Tungsten (WO3) - 203 050 tons Lithium (Li2O) - 18 447 tons Molybdenum (Mo) - 135 360 tons Rubidium (Rb2O) - 9 040 tons Copper (Cu) - 575 310 tons Cesium (Cs2O) - 4 282 tons Bismuth (Bi) - 13 385 tons Kalgutinskoye deposit - is the world-class tungsten-molybdenum-cooper deposit located in the the south-eastern part of Altai mountains in Kosh-Agach district of Altay Republic near the state boundaries of Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. Currently about 600 quartz veins (including 72 balance veins) and veinlets with the total tracked horizontal length of above 7000 m were identified at the deposit. About 100 quartz veins were tracked along the strike; from among them max 15 of the main ones were explored in depth by workings and drillholes. The biggest ore body at the deposit containing up to 40 % tungsten and molybdenum balance reserves is blind vein №87 characterized by thickness up to 3.2 m, vertical and horizontal length above 400 m. The main gangue minerals include quartz, muscovite, orthoclase, albite, fluorite, sericite and the main ore minerals include tungstenite (1-40%), molybdenite (1%), chalcopyrite (1%), beryl (0,1%), sheelite, (0.1%), bismuthinite (0.1%) and subordinate development of other sulphides (fahlore, chalcocite, covellite, bornite, arsenite, pyrrhotine, galenite and other) and products of their hypergenesis (limonite, goethite, malachite, azurite). Distribution of tungstenite is extremely nonuniform; its grade in veins varies from 0% to 30-60 %. All the above ore minerals are contained as finer dissemination in host rocks as well, forming a wide halo of vein-disseminated mineralization – greisen fringes up to 1-4 m thick. Pegmatite type mineralization is represented by quartz, orthoclase, muscovite, molybdenite (0.8%), beryl (0.1%), chalcopyrite (0.1%), covellite and chalcocite (0.2%), tungstenite (0.1%), pyrite. Veinlet-disseminated copper-molybdenum (porphyry) ores contain quartz, feldspar, biotite, fluorite (2%), chalcopyrite (0.7%), molybdenite (0.3%), and tunstenite (0.2%). 1937 – The Kalgutinskoye deposit was discovered by the geologist V.A. Zhurkin who tracked down talus quartz with molybdenite and wolframite mineralization; samples were collected from a microgranitic storkwork body as well and analyzed for molybdenum. Later it was named Molybdenovy Shtock (Molibdenum Stock). 1938-40 – Geological exploration and mining of the deposit. These were supervised by M.S. Baklakov. During these years M.S. Baklakov prepared 10 geological and industrial reports that were substantiating a large scale of the Kalgutinskoye deposit based on consistent discovery of 60 wolframite-quartz veins and consistent extension of tungsten ore reserves. 1941-1944 – The Oirotskaya exploration and operation crew of Zapsibtsvetgeologia carried out exploration and actual mining of the Kalgutinskoye deposit under the supervision of the geologists M.G. Rusanov, P.M. Bolshakov, L.M Zaretsky. The geological exploration carried out made it possible to make estimates of the Kalgutinskoye deposit reserves at: 2843.0 kt ore reserves, 38.97 kt reserves of tungsten trioxide, 9.913 kt molybdenum reserves. 1948-1954 – In this period the Kalgutinskoye deposit was mined by a cooperative association of prospectors of the Aktashsky ore mining department of Glavvolfram at the USSR Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy. During development of one of the latest adits № 15 massive bonanza wolframite-quartz vein № 87 was discovered at the Kalgutinskoye deposit. 1982-83 – The Yuzhny Kalguty (South Kalguty) deposit was discovered. That was completed owing to geological survey by V.A. Omelchenko who made a detailed pattern of ore mineralization at the Yuzhny Kalguty deposit. 1979-1992 – the Aktashsky ore mining department resumed geological exploration of the Kalgutinskoye deposit aimed at prospecting of tungsten ores and start of developing adit №18– an underground working more than 2,500 m long that was to become the main haulage level. 