Why do customers love MUJI? Applying experiential marketing to brand loyalty 9631507 9631509 9631516 9631524 9631534 陳思瑜 林郁芬 江奕萱 朱良敏 吳宜珊 Content 1 Research motivation and purpose 2 Introduction of MUJI 3 Literature review 4 Methodology 5 Analysis and conclusion Research motivation Customer satisfaction surveys and how to win the customer’s hearts. How to raise customer satisfaction and loyalty? we choose MUJI to research. Research purpose MUJI is quite different from “Working House” in quality, design, and simplicity. “MUJI”, the cultural and creative product in Taiwan, and attract young people. We would use Schmitt five SEMs (strategic experiential model) Introduction of MUJI MUJI represent of the meanings is “good things without brand”. Life style store: The merchandise choice of MUJI take "provide a daily life usage”. MUJI’s life advocacy is simple, nature and quality. MUJI’s concept is “not waste and simple”. Consumers feel not only “This is very good”, but also “This is what I want!”. Consumers can publish their own design creativity through the website. Good intention of life MUJI COFFEE MUJI’s Ad (1/2) MUJI’s Ad (2/2) Why do customers love MUJI? Price • price is reasonable. Customer positive Quality Design • promise this quality above the price. • less is more. • Intermediate level customer. • MUJI can provide reasonable price in the right time, and let the customer enjoy the daily necessities of quality and taste. Find your MUJI Bean bag sofa Find your MUJI CD player hanged on wall Find your MUJI Hand lamp Literature review Experiential Marketing Schmitt (1999) describes the experiential marketing process as: “sense, feel, think, act, and relate”. Brand Loyalty Dimension Measurement Relevant Literature Behavior Behavior of public praise Chaudhuri, et al. (2001) Attitude Loyalty of Self-cognitive Chaudhuri, et al. (2001) Experiential marketing SENSE creating sensory experiences through sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. FEEL marketing appeals to a customers’ inner feeling and emotions. THINK targets customers’ potential thinking through surprise, intrigue and provocation. ACT create customer experiences related to the physical body, longer-term patterns of behavior and lifestyles. RELATE customers could be influenced by reference groups when they are making decisions. Methodology We have five independent variables: – “SENSE”, “FEEL”, “THINK”, “ACT”, “RELATE” We have one dependent variables: – brand loyalty. Sense experience( X1) Feel experience(X2) Think experience(X3) Act experience(X4) Relate experience(X5) Brand loyalty (Y) Hypothesis SEMs has significant positive effect to brand loyalty – H1: Sense has significant positive effect to brand loyalty – H2: Feel has significant positive effect to brand loyalty – H3: Think has significant positive effect to brand loyalty – H4: Act has significant positive effect to brand loyalty – H5: Relate has significant positive effect to brand loyalty Descriptive Statistics Number of valid samples : 63 Sampling place : Hsinchu FE21 Sampling method : convenience sampling and recycles on the scene. Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics consumer behavior variables Descriptive Statistics consumer behavior variables Pearson Correlation Coefficient All of the 5 factors are positive to brand loyalty. Sense Sense Feel Think Act Relate Brand Loyalty 1.000 .595 ** .556 ** .489 ** .416 ** .491 ** .634 ** .622 ** .680 ** .620 ** .566 ** .662 ** .625 ** .667 ** .651 ** Feel .595 ** 1.000 Think .556 ** .634 ** Act .489 ** .622 ** .566 ** Relate .416 ** .680 ** .662 ** .667 ** Brand Loyalty .491 ** .620 ** .625 ** .651 ** 1.000 1.000 1.000 .661 ** .661 ** 1.000 *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 Regression Analysis Unstandardized Coefficients B (Constant) Std. Error -.751 .580 Sense .132 .184 Feel .191 Think Standardized Coefficients t P- value Beta -1.294 .201 .083 .715 .477 .224 .119 .856 .396 .267 .178 .195 1.499 .139 Act .359 .169 .267 2.122 .038 ** Relate .289 .170 .239 1.693 .096 * Y 0.751 0.132X 1 0.191X 2 0.267X 3 0.359X 4 0.289X 5 R-square is 0.567 *P < 0.10, **P < 0.05 Reasons customers love about MUJI In act factor we find customers will take action about thinking of their way of living. Reasons customers love about MUJI They are willing to recommend MUJI’s products and services to others and make the repeat purchasing. Conclusion In our study, the relationship between action of SEMs and brand loyalty is the most significant. The action experiences are as follows: – Customers can use the branded credit card, to get discount when buying MUJI product. – New activity “SO, I SEE!” (原來如此), as MUJI from the daily life of small found to develop products, and MUJI also hope customers to vote and share the endorsement of MUJI delicate design. Conclusion The acrylic pitcher is the NO.1 of the “SO, I SEE!” election activity. basket straight-grip Through this activity people vote the product that they like most and leave the comment. MUJI will select 20 people to give them gift that MUJI Japan limited. Conclusion In the business, the life style became the tool that can increase sales to the target customers, and they could diligently let products to fit consumer's anticipation. MUJI diligently pondered how to balance the subject between new products’ development and save earth from destroy, since it has been established. MUJI uses organic cotton which comes from Turkey, and the cotton all grows above three years has not employed the agricultural chemicals or the chemical fertilizer paddies. This action reveals MUJI brand spirit fully—be kind to earth. THANK YOU!!