New Approaches for Infectious Diseases Testing in Clinical Laboratories William M. Janda, Ph.D., D(ABMM) Professor Emeritus of Pathology University of Illinois College of Medicine University of Illinois at Chicago Director, Clinical Microbiology Laboratory John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital/Cook County Hospitals and Healthcare System Chicago, Illinois Topics to be Addressed • New CDC HIV-1/2 testing algorithm • Reverse-sequence testing for syphilis • Use of nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) for diagnosis of extra-genital gonococcal/chlamydial infections • Use of NAATS for documentation of child sexual abuse Typical Course of HIV Infection HIV Markers Early in HIV Infection: Window Periods of Immunoassays (IA’s): First Through Fourth Generation HIV-1/2 Testing: The Former Algorithm • Performance of a HIV-1/2 antibody immunoassay (IA) on a patient serum specimen • Reactive serum specimens are retested in duplicate using the same IA • Repeatedly reactive serum specimens are tested by a confirmatory test • HIV-1 Western immunoblot → • Indirect fluorescent antibody test • Cannot detect acute HIV-1 infection CDC Criteria for HIV-1 Western Immunoblot Interpretation • Positive blot criteria • 1 →→→ Ab to gp160/120 and p24 • 2 →→→ Ab to gp41 and p24 • 3 →→→ Ab to gp160/120 and gp41 • No bands → Negative • Any other combination→ Indeterminant HIV Antibody Immunoassays Generation of HIV-1 assay First generation •Used either viral lysate antigens •Detected only IgG-class antibodies Second generation •Used either recombinant or synthetic peptides as antigens •Detected only IgG-class antibodies Third generation Use synthetic peptides or recombinant antigens Detect both IgG- and IgM-class antibodies Fourth generation Use synthetic peptides or recombinant antigens Detect IgG- and IgM-class antibodies Detect p24 (core) antigen Third-Generation EIAs • “Sandwich” technique with enzyme-coupled HIV antigens • Take advantage of the bi-/multivalent nature of antibodies → Improved specificity • Only antibodies bound to ELISA wells that also bind HIV antigens generate a signal • Nonspecifically bound antibodies less likely to bind HIV antigens • Technology expands subtypes of detected antibodies • In direct ELISAs the conjugate is directed against a specific antibody subtype (e.g., IgG), whereas sandwich technology permits detection of any antibody class, including IgM • Sandwich ELISA thus increases the ability to detect HIV antibodies early in HIV infection (e.g., IgM, IgA) Comparison of First (A) and Third-Generation (B) HIV EIA’s • Assay to detect the presence of the HIV viral core protein p24 in serum and plasma introduced in 1989 • Proved useful during early infection and improved detection of recent infection • Used with antigen-antibody dissociation techniques as an aid to diagnosis of HIV infection in infants (Women Infants Transmission Study [WITS]) • p24 antigen detection kits approved by the FDA in 1989 p24 Antigen Detection Fourth Generation HIV-1/2 EIA (courtesy, BioRad) •New HIV-1/2 Testing Algorithm Includes 3 categories of tests: 4th generation HIV-1/2 Ab and Ag combo assay HIV-1/HIV-2 discrimination assay Nucleic acid testing • Approved by the FDA in March, 2013 as a supplemental test • Recommended option by CLSI • Fast TAT of third- and fourth-generation immunoassays (<1 hour) and the Multispot test enables definitive same-day test results Multispot HIV1/HIV-2 Rapid Test (Bio-Rad) Multi-Spot HIV-1/2 Rapid Test • 1. • 2. • • 3. • • 4. • Procedural control (goat anti-human IgG) HIV-2 peptide Peptide representing the immunodominant epitope of HIV-2 (gp36 envelope glycoprotein Recombinant HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein Recombinant gp41 expressed in E. coli (gp41 rDNA) HIV-1 peptide Peptide representing the immunodominant epitope of HIV-1 gp41 envelope glycoprotein New CDC HIV-1/2 Testing Algorithm A1: GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA A1(-) A1+ A2 Negative for HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies and p24 Ag Multispot * HIV-1 + HIV-1 antibodies detected Initiate care (and viral load) HIV-1&2 (-) HIV-2 + HIV-2 antibodies detected Initiate care *Multispot does not have confirmatory claim but must be used as a differentiating test NAAT NAAT+ NAAT (-) Acute HIV-1 infection Negative