FEBRUARY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 4 9 10 11 PSSC Meeting 7pm 16 23 17 French Immersion Parent Meeting at WHS – Grade 3 & 6 Entry 24 Thursday 5 Watch for Achievement Reports today- Please schedule your parent/teacher appt. 12 Parent Teacher Evening Friday 6 13 Parent Teacher Day (No classes- please bring your child to a scheduled interview) 18 19 20 25 26 27 PACKING DAY – NO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS Happy March Break- Monday, March 2- Friday, March 6- NO CLASSES SCES Boxes are being moved to Meduxnekeag Consolidated! MARCH 9 NO CLASSES Staff Unpacking and setting up MCS MARCH 10 NO CLASSES Staff Unpacking and setting up MCS MARCH 11 NO CLASSES Staff Unpacking and setting up MCS MRS. HANSON’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION UPDATE Starting January 15 and running through to March 15 we will take part once again in the 60 Minute Kids Club. Last period we were excited to finish first in the province. Once again there will be prizes awarded between January and March. Please go to www.60minkidsclub.org - choose Southern Carleton Elementary and help your child input the following information- hours slept, glasses of water consumed, number of servings of fruit and veggies, minutes of physical activity,less or more than 2 hours of screen time, how many minutes they read, if they had good thoughts or bad, and if they did good deeds. Mrs. Hanson can help out with any registration Celebrate the importance of being healthy and taking care of bodies and minds while winning prizes! HOME AND SCHOOL UPDATE: February 9-13 is Home and School Staff Appreciation Week! Thank you to all the wonderful staff that go above and beyond to make SCES a great place for our children to learn! MARCH 12 FIRST DAY OF CLASSES IN MEDUXNEKEAG CONSOLIDATED! MARCH 13 SECOND DAY OF CLASSES IN MEDUXNEKEAG CONSOLIDATED! PLANNING AHEAD FOR “MEDUXNEKEAG SHOWCASE” THURSDAY, APRIL 9TH The theme is "Being Green in my Environment". We are looking for students to develop projects that demonstrate: What you do at home or school to be "green"? What do you do at home or school to reduce your impact on the environment? How do you contribute to a “greener” environment around you? What are some of the options for conservation (energy, habitats, reusing) in your home, school and community? What can we do today to ensure a “greener” future? i.e. local food production, public transit, etc. How did your parents and grandparents practice being “green” that is different from today, eg. Storing foods, reusing products, etc. . Projects can include: artwork, constructions, models, diagrams, posters, and/or photos. It must also include a written component in the student’s own handwriting. More information will be sent home shortly. Questionscontact our Community School Coordinator Mrs. JoAnn Boone 325-4910 or Mrs. Heather Hogan 325-4434. ACHIEVEMENT REPORTS- THURSDAY, FEB. 5 The second report card, an Achievement Report, will be sent home on Thursday, Feb. 5th. We look forward to seeing you at Parent-Teacher Interviews that have been scheduled for the evening of Thursday, Feb. 12 or during the day Friday, Feb. 13. SOUTHERN CARLETON COOK BOOKS: The Southern Carleton Cookbook is on its way! Mrs. Emberly will get the pre ordered books sent out as soon as they arrive. District and Department staff received feedback on the Progress Report in November. They will continue to request feedback as we work through this new reporting system pilot. The SCES Cookbook would make a nice keepsake full of recipes sent in by students, parents and staff. It includes yummy recipes like Mrs. Hogan’s Jarlsberg Dip and Mrs. Bustard’s Crock Pot Beef and Broccoli! The next feedback survey will be available on the ASDW website, http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-W/ReportCard/Pages/default.aspx , beginning February 3rd. If you would prefer to give your feedback in print form let Mrs. Bustard know and a paper copy can be sent home. (3254434) We will have additional copies for sale for only $10.00! ------------------------------------I would like a Southern Carleton Cookbook! I have enclosed my 10.00. Please send my cookbook home with __________________________ in ___________ . Student’s Name Class ____________________________ Purchaser’s Name