Summer Term 2014 - After School Clubs A variety of clubs will once

Summer Term 2014 - After School Clubs
A variety of clubs will once again be offered or continue in the Summer Term and a “signing
up” sheet for new or new blocks of clubs is attached to this letter and should be returned by
Friday 28 March. If a club is oversubscribed then a draw will be held from those forms
returned by break-time on 28 March.
Please note that in order to fit in as many sessions as possible this term certain clubs start
on the first day of term - Thursday 24 April.
If you have already signed up for Drama Club or Judo Club there is no need to sign up
again; however if your child(ren) have not signed up for these clubs but would like to attend
please let us know as they would be very welcome.
Compass Care Bookings - If you have booked your child(ren) into Compass Care can you
please let Mr Goddard know if your child does not require their session due to their
attendance at a club.
Drama Club (continues)
Sylvia Cockburn will be running Drama Club at school on Monday afternoons from 3.305pm for pupils in Form 5-8. (See below for F3 Drama Club). The Club will commence on
Monday 28 April and finish on Monday 16 June. Cost per session including a snack will
be £5.50.
Drama Club (continues)
Sylvia Cockburn will be running Drama Club at school on Wednesday afternoons for pupils
in Form 3 from 3-4pm. The Club will commence on Wednesday 30 April and finish on
Wednesday 18 June. Cost per session including a snack will be £4.50.
Golf Club - Forms 6-8 (boys & girls)
Mrs Bryce will be running a Golf Club on Thursday afternoons from 3.45-4.45pm at Gullane
Children’s Course on the following dates:
1, 8, 15
Pupils will be transported by Mrs Bryce and parent helpers on a rota system. Children
should be collected from Gullane at 4.45pm. This club will run with a minimum of 4 and a
maximum of 8 pupils. Cost per session £3.00.
Summer Term 2014 - Clubs
Archery Club - Forms 3-4 (boys & girls)
Mrs Jenkinson will be running an Archery Club on Thursday afternoons from 4-5pm at
Fenton Barns Archery Centre on the following dates:
1, 8, 15, 21
Children will be transported to Fenton Barns Pupils by Mrs Jenkinson and parent helpers on
a rota basis and should be collected from Fenton Barns at 5pm. This club will run with a
maximum of 12 pupils. The cost based on a maximum sign-up will be £8 per session.
Cricket Club - Forms 5-8 (boys and girls)
Mrs Legget and Mr Twaddle will be running a Cricket Club on Thursday afternoons from
3.45pm-4.45pm at Neilson Park on the following dates:
1, 15
Children should wear polo shirts, tracksuit tops, a pair of shorts, tracksuit bottoms or
trousers and outdoor trainers. This Club will run with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20
pupils. In the event that this club is oversubscribed, priority will be given to children in F7-8.
Cost per session £3.00.
Rounders Club - Forms 4-6 (boys and girls)
Miss Wallace and Miss Sumner will be running a Rounders Club on Thursday afternoons at
Neilson Park from 3.45-4.45pm. Children will be developing various ball skills and putting
these into practice in fun competitive games. Children should wear their games kit and
outdoor trainers. The club will run on the following dates:
1, 8, 15, 22
Children should be collected from Neilson Park at 4.45pm. This club will run with a
minimum of 14 and a maximum of 20 pupils. Cost per session £3.00.
Surfing Club - Forms 7-8 (boys & girls)
After half-term Mrs Bryce will be running a Surfing Club on Thursday afternoons from 3.306.30pm at Pease Bay/Belhaven on the following dates:
5, 12, 19
Pupils will be transported by Mrs Bryce and Mrs McCutcheon to Pease Bay/Belhaven.
Children should be collected from Pease Bay/Belhaven at 6.30pm. This club will run with a
maximum of 8 pupils. The cost based on a maximum sign-up will be approximately £80 for
four sessions (this includes tuition, hire of wetsuits and boards). It is important to note that
the lessons are a fixed price and group-booked. Therefore all 4 sessions will need to be
paid for and refunds cannot be made in the event of absence.
