The Woottons Surgery Patient Participation Group Enhanced Service 2012/13 Background The Woottons Surgery is signed up to a Direct Enhanced Service (DES) with NHS Norfolk, which requires that the practice has a patient participation group, through which it can discuss activities at the practice and agree any plans to amend or introduce new services or working practices that may affect patient care. This ensures that, wherever practicable, any amendments to patient services will have the knowledge and support of our patients. In return, NHS Norfolk will provide additional funding to the practice, which will be invested in direct improvements to patient services or facilities. A patient participation group had already been established at the practice prior to the PPG DES being introduced. However, while in the past the group had been very active as a means of providing health information and as an interface between the practice and the patient population, after a change of chair in 2006 the meetings had become less well supported. By the beginning of 2011, the Chair was no longer attending the meetings and at the meeting in March 2011 there were only five attendees – including a GP and the Practice Manager. At this point, it was decided to abandon the existing group and to re-establish with a fresh start and a new Chair was appointed. This was an ideal time as it gave us the opportunity to share our requirements with the new group and to ensure that we had the support of the group. Attendances increased to an average now of 25+ patients at each quarterly meeting, with the following terms of reference agreed: Patient group meetings will be held on a quarterly basis, the dates being the last Tuesday evenings in January, April, July and October unless otherwise advised. All patients registered with the practice may join. Meetings will be held in the waiting area at the surgery. The purpose of the meetings is to: o Draw attention to and discuss the good points of the surgery plus any requiring attention o Arrange talks on health matters through inviting external speakers or from information provided by the surgery team o To provide feedback on developments in services and care to the doctors and non-medical staff The group decided at an early stage not to conduct formal meetings or establish a formal constitution, but preferred to work within the above terms of reference instead. 6872849223 As the attendees of the surgery meetings tend to be mature patients, usually in retirement, it was agreed to also create a virtual group of patients that could be consulted for information. Therefore, in addition to the physical meetings within the surgery, there is currently a group of 326 patients who have agreed to be involved as a virtual patient group. Communication is via email or the surgery website, with the patients responding to surveys and providing feedback where necessary. The patients were identified in a number of ways to engage different sections of the population – via midwife clinics, GP consultations, nurse appointments and also as a request whenever any new patient registers with the practice. Virtual patient group demographics (2013) 6872849223 Patient feedback The patient survey, conducted across 2011/12 continued for the further twelve months and there continued to be a reasonable response rate, both in person and on line. The participation group has continued to maintain good support from patients, with the quarterly meetings capturing an audience of 25+ patients, this being the capacity of the surgery waiting area. Relocating the meetings to a larger facility has been discussed, however it was felt that this may adversely affect the attendance and would make it more difficult for the GPs to attend after finishing their clinics. A specialist presenter is arranged for each of the meetings, providing helpful information into various health topics that are of interest to the group. The list of future topics is discussed with the group and many of the speakers have been arranged through members of the group themselves. The topics covered this year have been: April 2012 July 2012 November 2012 January 2013 Summary Care Records Deafness Breast Cancer Prostate Cancer In November 2012, Dr Edris unexpectedly left the practice. Being a full time partner, this had a considerable impact on the availability of GP appointments, with lack of continuity also being a significant concern for patients. Whilst the surgery will endeavour to cover as many clinics through the use of locums, this is clearly a temporary measure and a replacement GP will be sought as soon as possible. In the meantime, the number of different locums will be minimised in order to maintain as much continuity as possible. Any specialist clinics, previously provided by Dr Edris, will be covered by the remaining GPs as much as is possible, or from the use of other clinics where necessary. Diabetic cover will continue to be provided by our specialist diabetes nurses. The replacement GP will be announced to the patient group at the earliest possible opportunity. In January 2013, the practice application for registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) was successful. The practice will therefore be compliant with the forthcoming legislation for all primary care providers to be registered from 1 st April 2013. The practice team continue to focus on maintaining compliance with the core CQC standards, through a number of actions – focusing on the planned and continue development of protocols and services, plus the on-going improvements to the premises themselves. 