Software tests

Chapter 6
Software Testing – Strategies
• Software testing was the first software quality assurance tool applied
to control the software product’s quality before its shipment or
installation .
• At first, testing was confined to the final stage of development, after
the entire package had been completed.
• Later, as the importance of early detection of software defects
became important, SQA professionals were encouraged to extend
testing to the partial in-process products of coding, which led to
software module (unit) testing and integration testing.
• Software testing is undoubtedly the largest consumer of
software quality assurance resources.
• In a survey performed in November 1994, Perry (1995) found
that on average, 24% of the project development budget was
allocated to testing.
• With respect to time resources, an average of 27% of project
time was scheduled for testing.
• The survey’s participants also indicated that they planned to
allocate substantially more time (45% on average) to testing
but that the pressures typically arising toward the close of
projects generally forced project managers to reduce the
testing time scheduled.
Software tests – definitions
• Testing is the process of executing a program with intention of finding
errors. Activities can be
– code checks performed by a team leader,
– trial runs of the software performed by a colleague,
– tests carried out by a testing unit.
• Much more formal and controlled are the two definitions for testing
suggested by IEEE:
– The process of operating a system or component under specified conditions,
observing or recording the results, and making an evaluation of some aspect of
the system or component.
– The process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between
existing and required conditions (that is, bugs) and to evaluate the features of
the software item.
• Software testing is a formal process carried out by a specialized testing team in
which a software unit, several integrated software units or an entire software
package are examined by running the programs on a computer. All the associated
tests are performed according to approved test procedures on approved test cases.
Comparison of the key characteristics of software testing with those of
other software quality assurance life cycle tools:
• Software test plans are part of the project’s development and quality
plans, scheduled in advance and often a central item in the development
agreement signed between the customer and the developer.
• In other words, ad hoc examination of software by a colleague or regular
checks by the programming team leader cannot be considered software
• An independent team or external consultants who specialize in testing are
assigned to perform these tasks mainly in order to eliminate bias and to
guarantee effective testing by trained professionals.
• It is generally accepted that tests performed by the developers themselves
will yield poor results, as those individuals who developed the original
product will find it difficult to reveal errors that they were unable to
identify earlier.
• Any form of quality assurance activity that does not involve running the
software, for example code inspection, cannot be considered as a test.
• The testing process performed according to a test plan and testing
procedures that have been approved as conforming to the SQA
procedures adopted by the developing organization.
• The test cases to be examined are defined in full by the test plan. No
omissions or additions are expected to occur during testing.
• In other words, once the process has begun, the tester is not allowed to
exercise discretion by omitting a test case he or she considers redundant
or by adding a new test case, promising though it may be.
Software testing objectives:
Direct objectives
– To identify and reveal as many errors as possible in the tested software.
– To bring the tested software, after correction of the identified errors and retesting, to an
acceptable level of quality.
– To perform the required tests efficiently and effectively, within budgetary and scheduling
Indirect objective
– To compile a record of software errors for use in error prevention (by corrective and
preventive actions).
• If your goal is to show the absence of errors you won’t discover many. If
your goal is to show the presence of errors, you will discover a large
percentage of them. (Myers, 1979)
• Bug-free software is still a utopian aspiration.
• Therefore, acceptable level of quality means that a certain percentage of
bugs, tolerable to the users, will remain unidentified upon installation of
the software.
Software testing strategies :
• Although test methodologies may vary, often greatly, these are applied within the
framework of two basic testing strategies:
– To test the software in its entirety, once the completed package is available;
otherwise known as “big bang testing”.
– To test the software piecemeal, in modules, as they are completed (unit tests);
then to test groups of tested modules integrated with newly completed
modules (integration tests). This process continues until all the package
modules have been tested. Once this phase is completed, the entire package is
tested as a whole (system test). This testing strategy is usually termed
“incremental testing”.
Incremental Testing:
• Furthermore, incremental testing is also performed according to two basic
strategies: bottom-up and top-down.
• Both incremental testing strategies assume that the software package is
constructed of a hierarchy of software modules.
• In top-down testing, the first module tested is the main module, the
highest level module in the software structure; the last modules to be
tested are the lowest level modules.
• In bottom-up testing, the order of testing is reversed: the lowest level
modules are tested first, with the main module tested last.
Bottom-up versus top-down strategies
• The main advantage of the bottom-up strategy is the relative ease of its
performance, whereas the main disadvantage is the lateness at which the program
as a whole can be observed (that is, at the stage following testing of the last
• The main advantage of the top-down strategy is the possibilities it offers to
demonstrate the entire program functions shortly after activation of the upperlevel modules has been completed.
• In many cases, this characteristic allows for early identification of analysis and
design errors related to algorithms, functional requirements, and the like.
• Clearly, testers should follow the developers’ approach because it is crucial that
testing will be performed immediately after a module has been coded.
• Implementation of a testing strategy that differs from the development strategy
will cause substantial delays in scheduling of the tests.
Big bang versus incremental testing
The disadvantages of Big bang testing:
• If the program is not small and simple, application of big bang testing has severe
• Identification of error becomes quite cumbersome with respect to immense
quantities of software. (Relatively low rate of big bang error identification)
• When confronted with an entire software package, error correction is often
• Requires consideration of the possible effects of the correction on several modules
at one and the same time.
