For Medical Students - Faculty of Health Sciences

For Medical Students
Medical Student Curricula
AMSER : ( Alliance of Medical Student Educators in
Medical Student Radiology Websites
Aunt ( general radiology news, cases, med
student discussion board (http://www.medicalstudent .com)- extensive site with links to all
areas of medicine, including radiology. This site has won several awards
Albert Einstein Medical Center -
Indiana University - Introduction to Clinical Medicine - Radiology
StudentBMJ - Introduction to Imaging
University of Toronto - Radiology for Medical Students |
USUHS - Chest X-Ray Review
Medical Student Radiology Textbooks
Lucy Squire: “Fundamentals of Radiology”, 2004
Chen, Pope & Lee: “Basic Radiology”, 2004
Additional Web links of interest in Anatomy – Radiology
Bridgeport Hospital - Anatomy Wiz | Campus Medica - e-Anatomy - Interactive Atlas of Whole
Body Cross-Sectional Anatomy | Emory University - Radiologic Anatomy | Harvard University Whole Brain Atlas | Lee - Musculoskeletal MRI Movie Atlas | Loyola University - Cross Section
Tutorial | McGill University - Radiologic Anatomy | Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic
Resonance - Cardiac MRI Anatomical Atlas | University of Erlangen - Compare | University of
Utah - Atlases of the Brain | University of Warsaw - Atlas of Radiological Anatomy | University of
Washington - Musculoskeletal Radiologic Anatomy Modules | University of Washington - Muscle
Atlas | University of Wisconsin - Neuroradiology Tutor | USUHS - Radiologic Anatomy Browser |
Wayne State University - Radiologic Anatomy
AFIP-Archives: for each subspecialty of Radiology
Radiology Teaching Files
Cardiovascular Radiology
ACR - Case-in-Point Heart and Lungs | Aunt Minnie - RadPath Compendium | Aunt Minnie Teaching File | Duerinckx - Cardiac MRI Teaching File | French Council of the Teachers of
Radiology (CERF) - Cardiovascular Cases | Johns Hopkins - CTisUs | Scottish Radiological
Society - Cases | Seoul National University - Cardiovascular Cases | University of Alabama Cases
Cardiovascular and Chest Radiology
ACR - Case-in-Point Heart and Lungs | Aunt Minnie - RadPath Compendium | Aunt
Minnie - Teaching File | Baylor University - Teaching File | French Council of the
Teachers of Radiology (CERF) - Chest Cases | Johns Hopkins - CTisUs | Korean
Society of Thoracic Radiology - Weekly Chest Cases | Oregon Health Sciences
University - Ruza Antonovic Thoracic Imaging Teaching File | Scottish Radiological
Society - Cases | Seoul National University - Cardiovascular Cases | Seoul National
University - Chest Cases | University of Alabama - Cases | Virginia Commonwealth
University - Pulmonary Case of the Week
Emergency Radiology - ImageBank | University of Alabama - Cases | Wayne State University Cases
Gastrointestinal Radiology
ACR - Case-in-Point GI and GU | Aunt Minnie - RadPath Compendium | Aunt Minnie Teaching File | Baylor University - Cases | Case Western Reserve University - Cases |
French Council of the Teachers of Radiology (CERF) - Cases | Johns Hopkins - CTisUs
| Scottish Radiological Society - Cases | Seoul National University - Cases | University
of Alabama - Cases
General Radiology
ACR - Case-in-Point | ACR - Learning File | AFIP - Best Cases | COX - Case of the Day
Open Source X-Ray Gallery | Dawes - Radiology Picture of the Day | French Council of
the Teachers of Radiology (CERF) - Teaching File | Geneva University - CASIM@GE |
Harvard University - BrighamRad | Indian Radiologist - Teaching File | London South
Bank University - Shadow Pictures | MDChoice - Teaching File | Teaching File | Radiology Courses - Teaching Cases | RadQuiz | Refindia - Quiz of the
Week | St. Bartholomew's and the Royal London - Teaching File | University of Erlangen
- Compare | University of Erlangen - Elera | USUHS - MedPix
Genitourinary Radiology
