating National NICE guideline – Guideline Development Group – set up April 2014. F. King Preoperative Investigations : Issue Number 5, Issue Date 24/10/2014 (Review Date: 23/10/2016) Page 1 of 5 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Purpose 3. Scope 4. Definitions 5. Duties and responsibilities 6. Process 7. Training requirements 8. References and Associated Documentation 9. Equality Impact Assessments 10. Monitoring Compliance with Procedural Documents 11. Appendices 1. INTRODUCTION This guidance has been developed to assist in the implementation of NICE Guidelines with regard to a rational approach to preoperative investigations. Following the publication of NICE guideline CG3 - ‘Preoperative tests: The use of routine preoperative tests for elective surgery’ in 2003, existing Portsmouth Anaesthetic Department guidance for preoperative blood tests, xrays and ECGs (electrocardiograms) was updated in line with the new recommendations. The original NICE guidance was assessed by the preoperative teams and found difficult to use in practice, as it consists of a number of different tables and for many tests the advice to ‘consider’ rather than yes/no was difficult to put into practice. A single table to set out basic tests to be recommended in elective patients was produced. 2. PURPOSE The Policy is aimed at introducing a rational and evidence based approach to preoperative investigations. 3. SCOPE The guidance refers to all patients over the age of 16 years, being prepared for elective surgery in all surgical specialties within the Trust. Patients having minor procedures under local anaesthetic are excluded from the requirements of this policy. ‘In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognises that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such circumstances, staff should take advice from their manager and all possible action must be taken to maintain ongoing patient and staff safety’ . 4. DEFINITIONS Preoperative investigations: Tests that are performed prior to surgery to assist in the assessment of fitness for surgery. e.g blood tests, electrocardiograms, X-rays and lung function tests. Preoperative Investigations : Issue Number 5, Issue Date 24/10/2014 23/10/2016) (Review Date: 5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES All professionals (medical or nursing) practicing preoperative assessments have a responsibility to refer to these guidelines when organising preoperative investigations for patients being prepared for elective surgery. 6. PROCESS See Appendix 1. 7. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS This will form part of the induction for all new clinical staff in working in preoperative assessment, surgical specialties and anaesthetics. Preoperative assessment clinic staff and their line managers are responsible for training for use of this policy. 8. REFERENCES AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION References: 1. NCCAC. Preoperative Tests, The Use of Routine Preoperative Tests for Elective Surgery Evidence, Methods and Guidance. London: NICE, 2003 2. Carlisle J, Langham J, Thoms G. Guidelines for routine preoperative testing. Editorial, British Journal of Anaesthesia 2004; 93: 495-97. 3. Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J. Routine preoperative testing: a systematic review of the evidence. Health Technology Assessment 1997; 11: number 12. 4. Garcia-Miguel F J, Serrano-Aguilar P G, Lopez-Bastida J, Preoperative Assessment. The Lancet 2003; 362: 1749-57. 5. American Society of Anaesthesiologists Task force on Preanaesthetic Evaluation. Practice advisory for preanaesthesia evaluation: a report by the American Society of Anaesthesiologists Task Force on Preanaesthesia Evaluation. Anaesthesiology 2002; 96: 485-96. 9. EQUALITY IMPACT STATEMENT (Appendix N) Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that, as far as is reasonably practicable, the way we provide services to the public and the way we treat our staff reflects their individual needs and does not discriminate against individuals or groups on any grounds. This policy has been assessed accordingly All policies must include this standard equality impact statement. However, when sending for ratification and publication, this must be accompanied by the full equality screening assessment tool. The assessment tool can be found on the Trust Intranet -> Policies -> Policy Documentation Preoperative Investigations : Issue Number 5, Issue Date 24/10/2014 23/10/2016) (Review Date: Appendix 1 – see enclosed: Surgery Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Age ECG FBC U&Es Grade of surgery: examples 16-59 No No No 1 - Minor Surgery: Excision skin lesion / >60 YES No No breast lump, drainage abscess, cystoscopy. 