YEAR 2 PARENTS / CARERS. Dear Parents / Carers, On behalf of

Windsor Road
RM11 1PD
Telephone 01708 449872
01708 478926
Headteacher Mrs Marilyn Whiskerd
Dear Parents / Carers,
On behalf of all at Towers Junior School I offer you a very warm welcome.
You will shortly receive an information pack. The pack will include a number of forms that should be
returned to the junior school office as soon as possible so that we are able to process your child’s
information. Whilst there will be a copy of our prospectus issued in the pack, the new prospectus has
been posted on our school website
Induction programme
Working closely with the infant school, we have planned a comprehensive induction programme for
your child to ease the transition from infant to junior school. Below is a table of activities planned.
Friday 6th June 2014
Friday 13th. 20th and
27th June 2014
Thursday 19th June
7.00pm Induction for
Parents only - Junior
Tuesday 24th June
MLE Workshop for
Parents 9.15am –
Junior School ICT
Tuesday 24th June,
Wednesday 25th June
Thursday 26th June
Thursday 3rd July
Monday 7th July
Year 2 children will meet their allocated ‘buddy’ in Year 4 who will show
them round the school and answer any questions the year 2 children may
have at this early stage. They may also complete a paired reading activity,
time permitting. The children will meet Mrs Shepherd who is our lower
school phase leader.
Year 2 children will visit and work with their year 6 allocated Learning
Guide. Each Friday they take part in activities in different locations within
the school. This will enable the children to get used to the wonderful
learning environment and different work spaces we have in the junior
school. They will use our computers in the computer suite, learn French in
our central learning hub area and have a ‘taster’ session learning to play
the steel drums in our purpose built music room. All activities will be
supported by our Year 6 Learning Guides.
We are inviting parents to a formal ‘Induction Evening’ in the
Junior School Hall at 7.00pm. At this meeting several key staff will be
introduced. There will be a presentation, followed by a tour of the school
and the opportunity to ask questions pertinent to transfer arrangements.
We invite parents to an ICT Parents Workshop. This is a MUST for any
parents new to the school. ‘Fronter’ is our managed learning environment
that can be accessed by pupils and parents at home. We have activities for
the children, news for parents, a maths room for parents, a literacy room
etc. We have set up a Year 2 page of activities for the children to pursue
during the holidays, so we hope you can join us at the workshop launch.
Miss Bryden, Year 3 Group Leader, will spend a morning in each Year 2
classroom in the infant school to see how the children operate in their
existing classes with their existing teachers. She will also use this
opportunity to share one of her favourite story books with the children.
Children in class 3B (September 2014) will join Miss Bryden to work with
her in their new classroom during the morning.
Class 3B will come over for the morning with one of their existing teachers
to work in their new classroom in the junior school so that the children
know and become familiar with where they will be working in September.
The children will play under the direction of our play leaders at playtime.
They will eat their lunch with their Year 4 allocated buddy before returning
Tuesday 8th July
Wednesday 9th July
Thurs 10th July
Monday 14th July
(Reserve Date Wednesday 16th July)
Tuesday 15th, Thursday
17th, and Friday 18th July
Thursday 17th July
5.00pm - 8.00pm
Display Evening
Friday 18th July
to the infant school to play with their friends on the infant playground.
Class 3LM will come over for the morning with one of their existing
teachers to work in their new classroom in the junior school so that the
children know and become familiar with where they will be working in
September. The children will play under the direction of our play leaders at
playtime. They will eat their lunch with their Year 4 allocated buddy before
returning to the infant school to play with their friends on the infant
Class 3D will come over for the morning with one of their existing teachers
to work in their new classroom in the junior school so that the children
know and become familiar with where they will be working in September.
The children will play under the direction of our play leaders at playtime.
They will eat their lunch with their Year 4 allocated buddy before returning
to the infant school to play with their friends on the infant playground.
Class 3D and Class 3LM will join their new teachers in their new
classrooms in the junior school during the morning.
Our Junior PE monitors will assist at the infant school sports day.
Miss Le-May and Miss Dirs will spend a morning in each of the children’s
current classrooms in the infant school to see how the children operate in
their existing classes with their existing teachers. They will also use this
opportunity to share one of their favourite story books with the children.
Display evening is the opportunity for children, parents and staff to
celebrate the children’s achievements across both schools. A programme
of events during the evening will be sent to you nearer the time. This is a
great opportunity for you to see the opportunities the children will have
during their time in the junior school.
The year 2 children and their teachers are invited to join the rest of the
school to watch the Year 6 leavers presentation.
In addition to the activities above staff from both schools will be meeting to discuss the children at an
individual level to ensure the best possible start for each child. The children’s Year 2 teachers will be
visiting the children once they have started in the juniors to check that the children have settled.
Class Groupings
The children will be regrouped by the infant staff, who know them well, prior to transferring to the
junior school. The children will benefit from being in three smaller classes, however it is expected that
numbers will increase over time. The class teachers for Year 3 will be Miss Le-May, Miss Dirs and Miss
Bryden. Miss Bryden will be Year group Leader and Mrs Shepherd Phase Leader for the lower school.
Early Notification of Meetings
‘Meet the Teacher’ Briefing
Parents will be invited to a brief ‘meet the teacher’ group session after school on Tuesday 9th
September 2014 at 3.45pm. This session will be with your child’s class teacher who will provide a
brief overview for parents of matters pertaining specifically to the class; for example when your child
needs a PE kit, arrangements for homework, the topics being covered initially in class etc. This
session will give you an early opportunity to ask any generalised questions you may have early on
relating to routines, practices and procedures. It will also help to begin to develop positive working
relationships with your child’s class teacher. This meeting will be followed by a Year group
information letter to parents. This initial meeting will last for approximately forty five minutes.
Literacy Workshop
On Thursday 11th September 9.15am Mrs Shepherd, our Literacy Leader will lead a workshop
for parents. This workshop will include information on how you might support your child at home.
The duration of the meeting is approximately 1 hour.
Maths Calculations Workshop
On Thursday 18th September 9.15am Mrs Hobbs, our Deputy Headteacher, will lead a workshop
on calculation methods. This workshop is held at the request of parents who tell us they sometimes
struggle with supporting their child at home in mathematics. This is because some calculation
methods used today are sometimes unfamiliar to parents. So do come along and join us. This
workshop involves practical participation therefore you should allow for two and a half hours for the
workshop. Refreshments will be provided.
Reply Slips
Please complete and return the reply slips attached, to the infant school office, indicating your
intention to attend the parent induction meeting and / or the MLE ICT workshop. Please note that
places on the MLE / ICT workshop are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis.
Should demand exceed the number of places we will arrange a second session on an alternative date.
Please note; The Induction Meeting, MLE / Literacy and Maths workshops for parents only. We are
unable to provide crèche facilities.
The staff and I look forward to meeting you at the formal induction for parents on Thursday 19th
June at 7.00pm in the school hall.
Yours sincerely,
YEAR 2 Induction Meeting for Parents / Carers.
Thursday 19th June 7.00pm
I / We would like to attend the Induction Meeting for Parents / Carers.
Name of child…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature of parent / carer ……………………………………………………………………….
YEAR 2 MLE (FRONTER) Workshop for Parents / Carers
Tuesday 24th June 9.15am
I/ We would like to attend the MLE workshop for Parents / Carers.
Name of child…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signature of Parent / Carer