Textual Entailment Recognition for Web Based Question-Answering Fabio Massimo Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Roma, Italy University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Operational Scenarios What’s the weather in Macao? © F.M.Zanzotto When is my paper scheduled in the World Intelligence Congress? University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Operational Scenarios Answering a Question using existing texts Q: Who did Roma play with? Web Snippet: Roma won against Milan (2-1) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Recognizing Textual Entailment Reframing the two problems … S: Roma won against Milan (2-1) Q: Who did Roma play against? Roma played against X Text (T) Roma won against Milan (2-1) © F.M.Zanzotto entails Hypothesis (H) Roma played against Milan University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Outline • Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE): Problem definition • Systems and Approaches for RTE • Supervised Machine Learning Methods for RTE • Semi-supervised Knowledge Induction for RTE © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Classical Entailment Definition Chierchia & McConnell-Ginet (2001): A text t entails a hypothesis h if h is true in every circumstance (possible world) in which t is true Strict entailment - doesn't account for some uncertainty allowed in applications (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Language Variability The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 255 Dow ends up Dow gains 255 points Dow climbs 255 Stock market hits a record high (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Natural Language and Meaning Meaning Variability Ambiguity Language (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Applied Textual Entailment A directional relation between two text fragments: Text (T) and Hypothesis (H): T entails H (TH) if humans reading t will infer that h is most likely true For textual entailment to hold we require: T + previous knowledge K H and not KH © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Applied Textual Entailment • Operational (applied) definition: – Human gold standard - as in NLP applications – Assuming common background knowledge For textual entailment to hold we require: T + previous knowledge K H and not KH © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Applied Textual Entailment Model variability as relations between text expressions: • Equivalence: text1 text2 (paraphrasing) Text (T) Roma won against Milan entails • Entailment: text1 text2 Text (T) Roma won against Milan (2-1) © F.M.Zanzotto entails Hypothesis (H) Roma defeated Milan the general case Hypothesis (H) Roma played against Milan University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Operational Definition The task has been operationally defined in the challenges of Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) (Dagan et al. 2005) under the PASCAL EU Network (RTE 1-2-3) the NIST (RTE 4-5-6-7) the SEMEVAL conference (RTE-8) © F.M.Zanzotto Current Challenge University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Operational Definition The task has been defined on the basis of other NLP tasks: – – – – – – – Question Answering Information Extraction “Semantic” Information Retrieval Comparable documents / multi-doc summarization Machine Translation evaluation Reading comprehension Paraphrase acquisition • Most data created from actual applications output (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Some RTE Challenge Examples TEXT HYPOTHESIS TASK ENTAILMENT Regan attended a ceremony in 1 Washington to commemorate the landings in Normandy. Washington is located in Normandy. IE False 2 Google files for its long awaited IPO. Google goes public. IR True …: a shootout at the Guadalajara airport in May, 1993, that killed 3 Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo and six others. Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo died in 1993. QA True IE True The SPD got just 21.5% of the vote in the European Parliament elections, 4 while the conservative opposition parties polled 44.5%. © F.M.Zanzotto The SPD is defeated by the opposition parties. (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Outline • Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE): Problem definition • Systems and Approaches for RTE • Supervised Machine Learning Methods for RTE • Semi-supervised Knowledge Induction for RTE © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Systems for RTE Problem We want to build a system that recognize whether: a text T entails an Hypothesis H Questions: • How many possibilities do we have? • What kind of knowledge do we need? • Is there a baseline system? © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Baseline RTE system Lexical Overlap System Count how many words/tokens are in common ore “related” between T and H, if this number is large (above a threshold) then say ENTAILMENT otherwise say NOT-ENTAILMENT © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Baseline RTE system Text: The Cassini spacecraft arrived at Titan in July, 2006. Hyp: The Cassini spacecraft has reached Titan. (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Baseline RTE system Some examples: T1 H1 (Zanzotto, Moschitti, 2006) T1 “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay dividends.” H1 “At the end of the year, all solid insurance companies