1992-1998 – B.G. Sementsov made “General Revised Estimation of the Kalgutinskoye Molybdenum-Tungsten Reserves as of 01 January 1997”, with reserves and resources estimated. The main result of the work done was ranking of the Kalgutinskoye deposit as a large-scale porphyry-copper deposit with copper reserves of 585.0 kt, molybdenum reserves of 147.0 kt and tungsten of 162.0 kt. B.G. Sementsov described “rare alkaline metals” mineralization with estimation of lithium, rubidium and caesium resources. 2005-2008 – OOO “Kalgutinskoye” was mining high-grade ores of wolframite-quartz vein № 87, producing 19-21 kt wolframite ore per summer. 2012-2013 – IMC Montan completed “Report on Mineral Resources of the Kalgutinskoye Tungsten-Molybdenum Deposit” and confirmed the dominating stockwork porphyry copper-molybdenum mineralization as prospective for commercial mining. The total scope of work undertaken at the Kalgutinskoye deposit is shown in table below: Geological Exploration Scope Mine workings drivage, in all including underground 29953 m3 15284 m3 Drilling 33241 m Sampling 14788 samples Chemical analysis 31907 tests Spectral analysis for 28 elements 9104 tests X-ray radiometric analysis 2345 tests Technological ore studies 5 samples Including total scope of work undertaken at Yuzhno-Kalgutinsky site is shown in table below: Geological Exploration Scope Mine workings drivage Drilling Sampling Core sampling Slurry sampling Channel and tear sampling 14 669 m3 7 241 m 1 910 samples 257 samples 484 samples Analytical studies Lithochemical sampling 2 222 samples Technological sampling 1 sample Spectral analysis for 24 elements 4 580 tests Mineral analysis of channel sample tailings Chemical analysis WO3 Cu Mo Bi CaF2 Fire assay Au, Ag X-ray spectral analysis Silicate analysis Identification of decorative characteristics 81 tests 1 896 tests 1 731 tests 103 tests 302 tests 1 689 tests 1 338 tests 53 tests 93 tests 4 tests Identification of rock category 6 tests Technological ore studies 1 sample Description of thin and polished sections 83 thin and polished sections Physical characteristics of samples 179 tests The Kalgutinskoye ores contain a wide spectrum of metals - copper, tungsten, molybdenum, beryllium, bismuth, lithium, rubidium, caesium and a number of others. At the deposit there are high reserves of fluorite as well. Reserve tonnage scale and other factors predetermine feasibility of setting up efficient operations for extraction of a whole range of minerals. The following elements – tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth and copper – are of industrial importance. Chemical Composition of Ores 70-80 % of tungsten is represented by wolframite that can be observed as tabular and lamellar crystals from dust to crosssection of 25 mm. Infrequently the wolframite crystals are grouped in crystal clusters and intergrowths. Content of WO3 in saleable ore is from 0.4 to 2.4% 70-80 % of molybdenum is represented by molybdenite that is observed as scales from hundredth fractions to 2-3 cm in diameter. Molybdenite content varies from 0.19 to 0.55 %. 80-90 % of copper is represented by primary (chalcopyrite) and secondary (chalcosite, covellite, bornite) sulphides. The average copper content of saleable ore is 0.36%. Mineral Composition of Ore Minerals % wt Minerals % wt Quartz 54.0-85.0 Biotite 0.5-10.0 Feldspar 3.0-20.0 Apatite 0.3 Muscovite 1.5-11.0 Beryl 0.04-0.20 Fluorite 0.5 Pyrite 0.2 Wolframite 0.42-2.0 Bismuthine 0.02-0.1 Molybdenite 0.1-0.85 Chalcopyrite 0.1-2.7 Scheelite 0.1-0.15 Chalcosite 0.2-0.3 Bornite 0.2-0.3 Covellite 0.2-0.3 Element Content in Veins Content in Greisens Хmin Хmax X V,% Хmin/Хmax X V,% Economic CutOff* W, % 0.006- 4.0 1.2 130 0.003-1.8 0.12 290 0.08-0.11 Chernov et al.,1998 Мо, % 0.02- 4.0 0.88 160 0.003-1.8 0.09 330 0.005-0.2 Pokalov, 1997 Cu, % 0.01- 2.0 0.50 110 0.02-0.50 0.12 90 0.05-0.1 Chernov et al., 1998 Вi, % 0.0006- 1.0 0.16 170 0.001- 0.040 0.006 110 0.002-0.003 Chernov et al., 1998 Вe, g/t 2-1000 130 200 3-150 11 230 11-22 Chernov et al., 1998 Аu, mg/t 1.2-50 19 90 1-61 12 110 200-500 Chernov et al., 1998 Аg, g/t 0.2-40 10 110 0.2-9.4 2.0 130 2-7 Chernov et al., 1998 Рt, mg/t 0.5- 3000 230 260 0.5-1800 200 180 Рd, mg/t 5-700 80 170 2.4-52 16 76 Оs, mг/т 0.5-45 6 210 0.5-92 4 410 ΣTR, g/t 7.5-100 24 110 52-240 