Ambulatory Surgical Center Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________ Your Surgery has been scheduled with Dr._________________________________ in the Ambulatory Surgical Center. Date of Surgery: ______________________ Time of Surgery: ________________ Arrival Time at the Ambulatory Surgical Center: ___________________________ *Surgery times will sometimes be changed. Please be available by phone on the day of surgery so that you can be notified of any changes as soon as possible. Patient Instructions What to do next… Call your Primary Care Doctor as soon as possible to set up an appointment for a PreOp History and Physical. This appointment may include labwork, an EKG, or a Chest X-Ray. Your physical must be dated no later than 30 days before your surgery. Take the enclosed History and Physical form and the Preoperative Testing requirements to your Primary Care Doctor for completion. Please have your Primary Care Doctor fax the completed History and Physical form and your lab/EKG/Chest X-ray results to our ASC Secretary, Linda, at 443-568-0111. Your doctor can contact us at 410-644-1880 ext.102 with any additional questions. Make arrangements for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you the first 24 hours after your surgery. What to do the night before your surgery… If possible, shower with a mild soap. This helps to reduce the amount of “normal” skin bacteria present on the skin before surgery. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight. If you should eat or drink anything, your surgery may need to be cancelled. It is dangerous to have food or fluids in your stomach when your receive an anesthetic. Needed medications can be taken with a “sip” of water. Do not smoke. Your lungs must be clear of smoke before anesthesia Additional Instructions… Blood thinning medication such as Coumadin or Heparin or Plavix, as well as Aspirin products should be stopped 72 hours before your surgery or at the advice of your physician. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN BEFORE STOPPING ANY MEDICATIONS!!!! Medications such as: Aleve, Advil, Motrin, Daypro, Lodine, Relafen,Celebrex etc. should be stopped 10 days before your surgery. If you will need to be using crutches, splints, or other assistive devices, please make an appointment for instruction and/or fitting a few days before your surgery. Herbal supplements should be stopped 10 days prior to your surgery. (i.e. gingkobiloba, St. John’s Wart, etc.) What to do the day of surgery… Arrive at the Benson Ave. office at least 1 ½ hours before your surgery time. The Surgical Center Reception Area is to the left of the waiting room as you enter the office. There, you will be greeted and registered by Linda. Again, do not eat or drink anything unless you have been instructed to do so by a member of the Surgical Center Staff. Bring a responsible adult to drive you home. You may take a taxi if this adult accompanies you. You will not be allowed to take a taxi alone. Do not wear any makeup or nail polish the day of surgery. Please leave all jewelry and valuables at home. Please bring any splints or crutches that you will need for your postoperative care. Your doctor will let you know if you need these. Wear comfortable, casual clothing that will be easy to get on and off. In addition, wear shoes with good traction. Bring a list of any medications, herbs, or vitamins that you are taking. You may take medications with a “sip” of water as directed by the anesthesiologist. If you are a diabetic, please bring your insulin or medication with you but do not take it. ** Our Pre-Op Nurse will call you a few days before surgery to review these instructions and to answer any questions that you may have. The nurse will also review your medical history with you. Your Post Operative Appointment is:____/____/_____ @___________am / pm If you have any questions, please contact the ASC at 410-644-1880 ext.102. We look forward to seeing you and to providing for your care. Orthopaedic Associates of Central Maryland Ambulatory Surgical Center GUIDELINES FOR PREOPERATIVE TESTING HISTORY & PHYSICAL All Patients – Dated within 30 days of surgery unless recent update is clinically necessary. - Must cover potential causes of perioperative morbidity. - It is the basis for all other tests. NO OTHER TESTS Healthy Children age 14 and older. Patients for local anesthesia only (no sedation) CBC Patients age 15 and older. PREGNANCY TEST All women of childbearing age (may sign waiver instead) EKG Men age 40 and older Women age 50 and older (age 40 if post menopausal) CHEST X-RAY Unstable pulmonary disease or debilitating pulmonary episode within 6 months CHEMISTRY Patients with diabetes, heart, renal adrenal or thyroid disease. Patients taking diuretics, digoxin, chemotherapy or diet medications. COAGULATION STUDIES Patients taking anticoagulants need PT and PTT on the day of surgery. Patients with a history of bleeding disorder. The above are guidelines; surgeons/primary care physicians may order additional preparatory measures for any patient as deem necessary by the surgical procedure, physician preference or patient’s health. PLEASE FAX TEST RESULTS AND HISTORY PHYSICAL TO: ATTN: LINDA @443-568-0111 OR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS 410-644-1880 EXT.102 Orthopaedic Associates Of Central Maryland PT. NAME__________________________________ D.O.B _____________________________________ PHONE # __________________________________ PLANNED SURGERY____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ CC/ Surgical DX _________________________________________________________ HPI ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Past Med/Surgi Anesthesia History __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Family/Social History______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Medications______________________ Allergies ___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ Alcohol__________________________ Tobacco____________________________ ________________________________ Drugs______________________________ Recent HX of: Coumadin Aspirin Steroids Contagious Disease ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Name: Review of Systems (check positives and add comments below) Heent Pulmonary Cardiovasc Breast GI Hepatobiliary GU/Renal Hemato/coag Endocrine Musculo/Skel Dermatologic Neuro/Psych Comments:________________________________________________________________________ PHYSICAL EXAM: P_________ R_________ BP_________ T________ HT________ WT________ General/Reliability __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Head/Neck _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Lungs/Thorax _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Heart/Pulses/Veins _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Breasts __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Abdomen _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Genito/Rectal _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Musculoskeletal ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Skin _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Neuro/Psych ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ LABS CBC EKG Lytes Chest PT/PTT Other _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Diagnoses ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Cleared for Surgery Signature: _____________________________ Date:__________ The above are guidelines; surgeons/primary care physicians may order additional preparatory measures for any patient as deem necessary by the surgical procedure, physician preference or patient’s health.