pay dividends.” T1 H2 T1 “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay dividends.” H2 “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay cash dividends.” The problem is not so simple, but this is a good baseline! © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Systems for RTE Problem We want to build a system that recognize whether: a text T entails an Hypothesis H Questions: • How many possibilities do we have? • What kind of knowledge do we need? • Is there a baseline system? © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” What kind of knowledge do we need? Roma won against Milan Roma defeated Milan Roma won against Milan Roma played against Milan we need (Lexical Knowlegde): • the equivalence win against defeat • the implication win play © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” What kind of knowledge do we need? T2 H2 T2 H2 “Kesslers team conducted 60,643 face-to-face interviews with adults in 14 countries” “Kesslers team interviewed more than 60,000 adults in 14 countries” we need (first-order rules/rules with variables): • the equivalence “X conducted Y interviews with Z” = “X interviewed Y Z” • the implication “X” “more than Y” if X>Y © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Residual problems • How do we encode this knowlegde – It depends on the level of language interpretation • How do we use this knowledge – Rule based systems + threshold – Machine learnt systems • How do we learn this knowledge – Supervised learning – Unsupervised/Semisupervised Learning © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Textual Entailment and Language Interpretations Meaning Representation Inference Logical Forms Semantic Representation Representation Syntactic Parse Local Lexical Raw Text Textual Entailment © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Symbolic Langague Interpretation Models • Constituency-based Syntactic Interpretation S VP NP © F.M.Zanzotto NNS VB Farmers feed NP NP NNS NN cows animal NNS extracts University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Symbolic Langague Interpretation Models • Dependency-based Syntactic Interpretation (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Symbolic Langague Interpretation Models • Semantic Interpretation Semantic Role Labelling (or Semantic Parse) T: The government purchase of the Roanoke building, a former prison, took place in 1902. take The govt. purchase… prison PRED ARG_0 place in 1902 ARG_1 ARG_2 purchase PRED The Roanoke building ARG_1 © F.M.Zanzotto (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Symbolic Langague Interpretation Models • Logical Forms [Bos & Markert] The semantic representation language is a first-order fragment a language used in Discourse Representation Theory (DRS), conveying argument structure with a neo-Davidsonian analysis and Including the recursive DRS structure to cover negation, disjunction, and implication. (Dagan, Roth, Zanzotto, ACL Tutorial 2007) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Textual Entailment and Language Interpretations • Rules at different levels © F.M.Zanzotto Logical Forms One rule R Semantic Representation Possibly still one rule R Syntactic Parse Many rules corresponding to R Local Lexical Many rules corresponding to R University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Rules (with Variables) at different levels Logical Forms Semantic Representation xy.win(x,y)play(x,y) win(Arg0:x,Arg1:y)play(Arg0:x,Arg1:y) Syntactic Parse Local Lexical © F.M.Zanzotto X wins against Y X plays against Y X won against Y X played against Y X defeatedY X played against Y X defeatedY X played againstY Y has been defeated by X X played againstY University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Strategies for building a RTE system • Rewriting systems (RS) • Distance/Similarity Systems (DSS) • Hybrid Systems = RS+DSS © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Strategies for building a RTE system Rewriting Systems t1 Meaning Representation t2 r1 tn-1 r2 … rn-1 h=tn rn Raw Text T © F.M.Zanzotto H University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Strategies for building a RTE system Distance/Similarity Systems t1 Meaning Representation h sim(t1,h) <t >t NO YES Raw Text T © F.M.Zanzotto H University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Strategies for building a RTE system Hybrid Systems t1 Meaning Representation tj h=tn tk … … sim(tj, tk) Raw Text T © F.M.Zanzotto <t >t NO YES H University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Strategies for building a RTE system Residual Problems • How to estimate the threshold t? Supervised Machine Learning Approaches • How to accumulate a large knowledge base of rules? Semi-supervised Machine Learning Approaches or Knowledge Induction Methods © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Outline • Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE): Problem definition • Systems and Approaches for RTE • Supervised Machine Learning Methods for RTE • Semi-supervised Knowledge Induction for RTE © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Quick background on Supervised Machine Learning Instance xi Classifier yi Instance in a feature space Learnt Model {(x1,y1) Training Set (x2,y2) … (xn,yn)} © F.M.Zanzotto Learner University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Quick background on Supervised Machine Learning • Some Machine Learning Methods