150 35 100 Solodov at al., 1998 Li, g/t 10-300 44 140 100-600 340 40 300 Chernov et al., 1998 Cs, g/t 5.2-110 38 71 53-150 110 22 10-30 Kremenetsky et al., 1999 Rb, g/t 30-600 190 76 300-800 560 22 100-200 Kremenetsky et al. 1999 Notes: Total Rare Earth Elements (ΣTR) include - La, Се, Sm, Eu, Тb, Yb, Lu. Source* The mineralization is polymetallic both geochemically and economically. Of commercial importance alongside with “greisen” metals (Ве, W, Мо) are Сu and Вi. High content of elements in various geochemical groups - Nb, Та, Вa, U, Li, Rb, Сs, La, Lu, Аu, Аg, Рt, Рd, Оs, Rh, Сd, Sb, Аs, Pb, Zn, Сr, Мn can be observed. The ores are characterized by a significant list of ore and vein minerals (over 50). In addition to widespread oxides, sulphides and sulphosalts native elements – Au, Bi, Cu – can be observed, which characterizes major and giant fields.High concentrations of precious metals were found in geological formations of the Kalgutinskoye REM greisens deposit. Gold can be observed in nuggets, high concentrations of the element are found in graphite grains (to 100 g/t) and in pyrite (54 mg/t). Silver is mainly found in sulphides and sulphosalts (to 7.3 %) and is the major gold impurity. High concentrations of PGMs are typical for pyrite, wolframite, molybdenite. It is expected that PGM mineral free forms are present as well. Precious metals are characterized by nested distribution, which indicates prospects of byproduct extraction of precious metals. The data of the Kalgutinskoye ore forming conditions available are consistent with parameters of forming productive stages of tungsten-molybdenum ore formation at major deposits of the world, which once again underlines high prospects of the deposit’s ore field. Cosmic structures of the Kalgutinskoye REM deposit (the Altai Mountains) were studied using materials of multispectral satellite survey Landsat; ЕТМ+ and satellite radar mapping SRTM. – The Kaltuginsky granite massif and the deposit proper are in the inner belt of the structure in a ring 15.2 km in diameter. Ore-bearing prospects of the southeastern part of the district were highly assessed. The Kalgutinskoye deposit JORC Equivalent Resources JORC Resource Category Mineralisation type Ore, kt WO3 av.grade, % Mo av. grade, Cu av.grade, % % Measured Indicated Measured + Indicated Quartz-vein Quartz-vein Quartz-vein 69,8 102 172 2,48 1,61 1,96 0,40 0,35 0,37 1,76 1,89 1,84 Indicated Molybdenum in pegmatite 542 0,12 0,72 0,13 Indicated Copper-porphyry stockwork 17 400 0,05 0,04 0,18 Indicated Total 18 044 0,06 0,06 0,19 Measured + Indicated Total 18 114 0,07 0,06 0,19 Inferred Inferred Quartz-vein Quartz-vein in Yuzhno-Kalgutinskoye site 260 510 1,80 0,79 0,36 - 0,89 - Inferred Inferred Near-vein veinlet-disseminated Molybdenum in pegmatite 2 490 4 900 0,74 0,12 0,20 0,17 0,08 0,22 Inferred Copper-porphyry stockwork 330 000 0,05 0,04 0,17 Inferred Total 338 420 0,06 0,04 0,17 Reserves and Resources of the Kalgutinskoye deposit estimated as of 1997 Mineralisation type Category Ore, thou t Grade, % WO3 Mo Cu Bi Quartz-vein (veins and greisen margins) B+C1+C2 P1 172 259 1,96 1,79 0,37 0,35 1,83 0,88 0,22 0,12 Veinlet-impregnated near-vein (site II) C2 P1 1 186 1 336 0,87 0,62 0,25 0,16 0,09 0,07 0,006 0,005 Rare metal pegmatite (Main rare metal pegmatite, site II) С1+С2 5 430 0,12 0,22 0,21 0,012 Stockwork copper-porphyry С1+С2 P1 348 986 2 076 669 0,005 0,005 0,004 0,004 0,16 0,16 0,003 0,003 Reserves and Resources of tungsten-fluorite ore in Yuzhno-Kalgutinskoye site Mineralisation type Category tungsten-fluorite ore C2 P1 Total C2+P1 Ore, thou t Grade, % Ore, t WO3 CaF2 WO3 CaF2 5951 8817 0,89 0,89 19,0 19,0 52 963 78 471 1130 690 1675 230 14 768 0,89 19,0 131 434 2 805 920 Porphyry Copper Ores Porphyry copper mineralization was explored only on some sites of the mine claim. C1+C2 ore reserves are 350.0 Mt, P1 resourcesare 2.1 bn t at the average content of 0.06% WO3, 0.04% Mo and 0.17 %Cu. Given tungsten/copper and molybdenum/copper conversion ratios of 6/1 and of 5/1 respectively, the average content of copper equivalent in porphyry copper ores will be 0.73%. Since at present ores involved