Digital Envelopes, Secure Socket Layer and Digital

Digital Envelopes, Secure
Socket Layer and Digital
By: Anthony and James
Digital Envelopes - What does
it do and different types
• Detects and protects messages
• Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption
• Symmetric key, Secret Key (private key)
and Public Key
Digital Envelopes- How it
• Message is encoded with symmetric
encryption and the public key decodes
the message encrypted. The person
than uses the private key to decrypt the
message, then the other person uses
the symmetric key to decrypt the
message sent
Secure Socket Layers - What
does it do and different types
• Provides a safe and secure
communication online
• Ex. E-mail, IM, Internet browsing,
Faxing online, etc.
• SSL (secure socket layer) and TLS
(transport layer security)
Secure Socket Layers - Phases
• Peer negotiation for algorithm support
• Key exchange and authentication
• Symmetric cipher encryption and
message authentication
Secure Socket Layers - How
does it work?
• SSL is all about encryption of data
weather personal or business.
• It encrypts things like credit cards and
other personal information that may be
on the internet.
• You know your on an “SSL” page when
the address starts with “HTTPS”.
Digital Certificates - What
does it do and different types
• It verifies the identity of the person
sending the message
• Certificates authority, server/client,
object signing, signature verification
and user certificates
Digital Certificates - How does
it work?
• You request a digital certificate from a
(CA) Certificate authority.
• They give you access to it and you use
it to encode the message you wish to
send with a “Certificate” and this
verifies your identity via third party.