Consultation Services 2015 November – ongoing: CASA House, Melbourne Role: External clinical group supervisor for sexual assault team working with victims of gender based violence, sexual assault, domestic violence and child sexual abuse, with a diagnosis of complex trauma & DD. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2015 March – ongoing: Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, contracted by Adults Surviving Child Sexual Abuse, Melbourne Role: Trauma-informed supervision and support for vicarious trauma for legal team representing victims who have given testimony to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2015 January – October: Western Centre Against Sexual Assault, Melbourne Role: External clinical individual supervisor for sexual assault team working with victims of gender based violence, sexual assault, domestic violence and child sexual abuse, with a diagnosis of complex trauma & DD. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 December: Maddocks Lawyers, Sydney Role: Consultant in relation to vicarious trauma and self-care for lawyers representing clients at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 July – ongoing: Western Centre Against Sexual Assault, Melbourne Role: External clinical group supervisor for sexual assault team working with victims of gender based violence, sexual assault, domestic violence and child sexual abuse, with a diagnosis of complex trauma & DD. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 July – ongoing: Maurice Blackman Lawyers, Melbourne Role: Consultant in relation to vicarious trauma and self-care for lawyers representing asylum seekers and refugees. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 April – October 2015: Knowmore Legal Service, contracted: Adults Surviving Child Sexual Abuse, Melbourne Knowmore is a Legal Advisory Service established by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The service comprises lawyers, counsellors and administrative staff. Role: Trauma-informed supervision and support for vicarious trauma for the counsellor, legal team and administrative staff. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 March – ongoing: Carelink Counselling Service, Melbourne Carelink was established in 1996 by the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, known as The Melbourne Response to address complaints of sexual and other abuse by priests, religious and lay persons under the control of the Archbishop of Melbourne and Geelong. Role: To provide training in complex trauma and DD for Carelink therapists, comprising psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and counsellors. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2013 December: Barwon Centre Against Sexual Assault, Geelong Role: External clinical group supervisor for sexual assault team working with victims of gender based violence, sexual assault, domestic violence and child sexual abuse, with diagnosis of complex trauma & DD. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2011 October – November: Western Centre Against Sexual Assault, Melbourne Role: External clinical group supervisor for sexual assault team working with victims of gender based violence, sexual assault, domestic violence and child sexual abuse, with diagnosis of complex trauma & DD. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2011 February – March: United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok, Thailand Role: Assist Chief Staff Counsellor with mission readiness, critical incident management, psychosocial support and wellness program. Develop and deliver staff training. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2009 November – December: United Nations, Medical Services Division, Staff Counsellors Office, Head Quarters, New York, USA Role: Consultant related to a quality assurance and improvement study for emergency psychiatric evacuations; program development related to staff well being; counselling for UN Secretariat. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2009 July – August: United Nations, Medical Services Division, Staff Counsellors Office, Head Quarters, New York, USA Role: Emergency consultation related to mental health and the development of psychosocial training programs; assessment of trauma and short-term trauma interventions; management of vicarious trauma for health professionals and emergency response personnel; counselling for UN Secretariat. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2005 May – 2006 May: Delmont Private Psychiatric Hospital, Melbourne Role: Consultant to a dialectical behaviour therapy psychosocial skills training group for DD patients. Providing feedback on management of individual members of the group, group dynamics and supporting the facilitators with understanding and working with transference and countertransference responses. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2004 May: Corpus Christi: Jesuit Community For Homeless & Alcoholic Men, Melbourne Role: Pro-bono consultancy for strategic planning and development for the Corpus Christi community. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2002 November – 2006 September: Metta Youth Ltd, Melbourne Role: Contracted therapist to charity funded long-term psychotherapy and psychosocial support and advocacy for marginalized and disadvantaged young adults with complex needs, co-morbid disorders and histories of abuse and trauma. 2