Center Township Elementary School 2014-2015 Parent/Student Handbook 950 Mercer Road Butler, PA 16001 724-214-3800 CENTER TOWNSHIP PARENT / STUDENT HANDBOOK 2014 - 2015 Table of Contents Board of School Directors Central Office Administrators Center Township School Staff School Calendar Admission Attendance Bus Regulations Bus Safety Patrols Cafeteria Procedures Cafeteria Price List Discipline Policy Electronic Devices Elementary Guidance Program Emergency Data Sheets Emergency Drills Emergency Operations Plan Field Trips Group Testing Health Care Health Service Policy Homebound Homework Illnesses Student Support Team Lost and Found Medication Metal/Weapon Detection System Parent Organization Parent Transportation of Students Parties Personal Property Pets Playground Reporting to Parents School Closing-Emergency School Hours School Security Regulations Student Dress Codes School Photographs Student Excuses Tardies Textbooks & Instructional Materials Tobacco Harassment/Threats Visitation Waiver of Compulsory Attendance Weapons in School Winter 2 2 3-4 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12-13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16-17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 1 BUTLER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014-2015 PROFILE OF OUR SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Mr. Don Pringle Mr. William Halle Mr. Alvin Vavro Mr. Carmen Bianco Mr. Neil Convery Mrs. Karen Callihan Mr. James Keffalas Mr. John Conrad Mr. David Korn CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS Dr. Dale Lumley Dr. Mary Wolf Mrs. Deborah Brandstetter Mr. Aaron Royhab Mr. Jim Pritchard Ms. Brenda Collins Superintendent Assistant Superintendent K-6 Supervisor of Business Services Supervisor of Special Education Supervisor of Food Service/Board Secretary Supervisor of Transportation 2 CENTER TOWNSHIP ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STAFF 2014 - 2015 OFFICE STAFF: PRINCIPAL Mr. Roger Snodgrass SECRETARY Mrs. Julie Wetzel CLASSROOM TEACHERS: Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 LEARNING SUPPORT LEARNING SUPPORT LEARNING SUPPORT Room 15 Room 16 Room 13 Room 14 Room 20 Room 21 Room 24 Room 26 Room 29 Room 31 Room 33 Room 35 Room 38 Room 39 Room 40 Room 72 Room 73 Room 75 Room 76 Room 60 Room 61 Room 62 Room 65 Room 64 Room 67 Room 66 Room 69 Room 25 Room 37 Room 59 Mrs. Patty Konieczny Mrs. Jenna Pershing Mrs. Kara Geibel Ms. Lorie Schnitzer Miss Ann Montgomery Mrs. Stacey Hundertmark Mrs. Carla Boben Mrs. Kim West To Be Determined Ms. Teresa Dailey Mr. Stephen Arn Mrs. Joy Bernhard Mrs. Bethann Gallo Mrs. Amber Buser Mrs. Cheryl Schubert Mr. Jay Baxter Mrs. Lauren Lutz Mrs. Dawn Grossman Mrs. Saundra Baxter Mrs. Karen Antoszyk To Be Determined Mrs. Erica Zalenchak Mr. Tim Kilgore Miss Dana Leyland Mrs. Connie Swidzinski Mr. Jonathan Deemer Mrs. Lori Williams Mrs. Brittany Hartle Mrs. Crystal Ross Mrs. Patti Yalenty-Cleaver 3 ITINERANT STAFF: ART Mrs. Lauren Shorr LIBRARY Miss Jeanine Galante VOCAL MUSIC Mrs. Carrie Persichini INST. MUSIC Mr. Matt Eckert PHYSICAL ED. Mr. Lew Liparulo SPEECH Mrs. Kim Morando GIFTED LEARNERS Mrs. Amy Genkinger GUIDANCE Mrs. Junelle Wisniewski REMEDIAL READING Ms. REMEDIAL READING Mrs. Amy Maloy PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Christine Senna LS PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Joni Nocera LS PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Pam Shuster LS PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Tracy Hasychak LS PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Becky Kriess NURSE Mrs. Lynn Zidek HEALTH TECHNICIAN Mrs. Sylvia Bella EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Mr. EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Mrs. Michelle Crilley EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Mrs. Jennifer Metzler ES PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Wendy DeFrancisis ES PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Barb Lachesky ES PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Sharon Jacox ES PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Tavia Sinicki ES PARAPROFESSIONAL Mrs. Marianne Terwilliger Karyn Calderone Tom DeGeorge LIBRARY CLERK: Mrs. Laura Paul CUSTODIANS: Mrs. Melinda Benninger FOOD SERVICE: Mr. Dave Ellenberger Mr. Ray Bruschi Mrs. Karen Vavro Mrs. Melinda Wilbert Mrs. Christine Fry SECURITY: Mr. Joe Urish Mr. Gary Schuller 4 CENTER TOWNSHIP ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Address: 950 Mercer Road Telephone: (724) 214-3800 Fax #: (724) 282-3503 Office Hours: 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. School Day: 9:15 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. School Colors: Black, White, Burgundy, & Teal District Web Site SCHOOL CALENDAR 2014-2015 August 27 First Day of School June 5 Last Day for Students (Noon dismissal) School will not be in session on the following days: September 1 Labor Day September 26 Teacher In-Service Day November 11 Veterans' Day November 27-Dec. 1 Thanksgiving Vacation December 24-January 2 Winter Break January 19 Martin Luther King Day January 20 Teacher In-Service Day February 13 Teacher In-Service Day February 16 Vacation Day April 2-7 Spring Break April 22 Teacher In-Service Day May 25 Memorial Day ACT 80 Days (noon dismissal) November 7 March 6 May 8 June 6 Snow days will be made up in the following order (if necessary) February 16 April 7 April 2 April 6 after June 6 5 ADMISSION Children may enter Kindergarten if they have reached their fifth birthday on or before September 1. Children may enter grade one if they have reached their sixth birthday on or before September 1. Kindergarten registration