into surface mining are at the average content of 0.38% Cu (the Tominskoye porphyry copper deposit, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia) and 0.47% Cu (Oyu-Tolgoi, the largest copper deposit in the world, Mongolia), the Kalgutinskoye ores at the average content of 0.73 (copper equivalent) have good prospects of surface mining at annual production of 10.0 and more million tonnes. Presence of mineralization areas at higher Cu and Mo content enables planning porphyry copper ores at the average content of 1.0-1.5 % for surface mining within first 10-15 years. For example, Las Bambas operating project, Peru, with resources of 500.0 Mt at the average content of 1.14% Cu has similar ore parameters. By-product extraction of such economic components as bismuth, beryllium, lithium, rubidium, caesium, osmium, niobium, tantalum that are contained in the Kalgutinskoye ores, and infrequently in commercial content, considerably improves technical and economic indicators of porphyry copper ore surface mining. Quartz-Vein and Pegmatitic Ores Quartz-vein ores are distinct for higher content of economic components and hence higher commodity value. These ores have been explored well; and presence of all the required infrastructure and underground workings ensures prompt organization of annual production of 360.0 kt – 1.0 Mtpa. The Kalgutinskoye high-grade ore reserves and resources of 18.2 Mt enable highly profitable mining of the ore for 20-30 years. Tonnages and Average Content of Metals in Quartz-Vein and Pegmatitic Ores Average content,% Ore characteristics Ore tonnages kt WO3 Mo Cu Average content based on copper equivalent, % B+C1+C2 quartz-vein ore 172.0 1.96 0.37 1.83 15.44 P1 quartz-vein ore 259.0 1.79 0.35 0.88 13.37 C2 vein-disseminated ore around veins 1186.0 0.87 0.25 0.09 6.56 P1 vein-disseminated ore around veins 1136.0 0.62 0.16 0.07 3.8 Main rare-metal pegmatite, site II C1+C2 ore 542.0 0.12 0.72 0.13 4.45 Total 3495.0 0.83 0.3 0.23 6.71 High content of tungsten, molybdenum and copper in quartz veins ensures output of 2.0 kt tungsten and 1.0 kt molybdenum per year at annual production of 360.0 kt ore. Tonnages and Average Content of Tungsten and Fluorite in Yuzhny Kalguty Ores Ore Characteristics C1+C2+ P1 tungsten-fluorite ore Tonnages of ore, kt 14768.0 Average content, % WO3 CaF2 0.89 19.0 Average content based on copper equivalent, % 6.55 Production and processing of tungsten-molybdenum ores were carried out at the same time as geological exploration took place in 2006-2010. Processing was carried out at a pilot roughing plant using gravity process for tungsten ore and gravity flotation process for tungsten-molybdenum ore. The average recovery was 82% tungsten and 78% molybdenum. Quality of concentrates produced by means of processing the Kalgutinskoye ores is confirmed by the following certificates: Kalgutinskoye Ltd. is looking for strategic partners who have experience of working or investing in the open-pit and underground mines to exploit a rich ores of the Kalgutinskoye deposit. We will be glad to cooperate with domestic and foreign companies that are interested in getting the raw materials of tungsten, molybdenum, and copper for further production of these metals. Mining and processing of the Kalgutinskoye deposit ores - is profitable project with a good financial result. High profit is achieved due to the high metal content of the rich ores and, as a result, lower unit costs. The planned annual production capacity of 360 thousand tons of ore allows to get more than 2,000 tons of tungsten and 1000 tons of molybdenum per year. Reserves and resources of rich ore of the Kalgutinskoye deposit allow to increase production capacity to 1 million tons per year for a period of 20 years. We guarantee to partners and investors favorable conditions of work, as a priority policy of the Altai Republic government is to support investment projects in the mining sector. Address: 649780, Altay Republic, Kosh-Agach town, Meliorativnaya street 23, office 3 Phone: phone/fax +7 (383) 210-37-87, +7 (495) 645-79-79 E-mail: sibinvest2005@yandex.ru , kalgutinskoe@mail.ru Web-Site: http://kalgutinskoe.com