MICHAEL WALLACE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OCTOBER 2015 NEWSLETTER Terry Fox Walk Our student body participated in a Terry Fox Walk on September 25th. Congratulations to the Michael Wallace School Community for raising $317.05 for the Terry Fox Foundation. Thank you to Mr. Greenwood for organizing this event. Home and School: You recently received a 2 hour power pledge sheet to fill out to offer help to the home and school committee. The home and school works very hard to raise money for the school by organizing events that are enjoyed by staff, students and families of Michael Wallace. We are in need of volunteers this year to help with upcoming events. Without the help we may not be able to organize them. First open meeting for Home and School Committee: October 7th at 7pm in the library. Halloween Howl: Home and School is putting together our annual Halloween Howl Dance! It will be on Friday, October 30th (6pm-8pm) More information will come home soon regarding tickets. HALLOWEEN: Students may pack their Halloween costumes on Friday, October 30th. They will be allowed to change into them at lunch time for an afternoon of fun! We will have our costume parade around the school and other Halloween fun in classrooms! HRSB Assessments Students in grades 3, 4 and 6 have completed assessments developed by Evaluation Services Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in consultation with teachers in Nova Scotia. The grade 3’s wrote a Reading and Writing Assessment, the grade 4’s wrote Mathematics and the grade 6’s wrote a Reading and Writing and Mathematics Assessment. Results will be shared with parents and caregivers when available. These will be sent home in a labelled envelope. Leaving the School at Lunch: Some of our students are getting permission from their parents/guardians to leave the school property and go have lunch with their friends. They will only be allowed to leave if they have a handwritten note from their parents/guardians to give to their lunch monitor. If they have no note, they are not permitted to leave until parents have been contacted. Allergies: With regards to recess, lunch and food donations for events we must insist only nut free items. Some students at MWES are allergic to nuts other than peanuts. Late Arrival: Although we understand that students may be occasionally late for one reason or another, we strongly encourage students to be on time to limit the interruptions of learning as much as possible. Students who arrive during or after announcements will be asked to check in at the office. Parents do not have to sign in their children but please ensure that children enter the school before leaving them. School Closure Due to Inclement Weather Michael Wallace is part of the Prince Andrew Family of Schools. If it is announced that schools are closed in the Prince Andrew Family, then we will be closed. Points to remember: - The decision to cancel school will usually be made as close to 6:00 a.m. as possible. It will be communicated on the Board’s website, main switchboard, radio and at 464-INFO (4636). - Parents must ensure that students are properly dressed for the weather conditions. - Before dropping off students at school on inclement weather days, parents should ensure that staff has arrived. - If buses are cancelled and schools are open, parents must use their own discretion with regard to sending their children to school. - In the event that schools are closed early, parents will be notified prior to their child(ren) being dismissed. If parents want to pick up their child(ren) they MUST check in at the office first. - In the event that an emergency arises and the school must be evacuated, the children will be taken to the Port Wallis United Church. Dogs on the School Yard A reminder that dogs are not allowed on the school yard or field during hours when children are in school. Thank you for your co-operation in helping us to look after the safety of our students. Volunteer Parents Parents wishing to volunteer this year are reminded to get a criminal records and child abuse registry check. Forms can be attained at the main office. Choir Choir has begun and rehearsals are at recess until 11:00am. Grades 3-6 are welcome! Expecting to have a great turnout this year! TWITTER! Michael Wallace has a twitter account. Please check us out at MWES_School DATES TO REMEMBER Thursday, October 1st Monday, October 5th Wednesday, October 7th Milk Program Begins Pizza Begins Home and School Meeting @ 7pm in the library Thursday, October 8th Monday, October 12th Friday, October 23rd Tuesday, October 27th Friday, October 30th Friday, October 30st Bus Evacuation Practice 9-11am Thanksgiving (no school) Provincial Conference Day (No SCHOOL) Picture Day Halloween Howl (dance) 6-8pm Halloween – Costumes can be worn after lunch.