is held in the Spring of each school year. Parents should bring the child's immunization/shot records and birth certificate to register a child in school. ATTENDANCE Regular and punctual attendance at all school sessions is expected of our students for studies have shown that absences have a direct relationship to student, achievement. Parents are urged to establish a good attitude toward school and foster good attendance habits in their children. A student absence excuse, which states the exact cause of the absence and is signed by the parent, is required when a child returns to school following any absence. If no written excuse is received within five days, the absence will be considered as unexcused (illegal). If a student is excessively absent from school fifteen (15) days per semester or twenty (20) days per school year, the parent/guardian may be required to verify each additional absence with a written excuse from a doctor. Days excused by a doctor will not count towards the 15day/20 day limit. If a child is to be released during the school day, parents are requested to send a written note to school stating when and why their child is to be excused. Parents are asked to report to the office to pick up their child or children. Please do not go directly to the classroom. We must know the identity of the person to whom the student is to be released. BUS REGULATIONS Students who ride a bus to school are expected to follow the bus driver's directions, obey all safety rules, and treat others with courtesy while riding the school bus. Students who misbehave and violate safety regulations may lose the privilege of riding the school bus. When a child loses their bus riding privileges, parents are legally responsible for transportation to and from school. Parents should stress to their children that they expect proper' behavior on the bus. No student is permitted to change buses at any time. Any requests to change a student's bus or bus stop must be for a full five (5) days and have the approval of the Supervisor of Transportation. Please do not request a bus change to accommodate a student wanting to visit another student's house. In this situation, we respectfully ask that parents provide transportation. BUS SAFETY PATROLS When students are transported to school by bus, a bus patrol program is used to assist the driver with bus safety. Bus Safety Patrols, in most cases, are fifth and sixth grade students who have been selected by their classroom teachers and bus drivers. The purpose of the patrols is to assist in the loading and unloading of each student, assist the driver in emergency situations, and identify and report to the driver possible problems, discipline or otherwise. Patrols are stationed in the front, middle, and back of each bus. 6 CAFETERIA PROCEDURES Guidelines are as follows: 1. Each student must sit at his/her assigned table. Each child is responsible for keeping his/her table clean and properly disposing of all trash. 2. There shall be no food passing and by all means no food throwing. 3. Unless a child is ill or has a note from a parent, each child is expected to eat a lunch, either one carried from home or purchased in school. 4. A conversational voice should be used by students as they socialize. Yelling and noise making are not permitted. 5. Cafeteria monitors will maintain orderly control of the students in the lunchroom. Students creating problems will be reported to the classroom teachers. Repeat violators and violations of a more severe nature will be handled directly .by the principal. 6. Students who are required to brush their teeth after lunch are to make arrangements with their classroom teachers to do so at the conclusion of their lunch period. Students are to be certain this practice does not detract from the appearance of the restroom facilities. 7. Students are to remain in the cafeteria for the entire 30 minute lunch period unless constructively engaged in a supervised activity with the classroom teacher. 8. Pupils will remain seated until their classroom teacher directs the pupils to line up at the conclusion of the lunch period. 9. Section 5323.2 of the Butler Area School District Policy Manual states: "A student who misbehaves during lunch time (leaving tray, throwing food, etc.) may be assigned to a specified table, detentions, cleaning responsibilities or temporary in-school suspension. 10. Breakfast is available to all students, on a daily basis, and is served from 8:45 – 9:20. Center Township Cafeteria Monitors Mrs. Paula Donaldson Mr. Phil Vavro Mrs. Carol Monnie CAFETERIA PRICE LIST Elementary Breakfast $1.00 Reduced Breakfast $ .30 Elementary Student Lunches $2.00 Reduced Price Lunches $ .40 Beverages (white milk, chocolate milk, etc) $ .40 Ice Cream and Snack Items $ .50 7 POLICY ON CHARGING LUNCHES 1. If a student forgets his lunch money, he may be given the opportunity to call home for a lunch or he will be given a one-day grace period and receive the school lunch for that day. The student still owes the cost of the lunch. 