for HIV-1 Initiate care Multispot - Interpretation • Nonreactive →→ • HIV-2 Reactive→ • HIV-1 Reactive → • HIV Reactive →→ • Undifferentiated • INVALID →→→→ • RNA converted to DNA by reverse transcription • DNA used as a transcription template (DNA to RNA) • RNA reverse transcribed back to DNA • RNA detected by probes • 30 copy/ml sensitivity • APTIMA HIV-1 qualitative assay (GenProbe) cleared for diagnostic use Confirmatory Tests:TranscriptionMediated Amplification Arizona DOHS/Maricopa Integrated Health Systems Study MMWR 2013;62:489-494 • Screened all adult ED patients ages 18-64 years, July 2011-Feb 2013 • Fourth-generation EIA used for screening with reflex to Multispot (MS and WB) • Specimens negative by MS or WB tested for HIV-1 RNA • Results • Detected previously undiagnosed HIV infection in 37 patients • 25 diagnoses were positive by MS, WB, or both • For 12 of the 37 patients, infection established by negative MS and/or WB results and positive for HIV-1 RNA • Median HIV-1 viral loads in patients with acute infection was 3,636,176 copies/ml Benefits to Identifying Acute HIV-1 Infection • Acute infection accounts for 5-10% of HIV infection among those tested • Risk of transmission from persons with early infection is higher than from those with established infections • Persons who have been infected for less than 6 months account for almost 50% of all onwards transmission of HIV • Enables intervention to interrupt transmission • Persons with acute HIV infection named 2.5 times as many partners • Persons with acute HIV infection had nearly twice as many partners with undiagnosed HIV infection as did persons with established infections Implications for Rapid Pointof-Care Testing • Change in HIV testing algorithm applies to clinical labs only • Confirmation of HIV infection cannot be made at the point-of-care using CLIA-waived tests • Test providers should be aware of the new algorithm and with the types of supplemental tests that may be used to confirm preliminary positive results FDA-Approved Rapid HIV Antibody Screening Tests Test OraQuick ADVANCE Rapid HIV1/2 Antibody Test Uni-Gold Recombigen HIV Reveal G-3 Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test Specimen Type CLIA Category Sensitivity Specificity Manufacturer Oral fluid Waived 99.3% 99.8% OraSure Technologies, Inc. Whole Blood (f-stick, venipunct) Waived 99.6% 100% Plasma Moderate Complexity 99.6% 99.9% Whole blood (f-stick, venipunct) Waived 100% 99.7% Serum & Plasma Moderate Complexity 100% 99.8% Serum Moderate complexity 99.8% 99.1% Plasma Moderate complexity 99.8% 98.6% www.orasure. com Trinity Biotech MedMira, Inc. FDA-Approved Rapid HIV Antibody Screening Tests Test MultiSpotHI V-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test Clearview HIV 1/2 STAT-PAK Clearview COMPLETE HIV ½ Specimen Type CLIA Category* Sensitivity (95% CI) Specificity (95% CI) Manufacturer Serum Moderate complexity 100% 99.93% Plasma Moderate Complexity 100% 99.91% BioRad Laboratories www.biorad. com Whole Blood (f-stick, venipunct) Waived 99.7% 99.9% Serum & Plasma Non-waived 99.7% 99.9% Whole Blood (f-stick, venipunct) Waived 99.7% 99.90% Serum & Plasma Non-waived 99.7% 99.9% Inverness Medical Professional Diagnostics www.inverness medical Inverness Medical Professional Diagnostics www.inverness medical Sensitivity for Early HIV Infection of Rapid HIV Tests Compared with 3rd and 4th Generation Assays J Clin Virol 2012;54:42-47 HIV Screening Assay No. Specimens Testing POS Total No. Tested Sensitivity for Early HIV Infection (%) Architect HIV-1 Ag/Ab Combo 29 33 87.8 Determine HIV-1 Ag/Ab Rapid Test (Alere, FDA-cleared 8/2013) 25 33 75.8 Genetic Systems HIV-1/2+O 19 11 33 33 57.5 33.3 8 8 27 33 29.6 24.2 7 7 31 32 22.6 21.9 Multispot HIV-1/2 Rapid Test Clearview Complete HIV-1/2 Unigold Recombingen HIV Clearview HIV-1/2 Stat-Pak Oroquick Advance HIV-1/2 Use of Fourth Generation IA’s and Supplemental Tests • Improved HIV IA’s enhance ability to detect HIV infection earlier • Acute infection, when substantial HIV transmission occurs • Specimens with reactive IA’s and negative supplemental test results must undergo further testing to differentiate acute HIV infection from false-positive results • Acute HIV infections detected with 3rd or 4th generation EIAs may be misclassified as HIV-negative by WB/IFA → • Adverse clinical