Junior Achievement Testimonials & Quotes

Junior Achievement Testimonials & Quotes
Introduction: The following quotations were taken from individuals, focus groups and interviews conducted with
students, teachers, and volunteers in conjunction with Junior Achievement programs.
Student Quotes
“Junior Achievement has been a way to learn about our economic role in society. Before I had the opportunity to
participate in this program, I was never aware of the importance of economics in my life.”
Chris G. – Brazoswood H.S.
“I loved Miss B, our JA lady. She taut me to help my famlee and work and save for importen things I
want”. –
Hannah P. - Hood Case Elem.
“I want to thank you very much for allowing me to work with Junior Achievement. It has been a fun, yet
challenging experience and as I hope to major in Business Administration, the JA Titan game has taught me so
much about the factors of funning a business effectively.”
Lindsey M – Brazoswood H. S.
“The Junior Achievement Titan program provides real life experience in the business industry and
promotes economic awareness, as well as decision –making, problem-solving and teamwork skills.”
Katie D. - Sweeny H.S.
“Thank you so much for giving us this great opportunity to learn about running a business. Next year I will be
attending the Mays Business School at A&M. This program has really helped me understand business more and
I’m much more excited about my major for next year.”
Carrie Ann S. – Brazoswood H.S.
“JA is a great program that teaches it’s students business techniques through it’s game Titan. I would like to give a
shout-out for teaching us the fine art of economic strategy.”
Michael W – Brazoswood H.S.
“Junior Achievement games and people are fun, and they help us learn to make good choices.” – Kelly K.
- Alvin Primary
“I really enjoyed the JA Titan program for two reasons; I’m good at it and it’s so fun to compete with fellow
classmates. I hope you continue your wonderful program.”
Jon B – Brazoswood H. S.
“(Through Junior Achievement), I learned how important education is to entering into the world of work.”
– Daniel S. – LJIS
“We were given the opportunity to participate in a wonderful program called Junior Achievement Titan. It teaches
business basics with great instructors to support our teams.”
Cory L. – Brazoswood H.S.
“JA titan is a great game to develop business techniques and further a student’s ideas about government economic
strength. I would like to thank Junior Achievement for all they have given me and most of all Mr. Davies for his
great knowledge and support.”
Iain O. – Brazoswood H.S.