ACR - Case-in-Point GI and GU | Aunt Minnie - RadPath Compendium | Aunt Minnie Teaching File | Baylor University - Cases | Case Western Reserve University - Cases |
French Council of the Teachers of Radiology (CERF) - Cases | Johns Hopkins - CTisUs
| Scottish Radiological Society - Cases | Seoul National University - Cases | University
of Alabama - Cases
Interventional Radiology
ACR - Case-in-Point Vascular and Interventional | Case Western Reserve University Cases
ACR - Case-in-Point Mammography | Aunt Minnie - RadPath Compendium | BI-RADS Tutorial | Case Western Reserve University - Cases | Scottish Radiological Society Cases | Seoul National University - Cases | University of Washington - MammoEd
Musculoskeletal Radiology
ACR - Case-in-Point Musculoskeletal | Aunt Minnie - RadPath Compendium | Aunt
Minnie - Teaching File | Baylor University - Cases | Case Western Reserve University Cases | French Council of the Teachers of Radiology (CERF) - Cases | Hospital for
Special Surgery - Cases | Johns Hopkins - CTisUs | Kulenovic - MSK Cases | Scottish
Radiological Society - Cases | Seoul National University - Cases | University of Alabama
- Cases | University of Washington - Arthritis Cases | University of Washington General Musculoskeletal Cases | University of Washington - MRI Cases | University of
Washington - Rheumatology Cases | University of Washington - Tumor Cases
ACR - Case-in-Point Neuroradiology | Aunt Minnie - RadPath Compendium | Aunt
Minnie - Teaching File | Case Western Reserve University - Cases | French Council of
the Teachers of Radiology (CERF) - Neuroradiology Cases | French Council of the
Teachers of Radiology (CERF) - Otolaryngology Cases | Scottish Radiological Society Cases | Seoul National University - Head and Neck Cases | Seoul National University Neuroradiology Cases | University of Alabama - Cases | University of California San
Diego - Cases | University of Cincinnati - Cases | University of Colorado - Cases
Nuclear Medicine
ACR - Case-in-Point Nuclear Medicine | Case Western Reserve University - Nuclear
Medicine Cases | Case Western Reserve University - PET Cases | Crump Institute Nuclear Medicine Mediabook | Crump Institute - PET Brain Atlas | Crump Institute - PET
Whole Body Atlas | Harvard Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine - Teaching File |
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology - Teaching File | MyPET - Teaching Cases |
University of Alabama - Cases
Pediatric Radiology
ACR - Case-in-Point Pediatrics | Case Western Reserve University - Cases | Children's
Hospital of Michigan - Pediatric Imaging Online | Cleveland Clinic - Pediatric Radiology
Image Gallery | Digital Urology Journal - Pediatric Urology Rounds | French Council of
the Teachers of Radiology (CERF) - Cases | Kinderradiologie-Online | MDChoice Teaching File | - Phillip Silberberg's Pediatric Curriculum | | Seoul National University - Cases | Sociedad Latino Americana
de Radiologia Pediatrica - Clinical Cases | University of Alabama - Cases | University of
Hawaii - Radiology Cases in Neonatology | University of Hawaii - Radiology Cases in
Pediatric Emergency Medicine | Virginia Commonwealth University - Pediatric Case of
the Week | Virtual Pediatric Hospital - Correlapaedia: A Correlative Encyclopedia of
Pediatric Imaging, Surgery, and Pathology | Virtual Pediatric Hospital - Thoracopaedia:
An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric Thoracic Disease
The Fetus - Prenatal US | Ultrasound School in Medicine & Biology of Cagliari & Sassari
- EcoMovies | University of Alabama - Cases
MEDLINE and Radiology Journals
Radiology Journal Indices
MDLinx - Radiology | NLM - PubMed (MEDLINE)
Radiology Journals
Academic Radiology | AJR | Applied Radiology | BioMed Central Medical Imaging |
British Journal of Radiology | Diagnostic Imaging | JRAD | Radiographics | Radiology |
Radiology Case Reports