6872849223 The results of the 2012/13 survey were captured and are presented graphically below: Ease of contacting practice by phone Patient satisfaction with opening times 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Access to appt within 48 hrs Morning callback system 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ability to have phone conversation with GP/Nurse Satisfaction with appt offered 40 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 length of time waiting at practice 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 6872849223 Comfort of waiting area 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Treatment of patients by staff 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 POOR FAIR GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT The manner in which you were treated by staff The respect shown for your privacy and confidentiality The information provided on our facilities eg: repeat prescriptions, test results General views 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 POOR FAIR The system in place for making a complaint Clinics provided by the practice 6872849223 GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT Healthy living advice provided by the practice Action plan The results from the survey and the information already gained via the patient group have been discussed during further meetings and it was agreed to focus on the following areas: To continue with the improvement works to the reception, waiting room and consulting areas. To improve the external surgery areas, in particular making improvements to the car parking area before the next winter period. To continue the full review of the appointments system to establish whether more short term capacity can be created to enable patients to book in to the GP or nurse within a shorter time frame. With losing the second waiting area to become a new meeting room, to assess the longer distance now from the main waiting area to the most distant clinical rooms and consider whether a patient call screen may be necessary. Review the callback system to ensure it is being applied appropriately. Patients that are unable to receive an incoming call or to wait should be offered an appointment instead, where possible. Identify any additional services that could be provided from the practice rather than the patients travel to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (in a similar way to the recent establishment of the anti-coagulation clinic). Ensure that the automated telephone system is available as an option for patients that want to use it (especially outside of normal working hours), rather than the only option available to patients. 6872849223 Appendix – Updated practice leaflet (February 2013) The Woottons Surgery Spring Cottage, Priory Lane, North Wootton, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 3PT Dr Rüdi Gawens MRCGP Dr Deborah Hopkin MbChB BS 1975 FP Cert (Newcastle) DPD (Cardiff) Dr Charlotte Rendall MbChB MRCGP How to Contact Us Telephone Fax Out of hours doctor access (Anglia Medical Care) Health Visitor (01553) 631469 (01553) 631011 111 (01553) 763451 Surgery Opening Times Reception is open during these hours for both telephone and direct access should you need to visit the surgery. We also have an automated booking system that allows you to telephone the surgery to book, amend or cancel an appointment 24 hours a day. Monday 08:00 to 13:00 14:00 to 18:00 Early evening GP appointments are available on Mondays from 18:30 to 20:00. This service is for routine (non emergency) appointments only and MUST be booked at least 2 days in advance Tuesday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00 Doctor Call Back Service Weekdays 08.30 to 09.30 Doctors Surgeries Weekdays 10:00 to 11:30 and 15:00 to 17:30 Nurse Clinics Weekdays 08:30 to 12:00 and 14:30 to 17:30 Immunisations Vaccinations CVD Health checks Wound dressing Minor injuries Diabetic review Asthma review Respiratory review Women’s health Phlebotomy To book into the above, please call the surgery and let the receptionist aware of which clinic you would like to attend. Surgery Accessibility The surgery is accessible to patients using a wheelchair via the power-assisted doors at the front entrance. For patients with hearing problems we operate a hearing aid loop system available from reception. 6872849223 We can arrange interpretation and translation services in person or by phone for patients who do not speak English. Please let us know if you need this service when booking an appointment. Out of hours For urgent access to a doctor out of surgery opening hours please use the out of hours GP service, which is now available via the 111 service. Dial 111 to access the service. Calls are free from landlines but may be chargeable from other providers. How to Register With Us If you live in our practice area and would like to register with us, please complete a registration form, and a new patient questionnaire. These are available from reception. Repeat Prescriptions To prevent errors we do not accept telephone requests for repeat prescriptions. To request a repeat prescription tick the box on the right hand side of your prescription and return to reception. Forms are available on reception if the right hand side of your prescription request is not available. Request can be faxed 01553 631011. Please allow 48 hours (2 working days) before collection of all requests. Arrangements can be made for your nominated chemist to collect