Pediatric Trauma


Pediatric Trauma

The Bumps & Bruises of Growing Up


- #1 killer of children after neonatal period

- 50% of childhood deaths

Pediatric Trauma

Same priorities as adults

ABC’s first


Anatomy increases obstruction risk

–Large head

–Short neck

–Small mandible

–Large, posteriorly-placed tongue


Poor, absent mouth breathing ability

Neck over-extension: obstruction secondary to high glottis

Good anterior jaw displacement important


ET tubes wind up in right mainstem

Secure intubated chil d’s head in neutral position; avoid extubation

Pass gastric tube early; decompress stomach


Increased respiratory rate

30/min = ? normal for small child

Slowing rate = impending arrest


Small thorax

Transmitted breath sounds

Misleading findings on auscultation

Inspection, palpation more reliable


Diaphragm breathers

Pliant chest walls

Weak accessory muscles

Limited respiratory reserve


- Respiratory Failure

- Leading Cause of Pediatric Cardiac Arrest


Small blood volume

Rapid control of blood loss essential

Good initial compensation for hypovolemia

“Sudden” onset of irreversible shock


BP monitoring

Poor method

To assess perfusion, check:

Rate, quality of peripheral pulses

Skin color, temperature

Capillary refill

Level of consciousness


- Silence is not Golden

Shock Management

100% Oxygen

Assist ventilation as needed

Keep warm


Legs only initially

If abdomen needed, intubate/ventilate

Shock Management

Fluid Resuscitation

LR or NS in 20cc/kg boluses

Reassess, reassess, reassess

Repeat boluses as indicated by response

Warm fluids if possible

Gastric tube placement

Head Trauma

Major cause of pediatric trauma deaths

Intracranial hematomas less common

Diffuse axonal injury, edema more common

Outcomes better than in comparably injured adults

Treat aggressively

Head Trauma

Evaluate for increased ICP




Dysconjugate eye movement

– Cushing’s response

Head Trauma

Control airway

Protect cervical spine

Controlled Ventilations

Upper end of normal

Ensure adequate shock resuscitation

Spinal Trauma

Rare in pediatric patients

Usually high C-spine dislocation

C-1, C-2

Spinal Trauma

Suspect in same situations as adult

Sudden deceleration

Head, face injuries

Decreased LOC in trauma

Absence of good history

Spinal Trauma

If you think about spinal immobilization, do it!!

Resist temptation to pick up child, run

Chest Trauma

Second leading cause of death after head trauma

Primarily blunt

High incidence of associated head, extremity injury

Chest Trauma

Pediatric thoracic wall pliant

Rib fracture, flail chest rare

Severe intrathoracic trauma can occur without fracture

Chest Trauma

Limited respiratory reserve

Trauma poorly tolerated

Recognize, intervene early

Abdominal Trauma

Most common form

Primarily blunt

Spleen, liver = Most common injuries

High, broad costal arch

Relatively larger organs

Poor abdominal muscle development

Abdominal Trauma

Mechanism of injury

Unexplained hypovolemic shock


Increased abdominal girth

Intra-abdominal hemorrhage until proven otherwise

Could be gastric distension

Extremity Trauma

Never warrants attention before head, chest, abdomen injury

Extremity Trauma

Most common complication = neurovascular injury

Especially common in supracondylar areas of humerus, femur

Extremity Trauma

Evaluate distal extremity for:


Skin color, temperature

Motor, sensory function

Capillary refill

Extremity Trauma

Unique injuries

Greenstick fracture

•Tenderness, edema, guarding, inconsolable crying = fracture until proven otherwise

Epiphyseal plate fracture

•Injuries near bone ends

•? Growth problems


Pediatric patients

50% of burn admissions

33% of burn deaths


Large body surface area increased

Fluid loss

Heat loss


Immature immune system

Increased infection complications

Small airways

Decreased respiratory reserve

Increased complications of airway burns


- Pediatric Burns

- Possible Child Abuse
