Does N limit C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems? If so, how? Yiqi Luo Department of Botany and Microbiology University of Oklahoma USA Key points 1. Mineral N regulates plant growth and its responses to global change 2. N capital in organic form determines long-term carbon sequestration Working hypotheses 1. CO2 stimulation of carbon sequestration will be down-regulated by limited N supply over time. 2. Climate warming stimulates N mineralization and increases N availability, which will enhance C sequestration 3. N deposition increases mineral N availability, stimulate plant growth, and thus will enhance C sequestration Nitrogen cycle Carbon cycle Plant assimilation N deposition Soil Mineral N Warming Elevated CO2 Effects of nitrogen on plant growth, overall and grouped by biome LeBauer and Treseder 2008 Nitrogen cycle Carbon cycle Atm CO2 Internal fast photosynthesis External slow denitrification N deposition Plant assimilation respiration litterfall & mortality Litter / CWD (i) Soil Mineral N N fixation decomposition mineralization Soil Organic Matter N leaching Thornton et al. 2009 Effects of N addition on C and N cycles Meta-analysis of data from 206 papers Lu et al. 2011 New Phytologist (N cycle) Lu et al. 2011 Agricultural Ecosystems & Environment (C cycle) Litter N 24% NH4+ 47% Microbial biomass N 5.8% Nit. 154% NO3429% Leaching 461% Litter/OH decomposition Belowground plant N 53% N uptake Den 84% Aboveground plant N 44% N-Min 25% N addition N2O 134% Extremely leaking system Soil N pool 6.2% Organic Horizon N 6.1% DON 21% Lu et al. 2011a Once N fertilization stops, mineral N gradually reset to the control level O’Sullivan et al. 2011 GCB Aboveground plant C Litter/OH decomposition 35.7% Litter C 20.9% Organic Horizon C N additions R:S 14.5 Belowground plant C 23% Rs 4.3% Ps Microbe C 6.4% Soil organic C 2.2% 1.8% DOC 11% 1. Reduce C input into soil systems 2. Little contributions of aboveground Deep layer SOM biomass and litter production to soil C 3. Increased C loss via decomposition and respiration Lu et al. 4. Increased C loss via DOC 2011b Mack et al. 2004 Nature Mineral N does not set the level of soil N capital over time Long-term (12 years) warming and clipping “dummy” heater Infrared heater clip unclip unclip clip C and N interactions under experimental warming Phenology Growing season Leaf Ps Respiration Plant growth Plant community C4/C3 species Plant N uptake Available N Plant & soil C NUE Microbial community Fungi/bacteria Quality of bulk litter Litter Decomposition Luo, 2007. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Evol. System Sherry et al. 2007, PNAS Zhou et al. 2007a, JIPB Phenology Growing Leaf Ps season Sherry et al. 2008, GCB Plant growth Luo et al. 2009, GCB-E Zhou et al. 2006, GBC; 2007b, GCB Luo et al. 2001, Nature Respiration Plant & soil C Microbial community NUE Fungi/bacteria Quality of bulk litter Plant N Zhang et al. 2005 GCB uptake Zhou et al. In review Litter Decomposition Available N Plant community C4/C3 species An et al. 2005, GCB Wan et al. 2005, GBC Niu et al. 2010, Ecology Cheng et al. 2010 Agric Ecosystems 20 80 60 a unclipped unclipped b 15 10 20 0 5 -20 0 -40 -60 Total C C due to N C due to NUE 60 c -5 clipped d 20 40 15 20 10 0 -20 Increment of plant C content (gC m -2) Increment of plant C content (gC m -2) 40 NUE is the main mechanism underlying warminginduced increases in plant C storage 5 clipped -40 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 C C-N C-NUE 0 Niu et al. 2010 Ecology Lu et al. In preparation Warming effects on carbon processes Lu et al. In preparation Progressive Nitrogen Limitation N sequestered in biomass & litter CO2 C:N NPP C input to soil N uptake labile soil N N sequestered in SOM N availability Luo