Spanish I—III Ms. Consuelo Bellamy Salmon High School Room 22 (208) 756-2415 COURSE DESCRIPTION Spanish I—III will focus on developing and increasing student vocabulary and grammar knowledge, developing basic and beyond conversational skills and deepening cultural awareness. Focus is on reading, writing, speaking and listening to the Spanish language. A variety of teaching techniques and methods are used to allow all students a chance at being successful. Students are expected to be actively involved in group work, partner speaking practice, skits, and special projects. Upper levels will read classic Spanish literature and short stories. ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS/ ACQUIRING Make reservations for travel Talk about stay in hotel or inn Talk about the past Discuss taking a trip Go grocery shopping Talk about sports Talk about countries where Spanish is spoken SECOND LANGUAGE SKILLS Discuss driving in small town and big city Use conditional tense in basic writing and speaking Talk about outdoor activities Talk about various professions Discuss art, culture and history Talk about holiday Use variety of Spanish verb tenses INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Selected auxiliary materials containing Spanish short stories, poetry, grammar, culture, history. UNITS Dia a dia Estas en forma? Preparaciones Como te sientes? En la pension Conoce la ciudad Pasatiempos Habia una vez Viste las noticias Hoy en la ciudad Vamos de compras En el bosque tropical Nuestro medio ambiente Como sera el futuro Se busca trabajo La entreviste Que prefieres ASSESSMENT AND GRADING Tests will be announced in class and may cover anything taught in class, from homework, guest speakers or projects. If a student is absent the day before a test, they still must take the test on test day. Tests are announced in plenty of time for a student to plan ahead and to be prepared. Retake opportunities for excused absences only. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Same as tests just covers less material. Homework and Spanish Folder must be on your desk, ready for inspection at the beginning of each class period. HW is credit or no credit. We will use a “Tarea” handout to indicate credit. No partial or late work accepted. HW assignments will be posted on the board. If a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to show missed work to the teacher if credit is to be given. Student has 2x the days absent to show work. HW coupons may be earned during some class activities to help improve HW grades. Class Participation covers all aspects of classroom behavior, group cooperation and individual work, attitude and effort. Grading scale: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 0-59 = F EXPECTATIONS/RULES/SUPPLIES In this course, you will be learning about the Spanish language and cultures through a variety of activities and resources. By participating in these activities you will be given the opportunity to learn the skills you need to communicate and survive in a Spanishspeaking country. Since it takes at least 500 hours of practice to learn a language, you will need to utilize each class period fully to develop your Spanish skills. To practice Spanish it means speaking, reading, listening to and writing Spanish over and over. Though you won’t understand everything at first, keep trying. The key to learning a language is patience and practice. Practice takes place in two forms: 1. In-class activities 2. Homework and project completed outside of class. Participation in these two forms of practice will directly affect your achievement. I expect all homework to be completed fully and to be on your desk by the beginning of the class period. Each assignment is designed to give you extra practice to master the concepts taught in class. No late or partial work will be accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to show missed HW to the teacher if credit is expected to be given. Each lesson presented is part of the whole process of learning the Spanish language. Missing one class will put you two days behind. If you must miss class, I expect you to get your assignments before you leave and to show them to me upon your return. Nothing can replace class time....remember this always!!! While in Spanish class, the following rules apply to all students: 1) Respect yourself, your teacher and your classmates. 2) Follow all guidelines set forth in the SHS handbook. 3) No candy, pop, gum, food, hats, cell phones or music players.* 4) Come prepared for class with paper, pencil, folder and workbook. 5) No cussing, horseplay or defacing school property. 6) Have a positive attitude and be on time. Come to class each day! 7) Only 2 hall passes per 9 weeks. Consequences for breaking these rules are as follows: 1st step: during or after-class conference with teacher. Student assigned a 30 minute detention. 2nd step: Conference w/student, teacher, and principal. Parental notification will be made by the teacher. 60 min detention assigned. See SHS handbook for steps 3 and 4. *Fines charged for these violations. Class supplies/fees: 1) a sturdy folder w/ pockets 2) notebook lined paper 3) a pen or pencil 4) pay 15$ fee to the office for Workbook 5) colored pencils or markers, ruler, scissors, and a Spanish-English dictionary* *(#5 items are optional) Your folder is an important part of class. All your notes and handouts are valuable and should be kept organized throughout the school year. You are required to have your supplies by the end of this week on Thursday Sept. 4, 2008. During each 9 weeks, your folder will be graded on content, organization and neatness. I have read and have understood both sides of this paper. Student signature______________________________ Date________________ Student name printed_______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature ___________________________________Date___________ Parent/Guardian name printed_______________________________________________ Phone number____________________ Questions/ comments: