WP3: Assessment of biological and physical containment strategies Joachim Schiemann Project meeting, EU-funded project PRICE Brussels, November 15-16, 2012 Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Objectives Objectives Assessing the potential of biological and physical containment strategies Specific objectives Validation of a hypothetical coexistence regulation under field conditions taking into account flowering delays in combination with separation distances and buffer zones Development of molecular detection tools for air-borne dispersal of GM material (pollen as model) Validation and quantification of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in maize Determination of effective isolation methods and distances for GM-CMSmaize www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Participants Participants JRC-IHCP (Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection) molecular method development for the detection of genetically modified pollen in bio-aerosol, developed methods for pollen entrapment in combination with molecular screening analysis of pollen DNA, development of “MPT Decision Support System” and evaluation in the field JKI -SB (Julius Kühn-Institut, Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology) Leading WP3, validation of CMS maize as a biological containment method, studies on CMS maize, studies on isolation methods and distances, recommendation for good agricultural practice to improve the coexistence between GM plants based on CMS and non-GM plant growing farmers www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Participants Participants CULSP (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) Conduction of field trials: validation of CMS maize as a biological containment method FMB/IRTA/UdG (Mas Badia Foundation / Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology / University of Girona, Institute for Agro-Food Technology) Assessment of flowering delays in combination with separation distances and buffer zones on coexistence, identification of a suitable agronomic region, study on coexistence in real agronomic fields, recommendation for good agricultural practice to guarantee the coexistence Conduction of field trials: validation of CMS maize as a biological containment method www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Tasks Tasks Task 3.1: Assessment of flowering delays in combination with separation distances and buffer zones on coexistence (Leader: Joan Serra, FMB) Task 3.2: Molecular methods development for the detection of GM pollen in bio-aerosol (Leader: Marco Mazzarra, JRC-IHCP) Task 3.3: Validation of CMS maize as a biological containment method (Leader: Joachim Schiemann, JKI) www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Milestones Milestones – set for M18 MS 7: Summary report on the state of the art of physical containment methods (FMB) MS 8: Summary report on the state of the art of air-borne maize pollen dispersal (JRC) MS 9: Summary report on the state of the art of biological containment methods (JKI) www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Deliverables Deliverables D 3.16: Completion of the 1st year trial, evaluation of the effectiveness of the hypothetical coexistence regulation mainly based on flowering asynchronicity, distances and buffer zones FMB - M 18 D 3.17: Completion of the 2nd year trial, evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategy of coexistence based on flowering asynchronicity FMB - M 30 D 3.18: Report on the efficacy of a coexistence regulation mainly based on asynchronous flowering FMB - M 32 D 3.19: Development of multi-target GMO detection strategies for low genome copy number samples D 3.20: JRC - M 12 Validation of “fit to purpose” multi-target GMO detection strategy for entrapped pollen GMO detection: laboratory pollen entrapment samples JRC - M 24 www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Deliverables Deliverables D 3.21: Validation of “fit to purpose” multi-target GMO detection strategy for entrapped pollen GMO detection: field pollen entrapment samples JRC - M 24 D 3.22: Completion of field trials and field assessments on CMS maize with regard to validation of sterility JKI - M 18 D 3.23: Completion of field trials and field assessments on cross pollination with regard to outcrossing potential, isolation distances and segregation measures JKI – M 30 D 3.24: Report on the efficacy of CMS maize for coexistence JKI – M 32 www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.1 Task 3.1: Assessment of flowering delays in combination with separation distances and buffer zones on coexistence (Leader: Joan Serra, FMB) Subtasks T3.1.1: Identification of a suitable agronomic region (FMB) T3.1.2: Studies on coexistence in real agronomic fields (UdG) T3.1.3: Recommendation for good agricultural practice to guarantee coexistence (FMB) www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.1 Identification of a suitable agronomic region Location 1: Ullà Google Maps Location 2: La Tallada Location 3: Torroella de d’Empordà Montgrí NE Catalonia Baix Empordà www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.1 Identification of a suitable agronomic region Location 1: Ullà Sowing date: April the 7th Conventional hybrid: PR32T83 Sowing area: 0,4 ha Sowing date: April the 3th GM hybrid: PR33Y72 Buffer hybrid: PR32T16 Sowing area: 0,7 ha Sowing date: April the 7th Conventional hybrid: PR32T83 Sowing area: 0,5 ha Sowing date: April the 9th GM hybrid: DKC6667YG Buffer hybrid: P1921 Sowing area: 2,5 ha www.jki.bund.de Studies on coexistence in real agronomic fields Location 1: Ullà Task 3.1 GM male flowering (PR33Y72) Buffer male flowering (PR32T16) Conventional male flowering (PR32T83) Conventional female flowering (PR32T83) % of flowering plants Conventional maize (PR32T83) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) July 2 Feminine flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) July 2 GM maize (PR33Y72) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) July 12 Buffer conventional maize (PR32T16) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) July 9 (?) July 16 (?) Days Buffer male flowering (P1921) Conventional male flowering (PR32T83) Conventional female flowering (PR32T83) GM male flowering (PR33Y72) Buffer male flowering (PR32T16) Conventional male flowering (PR32T83) Conventional female flowering (PR32T83) Conventional maize (PR32T83) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) July 1 Feminine flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) July 2 GM maize (PR33Y72) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) July 12 Buffer conventional maize (PR32T16) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) July 9 (?) % of flowering plants % of flowering plants GM male flowering (DKC6667YG) July 21 (?) Days Conventional maize (PR32T83) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) Feminine flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) GM maize (DKC6667YG) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) Buffer conventional maize (P1921) Male flowering date (50 % plants stage 3) 10 July 1 July 3 Days Start date of assessments 22/06/2012 July 8 July www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.1 Studies on coexistence in real agronomic fields Location 1: Ullà Buffer zone 1 (PR32T16) Buffer zone 2 (PR32T16) Buffer zone 3 (PR32T16) Buffer 2 (PR32T16) Buffer 3 (PR32T16) % of male flowering plants Buffer 1 (PR32T16) Male sterility on PR32T16 (Buffer) (?): 70-85 % Days Start date of assessments 22/06/2012 www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.1 Studies on coexistence in real agronomic fields Global Index tool (Messeguer et al., 2006) GI (Global index) = ∑ Estimated cross pollination index ECP (Estimated cross pollination index) = (10 – (Ft – Fc)) / (distance in decameters + 1)2 Where Ft and Fc are the flowering dates from transgenic and conventional fields % GM = 0,068 x GI www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.1 Studies on coexistence in real agronomic fields GM maize Conventional maize GM maize Conventional maize GM 0,00% (?) GM 0,09% (?) www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.1 Studies on coexistence in real agronomic fields Location 1: Ullà Sampling methodology www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.2 Task 3.2: Molecular methods development for the detection of GM pollen in bio-aerosol (Leader: Marco Mazzarra, JRC-IHCP) Subtasks Development of tools for the application of pollen entrapment combined with molecular screening analysis of isolated pollen DNA Development of a “MPT (molecular pollen trap) decision support system” and evaluation under field conditions in (2012)2013 and 2014 www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.2 GMO analysis of bio-aerosol samples Outdoor exposure of sampling devices → Technical pollen sampler PMF/Sigma2 (TIEM) → Hirst type Sampler: VPPS 2010 (Lanzoni) Extraction of pollen grains from the entrapping surface (tape, filters) DNA purification from pollen grains Molecular analysis (Real-Time PCR methods) Hirst type PMF/Sigma-2 Weight the maize pollen (1-10 mg) On-tape adhesion Filter adhesion (PMF) Microscopic count DNA extraction and purification + H2O, glass