et al. 2004 BioScineces PNL may not occur if N sequestered in biomass & litter CO2 NPP N fixation C:N C input to soil N uptake labile soil N N sequestered in SOM N loss N availability Luo et al. 2004 BioScineces Soil pools Litter pools 14 Soybean a 12 Swiss 3 yrs carbon Florida c: Carbon 10 Frequency Sorghum Duke 6 yrs Duke 3 yrs Swiss 2 yrs Swiss 3 yrs Mean = 0.054 Se = 0.0117 n = 40 P < 0.001 8 6 4 P. nigra 2 Ca grassland Swiss 1 yr P. x euram Soybean b Florida Nitrogen Duke 6 yrs Duke 3 yrs Mean = 0.227 Se = 0.0666 n=7 P = 0.011 Sorghum Oak Ridge Swiss 6 yrs 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Response Ratio Luo et al. 2006 Ecology 14 12 Frequency P. alba -0.2 0 Mean = 0.187 Se = 0.0376 n = 14 P < 0.001 Oak Ridge 10 d: Nitrogen Mean = 0.106 Se = 0.0322 n = 36 P = 0.002 • 21% increase in litter C • 25% increase in litter N • 5.6% increase in soil C • 11.2% increase in soil N 8 6 4 2 0 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Response Ratio • Ecosystem C increases by ~100 g m-2 yr-1 • Ecosystem N increases by ~1 g m-2 yr-1 No complete down-regulation Working hypotheses CO2 stimulation of carbon sequestration will be downregulated by limited N supply over time. N capital increased by ~1 g N m-1 yr-1 to alleviate N limitation Climate warming stimulates N mineralization and increases N availability, which will enhance C sequestration Increased N mineralization enhances biomass growth but not soil C sequestration. N deposition increases mineral N availability, stimulate plant growth, and thus will enhance C sequestration Yes for plant pools, not for soil pools Soil mineral N availability regulates plant growth but does not determine long-term C sequestration Which N processes determine longterm C sequestration? Rastteter et al. 1997 N capital in organic form Long-term C sequestration Redistribution of N among pools intermediate C sequestration Adjustment in C/N ratio shortterm C sequestration Rastteter et al. 1997 N capital Binkley et al. 2000 Ecosystems Net change in organic N capital (the key variable to determine long-term C sequestration) Adding inorganic N Fire Plant invasion Forest succession Forest plantation Elevated CO2 Experimental warming Lu et al. 2011, New Phytologist Wan et al. 2001, Ecological Appl Liao et al. 2008, New Phytologist Yang et al. 2011, New Phytologist Liao et al. 2010, PloS One Luo et al. 2006, Ecology Lu et al. In preparation Carbon and nitrogen coupling during forest succession A database of 124 published papers from the literature Yang et al. 2011 New Phytologists The rates of C pool changes declined with forest age and approached an equilibrium state Yang et al. 2011 New Phytologists The rate of relative N change was positively associated with the rate of relative C change with different slopes among various ecosystem components Yang et al. 2011 New Phytologists The rate of absolute N change increased linearly with that of C pool change Yang et al. 2011 New Phytologists Yang et al. Unpublished The relative change in C: N ratio was larger than 1.0 in both aboveground plant and woody tissues, but close to 1.0 in other ecosystem components Yang et al. 2011 New Phytologists Conclusions 1. Mineral N limits plant growth but does not regulate long-term carbon sequestration 2. Organic N capital determines long-term carbon sequestration Acknowledgement Financial support: U.S. National Science Foundation US Department of Energy NCEAS Working group: William Currie, Jeffrey Dukes, Christopher Field, ,Adrien Finzi, Ueli Hartwig, Bruce Hungate, Yiqi Luo, Ross McMurtrie, Ram Oren, William Parton, Diane Pataki, Rebecca Shaw, Bo Su, Donald Zak Meta analysis collaborators: Dafeng Hui, Chengzhang Liao, Meng Lu, Shuli Niu, Shiqiang Wan, Yuanhe Yang, Deqiang Zhang, Xuhui Zhou