2. If the situation recurs, the same procedure as above will be followed except the student will receive an alternate lunch for that day and subsequent days until all back charges are paid in full. The alternate lunch is a bag lunch containing all of the required meal components. DISCIPLINE POLICY Schools and parents must work together to establish sound discipline. Classroom discipline is built upon the discipline established, supported and taught in the home. Every family should have a copy of the district discipline policy. If you need a copy, please contact the teacher and one will be provided. Most classrooms establish a progressive assertive discipline plan for their individual classroom. Students that are suspended from school are not permitted to attend out of school activities such as field trips. ELECTRONIC DEVICES The Board of School Directors has determined that the possession of most electronic devices by students is not a vital part of the educational process. Students are not to use audio listening devices (CD players, MP3 players etc.), handheld electronic games, digital cameras, or other such devices during the instructional school day unless they have permission from a staff member. Students may possess cell phones for use before and after school, but their use during the school day is strictly prohibited. Use is interpreted as using any cell phone feature. Cell phones must be turned off upon entering the school building and should be kept out of sight. Laser pens and other laser devices are prohibited from being in a student’s possession, during the school day. ELEMENTARY GUIDANCE PROGRAM Elementary guidance is an integral part of the total educational experience. Academic growth cannot be separated from the social-emotional growth of a child. All students, parents and teachers have access to counseling services at school. The guidance counselor works with individual students and classroom groups. All students are invited to talk over school related problems with the counselor. Students may visit the counselor by appointment or upon the request of a teacher. Parents should also feel free to consult with the counselor. Please call the school secretary to schedule an appointment. The program is a collaborative effort among students, parents, teachers, administration, and community. EMERGENCY DATA SHEETS At the beginning of each school year, parents or guardians are to complete a Student Data Sheet for each child. These must be complete with local names and telephone numbers. It is necessary that the persons listed are persons available during the school day, in case a student becomes ill. These sheets are to be returned to school on the second day of school. 8 EMERGENCY DRILLS The safety of your child is one of our greatest concerns. The school holds regular drills to teach each child to respond calmly in the event of an emergency. Fire Drills are conducted once each month and a Severe Weather Drill is conducted in the Spring. Detailed escape plans are posted inside the door of each classroom. Each classroom has an escape route to an outside area a safe distance from the building. Building “lockdowns” are also practiced regularly. During Severe Weather Drills, each classroom goes to an assigned area within the school and sits in a tuck position with hands covering their head. EMERGENCY OPERATION PLAN The Butler Area School District is subject to a variety of natural hazards (winter storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, wind storms, etc.) and man made disasters (fire, hazardous materials accidents, acts of vandalism/terrorism). In order to provide for the safety and welfare of the students, it may be necessary to employ an emergency operation plan as prepared for each individual school. If an evacuation from the school is required, and school is located within the disaster area, students will be evacuated to outlying schools. Children will be retained under school officials' custody until, they are picked up by their parents, guardians, and/or other properly authorized individuals. Depending upon the type of hazard,- one of the following options may be employed to ensure the safety of the children: Students will be relocated on the school campus. Students will be transported to and sheltered at the Butler Senior High School. Students will be transported to and sheltered at Slippery Rock Senior High School If the school is outside the disaster area, students will be retained at school until, they are picked up by their parents, guardians, and/or other properly authorized individuals. The school cannot send children home early when their homes are located inside the disaster area and an evacuation is imminent. Students will not be sent home at any time when an evacuation is in progress. You will be kept informed on the location where you can regain custody of your children through local radio and television announcements. Children will only be released to the custody of those individuals for whom proper authorization has been granted, as provided on the BUTLER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT DATA SHEET. In the event that the School District's internal telephone system becomes inoperative due to a power outage, our school has a direct outside line that will be used until the system has been restored. The following telephone number may be used if the District's internal telephone service is inoperable. This telephone number is only functional during an emergency situation. Center Township..............724-282-3503 FIELD TRIPS Field trips within our area and to nearby points of interest are scheduled by classroom teachers throughout the school year. These trips are designed to supplement different aspects of the classroom curriculum and to introduce students to the resources of the community. Parents will receive notices of field trips well in advance of the scheduled trip date and will be asked to sign field trip permission forms. Sometimes a fee may be requested from each student to help defray admission or transportation costs. 