outcomes for patients • Further HIV transmission within the community • With FDA-clearance of Multispot as a supplemental test, labs can now adopt this algorithm • Fast TAT enables delivery of same-day definitive test results • 3rd and 4th generation EIA’s → <1 hour • Multispot → 15 min New HIV Testing Algorithm: Conclusions • Sensitive 3rd or 4th generation HIV-1/2 IA • If REACTIVE, a supplemental test (i.e., Multispot) is used to differentiate HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies • If the supplemental test is REACTIVE for HIV-1 antibodies • Confirmed HIV-1 Infection • If the supplemental test is REACTIVE for HIV-2 • Confirmed HIV-2 Infection • If the supplemental test is discrepant with the initial IA result, a NAT test is recommended • Distinguish acute early infection from false-positive IA • • • • • • Treponema pallidum cannot be cultured Primary syphilis diagnosed by direct detection methods (lesions) • Darkfield microscopy • Direct fluorescent antibody test for T. pallidum (DFA-TP) • Polymerase Chain reaction Methods not widely available Direct detection methods can miss up to 30% of primary cases Most patients present without symptoms or signs of syphilis • Healed early lesions • Inapparent lesions • Latent infections Syphilis is usually diagnosed by serologic tests Diagnosis of Syphilis Lesions of Primary and Secondary Syphilis Serologic Diagnosis of Syphilis • Serologic diagnosis always requires detection of two types of antibodies • Nontreponemal antibodies • Antibodies directed against lipoidal antigens • Damaged host cells • Possibly from treponemes • Treponemal antibodies • Antibodies directed against T. pallidum proteins • Nontreponemal tests • Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test • Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test • Toluidine red unheated serum tests (TRUST) • Treponemal tests • Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed (FTA-ABS) test • Treponema pallidum particle agglutination (TP-PA) test Serologic Diagnosis of Syphilis Serologic Diagnosis of Syphilis FTA-ABS T. pallidum Particle Agglutination (TP-PA) / T. pallidum HemAgglutination assays (TP-HA) • Enzyme immunoassays • Trep-Chek (Phoenix Biotech) • Trep-Sure (Phoenix Biotech) • Chemiluminescence immunoassays (CIAs) • Liaison • Architect • Microbead immunoassays (MBIA) • BioPlex 2200 Syphilis IgG →→→ • BioPlex 2200 IgM Serologic Diagnosis of Syphilis Serologic Reactivity in Syphilis Traditional Testing Algorithm for Diagnosis of Syphilis Syphilis Serologic Screening Algorithms – Reverse Sequence Syphilis Serology • Traditional algorithm • Detects active infection • High rate of biological false-positives • Confirmation with a treponemal test • Use of both tests results in a high PPV • Can miss early primary and treated infections • Reverse sequence algorithm • Detects early primary and treated infections that might be missed with traditional screening • Non-treponemal test needed to detect active infection • Ideally, EIAs and CIAs should have perfect specificity • False-positive results do occur • Varies by risk group being tested Syphilis Immunoassays - Timeline 1980’s EIA is FDA-cleared for use as a confirmatory test and in blood bank screening 2000 UK Public Health Lab Guidelines says EIA is an “appropriate alternative” to VDRL/RPR and TPHA 2001 EIA is FDA-cleared for clinical diagnostic use 2008 EU Guidelines: EIA/TPPA recommended for screening; VDRL and RPR no longer recommended 2009 CDC-APHL Report: Presents algorithm for screening with treponemal EIA Sensitivity and Specificity of Serologic Tests for Syphilis • Automated (high throughput) • 180 tests per hour • Low cost in highvolume settings • Less lab occupational hazards • No manual pipetting • No false-negatives due to prozone reaction Why Switch to EIA/CIA? • Objective results • Some EIA/CIA test detect IgM antibodies • BioPlex 2200 assay • Potentially useful for diagnosis of early syphilis Why Switch to EIA/CIA? Challenges and Limitations of EIA/CIA • Cannot distinguish between active disease and old disease (treated/untreated) • Studies to compare test performance with other serologic tests are lacking • Studies evaluating performance of EIA/CIA to detect IgM antibodies are lacking but ongoing • Confusion regarding management of patients with discrepant serology • Positive