exploit the distance between instances in the feature space • For these machines, we can use the Kernel Trick: – define the distance K(x1 , x2) – instead of defining the feautures K(x1,x2) x1 x2 © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” RTE and Classification If Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) is a classification task: T2 H2 T2 H2 “Kesslers team conducted 60,643 face-to-face interviews with adults in 14 countries” “Kesslers team interviewed more than 60,000 adults in 14 countries” We can learn a classifier from annotated examples Problem: Defining the feature space © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” RTE and Classification Hybrid Systems Meaning Representation t1 tj h=tn tk … … Classifier Raw Text NO YES T H We can learn a classifier from annotated examples Problem: Defining the feature space © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” RTE and Classification Defining the feature space for RTE Classifiers • Classes of models and feature spaces for sentence pairs • A particular model: First-order rewrite rule feature spaces for sentence pairs © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” RTE and Classification Defining the feature space for RTE Classifiers • Classes of models and feature spaces for sentence pairs • A particular model: First-order rewrite rule feature spaces for sentence pairs © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Defining the feature space How do we define the feature space? T1 H1 T1 “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay dividends.” H1 “At the end of the year, all solid insurance companies pay dividends.” • Possible features – “Distance Features” - Features of “some” distance between T and H – “Entailment trigger Features” – “Pair Feature” – The content of the T-H pair is represented • Possible representations of the sentences – Bag-of-words (possibly with n-grams) – Syntactic representation – Semantic representation © F.M.Zanzotto Page 45 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Similarity Features T H T “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay dividends.” H “At the end of the year, all solid insurance companies pay dividends.” Possible features – – – – © F.M.Zanzotto Number of words in common Longest common subsequence Longest common syntactic subtree … Page 46 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Similarity Features Limits T1 H1 T1 “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay dividends.” H1 “At the end of the year, all solid insurance companies pay dividends.” T1 H2 T1 “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay dividends.” H2 “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay cash dividends.” % of H covered words = 6/7 % of H covered syntactic relations = 6/7 © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Entailment Triggers Possible features from (de Marneffe et al., 2006) – Polarity features • presence/absence of neative polarity contexts (not,no or few, without) – “Oil price surged”“Oil prices didn’t grow” – Antonymy features • presence/absence of antonymous words in T and H – “Oil price is surging”“Oil prices is falling down” – Adjunct features • dropping/adding of syntactic adjunct when moving from T to H – “all solid companies pay dividends” “all solid companies pay cash dividends” – … © F.M.Zanzotto Page 48 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Pair Features T H T “At the end of the year, all solid companies pay dividends.” H “At the end of the year, all solid insurance companies pay dividends.” • Possible features – Bag-of-word spaces of T and H insurance_H dividends_H pay_H companies_H solid_H … year_H … end_H dividends_T pay_T H companies_T solid_T year_T … end_T T … – Syntactic spaces of T and H © F.M.Zanzotto Page 49 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Pair Features: what can we learn? • Bag-of-word spaces of T and H – We can learn: • T implies H as when T contains “end”… • T does not imply H when H contains “end”… It seems to be totally irrelevant!!! © F.M.Zanzotto insurance_H dividends_H pay_H companies_H solid_H … year_H … end_H dividends_T pay_T H companies_T solid_T year_T … end_T T … University of Rome “Tor Vergata” RTE and Classification Defining the feature space for RTE Classifiers • Classes of models and feature spaces for sentence pairs • A particular model: First-order rewrite rule feature spaces for sentence pairs © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Motivation For example, in textual entailment… Training examples P1: T1 H1 P2: T2 H2 T1 “Farmers feed cows animal extracts” T2 “They feed dolphins fishs” H1 “Cows eat animal extracts” H2 “Fishs eat dolphins” feed X Y X eat Y Relevant Features First-order rules P3: T3 H3 T3 “Mothers feed babies milk” © F.M.Zanzotto H3 “Babies eat milk” Classification University of Rome “Tor Vergata” In this part of the talk… • First-order rule (FOR) feature spaces: a challenge • Tripartite Directed Acyclic Graphs (tDAG) as a solution: – for modelling FOR feature spaces – for defining efficient algorithms for computing kernel functions with tDAGs in FOR feature spaces • An efficient algorithm for computing kernels in FOR spaces • Experimental and comparative assessment of the computational efficiency of the proposed algorithm © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” In this part of the tutorial… • First-order rule (FOR) feature spaces: a