9 GROUP TESTING Certain group tests will be administered to your child by grade level during the year. Parents are urged to insure that their child is in school when these tests are given, for the results constitute important data relative to the student's education. Name of Test Grade Date Stanford Achievement 1 Fall Otis-Lennon Mental Ability 1 Fall PA School Assessment Test (Language Arts) 3 April 13 – 17, 2015 PA School Assessment Test (Math) 3 April 20 - 24 Otis-Lennon Mental Ability 3 Fall PA School Assessment Test (Language Arts) 4 April 13 – 17, 2015 PA School Assessment Test (Math) 4 April 20 – 24 PA School Assessment Test (Science) 4 April 27 – May 1 PA School Assessment Test (Language Arts) 5 April 13 – 17, 2015 PA School Assessment Test (Math) 5 April 20 - 24 PA School Assessment Test (Language Arts) 6 April 13 – 17, 2015 PA School Assessment Test (Math) 6 April 20 - 24 HEALTH CARE "CHIP" free health care for children is available for children that do not have health care insurance. Information on this free service is available through the office of the school nurse. HEALTH SERVICES POLICY The following health services are required for students by Pennsylvania Law. Any parent or guardian who does not wish their child to receive the services and examinations in school by the school nurse, school physician or school dentist must notify the school nurse in writing. Height, Weight and Vision Screening - all students Hearing Screening - grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, special education and students referred by teachers or other school staff. Physical Examinations - grades K, 6, 11 Dental Examinations - grades K, 3, 7 Tuberculin Skin Testing - (every third year) grades K & 9 Visual Scoliosis Screening - grades 6 & 7 If a parent or guardian elects not to have the school provide the above services, they must provide the school with the results of examinations by their own family physician or dentist, prior to the date they are scheduled at school. HOMEBOUND Students who experience extended illness or injuries that result in long term absences from school may apply for homebound instruction. Information concerning homebound instruction may be obtained from the school office. 10 HOMEWORK Homework is a vital part of the educational process. Teachers assign homework as an outgrowth of the classroom instruction. Individual teachers may establish specific homework practices. When the child is doing homework, he/she is reinforcing the skills learned at school. Homework also helps develop self-reliance and study skills. Parents are an integral part in this process. Parents may help with homework by providing a quiet, welllit place for your child to work. Establish a regular homework time in your home. During this time, there should be no TV, no radio, and no other distractions. Encourage and support your child's efforts. Be available for questions, but remember the homework is the child's responsibility, not the parent's. When a child is absent, parents may have a Home Work Helper bring home the work or the parent may pick up the work at the office 3:30-3:50. Students who are legally absent from school because of an unplanned absence and who provide a written excuse within five days of return to school shall have up to five school days to make up the work missed. Children that refuse to complete their work may lose privileges and/or have their grade reduced. Parents will be informed if children refuse to complete their work. HOMEWORK POLICY - BUTLER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT The School District recognized the need for and importance of assigning and doing homework as an integral part of an extension of the instructional school day. Completion of assigned homework should aid in the development of knowledge, proper work habits, self-reliance and independence, and responsibility in carrying through a work task to completion. This, in turn, will directly aid classroom instruction and indirectly prepare students for socially acceptable behavior in an adult world. Homework should involve the combined efforts of the teacher, student, and parents. ILLNESSES If your child complains of headache, stomachache, sore throat, etc. before coming to school, please check his/her temperature. If feverish, please do not send your child to school. If your child becomes ill in school, the nurse will decide if he/she should be sent home. If you child needs to go home, you will be contacted so that the proper arrangements can be made. It the parents are unavailable, persons listed on the Student Data Sheet will be contacted. STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM Students who experience academic difficulties and/or social and emotional concerns may be referred to our Student Support Team. This team meets weekly to discuss and plan intervention strategies that will assist in providing each child referred an effective educational program, as well as other school services that will meet their learning needs. The Team is comprised of the building principal, guidance counselor, school psychologist, referring teacher, and referred student's parents. Parents, teachers, administration, or students may initiate requests for assistance. LOST AND FOUND A lost and found area is maintained at the school for lost items. Children and parents an encouraged to inquire at the school office if any articles are lost. Items are periodically discarded. MEDICATION The Butler Area School District does not supply ANY prescription or non-prescription medication, but we will cooperate with parents and their medical practitioners when prescribed medications must be given during school hours. The following procedure MUST be followed: a. The parent or guardian MUST complete the Medical Information form for either prescription medication. (Forms are available in the school office.) UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY MEDICATION BE DISPENSED WITHOUT THIS COMPLETED FORM. 11 b. The container for the medication MUST be the