your prescription or enclose a stamped addressed envelope to have a prescription posted to you. Home visit requests If you are unable to come to the surgery because you are too ill, please request a home visit before 11:00 if possible to allow the doctors to plan visits. If transport is a problem, please speak to reception Additional Services Available The Practice also provides the following services based at the surgery: Mental Health Worker Community Physiotherapist Autogenic Therapist Midwife Dietitian Podiatrist Norfolk Primary Care Trust & PALS Details of primary medical services in the area can be obtained from Norfolk Primary Care Trust at: Services To Primary Care, Elliot House, 130 Ber Street Norwich, NR21 3TZ, Tel: 01603 697300 PALS will: Help answer any questions or concerns about your healthcare Offer advice and support when things go wrong Listen to your suggestions for improving local services Provide balanced and impartial information and advice Tel: 0800 587 4132 (this is a freephone number) E-mail: 6872849223 Patient Group All patients are welcome to attend the patient group which meets at the surgery four times a year. It is an opportunity for patients to discuss the provision of healthcare and suggest any improvements we can make and to discuss any current developments within the surgery. The current chair of our patient group is Mr Alan Ashcroft who can be contacted on 01553 674977. We also post patient group news on our website at Surgery location Practice Area and Location Castle Rising Knights Hill NORTH WOOTTON Priory Lane Castle Rising Road Grimston Road South Wootton Sandy Lane Low Road Wootton Ride Grange Estate Reffley Estate Wootton Road Templemead Marsh Lane Satellite Navigation Information: Postcode: PE30 3PT Coordinates: N 52 47.380’ E 00 26.205’ Patient Confidentiality We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps up-to-date records about your health and treatment so that those treating you can give you the best possible advice and care Complaints/Comments We have an NHS approved, in-house complaints procedure. If you have any concerns about any aspect of our service please put your complaints and comments in writing. In the first instance complaints are dealt with by the Practice Manager. How You Can Help Us Please: Be on time for your appointments. Tell us if you need to cancel so we can offer the slot to other patients. Call for a home visit before 11:00am. 6872849223 Zero tolerance policy The Woottons Surgery operates a zero tolerance policy. Patients will be treated with respect by doctors and staff and we expect the same treatment in return from our patients. We will not tolerate any verbal or physical abuse to any of our doctors or staff from patients, including during telephone calls. In the event of this happening, the person in question will be asked to leave the premises and will be removed from the surgery list. Any verbal abuse during a telephone call will not be tolerated. The call may be recorded and the call terminated. If violence is involved, the police will be called immediately. Freedom of Information The Freedom of Information Act was passed in November 2000 and came into force in January 2005. The Act gives a general right of access to information held on record by public authorities. Health Authorities and NHS Trusts, including GP surgeries are included in this group but due to the Data Protection Act of 1998 personal and patient information is exempt. From October 2003 all NHS bodies have to have a publication scheme in place. This is a guide to the information, which is available to the public. Details of any charges are also included. Publication Scheme The Surgery has a publication scheme, which is available on the internet via: Requests Request for information must be made in writing (this includes fax and e-mail) giving the requestors name and address and a description of the information requested. Requestors do not have to be resident in the UK. Requests should be responded to within 20 working days. If a fee to cover preparation and postage is due this must be paid before the information is sent. The type of information that can be requested must be the type that authorities believe will not cause significant harm, for example, to national security or the ability to enforce the law. In such cases, the information will be withheld under an appropriate exemption of the code of practice. Data Protection We need to hold personal information about you on our computer system and in paper records to help us look after your health needs. This information is held securely. Your doctor is responsible for their accuracy and safekeeping. Please help us to keep your record up to date by informing us of any changes to your circumstances. Doctors and staff have access to your medical records to enable them to do their jobs. From time to time it may be necessary to share some information with others involved in your care. Anyone who has access to your record is trained in confidentiality and is governed by both legal and contractual duties to keep details private. 6872849223 You may be required to give written consent before information is released such as for medical reports, insurance or solicitors. In some circumstances we may be required by law to release information to statutory or other official bodies for example in the case of a court order. You have a right to see your records if you wish. Please ask at reception if you would like further details. An appointment will be required and a fee is payable 6872849223