Probabilistic Methods for Assessing Dietary Exposure to Pesticides Andy Hart (Fera, UK) Technical Meeting with Stakeholders on Cumulative Risk Assessment EFSA, 11 February 2014 Outline of presentation p • EFSA Guidance on probabilistic assessment • Deterministic and probabilistic p • Variability and uncertainty • Needs and challenges in probabilistic assessment • How these are addressed by the EFSA Guidance • Communicating results with Risk Managers 2 EFSA Guidance Main sections of Guidance: • Introduction pp • Tiered approach • Problem definition • Acute exposure p • Chronic exposure • Cumulative exposure • Outputs • Evaluating uncertainties • Key issues for reporting & peer review • Interpretation of results & options for risk managers • Validation • Software quality requirements • Conclusions C l i • Appendix: Case studies 3 Deterministic vs. Probabilistic • Real R l exposures are variable i bl and d uncertain t i • Deterministic exposure assessment – Uses p point estimates for inputs p ((consumption, p concentration, processing effects, etc.) – Generates point estimate of exposure (a single value) – Intended to be ‘conservative’ • Probabilistic exposure assessment – Uses distributions to take account of variability and uncertainty t i t off inputs i t – Generates a distribution of exposures – Intended I t d d to t representt the th reall distribution di t ib ti 4 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion Variability y and uncertainty y 100 Variability of actual exposures 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 5 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion Variability y and uncertainty y 100 variability of actual exposures 80 60 40 Uncertainty in our knowledge of exposure 20 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 6 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion Variability y and uncertainty y 100 actual exposures are unknown 80 60 40 uncertainty in our knowledge of exposure 20 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 7 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion Variability y and uncertainty y 100 ? 80 60 40 uncertainty in our knowledge of exposure 20 Deterministic point estimate Based on conservative assumptions 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 8 A common view of probabilistic assessment • Option for refinement when deterministic estimate raises concern • More realistic estimates of exposure • Avoids over over-conservative conservative first tier assumptions • Load my data into available software & press ‘go’ go • Compare p 95th p percentile exposure p to reference dose 9 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion 100 5% of EU population = 25 million 80 Pesticides: ‘shall not have any harmful effects on human health’ Reg. 1107/2009 60 Need to characterise the frequency g of upper tail exposures & magnitude 40 20 95th percentile exposure compare to reference dose ? 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 10 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion 100 Pesticides: ‘shall not have any harmful effects on human health’ Reg. 1107/2009 80 60 A high level of certainty is implied... need to show how much certainty there is 40 Need confidence intervals for the distribution of exposures 20 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 11 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion 100 80 Many uncertainties are difficult to quantify probabilistically, b bili ti ll e.g. ffor pesticides: ti id 60 • • • • 40 limited samples of data distribution shapes uncertain (esp. (esp tails) many non-detects dependencies between parameters Use alternative assumptions to explore the impact of difficult uncertainties 20 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 12 Compare to Reference Dose: stop Further refinement required stop Cum mulattive % of po opulattion Optimistic Pessimistic 100 80 Many uncertainties are difficult to quantify probabilistically, b bili ti ll e.g. ffor pesticides: ti id 60 • • • • 40 limited samples of data distribution shapes uncertain (esp. (esp tails) many non-detects dependencies between parameters Use alternative assumptions to explore the impact of difficult uncertainties 20 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 13 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion Optimistic Pessimistic 100 80 ? ? But... it is never possible to quantify all uncertainties 60 40 Need to identify y and evaluate unquantified uncertainties 20 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 14 Cum mulattive % of po opulattion Optimistic Pessimistic 100 Parametric modelling g may yg generate unrealistically high values 80 Empirical bootstrap will underestimate upper tail 60 Statistical methods may y over- or underestimate upper tails 40 Need ‘drill-down’ examination of estimates in upper tail 20 0 0 20 40 60 Exposure mg/kg bw/day 80 100 15 Key needs in probabilistic assessment • Focus on characterising upper tail exposures, yp percentile of the distribution not on an arbitrary • Give confidence intervals for quantified uncertainties • Use alternative assumptions to assess uncertainties that are difficult to quantify probabilistically b bili ti ll • Evaluate the impact of unquantified uncertainties • ‘Drill-down’ to check for over- and underestimation in upper tail 16 PPR Panel Guidance • How does it address the needs identified above? 17 PPR Panel Guidance • Use alternative assumptions to assess uncertainties that are difficult to quantify probabilistically • Start with a Basic Assessment using g Optimistic p and Pessimistic assumptions for: – – – – – – – – Residue distribution (bootstrap vs. lognormal) S Sampling li uncertainty t i t (b (bootstrap t t vs. parametric) ti ) Unit-to-unit variability (none vs. conservative est.) Non detects (zero vs. Non-detects vs Limit of Reporting) Processing effects (zero vs. deterministic estimate) % crop treated (approx. estimate vs. 100%) Residues in water (zero, legal limit) etc... • If important, quantify further in Refined Assessment 18 PPR Panel Guidance • Focus on characterising upper tail, not an arbitrary percentile • Give confidence intervals for q quantified uncertainties Exposure levels expressed as % of reference dose and/or Margin of Exposure Frequency of exceedance per million Optimistic & P Pessimistic i i ti assumptions Estimated frequencies & confidence intervals ‘<‘ = below resolution of model 19 PPR Panel Guidance • Evaluate the impact of unquantified uncertainties • ‘Drill-down’ to check for over- and underestimation in upper pp tail Evaluation of unquantified uncertainties Findings f from drilld ill down check of tail results 20 PPR Panel Guidance • Evaluate the impact of unquantified uncertainties 21 Cumulative exposure p • Everything so far applies equally to both single substance and cumulative assessments • In addition, for cumulative assessments: – Use Relative Potency Factors to combine exposure contributions of different substances in CAG – For acute exposure exposure, take account of correlations between concentrations of different substances in same food type • Use statistical models to fill gaps in residue database Section 6 of Guidance 22 An additional challenge... g • Communication and interpretation of results • Exposure assessment characterises the upper tail: – Person(-day)s ( y) p per million exceeding g effect level – Confidence intervals for quantified uncertainties – Potential impact of unquantified uncertainties • Question for toxicologists: – What is the likelihood & severity of effects for these upper tail exposures? • Question for risk managers: – Are A results lt consistent i t t with ith ‘not ‘ t any harmful h f l effects’ ff t ’ ? 23 Summary y • Focus F on characterising h t i i upper ttailil exposures, nott on an y percentile of the distribution arbitrary • Give confidence intervals for quantified uncertainties • Use alternative assumptions to assess uncertainties that are difficult to quantify probabilistically • Evaluate E l t the th impact i t off unquantified tifi d uncertainties t i ti • ‘Drill Drill-down down’ to check for over over- & underestimation in tail • Communicate and interpret results 24