container from the pharmacy and shall carry the following information: 1. Name of the student 2. Name of the physician 3. Name of the medication 4. Dosage amount 5. Time to be given c. The parent should bring the completed form and medication to school and give it to the school nurse, or the secretary, or the principal. d. The medication will be kept in a secure place and dispensed in the office by the appropriate personnel. (Exception: special education self contained classrooms.) NOTE: A NEW completed Medication form MUST be submitted EACH school year. METAL/WEAPON DETECTION SYSTEM The Butler Area School District is committed to maintain safe, orderly schools; to promote health and safety within the school setting; and to provide a school environment conducive to education. In Pennsylvania, it is a criminal offense to possess any weapon in a school building, on school grounds, or on a school bus. As an additional safety measure, all schools in the Butler Area School District will use walk-through metal detectors. For the most effective use of the equipment, the following daily procedures will be used: Parents and other visitors will be screened upon entering the school building on a daily basis. Visitors will be required to show their driver’s licenses. Daily, school staff will screen all students in grades 4-6. Students in grades K-3 will be screened intermittently. Please check your child’s book bag regularly for any non-essential items that could activate the metal detector (items such as electronic devices, toys, or other metal items). Please reference the Elementary Disciplinary Handbook for additional information regarding student searches and the use of metal detectors. PARENT ORGANIZATION Center Township Elementary School has a parent-teacher organization which is highly involved in improving our school. Each year this organization sponsors fundraising projects. With the proceeds from these projects, the organization sponsors and funds school parties, assembly programs, field trips, and many other important activities. All parents are urged to become a member and to actively participate. 12 PARENT TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS Occasionally it is necessary for parents to either bring their children to school or pick them up after school. When this occurs, please follow these procedures: Bringing Students to School: 1. Parents should be careful that their vehicles do not obstruct the flow of bus traffic 8:45 9:15 A.M. 2. Since proper supervision of the students cannot be provided prior to 8:45 A.M., students should not arrive at school prior to 8:45 A.M. If a family emergency or situation arises which requires an arrival prior to this time, please call the school office and every effort will be made to make arrangements to assist your situation. 3. If a student arrives after the start of school. The parent should escort the child to the office, explain why the child is late for school, and make the necessary arrangements for the child to receive a lunch for that day. We are unable to order lunches after10:00 A.M. so please send a lunch with your child, unless prior arrangements have been made. Picking Students Up After School: Occasionally, it is necessary for parents to pick up students who ordinarily ride a bus home at dismissal time. During this time, the office is a very busy place in which the secretary is attempting to answer the phone, use the intercom system to dismiss students or provide for the last minute needs of students, teachers, and parents, etc. In order to provide for an orderly and safe dismissal for the students, it is necessary that parents utilize the following procedure. 1. Please send a note with your child in the morning. By doing so, we will not have to keep interrupting classrooms to inform the teachers that children are not to follow regular procedures. 2. Parents should arrive by approximately 3:15, identify your selves in the office, and sign the "Student Dismissal Book" in the office. 3. Parents should wait for their child(ren) in the hall just outside the office door. Parents should not go to their child's rooms to meet them. Students will not be sent outside the building to meet parents. PARTIES Parties in all grades are limited to three per year. Halloween (October 31), Christmas (December 23), and Valentine's Day (February 12) have been selected as the holidays for which parties are allowed. As a general practice, the Parent-Teacher Organization, through room mothers, plan the parties. Anyone wishing to be a room mother can sign up later in September. You will be contacted at a later date about the responsibilities. Treats may be brought to school for student birthdays after the date and time are cleared with the classroom teacher. PERSONAL PROPERTY Students should not bring personal property to school unless specifically asked by the teacher. Children should never bring dangerous items or live animals without permission from the principal and teacher. Expensive items such as radios and portable compact disc players should not be at school. The school is no responsible for such personal items brought to school. PETS No pets, of any kind, are allowed at school without permission. Teachers may give special permission for pets to be brought to school as part of a special activity or display. However, under no circumstances is a potentially dangerous pet to be brought to the school. 