challenge • Tripartite Directed Acyclic Graphs (tDAG) as a solution: – for modelling FOR feature spaces – for defining efficient algorithms for computing kernel functions with tDAGs in FOR feature spaces • An efficient algorithm for computing kernels in FOR spaces • Experimental and comparative assessment of the computational efficiency of the proposed algorithm © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” First-order rule (FOR) feature spaces: challenges We want to exploit first-order rule (FOR) feature spaces writing the implicit kernel function K(P1,P2)=|S(P1)S(P2)| that computes how many common first-order rules are activated from P1 and P2 Without loss of generality, we present the problem in syntactic-first-order rule feature spaces © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” First-order rule (FOR) feature spaces: challenges T1 H1 Adding placeholders Propagating placeholders T1 “Farmers feed cows animal extracts” H1 “Cows eat animal extracts” S S 1 NP VP NP Pa= VP VB NNS NP 1 NP , 3 NNS 1 Cows feed Farmers NNS NN 1 2 cows animal 1 2 NNS 3 VB NP 3 eat NN 1 NNS 2 animal extracts extracts 2 3 3 3 S S(Pa)= { S NP , S VP NP 1 VP , VP , VB NP 1 NP NP 1 3 VB © F.M.Zanzotto ,... VP feed eat NP 3 } University of Rome “Tor Vergata” First-order rule (FOR) feature spaces: challenges T3 H3 T3 “Mothers feed babies milk” H3 “Babies eat milk” S S NP Pb= VP VP NP 1 VB NNS NP 1 NP , 2 NNS 1 Babies Mothers feed NNS 1 NN 2 NP VB eat 2 NN 2 1 milk babies milk 1 2 2 S S(Pb)= { S NP , S VP NP 1 VP , VP , VB NP 1 NP NP 1 2 VB © F.M.Zanzotto ,... VP feed eat NP 2 } University of Rome “Tor Vergata” First-order rule (FOR) feature spaces: challenges K(Pa,Pb)=|S(Pa)S(Pb)| S S(Pa)= { , S VP NP 1 S NP , VP , VP VB NP 1 NP NP 1 VP VB NP NP Y , NP ,... } 3 eat VP X VB feed NP feed S X } 3 VB VP ,... NP = = Y = eat S S(Pb)= { S NP , S VP NP 1 VP , VP , VB NP 1 NP NP 1 VP 2 VB © F.M.Zanzotto feed eat NP 2 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” In this part of the tutorial… • First-order rule (FOR) feature spaces: a challenge • Tripartite Directed Acyclic Graphs (tDAG) as a solution: – for modelling FOR feature spaces – for defining efficient algorithms for computing kernel functions with tDAGs in FOR feature spaces • An efficient algorithm for computing kernels in FOR spaces • Experimental and comparative assessment of the computational efficiency of the proposed algorithm © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” A step back… • FOR feature spaces can be modelled with particular graphs • We call these graphs tripartite direct acyclic graphs (tDAGs) • Observations: – tDAGs are not trees – tDAGs can be used to model both rules and sentence pairs – unifying rules in sentences is a graph matching problem – graph macthing algorithms are, in general, exponential © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Tripartite Directed Acyclic Graphs (tDAG) As for Feature Structures… VP VB S NP NP X NP Y X VP VB feed NP Y eat S S NP NNS VB NP 1 NP © F.M.Zanzotto feed NNS 1 NN 2 cows animal 1 2 1 VB NP 3 3 Cows Farmers VP VP NP NNS 1 NNS extracts 3 3 1 eat NN animal 2 2 NNS extracts 3 3 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Tripartite Directed Acyclic Graphs (tDAG) As for Feature Structures… VP VB S NP NP X NP Y X VP VB feed NP Y eat S S NP NNS VB NP 1 NP © F.M.Zanzotto feed NNS 1 NN 2 cows animal 1 2 1 VB NP 3 3 Cows Farmers VP VP NP NNS 1 NNS extracts 3 3 1 eat NN animal 2 2 NNS extracts 3 3 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Outline • Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE): Problem definition • Systems and Approaches for RTE • Supervised Machine Learning Methods for RTE • Semi-supervised Knowledge Induction for RTE © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Semi-supervised Knowledge Induction Acquisition of Explicit Knowledge • Learning Lexical Knowledge or Rules Acquisition of Implicit Knowledge • Acquiring Corpora for Supervised Machine Learning Models © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Semi-supervised Knowledge Induction Acquisition of Explicit Knowledge • Learning Lexical Knowledge or Rules Acquisition of Implicit Knowledge • Acquiring Corpora for Supervised Machine Learning Models © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Acquistion of Explicit Knowledge The questions we need to answer • What? – What we want to learn? Which resources do we need? • Using what? – Which are the principles we have? • How? – How do we organize the “knowledge acquisition” algorithm © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Acquisition of Explicit Knowledge: what? Types of knowledge • Equivalence – Co-hyponymy Between words: cat dog – Synonymy Between words: buy acquire Sentence prototypes (paraphrasing) : X bought Y X acquired Z% of the Y’s shares • Oriented semantic relations Words: cat animal , buy own , wheel partof car Sentence prototypes : X acquired Z% of the Y’s shares X owns Y © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Acquisition of Explicit Knowledge : Using what? Underlying hypothesis • Harris’ Distributional Hypothesis (DH) (Harris, 1964) “Words that tend to occur in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings.” sim(w1,w2)sim(C(w1), C(w2)) • Robison’s Point-wise Assertion Patterns (PAP) (Robison, 1970) “It is possible to extract relevant semantic relations with some pattern.” w1 is in a relation r with w2 if the context