beads, CTAB buffer DNA extraction and purification 5-10 μl Real Time PCR www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.2 Photos: Pollen traps Location: Ullà www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 Task 3.3: Validation of CMS maize as a biological containment method (Leader: Joachim Schiemann, JKI) Subtasks T3.3.1: Studies on CMS maize (JKI) T3.3.2: Studies on isolation methods and distances (UdG) T3.3.3: Recommendation for a good agricultural practice to improve the coexistence between GM plants based on CMS and non-GM plant growing farmers (JKI) www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 CMS maize Plus-Hybrid System Cytplasmic male sterility (CMS) offers the potential for efficient biological containment to facilitate coexistence in maize The Plus-Hybrid system offers the potential of a biological confinement and a high and stable yield. CMS effect: no pollen = more recources available Xenia effect: allo-pollen influence on kernel weight Relativ Yield Sterile tassel CMS effect Xenia effect Plus-Hybrid effect Fertile tassel Hybrid A Hybrid A Fertile Fertile Hybrid A Hybrid A Sterile Fertile Hybrid A Hybrid B Fertile Fertile Hybrid A Hybrid B Sterile Fertile (Weingartner et al., 2002) www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 Field trial design – Germany and Czech Best proportion and arrangement of a pollen donor in a CMS-maize plot? Mixture Row 10% Mixture 15% Mixture 20% Row 15% Row 10% Mixture 20% Row 20% 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m 3. Rep. 5m 5m 5m 2. Rep. 5m 5m 1. Rep. 5m Mixture 20% 10% 15 m Hemp 5m Row Mixture 10% Row 15% Row 20% Mixture 15% Mixture 10% Mixture 20% Row 15% 45 m Row 10% 15% 15 m 5m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 185 m Measurements CMS maize hybrid Torres Conventional maize White maize WM 17007 Locations Czech, Germany, Spain Flowering date Dates of female and male flowering Plant height Number of plants at harvesting and ears/plant Number of grains per ear Harvesting date Harvest humidity 1000 kernel weight Grain yield www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 Yield of the Plus-Hybrid trial in 2012 M10 / R 10 M 15 / R 15 M 20 / R 20 10 % WM + 90 % CMS maize M: mixture, WM mixed with CMS maize 15 % WM + 85 % CMS maize R: row, WM designed in rows 20 % WM + 80 % CMS maize Plot size 225 m” Prague 250 250 200 200 yield [kg/plot] yield [kg/plot] Quedlinburg 150 100 50 150 100 50 0 0 M10 M15 M20 R10 R15 R20 M10 M15 M20 R10 R15 R20 www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 Field trial design – Spain Yield in Mas Badia, 2012 MIXTURE 10 % MIXTURE 15 % MIXTURE 20 % ROW 10 % ROW 15 % ROW 20 % SORGHUM www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 Mean Kernel Set after Self-pollination - test for pollen fertility MKS = mean kernel set nuber of developed kernels per cob in relation to a fully pollinated cob Quedlinburg 30 25 2 MKS [%] 20 15 10 5 0 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 number of ears 10 11 12 13 Prague 30 25 MKS [%] 1 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 number of ears www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 Cross-pollination Reliability test of the Plus-Hybrid system as a confinement tool to facilitate coexistence Cross-pollination of „mix 20%“ into white maize mixture 20% white maize 0.60 10 m main wind direction cross-pollination [%] 0.50 0.40 Quedlinburg 0.30 Prague Sickte 0.20 0.10 0.00 -0.10 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 distance within the white maize plot [m] 15 www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 Cytoplasmic male sterile hybrids tested in Spain, FAO 600 – 700 Hybrids more adapted to Spanish climate? VARIETIES PR32T16 PR33W82 DKC6666 NK GIGANTIC STE NK FAMOSO NK ARMA STE SY NEPAL STE SY VERDEMAX STE SY NEPAL Male sterility FAO maturity No (?) No (?) No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 700 600 700 700 600 700 600 700 600 Company PIONEER HI-BRED PIONEER HI-BRED MONSANTO SYNGENTA SYNGENTA SYNGENTA SYNGENTA SYNGENTA SYNGENTA www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 - Impressions P-H-trial Quedlinburg Sowing in Prague Trail in Mas Badia Maize and Hemp in Quedlinburg Harvesting in Prague www.jki.bund.de WP 3: Task 3.3 - Impressions Work group meeting in Mas Badia Cross-pollination trial in Mas Badia Variety trial in Mas Badia Work group meeting in Mas Badia Torres www.jki.bund.de WP 3: First Conclusions Conclusions www.jki.bund.de Thank you for your attention Photo: Anke Schiemann Those who want the world to continue as it is, do not want the world to continue www.jki.bund.de