13 PLAYGROUND Weather permitting; classes may go outdoors for a brief playground period. Parents desiring their children to be excused from this recreation should send a written note to the teacher involved stating the reasons for the request and the length of time likely to be involved. Children should be dressed for outdoor activities during cold weather. Students may have supervised free time in the classroom on days when weather prevents outside recess. Quiet games, talking with friends, playing music, etc., are usually allowed by the teacher in charge. Students are to remain on the play field or black top play area during outdoor recess. When the fields are muddy that area will be off-limits. Tackle football is not permitted. Other dangerous activities such as skateboarding, piggyback riding, rock throwing, and-snowball throwing are not permitted. Misuse or destruction of playground equipment will not be tolerated. REPORTING TO PARENTS The Butler Area School District has a strong commitment to keeping parents well informed about their child's progress in school. Report cards for students in grades 1-6 are issued four (4) times each year. Tentative dates for report cards are: October 30 March 27 January 21 June 5 The reporting of pupil progress is supplemented by parent-teacher conferences. ACT 80 Days have been established for this purpose throughout the school year. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 noon to allow for parent conferences/teacher in-service on the following days: November 7 March 6 May 8 June 5 Parents of kindergarten students will receive a Progress Report at the end of the first and third nine weeks, which will keep parents informed of their child's progress. Teachers may request a conference at any time during the school year for students not making desirable progress. Parents are urged to make themselves available for such conferences, for we are always concerned about the achievement and welfare of our students. Grade Interpretation A 90 - 100 B 80 - 89 C 70 - 79 D 60 - 69 E 60 and below The subjects to be graded are: Grade One-Reading, English, Mathematics and Spelling-3rd and 4th nine weeks Grade Two and Three Reading, English, Mathematics, Spelling and for Grade 3, Social Studies during the last two nine weeks. Grade Four through Six-Reading, Social Studies, English, Mathematics, Spelling, and Science or Health 14 SCHOOL CLOSING-EMERGENCY If conditions arise that cause school to be closed, announcements will be made over local radio or TV stations. Local stations airing such announcements are WISR, WBUT, WTAE, and KDKA. We respectfully request that you not call the school office so that phone lines can be kept clear for emergency information from our central office. SCHOOL HOURS Parent and student cooperation is requested in observing the daily school schedule. 1. The school day begins at 9:15 A.M. and concludes at 3:30 P.M. 2. Children who are driven to school by adults should arrive no earlier than 9:00 A.M. 3. Kindergarten hours are: morning kindergarten begins at 9:15 A.M. and concludes at 11:53 A.M. afternoon kindergarten begins at 12:53 P.M. and concludes at 3:30 P.M. Please make note of the modified kindergarten schedule in the event of inclement weather. One-Hour Delay Morning Class Afternoon Class 10:15 A.M. - 11:53 A.M. 12:53 P.M. - -3:30 P.M. 11:15 A.M. - 12:55 P.M. 1:50 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. Two-Hour Delay Morning Class Afternoon Class 4. Office hours are from 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. SCHOOL SECURITY REGULATIONS In an effort to provide for the safety of our students, we will be adhering to the following security regulations: 1. All adults who enter the school building must enter through the front door and check in at the office to identify themselves. Each visitor will be required to go through the metal detector and also show their driver’s license to our school police officer. All visitors will be required to wear a "Visitors Pass." Parents are asked not to go directly to the classrooms or other areas within the building. Either the secretary or principal will take care of your needs. 2. All parents who must pick up children for dental appointments and/or doctor appointments during the school day must pick up the student at the school office. 3. If, for whatever the reason, it is necessary for a student to arrive at school at 9:15 or later, a parent should "check in" the student at the office. Often times, a student enters alone assuming a lunch can be purchased. Depending upon the time, it might be too late to order one. If the parent drives off without knowledge of this, the student might not receive a lunch. We want to prevent this from happening. If you know your child will be late, it would be helpful to either phone the school office or notify the classroom teacher the previous day to order a lunch. 4. Children may not be dismissed early without a signed note from the parent. This includes medical appointments, etc. The child must be picked up at the office, and the person picking up the child must record his/her name and the reason for the pick-up in a "sign-out" book. 15 5. Unusual circumstances that may affect the safety of the child should be reported to the school by parents. For example, pending divorce and/or custody conflicts, which indicate that there may be a question about who has authority to pick up the child, should be reported to the principal and/or teacher so that we are aware of the problem. This information will be kept the strictest confidence Students will not be released to anyone other than the parents unless the school has a signed note from the parent authorizing this action. This means that grandparents, uncles, aunts, baby-sitters, etc., must have a signed statement from the parents. Other arrangements may be made at the discretion of the principal. STUDENT DRESS CODE So that students can continue to dress appropriately for school as they change their seasonal attire, parents