pattern(w1, w2 ) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Distributional Hypothesis (DH) simw(W1,W2)simctx(C(W1), C(W2)) Words or Forms w1= constitute Context (Feature) Space C(w1) Corpus: source of contexts … sun is constituted of hydrogen … …The Sun is composed of hydrogen … w2= compose C(w2) © F.M.Zanzotto Page 88 Page 88 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Point-wise Assertion Patterns (PAP) w1 is in a relation r with w2 if the contexts patternsr(w1, w2 ) relation w1 part_of w2 patterns “w1 is constituted of w2” “w1 is composed of w2” Statistical Indicator Corpus: source of contexts … sun is constituted of hydrogen … …The Sun is composed of hydrogen … Scorpus(w1,w2) selects correct vs incorrect relations among words © F.M.Zanzotto part_of(sun,hydrogen) University of Rome “Tor Vergata” DH and PAP cooperate Distributional Hypothesis Words or Forms w1= constitute Point-wise assertion Patterns Context (Feature) Space C(w1) Corpus: source of contexts … sun is constituted of hydrogen … …The Sun is composed of hydrogen … w2= compose C(w2) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Knowledge Aquisition: Where methods differ? Words or Forms w1= cat Context (Feature) Space C(w1) w2= dog C(w2) On the “word” side • Target equivalence classes: Concepts or Relations • Target forms: words or expressions On the “context” side • Feature Space • Similarity function © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Oriented relations Equivalence Types of knowledge KA4TE: a first classification of some methods Verb Entailment (Zanzotto et al., 2006) Noun Entailment (Geffet&Dagan, 2005) Relation Pattern Learning (ESPRESSO) (Pantel&Pennacchiotti, 2006) ISA patterns (Hearst, 1992) ESPRESSO (Pantel&Pennacchiotti, 2006) Hearst Concept Learning (Lin&Pantel, 2001a) Inference Rules (DIRT) (Lin&Pantel, 2001b) Distributional Hypothesis © F.M.Zanzotto Point-wise assertion Patterns Underlying hypothesis University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Noun Entailment Relation (Geffet&Dagan, 2006) • Type of knowledge: oriented relations • Underlying hypothesis: distributional hypothesis w1 w2 • Main Idea: distributional inclusion hypothesis Words or Forms w1 Context (Feature) Space if All the prominent features of w1 occur with w2 in a sufficiently large corpus C(w1) I(C(w1)) + + + + w1 w2 w2 I(C(w2)) C(w2) © F.M.Zanzotto + + + + + University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Verb Entailment Relations (Zanzotto, Pennacchiotti, Pazienza, 2006) • Type of knowledge: oriented relations • Underlying hypothesis: point-wise assertion patterns ? win play ! player wins • Main Idea: relation v1 v2 patterns “agentive_nominalizatio n(v2) v1” © F.M.Zanzotto Statistical Indicator S(v1,v2) Point-wise Mutual information Zanzotto, F. M.; Pennacchiotti, M. & Pazienza, M. T. Discovering asymmetric entailment relations between verbs using selectional preferences, Coling-ACL, 2006 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Verb Entailment Relations (Zanzotto, Pennacchiotti, Pazienza, 2006) Understanding the idea • Selectional restriction fly(x) has_wings(x) in general v(x) c(x) (if x is the subject of v then x has the property c) • Agentive nominalization “agentive noun is the doer or the performer of an action v’” “X is player” may be read as play(x) c(x) is clearly v’(x) if the property c is derived by v’ with an agentive nominalization © F.M.Zanzotto Zanzotto, F. M.; Pennacchiotti, M. & Pazienza, M. T. Discovering asymmetric entailment relations between verbs using selectional preferences, Coling-ACL, 2006 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Verb Entailment Relations Understanding the idea Given the expression player wins Seen as a selctional restriction win(x) play(x) Seen as a selectional preference P(play(x)|win(x)) > P(play(x)) © F.M.Zanzotto Zanzotto, F. M.; Pennacchiotti, M. & Pazienza, M. T. Discovering asymmetric entailment relations between verbs using selectional preferences, Coling-ACL, 2006 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Knowledge Acquisition for TE: How? The algorithmic nature of a DH+PAP method • Direct – Starting point: target words • Indirect – Starting point: context feature space • Iterative – Interplay between the context feature space and the target words © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Direct Algorithm 1. sim(w1,w2)sim(C(w1), C(w2)) 2. sim(w1,w2)sim(I(C(w1)), I(C(w2))) Words or Forms w1= cat Context (Feature) Space C(w1) sim(C(w1), C(w2)) I(C(w1)) sim(w1, w2) w2= dog sim(I(C(w1)), I(C(w2))) I(C(w2)) C(w2) © F.M.Zanzotto 3. Select target words wi from the corpus or from a dictionary Retrieve contexts of each wi and represent them in the feature space C(wi ) For each pair (wi, wj) 1. Compute the similarity sim(C(wi), C(wj )) in the context space 2. If sim(wi, wj )= sim(C(wi), C(wj ))>t, wi and wj belong to the same equivalence class W University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Indirect Algorithm 1. sim(w1,w2)sim(C(w1), C(w2)) sim(w1,w2)sim(I(C(w1)), I(C(w2))) 2. Words or Forms Context (Feature) Space 3. w1= cat C(w1) sim(C(w1), C(w2)) 4. 