EIA/CIA result and a negative RPR Reasons for Discordant Test Results: EIA/CIA+ → RPR• False-positive EIA/CIA • Very sensitive • Lower specificity • Treated syphilis • Treponemal antibodies are detected by sensitive EIAs and CIAs • Sero-reversion of non-treponemal antibodies • Early primary syphilis • Treponemal antibody titer rises before nontreponemal antibody titer Interpretation of Serologic Tests for Syphilis • Reactive results in both treponemal and RPR tests → • Untreated syphilis (unless ruled out by treatment history) • Persons treated in the past are considered to have a new infection if quantitative RPR testing reveals a four-fold or greater increase in titer • Reactive result in the treponemal test but non-reactive in the RPR test → • Those with a history of previous treatment require no further management • For those without a history of treatment, a second, different treponemal test should be performed (i.e., TPPA) • If the second treponemal test is non-reactive, no further evaluation or treatment is indicated, or perform a third treponemal test to resolve the discrepancy Reverse Sequence Algorithm for Syphilis • Composite results of reverse sequence algorithm for initial screening Conclusions • EIA/CIA have high sensitivity but lower specificity • All reactive EIA/CIA must be reflexed to a quantitative RPR • Confirms reactive EIA/CIA • Detects active infection • Although test performance varies by prevalence of syphilis in the population, all discordant specimens (i.e., EIA+/RPR-) must be confirmed with a confirmatory treponemal test • Confirmatory treponemal test must have at least equivalent sensitivity and a higher specificity compared to the screening treponemal tests (EIA/CIA) • TP-PA recommended • FTA-ABS not recommended Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests for N. gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis Test Manufacturer Method of Detection FDA -Cleared Not FDA-Cleared Amplicor Roche Molecular Diagnostics PCR Female endocervical; Male urethral; Male and female FV urine; Self-collected vaginal swabs Extragenital sites; Children (any site) Probe-Tec BectonDickinson Strand displacement amplification Female endocervical; Male urethral; Male and female FV urine; Self-collected vaginal swabs Extragenital sites; Children (any site) APTIMA Hologic/ Gen-Probe Transcriptionmediated amplification Female endocervical; Male urethral; Male and female FV urine; Self-collected vaginal swabs Extragenital sites; Children (any site) Real-Time m2000 Abbott Molecular Diagnostics Real-time PCR Female endocervical; Male urethral; Male and female FV urine; Self-collected vaginal swabs Extragenital sites; Children (any site) NAATS for GC/CT • Advantages over culture-based methods • Greater sensitivity • Use of non-invasive specimens • Limitations (especially for GC) • Genetic variation/recombination can affect gene targets for amplification, leading to potentially false-negative results • Horizontal interspecies exchange of genetic material between Neisseria species may lead to false-positive results when commensal Neisseria acquire gonococcal sequences and vice versa • PCR and SDA have both demonstrated cross-reactivity with other Neisseria species Gene Targets and CrossReactivity for Gonococcal NAATs Test Amplification Target Positive Reactivity with other Neisseria Species Roche Amplicor Cytosine DNA methyltransferase gene (single copy) N. meningitidis, N. lactamica, N. subflava/sicca, N. cinerea, N. flavescens, N. polysaccharea, M. catarrhalis Gen-Probe 16S subunit of ribosomal APTIMA 2 RNA gene (multicopy) None reported BD ProbeTec Multi-copy pilin gene inverting protein homolog N. meningitidis, N. lactamica, N. cinerea, N. mucosa, N. flavescens, Abbott Real-Time PCR Opa gene (multicopy) None reported NAATS for Detection f N. gonorrhoeae in Oropharyngeal and Rectal Sites • McNally et al, CID 47:e25-e27, 2008 • SDA had low positive predictive value for oral (30.4%) and rectal (73.7%) specimens in an MSM population • Schachter et al, STD 35:637-642, 2008 • Sensitivities of NAATS (PCR, SDA, TMA) were better than culture for detection of oral/rectal GC in MSM • Specificity of PCR 78.9% for oral swabs • Specificity of SDA and TMA ≥99.4 for oral/rectal sites • Bachmann et al, JCM 42:902-907, 2009 • PCR had specificity of 73% compared to 96.3% for SDA and 