should please be reminded of the following Butler Area School District dress code: 1. An individual's dress, personal appearance and cleanliness, like his/her behavior, should reflect sensitivity to and a respect for others. The fact that the school will permit a wide variety of school clothes does not mean that we necessarily feel that all styles are equally appropriate. This is a decision that the student must make in conjunction with his/her parents or guardian, always keeping in mind that his/her appearance must not present a clear and present danger to the students health and safety, cause an interference with work, or create classroom or school disorder. a. Guidelines for Acceptable Dress Although this is no attempt to include all items, the following types of clothing will be excluded from what is considered acceptable dress by Butler Area students: (1) Articles which are soiled with grease, oil, paint, and, dirt. (2) Articles that could cause damage to other students or property. (3) Torn or ragged clothing. (4) Articles of clothing, such as muscle shirts and abbreviated tops/blouses that expose the midriff and other partial recreational clothing are prohibited for both boys and girls. (5) Articles of clothing which are inappropriately design, contain offensive and/or inappropriate logos, emblems, iron-ons, or other such decorations and words. (6) No body piercing other than ears. (7) Coats should not be worn during the school day. (8) Wallets attached to chains are not permitted. (9) Sunglasses are not permitted to be worn during the school day unless medically prescribed. (10) Clothing, pins, patches, and tattoos that encourage violence are prohibited. (11) Camouflage clothing, baggy pants, elephant pants, and tear-away are not permitted. b. Footwear Footwear must be worn by all students and must fit snugly on the feet. In special areas, such as shops and gymnasium, a full type shoe must be worn. Footwear must fit snugly for the general safety of the individual student as well as those around him/her. Steel-toed shoes are not permitted. Open back sandals are discouraged. 16 c. Clothing Clothing should be worn in the manner for which it has been designed. For example: (1) Shirts and blouses must be tucked in if they were designed to be worn tucked in. (2) Shirts and blouses must be properly buttoned. Students representing the school at extra-curricular activities should wear clothes appropriate for the occasion. d. Shorts Shorts are permitted to be worn by students provided they meet the following guidelines. Shorts must: (1) Reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one's sides. If a student wears a combination of layers of clothing, the length of the outer garment must reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one's sides. (2) Are designed and sold as walking shorts such as Bermuda shorts, jams, and culottes: but shall not include swim suits, cut-offs, gym shorts, or other such clothing. (3) Do not consist of frayed, split-legged bottoms (4) Are appropriately designed and worn within acceptable community standards and do not contain offensive or inappropriate logos, emblems, iron-ons, or other such decorations and words. e. Skirt/Dress Length Guidelines: Skirts and dress length should reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one's sides to a point at least midway between the fingertips and knees. f. Hats/Caps Students are expected to remove caps or other "head-gear" while in the building. In situations of questions about appropriateness of attire, the principal's decision will be final. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE STUDENT DRESS CODE: First Offense Send home or retain in the office until a parent" or guardian provides a change of clothing. Second Offense: Student will be assigned detention. Third Offense: Student will be assigned in-school suspension. Fourth Offense Principal will determine appropriate consequence, ranging from suspension to a hearing before the Board of School Directors. SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS School pictures will be taken by an independent photographer early in the school year and in the spring. Information regarding packets and prices will be sent home with each child. If parents are dissatisfied with the pictures, they may be returned for a full refund or retaken during picture make-up day. Student images may be used to promote the school or district. Parents who do not want their child's image used in publication, broadcast or display must provide a written request to that effect to the building principal at the beginning of each school year. (Policy 902.1) STUDENT EXCUSES The exact reason and date for a student's absence from school must be stated on the excuse. Words such as "ill, sick, etc.," should be discouraged from use. Also, a signed excuse is to be presented within five (5) school days from the day of returning to school or the absences for which excuses have not been recorded will be marked unexcused. 