Summer Term 2014 - Clubs
Judo Club (Forms 6-8) (continues)
Marc Preston will continue to run a Judo Club for those pupils in Forms 6-8 who would like
to continue with their Judo. The Club will run on Thursday lunchtimes from 12.30-1.00pm.
There will be no charge for this Club.
Mini Tennis - Forms 3-8 (boys & girls)
Mini Tennis is being organised again this term by Peter Darbyshire and will take place at
the Aubigny Centre, Haddington, on Friday afternoons from 1.00pm when he will coach two
groups of eight children. Groups will be determined by age/ability and depending on
numbers will run for 30-40 minutes.
The Club will run over ten weeks on the following dates:
2, 9, 16, 23, 30
6, 13, 20, 27
Children participating in this club can either go home for lunch before going to the Aubigny
Centre or they can bring a packed lunch to school to have at Compass Care who will
arrange transport to the Aubigny Centre. Please contact Mr Goddard on 07773 310624 for
The cost of Mini Tennis will be approximately £65 per pupil to include all coaching fees,
balls and rackets. Children should wear correct footwear - clean, indoor-only, non-marking
shoes, preferably with a light coloured sole. All other equipment can be provided.
Athletics Club - Forms 5-8 (boys & girls)
Once again we will be running the Athletics Club for our older children in Forms 5-8. Over
the years, the Club has proved extremely popular with children across a wide spectrum of
abilities, each building on their ‘personal bests’ and importantly their fitness levels.
Coached by Mrs Legget and Miss Sumner/Mrs Hellewell, with the support of other staff, and
making use of the running track at Knox Academy, the children will undertake a programme
of track, field and fitness disciplines. Children will eat a packed lunch (which they should
bring to school), before walking down to Knox Academy for a 1.30pm start). With a busy
term ahead and much to fit in, we are planning to hold Athletics Club on the following dates:
2 (TBC), 9, 30
13, 20
Please note: Children should be collected at 2.30pm from the Knox Academy Car Park
(enter Knox Academy, drive through to the rear car park which is beside the athletics
track). A charge of £3 per session will be included on the extras invoice. Children who
wish to do Mini Tennis and Athletics Club will be able to attend Mini Tennis in the first
session at 1pm.
Summer Term 2014 - Clubs
Summer Hockey Club - Forms 4-8 (boys & girls)
On Saturday mornings Mrs McCutcheon is planning to run a Summer Hockey Club for
both girls and boys in Forms 4-8. The sessions will take place on the Astro Turf at the
Aubigny Centre between 9.00 and 10.30am on the following Saturday mornings:
3, 10, 17, 31
7, 14, 21, 28
All players should wear their games kit (red rugby jersey, long red socks, navy
shorts/hockey skirt), shin guards and a gum shield. Footwear can be either astro-turf boots
or trainers. A charge of £2.50 per session will be included on the extras invoice.
Summer Term 2014 - Clubs
Summer Term 2014 - School Clubs
I would like my child [please complete one form per child] ………………………..……………. in
Form ………….to take part in (please tick as appropriate):
Golf Club
to half term (boys & girls Thursday afternoon - Forms 6-8)
Archery Club
(boys & girls Thursday afternoons - Forms 3-4
Cricket Club
(boys & girls Thursday afternoons - Forms 5-8)
Rounders Club
(boys & girls Thursday afternoons - Forms 4-6)
Surfing Club
after half term (boys & girls Thursday afternoon - Forms 7-8)
Mini Tennis Club
(Friday afternoon - boys & girls Forms 3-8)
Athletics Club
(Friday afternoon - boys & girls Forms 5-8)
Summer Hockey Club (Saturday mornings - boys & girls Forms 4-8)
Signed …………………………………..
Please return to School by Friday 28 March
In the event of a club being oversubscribed a draw will be held from those forms returned
by break-time on 28 March.
Summer Term 2014 - Clubs