98.6% for TMA for oropharyngeal GC infection in population with acknowledged oropharyngeal sexual contacts Use of NAATS for Oropharyngeal GC Bachmann et al, JCM 42:902-907, 2009 • Evaluated PCR (Roche), TMA (Gen-Probe) and SDA (BD Probe-Tec) • NAATS were compared with culture • Males and females who acknowledged oral sexual contacts in the previous two months recruited from 3 clinics in Birmingham, AL • Data evaluated using a “rotating gold standard” • Any positive results by two or three of the three tests that excluded the test being evaluated • 961 evaluable test sets obtained Use of NAATS for Oropharyngeal GC Bachmann et al, JCM 42:902-907, 2009 TEST Sensitivity Specificity Positive results by two of three comparator tests Culture 50% 99.4% PCR 80.3% 73.0% SDA 93.2% 96.3% TMA 83.6% 98.5% Positive results by three of three comparator tests Culture 65.4% 99.0% PCR 91.9% 71.8% SDA 97.1% 94.2% TMA 100% 96.2% Use of NAATS for Oropharyngeal/Rectal GC/CT Schachter et al STD 35:637-642, 2008 • Specimens from 1110 MSM • Evaluated PCR, SDA, and TMA compared with culture • True-positive GC • Culture positive, OR • TMA/PCR positive or TMA/SDA positive, OR • A single positive NAAT confirmed by an alternate target NAAT • True-positive CT • Culture positive, OR • Two positive NAATS, OR • A single positive NAAT confirmed by an alternate target NAAT Use of NAATS for Oropharyngeal/Rectal GC/CT Schachter et al STD 35:637-642, 2008 • Based on initial findings with 205 MSM specimens, PCR had a 78.9% GC specificity with oropharyngeal swabs, so PCR testing was discontinued • Oropharyngeal GC infections (89 infections detected) • Sensitivity of Culture →→41% • Sensitivity of SDA →→→ 72% • Sensitivity of TMA →→→ 93% • Specificity of SDA/TMA → ≥99.4% • Rectal GC infections (88 infections detected) • Sensitivity of Culture →→43% • Sensitivity of SDA →→→ 78% • Sensitivity of TMA →→→ 93% • Specificity of SDA/TMA → ≥99.4% Use of NAATS for Oropharyngeal/Rectal GC/CT Schachter et al STD 35:637-642, 2008 • Oropharyngel CT infections (9 infections detected) • Sensitivity of culture →→→ 44% • Sensitivity of SDA →→→→ 78% • Sensitivity of TMA →→→→ 100% • Specificity of SDA/TMA →→≥99.4% • Rectal CT infections (68 infections detected) • Sensitivity of culture →→→ 27% • Sensitivity of SDA →→→→ 63% • Sensitivity of TMA →→→→ 93% • Specificity of SDA/TMA →→≥99.4% Use of NAATS in Children – 2010 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines • Recommend initial culture of the pharynx, anal canal, and genital tracts for GC for both boys and girls • Recommend CT cultures from the anal canal in boys and girls and from the vagina in girls • NAATS can be used for detection of GC and CT in vaginal swabs and urine from girls being evaluated for suspected sexual abuse • NAATS not recommended for use in boys or for extragenital infections in children, as there are no supporting data • For cases of suspected sexual abuse, confirmatory testing by a second NAAT should be performed • Laboratories should use newer “second generation” NAATs with the highest sensitivity possible, preferably with a different target • Specimens should be retained for further testing Diagnostic Issues Raised by Using NAATS for Non-FDA-Cleared Sites • Validity of NAAT results may be legally challenged • Address concerns, in part, by collection of concurrent/follow-up cultures • Reported results should include the caveat that the site of the specimen is not FDA-cleared (off-label) • Under U.S. law, laboratories may offer testing for extra-genital gonococcal or chlamydial infection if “internal validation of the method by a verification study” is performed • Acquire site-specific specimens from: • Asymptomatic children who disclose contact • Asymptomatic children with known/highly suspected contact with an infected individual • Those with an allegation of abuse and symptoms of infection • All positive NAATs confirmed by a second NAAT and/or culture Prepubertal Non-Acute Sexual Abuse Pubertal NonAcute Sexual Abuse • American Academy of Pediatrics recommends use of urine-based and vaginal swab NAATS (oral/anal NAAT testing not addressed) • Site-specific specimens to detect STI’s by NAAT obtained at first visit • Repeated two weeks later • All positive tests confirmed by an additional NAAT and/or culture 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