17 TARDIES It is critical for children to be prepared to start their busy school day. Children are to be in their rooms ready for the school day by 9:15. Teachers must maintain records of the number of times children are tardy to school. When a student has accumulated a total of five (5) tardies to school without a written legal excuse she/he will receive a warning. Progressive disciplinary action will be taken for all additional tardies. School time missed due to chronic tardiness to school without a written legal excuse may be accumulated and converted to an equivalent number of unexcused absences. Parents should use 9:05 as a target arrival time. TEXTBOOKS AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS All textbooks and other instructional materials deemed necessary to carry on the educational program approved by the District are loaned to students free of charge. Individual students are held responsible for the materials they receive and will be expected to pay for lost or damaged textbook and/or other instructional materials. TOBACCO All forms of tobacco are prohibited from school grounds, to or from school and school events. In accordance with Act 154 of 1996, violations of the tobacco policy will be referred to the district magistrate. HARRASSMENT/THREATS The Butler Area School District will not tolerate threats or harassment. The School Board has adopted a policy regarding student threats. Report threats or harassment to the teacher or principal immediately. "Aggravated Assault" is prohibited by the Butler Area School District. It is critical that we maintain a safe environment for the children. Parents must direct their child not to make threats and if they receive a threat the child must report it to the teacher immediately so that proper action can be initiated. VISITATION An increasing number of parents are visiting Center Township School and are participating in a variety of projects and activities to assist teachers in providing for the needs of the children, this is a very valuable service and one that we can continue to maintain building security for the welfare of the children, it is necessary that guidelines be established. I ask that ALL VISITORS please adhere to the following guidelines. 1. All visitors should enter the building through the front entrance near the office and pass through the metal detector. You will be asked to show your driver’s license. 2. All visitors should report to the office and provide the secretary with their rationale for being in the building. 3. All visitors should complete the visitors' log. 4. Visitors will be provided with a visitor's pass, which is to be clearly displayed on their shirt. Staff members will ask every visitor without a pass to immediately report to the office. 5. Upon the completion of their duties all visitors should return to the office, remit their pass to the secretary, sign them selves out of the log, and exit through the front entrance. So that we can continue to utilize the services of community members in a secure setting in school, it is necessary that all visitors please cooperate and assist us in school by adhering to these guidelines. 18 WAIVER OF COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE Since interruptions from the regular school setting can interfere with the educational process, parents are encouraged to schedule vacations and educational trips at times other that on days when school is in session. If it is necessary that a child be withdrawn from school, an "Application for Waiver of Compulsory Attendance" must be completed in full and returned to the principal two weeks in advance of the date for which approval is requested. For the absence to be declared an excused absence, approval must be granted by the building principal. Application forms are available in the school office. More than one (1) vacation per year is discouraged. It is suggested that the absence not exceed five (5) school days in length. WEAPONS IN SCHOOL The District's School Board Policy No. 218.1 states that weapons are forbidden on school property. The possession or use of any instrument to harm, threaten, or harass another person could result in suspension, expulsion, and involvement with local police. The school Board and staff are serious about maintaining a safe environment for everyone. Parental support is a must, so please monitor what your child brings to school. A copy of the detailed policy is available for your review in the Principal's Office. WINTER Since winter weather conditions can be very unpredictable and harsh, and since it can have a negative impact upon the safety and welfare of our children, parents are asked to please utilize the following guidelines during the winter months: 1. Students should dress appropriately according to the outside temperatures (gloves, hats, warm coat, suitable footwear, etc.) which could be deceiving if the wind chill factor is not taken into consideration. 2. Children should be advised to be extra careful and alert when walking to and from the bus stops and while waiting at their stops for moving vehicles, which could possibly skid due to slippery road conditions. 3. Students who slide, play in the snow, throw snow, etc., could easily jeopardize the safety of them selves and their fellow students. The throwing of snowballs could be a dangerous practice and is a VIOLATION OF DISTRICT POLICY, WHICH REQUIRES THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION. 4. When weather conditions look threatening and the possibility exists for a late start of school or school cancellation, parents should tune in to the local radio stations for the latest information. Calls should NOT be made to the school for this purpose. 5. On Delayed starts, teachers and buses will report one or two hours later, depending on the decision made. Working parents should make arrangements for their children since there will be no supervision at the school until 30 minutes before school is to start that day. 6. On occasion, it might be necessary for the schools to dismiss early. Once again, when the weather conditions deteriorate during the course of the school day, parents should listen to the local radio stations for school announcements. Parents should have a contingency plan of operation to care for the children for early dismissal days. Winter Delay Schedule: One Hour Delay—School starts 10:15 Two Hour Delay...School starts 11:15 19