16-59 No No No 2 - Intermediate Surgery: Hernia >60 YES No No repairs, excision varicose veins, tonsillectomy, arthroscopy. 16-59 No YES >60 YES YES YES hysterectomy, TURP, thyroidectomy, lumbar discectomy. 16-59 No YES YES 4 – Major+ Surgery: Total joint >60 YES YES YES replacement, bowel resection, oesophagectomy, radical neck dissection. 3 – Major Surgery: Abdominal The above table forms the minimum preoperative investigations to be carried out in all adults, including healthy patients (ASA 1). Clotting studies, random glucose, urinalysis and CXR are not indicated routinely. Tests need not be repeated where there is a NORMAL test result available, (and there have not been any changes to medications or new health problems) within 12 months of the date of surgery. PREOPERATIVE INVESTIGATIONS - based on Intercurrent Disease In addition to the above, preoperative tests are recommended in patients with co-morbidities as listed below - ALL ages, for ALL grades of surgery. Cardiovascular Disease e.g. hypertension or angina. Diuretic therapy. Respiratory Disease ASA 3/4 - i.e. significantly limiting activity Renal Disease Diabetes Liver Disease / bleeding disorders/ anticoagulant therapy Anaemia / symptoms of/ myelosuppression/ malignancy Lithium therapy Rheumatoid Arthritis Sickle Cell Disease susceptibility (African/ Afro-Caribbean origin or positive family history) Pregnancy possible ECG, U&Es, FBC CXR if new symptoms Consider FEV1/FVC Consider blood gas on air for Grade 3-4 surgery. ECG, U&Es, FBC ECG, U&Es, glucose, HBA1C LFTs, U&Es, FBC, Clotting studies FBC Lithium levels, U&Es Cervical spine x-ray – flexion/extension views.** Sickle test Pregnancy test ** Where C.spine X-ray, flexn/ extn views are required, write ‘Report Please’ on X-ray form and indicate urgency. ASA Score (American Society of Anaesthesiologists ‘Fitness’ Score) ASA 1 ASA 2 ASA 3 ASA 4 Normal healthy patient Patient with mild systemic disease e.g. Controlled angina, hypertension or asthma where activity is not limited. Patient with severe systemic disease e.g. Unstable angina, hypertension requiring multiple therapies, poorly controlled diabetic with complications, respiratory disease that limits activity. Patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life. (NICE recommendations 2003 / Portsmouth Anaesthetic Department 2014) Preoperative Investigations : Issue Number 5, Issue Date 24/10/2014 23/10/2016) (Review Date: MONITORING COMPLIANCE WITH PROCEDURAL DOCUMENTS Minimum requirement to be monitored Lead Tool Frequency of Report of Compliance Annual sample audit of preoperative investigations in one or more surgical specialties. Lead nurse for preoperative assessment. Lead anaesthetist for preoperative assessment. Audit – normally case note review Annual Reporting arrangements Policy audit report to: Anaesthetics Preoperative assessment nurses Relevant surgical specialty. Lead(s) for acting on Recommendations Mrs Tanya Mapp Dr Shirley Lobo Dr Frances King This document will be monitored to ensure it is effective and to assurance compliance. The effectiveness in practice of all procedural documents should be routinely monitored (audited) to ensure the document objectives are being achieved. The process for how the monitoring will be performed should be included in the procedural document, using the template above. The details of the monitoring to be considered include: The aspects of the procedural document to be monitored: identify standards or key performance indicators (KPIs); The lead for ensuring the audit is undertaken The tool to be used for monitoring e.g. spot checks, observation audit, data collection; Frequency of the monitoring e.g. quarterly, annually; The reporting arrangements i.e. the committee or group who will be responsible for receiving the results and taking action as required. In most circumstances this will be the committee which ratified the document. The template for the policy audit report can be found on the Trust Intranet Trust Intranet -> Policies -> Policy Documentation The lead(s) for acting on any recommendations necessary. Preoperative Investigations : Issue Number 5, Issue Date 24/10/2014 (Review Date: 23/10/2016)