5. sim(w1, w2) w2= dog C(w2) © F.M.Zanzotto Page 99 Page 99 Given an equivalence class W, select relevant contexts and represent them in the feature space Retrieve target words (w1, …, wn) that appear in these contexts. These are likely to be words in the equivalence class W Eventually, for each wi, retrieve C(wiI) from the corpus Compute the centroid I(C(W)) For each for each wi, if sim(I(C(W), wi)<t, eliminate wi from W. University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Iterative Algorithm 1. sim(w1,w2)sim(C(w1), C(w2)) sim(w1,w2)sim(I(C(w1)), I(C(w2))) 2. Words or Forms Context (Feature) Space 3. 4. w1= cat C(w1) sim(C(w1), C(w2)) sim(w1, w2) w2= dog C(w2) © F.M.Zanzotto Page 100 Page 100 For each word wi in the equivalence class W, retrieve the C(wi) contexts and represent them in the feature space Extract words wj that have contexts similar to C(wi) Extract contexts C(wj) of these new words For each for each new word wj, if sim(C(W), wj)>t, put wj in W. University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Knowlege Acquisition using DH and PAH • Direct Algorithms – Concepts from text via clustering (Lin&Pantel, 2001) – Inference rules – aka DIRT (Lin&Pantel, 2001) – … • Indirect Algorithms – Hearst’s ISA patterns (Hearst, 1992) – Question Answering patterns (Ravichandran&Hovy, 2002) – … • Iterative Algorithms – Entailment rules from Web – aka TEASE (Szepktor et al., 2004) – Espresso (Pantel&Pennacchiotti, 2006) – … © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” TEASE (Szepktor et al., 2004) Type: Iterative algorithm On the “word” side • Target equivalence classes: fine-grained relations prevent(X,Y) • Target forms: verb with arguments subj mod X call obj mod indictable finally Y On the “context” side • Feature Space X_{filler}:mi?,Y_{filler}:mi? © F.M.Zanzotto Idan Szpektor, Hristo Tanev, Ido Dagan and Bonaventura Coppola. 2004. Scaling Web-based Acquisition of Entailment Relations. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2004. University of Rome “Tor Vergata” TEASE (Szepktor et al., 2004) Lexicon Input template: Xsubj-accuse-objY WEB TEASE Sample corpus for input template: Paula Jones accused Clinton… BBC accused Blair… Sanhedrin accused St.Paul… … Anchor Set Extraction (ASE) Anchor sets: {Paula Jonessubj; Clintonobj} {Sanhedrinsubj; St.Paulobj} … Sample corpus for anchor sets: Template Extraction Paula Jones called Clinton indictable… St.Paul defended before the Sanhedrin … (TE) Templates: © F.M.Zanzotto X call Y indictable Y defend before X and … Bonaventura Idan Szpektor, Hristo Tanev, Ido Dagan Coppola. 2004. Scaling iterate Web-based Acquisition of Entailment Relations. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2004. University of Rome “Tor Vergata” TEASE (Szepktor et al., 2004) Innovations with respect to reasearches < 2004 • First direct algorithm for extracting rules • A feature selection is done to assess the most informative features • Extracted forms are clustered to obtain the most general sentence prototype of a given set of equivalent forms S1: S2: call subj {2} mod {1} mod {2} Y {1} subj {1,2} mod {1,2} obj {1,2} obj {2} obj {1} X {1} {1,2} {2} {1} subj {1} call call indictable {1} X {2} Y {2} for {1} indictable {2} X {1,2} Y {1,2} indictable {1,2} for {1} mod {2} mod {2} harassment {1} finally {2} finally {2} © F.M.Zanzotto harassment {1} Idan Szpektor, Hristo Tanev, Ido Dagan and Bonaventura Coppola. 2004. Scaling Web-based Acquisition of Entailment Relations. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2004. University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Espresso (Pantel&Pennacchiotti, 2006) Type: Iterative algorithm On the “word” side • Target equivalence classes: relations compose(X,Y) • Target forms: expressions, sequences of tokens Y is composed by X, Y © F.M.Zanzotto is made of X Patrick Pantel, Marco Pennacchiotti. Espresso: A Bootstrapping Algorithm for Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of COLING/ACL-06, 2006 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Espresso (Pantel&Pennacchiotti, 2006) (leader , panel) (city , region) (oxygen , water) 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.2 SEEDS (tree , land) (atom, molecule) (leader , panel) (range of information, FBI report) (artifact , exhibit) (oxygen , hydrogen) Instance Extraction Pattern instantiation Pattern Induction Pattern Ranking / Selection Instance Ranking / Selection GENERIC PATTERN FILTERING Sentence retrieval Pattern Reliability ranking Generic Test Google yes Web Instance Filter Instance Reliability ranking no Sentence generalization Instance selection Pattern selection Frequency count Low Redundancy Test yes Syntactic Expansion Web Expansion Y is composed by X X,Y Y is part of Y © F.M.Zanzotto 1.0 0.8 0.2 Y is composed by X Y is part of X X,Y (tree , land) (oxygen , hydrogen) (atom, molecule) (leader , panel) (range of information, FBI report) (artifact , exhibit) … Patrick Pantel, Marco Pennacchiotti. Espresso: A Bootstrapping Algorithm for Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of COLING/ACL-06, 2006 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Espresso (Pantel&Pennacchiotti, 2006) Innovations with respect to reasearches < 2006 • A measure to determine specific vs. general patterns (ranking in the equivalent forms) 1.0 0.8 0.2 Y is composed by X Y is part of X X,Y • Both pattern and instance selections are performed • Differnt Use of General and specific patterns in the iterative algorithm © F.M.Zanzotto Patrick Pantel, Marco Pennacchiotti. Espresso: A Bootstrapping Algorithm for Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of COLING/ACL-06, 2006 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Structure & Lexico-Syntactic