Surgery Information Sheet

Chai Kulsakdinun, M.D.
Montefiore Medical Center
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
1695 Eastchester Road, 2nd Floor
Bronx, NY 10461
Your surgery with Dr. Kulsakdinun has been scheduled for ___________________ at
Surgicare Ambulatory Surgery Center or Albert Einstein Hospital .
You need to:
1. Schedule a pre-operative visit with your primary care physician. This must be
performed approximately 2 weeks prior to surgery. If you are over 50 years of
age, you will need to have an EKG within one year of your surgery date. If one
has not been done, please contact your primary care physician and have one done
at your visit. Please call the surgery scheduler with the date of your appointment
with your primary care physician.
2. Our office will need a medical clearance note from your primary physician prior
to the surgery (Fax:718-405-8137). We will also need a copy of the laboratory
results of your bloodwork if they are not done at Montefiore Medical Center.
3. If you take any medications on a daily basis, please ask your primary care
physician if you should take them the morning of surgery. aspirin,
ibuprofen,plavix, blood thinners may need to be stopped prior to surgery.
4. Schedule a pre-operative visit with Dr. Kulsakdinun 7-10 days prior to
surgery. Bring any pertinent x-rays, CAT Scan, CD, or MRI that you may have in
your possession. Also, bring any forms for work or disability at this visit. Please
fill out as much of the form as possible with the pertinent information.
5. The Ambulatory Surgery Center or the Albert Einstein Hospital will call you the
day before your surgery in the afternoon to confirm your time of arrival. If you
do not hear from them by 4pm, please call them the day before the surgery.
6. Please do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your
7. Make sure Dr. Kulsakdinun has your films or pertinent studies for surgery. If you
have them, bring them with you on your pre-operative visit with Dr. Kulsakdinun
Important Numbers:
Dr. Kulsakdinun
Surgery Scheduler
Surgicare Ambulatory Surgery
Albert Einstein Hospital