MS: 2095915187305953 Title: Deterioration of pre-existing hemiparesis due to injury of the ipsilateral anterior corticospinal tract Reviewer's report 1 This case report describes deterioration of muscle weakness possibly caused by an ischemic injury to uncrossed corticospinal tract (CST) at the pons. The authors attempt to show the injury to the uncrossed CST by diffusion tensor tractography. I think this case report is of interest, but some fallacies need to be fixed before acceptance for publication. Major compulsory revision: Point 1) I was wondering if the tractgram of the CST in the figure could be trustworthy, because no pyramidal decussation was seemingly demonstrated. I guess the authors are going too far with not-so-convincing tractography results. I think this report would be more reliable if the authors could show regions of interest that they actually employed and rewrite the interpretation of the tractography results in a more careful manner. Answer: When we reconstruct the CST using DTT, we can not often observe the pyramidal decussation of CST, but very rarely we can observe the pyramidal decussation of CST. That seems to be related to the high angle of the pyramidal decussation of CST. So, we think there was no error in our DTT results for the CST. We tried to reconstruct the whole and anterior CST using giving regions of interest (ROIs) on the pons and upper medulla (anterior blue color) and an additional ROI on the anterior funiculus of the upper cervical cord. So, as your comments, we added the ROIs in the figure 1 and revised tractography results and figure legends as follows. Diffusion Tensor Tractography The DTTs for whole CSTs of the right hemisphere in the patient and both hemispheres in the control subjects originated from the primary sensori-motor cortex and descended through the medullary pyramid along the known CST pathway. By contrast, the DTT for left whole CST of the patient showed a Wallerian degeneration to the left pons with discontinuation. Figure Legends Fig. 1. A) Brain MRI showing an old infarct in the left middle cerebral artery territory and a new infarct in the right pontine basis (arrow). B) Regions of interest for the whole and anterior corticospinal tract (CST)(yellow-lined circle) and results of diffusion tensor tractography. The whole CST and the anterior CST were constructed in the patient and a normal control subject (yellow: right whole CST, red: left whole CST, green: right anterior CST, blue: left anterior CST). Minor essential revision: Point 2) In 6th line of the first paragraph of the discussion, “an infarct in the right MCA territory” should be “left” instead of "right." Answer: We are sorry for our mistake and corrected as follows Discussion In the current study, we evaluated the whole and anterior CSTs in a quadriparetic patient with a new right pontine infarct and an old left MCA infarct. According to our results, it appeared that the deterioration of the pre-existing right hemiparesis was ascribed to the injury of the right anterior CST following the new right pontine infarct, for the following reasons. First, the patient had been diagnosed with an infarct in the right MCA territory 7 years ago, involving whole CST in the left corona radiata [18]. Discretionary revision: Point 3) As is written above, the authors should show regions of interest they actually employed in the figure. Answer: we added the ROIs in the figure 1 and revised figure legends as follows. Figure Legends Fig. 1. A) Brain MRI showing an old infarct in the left middle cerebral artery territory and a new infarct in the right pontine basis (arrow). B) Regions of interest for the whole and anterior corticospinal tract (CST)(yellow-lined circle) and results of diffusion tensor tractography. The whole CST and the anterior CST were constructed in the patient and a normal control subject (yellow: right whole CST, red: left whole CST, green: right anterior CST, blue: left anterior CST). Reviewer's report 2 In this case report, the authors describe a patient with a pre-existing stroke in the left internal carotid artery distribution and consequent right-sided hemiparesis who suffers a second ischemic stroke, this time in the right ventral paramedian pons. The pontine stroke is relatively small and causes mild to moderate left-sided hemiparesis, but in addition, the chronic right-sided hemiparesis worsens to the point that all voluntary movement is abolished on the right side. The authors propose that the right-sided anterior corticospinal tract (CST) had taken over motor control of the right side of the body, and that lesion of this tract is responsible for the deterioration of motor function on the right side. They show diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) images that indeed illustrate that the right anterior CST is interrupted at the level of the pontine stroke. This article is well written and beautifully illustrates the large-scale reorganization of cerebral function that takes place after a brain insult. This reorganization is responsible for the alterations to the usual clinical-anatomical correlations (here, a right-sided injury aggravates right-sided hemiparesis). The authors are appropriately cautious in generalizing from their observation on a single case. This case will be of interest to a broad readership including general neurologists, students and residents in neurology, stroke neurologists, and rehabilitation medicine specialists. 1) Minor revisions Point 1) I think that the authors should describe how spasticity evolved on the right side after the right pontine stroke. Presumably the patient was spastic on the right side and had a rightsided extensor cutaneous plantar response from his previous left hemispheric stroke. It would be interesting to know whether spasticity, hyperreflexia and the extensor cutaneous plantar response were still present or whether they were abolished by the pontine stroke. This would contribute to our understanding of the pathophysiology of spasticity (or the pyramidal syndrome) and its anatomical pathways. Answer: We are so sorry that we do not have detailed data on the spasticity at present, especially the data for spasticity before the onset of right pontine infarct. So, unfortunately, we are obliged to turn down the description about the change of spasticity. 2) Discretionary revisions Point 2) In the first paragraph of the Introduction section, I suggest removing the “On the other hand” that starts the last sentence of the paragraph. Answer: We removed it and revised as follows. Introduction The corticospinal tract (CST) is the major neuronal pathway that mediates voluntary movements in the human brain [1,2]. The CST is generally divided into the crossed lateral CST and the uncrossed anterior CST. The anterior CST primarily innervates the musculature of the trunk and proximal extremities [1,2]. The anterior CST is considered to be one of the ipsilateral motor pathways from the unaffected motor cortex to the affected extremities, which contribute to motor recovery following stroke incidents [3]. Point 3) In the first paragraph of the Diffusion tensor tractography section, there is a sentence which reads “The whole CSTs, which were determined by selection of fibers passing through two regions of interest (ROIs), were placed on the CST area of the pons and upper medulla on the color maps.” I suggest rephrasing it to something like “The whole CSTs were determined by selection of fibers passing through two regions of interest (ROIs), which were placed on the CST area of the pons and upper medulla on the color maps.” Answer: We revised as follows. Diffusion Tensor Tractography Fiber tracking was performed using the FACT algorithm implemented within the DTI task card software [4,13]. The whole CSTs were determined by selection of fibers passing through two regions of interest (ROIs), which were placed on the CST area of the pons and upper medulla on the color maps [14,15]. By contrast, for reconstruction of the anterior CST, three ROIs were placed on the CST area of the pons and upper medulla (anterior blue color) and an additional ROI was placed on the anterior funiculus of the upper cervical cord on the color maps [16].