Patterns Observation • Distributional Models (DH) Target Relations Hyperonymy (IS_A) Cotopy (Similarity) Use of structural properties Transitivity is implicitly exploited • Lexico-Syntactic Pattern Models (LSP) © F.M.Zanzotto Target Relations All possible semantic relations Use of structural properties Transitivity is NOT exploited Fallucchi, F. & Zanzotto, F. M. Inductive Probabilistic Taxonomy Learning using Singular Value Decomposition, NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, 2011 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Structure & Lexico-Syntactic Patterns Target Relations All possible semantic relations Use of structural properties Transitivity is effectively exploited Exploiting Transitivity within Lexico-Syntactic Pattern Models •we exploit structural properties of target relations to determine the probability •we focus on the transitivity to reinforce or lower the probability © F.M.Zanzotto Fallucchi, F. & Zanzotto, F. M. Inductive Probabilistic Taxonomy Learning using Singular Value Decomposition, NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, 2011 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Structure & Lexico-Syntactic Patterns isa relation 0.2 animal 0.7 mammal 0.648 0.8 cat P ( R animal , cat | E ) P ( Rˆ animal , cat | E ) © F.M.Zanzotto Direct Probabilities for Corpus Observation (E) with Lexico-Syntactic Patterns Induced Probabilities Fallucchi, F. & Zanzotto, F. M. Inductive Probabilistic Taxonomy Learning using Singular Value Decomposition, NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, 2011 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Structure & Lexico-Syntactic Patterns P ( R k1 , j | E ) vegetable (k1) food (j) P ( Rˆ i , j | E ) P ( R i , k1 | E ) P ( Rk2 , j | E ) animal (k2) P ( Ri ,k 2 | E ) lettuce (i) P ( Rˆ i , j | E ) = P ( R i , j ( R i , k1 R k1 , j ) ( R i , k 2 R k 2 , j ) | E ) © F.M.Zanzotto Fallucchi, F. & Zanzotto, F. M. Inductive Probabilistic Taxonomy Learning using Singular Value Decomposition, NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, 2011 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Semi-supervised Knowledge Induction Acquisition of Explicit Knowledge • Learning Lexical Knowledge or Rules Acquisition of Implicit Knowledge • Acquiring Corpora for Supervised Machine Learning Models © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Acquistion of Implicit Knowledge The questions we need to answer • What? – What we want to learn? Which resources do we need? • Using what? – Which are the principles we have? © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Acquisition of Explicit Knowledge: what? Types of knowledge • Equivalence – Nearly Synonymy between sentences Acme Inc. bought Goofy ltd. Acme Inc. acquired 11% of the Goofy ltd.’s shares • Oriented semantic relations – Entailment between sentences Acme Inc. acquired 11% of the Goofy ltd.’s shares Acme Inc. owns Goofy ltd. Note: ALSO TRICKY NOT-ENTAILMENT ARE RELEVANT © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Acquisition of Explicit Knowledge : Using what? Underlying hypothesis • Structural and content similarity “Sentences are similar if they share enough content” sim(s1,s2) according to relations from s1 and s2 • A revised Point-wise Assertion Patterns “Some patterns of sentences reveal relations among sentences” © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Types of knowledge Oriented relations Equivalence entails not entails A first classification of some methods Wikipedia Revisions Relations among sentences (Hickl et al., 2006) (Zanzotto&Pennacchiotti, 2010) Relations among sentences (Burger&Ferro, 2005) Paraphrase Corpus (Dolan&Quirk, 2004) Revised Point-wise Structural and content assertion Patterns similarity Underlying hypothesis © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Entailment relations among sentences (Burger&Ferro, 2005) • Type of knowledge: oriented relations (entailment) • Underlying hypothesis: revised point-wise assertion patterns • Main Idea: in headline news items, the first sentence/paragraph generally entails the title relation s2 s1 patterns “News Item Title(s1) First_Sentence(s2)” © F.M.Zanzotto This pattern works on the structure of the text University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Entailment relations among sentences examples from the web © F.M.Zanzotto Title New York Plan for DNA Data in Most Crimes Body Eliot Spitzer is proposing a major expansion of New York’s database of DNA samples to include people convicted of most crimes, while making it easier for prisoners to use DNA to try to establish their innocence. … Title Chrysler Group to Be Sold for $7.4 Billion Body DaimlerChrysler confirmed today that it would sell a controlling interest in its struggling Chrysler Group to Cerberus Capital Management of New York, a private equity firm that specializes in restructuring troubled companies. … University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Tricky Not-Entailment relations among sentences (Hickl et al., 2006) • Type of knowledge: oriented relations (tricky notentailment) • Underlying hypothesis: revised point-wise assertion patterns • Main Idea: – in a text, sentences with a same name entity generally do not entails each other – Sentences connected by “on the contrary”, “but”, … do not entail each other relation patterns s1 s2 s1 and s2 are in the same text and share at least a named entity “s1. On the contrary, s2” © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Tricky Not-Entailment relations among sentences examples from (Hickl et al., 2006) © F.M.Zanzotto T One player losing a close friend is Japanese pitcher Hideki Irabu, who was befriended by Wells during spring training last year. H Irabu said he would take Wells out to dinner when the Yankees visit Toronto. T According to the professor, present methods of cleaning up oil slicks are extremely costly and are never completely efficient. H In contrast, he stressed, Clean Mag has a 100 percent pollution retrieval rate, is low cost and can be recycled. University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Wikipedia for Extracting Examples (Zanzotto&Pennacchiotti, 2010) Extracting pairs of sentences from Wikipedia revision system Wikipedia : open encyclopedia, where every person can behave as an author, inserting new entries or modifying existing ones. HYPOTHESIS Given an original entry S1 a piece of text in Wikipedia before it is modified by an author, and the revision S2 the modified text: (S1, S2) extracted from the Wikipedia revision database, represent good candidate of both positive and negative entailment pairs (T,H). © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Wikipedia for Extracting Examples (Zanzotto&Pennacchiotti, 2010) • Type of knowledge: oriented relations (tricky notentailment) • Underlying hypothesis: revised point-wise assertion patterns • Main Idea: © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Wikipedia for Extracting Examples (Zanzotto&Pennacchiotti, 2010) • Here an example © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Nice properties of Wikipedia revisions (Zanzotto&Pennacchiotti, 2010) Wikipedia revisions are ideal for co-training: given a pair entry–revision (S1, S2) , we can define two independent views: • content-pair view : features modeling the actual textual content (S1, S2). • comment view : features regarding the comment inserted by the author of the revision S2 (usually, the reason and the explanation of the changes he wrote). © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” What we have seen • Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE): Problem definition • Systems and Approaches for RTE • Supervised Machine Learning Methods for RTE • Semi-supervised Knowledge Induction for RTE © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” RTE Resources Current RTE Challenge http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/semeval-2013/task7/ Textual Entailment Resource Pool http://aclweb.org/aclwiki/index.php?title=Textual_Entailment_Resource_Pool Book on Recognizing Textual Entailment I. Dagan, D. Roth, M. Sommons, F.M.Zanzotto, Recognizing Textual Entailment: Models and Applications, Morgan&Claypool Publishers (forthcoming) © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Learning RTE Systems on Rule Spaces Initial Idea • Zanzotto, F. M. & Moschitti, A. Automatic learning of textual entailments with crosspair similarities, ACL-44: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and the 44th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2006 First refinement of the algorithm • Moschitti, A. & Zanzotto, F. M. Fast and Effective Kernels for Relational Learning from Texts, Proceedings of 24th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning, 2007 Analysis of different feature spaces • Pennacchiotti, M. & Zanzotto, F. M. Learning Shallow Semantic Rules for Textual Entailment, Poceeding of International Conference RANLP - 2007, 2007 A comprehensive description • Zanzotto, F. M.; Pennacchiotti, M. & Moschitti, A. A Machine Learning Approach to Textual Entailment Recognition, NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, 2009 © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Learning RTE Systems on Rule Spaces Adding Distributional Semantics • Mehdad, Y.; Moschitti, A. & Zanzotto, F. M. Syntactic/Semantic Structures for Textual Entailment Recognition, Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010 A valid kernel with an efficient algorithm • Zanzotto, F. M. & Dell'Arciprete, L. Efficient kernels for sentence pair classification, Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing, 2009 • Zanzotto, F. M.; Dell'arciprete, L. & Moschitti, A. Efficient Graph Kernels for Textual Entailment Recognition, FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE Applications • Zanzotto, F. M.; Pennacchiotti, M. & Tsioutsiouliklis, K. Linguistic Redundancy in Twitter, Proceedings of 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing (EmNLP), 2011 Extracting RTE Corpora • Zanzotto, F. M. & Pennacchiotti, M. Expanding textual entailment corpora from Wikipedia using cotraining, Proceedings of the COLING-Workshop on The People's Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources, 2010 Learning Verb Relations • Zanzotto, F. M.; Pennacchiotti, M. & Pazienza, M. T. Discovering asymmetric entailment relations between verbs using selectional preferences, ACL-44: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and the 44th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics © F.M.Zanzotto University of Rome “Tor Vergata” References [1] Rod Adams. Textual entailment through extended lexical overlap. In Proceedingsof the Second PASCAL Challenges Workshop on Recognizing Textual Entailment,2006. [2] E. Akhmatova. 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