Inclusive Roles and Responsibilities Classroom Teacher’s Role: To plan, coordinate, schedule, and evaluate curriculum and instructional outcomes within a secure, positive, and enriched inclusive classroom environment. Classroom Teacher Content Specialist Instructional Leader “Chief Cook” Collaborator Co-Teacher Special Educator’s Role: To provide instruction and support which facilitate the participation of students with disabilities in regular education classroom. Special Education Teacher Consultant Case Manager Strategist Collaborator Resource Specialist Co-Teacher Special Education Teachers General Education Teachers 1. Serve as case managers and be responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of student IEPs. 2. Complete and maintain IEP and other assigned special education records. 3. Keep an updated list of which GenEd teachers have students with IEPs in their classes. 4. Provide IEP information to teachers and assistants instructing each identified student (accommodations/modifications, goals/modifications) 5. Provide other instructionally relevant information (learning styles, instructional preferences, informal observations, etc.) 6. Maintain regular communication with GenEd teacher(s) 7. Schedule and attend planning times with classroom teacher(s) 8. Monitor student progress on IEP goals/objectives and teacher needs 9. Complete IEP progress reports to parents 10. Provide specialized instruction as defined in each student’s IEP 11. Gather data useful for planning instructional programs, modifying existing programs, and communicating with others. 1. Provide instructional schedule & long range plan information 2. Provide short range planning info (topic/chapter/assignment and test dates) 3. Read student information related documents provided by special services 4. Provide information regarding the curriculum, instructional environment, routine and rules 5. Implement or collaborate regarding the development and implementation of student accommodations and modifications 6. Collaborate regarding curricular modifications by prioritizing or selecting unit and lesson objectives 7. Schedule and attend planning meetings 8. Regularly communicate regarding the progress and needs of the target students in content subjects and IEP goals/objectives 9. Recognize students’ individual abilities and use various teaching techniques to facilitate learning of all students in the classroom. 10. Facilitate positive social relationships among children. 11. Provide a copy of midterm grades and assign report card grades collaboratively with the special educator, if appropriate W. Balough, 2012 4 Research to Practice, 6-2012 Indirect Services Look Like… DIRECT inclusive services means the special education teacher come into the general classroom and works “directly” with students during instruction. Supported Instruction and Co-Teaching are example of collaborative direct services. Pull-out instruction by special education, such as resource or special setting classes are examples of direct SpEd services. INDIRECT inclusive services include Consultation, as well as a long list of specific tasks, actions, and strategies which special education teachers can take to support students and the adults who work directly with them. Some of the INDIRECT options include: INDIRECT Inclusive Services Strategies Menu Help teachers prioritize or reduce instructional objectives as needed or in accordance with the student’s IEP. Review student information together Review lesson plans together, as needed. Problem solving Behavior intervention suggestions and ideas Collaborate regarding specific IEP goals/objectives that the general education teacher is responsible for implementing and teaching Be available and LISTEN to comments and concerns of the GenEd Teacher and provide feedback, if requested. Gather information about upcoming instructional plans, topics, assignments, and activities Review student work together. Do error analysis or define strengths and needs – together. Make suggestions for accommodations and modifications, and future goals. Offer to help or make sample accommodation materials or modifications - offer to reorganize or reformat examples or make models. Coordinate accommodations in accordance with PASS, HSAP and MAP testing guidelines for instruction. Review tests and assignments. Make suggestions for accommodations and modifications, or offer to reorganize or reformat examples or models. W. Balough, 2012 4 Pull students for short conferences or instruction. Increase or intensify student support if he/she is performing poorly. Temporarily increase direct or indirect support for tests and assignments Conduct in-class observations and provide constructive and specific feedback to the teacher and/or the student. Analyze the classroom environment through interview or observation. Make an inventory of classroom procedures and expectations. Offer LIMITED direct assistance in the general classroom (short-term support or coaching) Write parent communications Write lesson plans for a SpEd assistant to follow when working directly with students. Observe a SpEd Assistant working in an instructional setting and provide feedback and suggestions for training. Meet and plan with a SpEd assistant who is working directly with students. Both lists – the Roles and Responsibilities of GenEd and SpEd Teachers and The Indirect Services Strategies Menu can be “customized” at the district -, school-, or program-level. Read through each list, one item at a time, and add, delete, or change as desired. This makes an excellent group collaboration activity! Research to Practice, 6-2012 W. Balough, 2012 4 Research to Practice, 6-2012