• Estimation of the required testing resources and testing schedule is rather fuzzy.
• The prospects of keeping on schedule and within the budget are substantially
reduced when this testing strategy is applied.
Incremental Testing:
The advantages of Incremental testing:
(1) Incremental testing is usually performed on relatively small software modules, as
unit or integration tests.
(2) This makes it easier to identify higher percentages of errors when compared with
testing the entire software package.
(3) Identification and correction of errors is much simpler and requires fewer
resources because it is performed on a limited volume of software.
(4) In incremental testing, a great part of the errors are identified and corrected at an
earlier stage of development and testing, which prevents “migration” of escaped
defects to a later, more complex stage in the development where their correction
would require significantly greater resources.
The only disadvantage of Incremental testing is the need to carry out numerous
testing operations for the same program (big bang testing requires only a single
testing operation).
Software Test Classification according to testing concept:
• There is an ongoing debate over whether testing the functionality of software
solely according to its outputs is sufficient to achieve an acceptable level of quality.
• Some claim that the internal structure of the software and the calculations (the
underlying mathematical structure, also known as the software mechanism) should
be included for satisfactory testing.
• Based on these two opposing concepts or approaches to software quality, two
testing classes have been developed:
Black box (functionality) testing:
• Identifies bugs only according to software malfunctioning as they are revealed in its
erroneous outputs.
• In cases that the outputs are found to be correct, black box testing disregards the
internal path of calculations and processing performed.
White box (structural) testing:
• Examines internal calculation paths in order to identify bugs.
• Although the term “white” is meant to emphasize the contrast between this
method and black box testing, the method’s other name – “glass box testing”
better expresses its basic characteristic, that of investigating the correctness of
code structure.
(McCall model
extended version to
cover the
classification of
the tests carried out
to ensure full
coverage of the
White Box Testing:
Data processing and calculation correctness Tests: In order to perform tests (“white box
correctness test”), every path must be examined. This type of verification allows us to
decide whether the processing operations and their sequences were programmed correctly
for the path in question.
Maintenance Tests: Maintainability tests refer to special features, such as those installed for
detection of causes of failure, module structures that support software adaptations and
software improvements, etc.
Software Qualification Tests: Focus here shifts to the examination of software code
(including comments) compliance with coding standards and work instructions.
Reusability tests : Examines the extent that reused software is incorporated in the package
and the adaptations performed in order to make parts of the current software reusable for
future software packages.
Correctness tests and line coverage
• The line coverage concept requires that, for full line coverage, every line of code be
executed at least once during the process of testing.
• The line coverage metrics for completeness of a line-testing (“basic path testing”)
plan are defined as the percentage of lines indeed executed that is, covered during
the tests.
• In a flow chart, diamonds present the options covered by conditional statements
(decisions), whereas rectangles or a succession of rectangles represent the
software sections connecting those conditional statements.
• In program flow graphs, nodes represent software sections and thus replace one or
more flow chart rectangles.
• The edges indicate the sequence of software sections. Nodes having two or more
leaving edges represent conditional statements.
Example – the Imperial Taxi Services (ITS) taximeter
• Imperial Taxi Services (ITS) serves one-time passengers and regular clients
(identified by a taxi card). The ITS taxi fares for one-time passengers are
calculated as follows:
(1) Minimal fare: $2. This fare covers the distance traveled up to 1000 yards
and waiting time (stopping for traffic lights or traffic jams, etc.) of up to 3
(2) For every additional 250 yards or part of it: 25 cents.
(3) For every additional 2 minutes of stopping or waiting or part thereof: 20
(4) One suitcase: no charge; each additional suitcase: $1.
(5) Night supplement: 25%, effective for journeys between 21.00 and 06.00.
• Software should make it easier for the team leader to check the software, for the
replacement programmer to comprehend the code and continue coding tasks, and
for the maintenance programmer to correct bugs and/or update or change the
program upon request.
Advantages and disadvantages of white box testing:
The main advantages of white box testing are:
• Direct statement-by-statement checking of code enables determination of
software correctness as expressed in the processing paths, including
whether the algorithms were correctly defined and coded.
• It allows performance of line coverage follow-up (applying specialized
software packages) that provides the tester with lists of lines of code that
have not yet been executed. The tester can then initiate test cases to
cover these lines of code.
• It ascertains quality of coding work and its adherence to coding standards.
The main disadvantages of white box testing are:
• The vast resources utilized, much above those required for black box
testing of the same software package.
• The inability to test software performance in terms of availability
(response time), reliability, load durability, and other testing classes
related to operation, revision and transition factors.
• The characteristics of white box testing limit its use to software modules
of very high risk and very high cost of failure, where it is highly important
to identify and fully correct as many of the software errors as possible.
Black box testing:
Equivalence classes for output correctness tests:
• The output correctness tests apply the concept of test cases.
• Equivalence class partitioning is a black box method aimed at increasing
the efficiency of testing and, at the same time, improving coverage of
potential error conditions.
• An equivalence class (EC) is a set of input variable values that produce the
same output results or that are processed identically.
• EC boundaries are defined by a single numeric or alphabetic value, a group
of numeric or alphabetic values, a range of values, and so on.
• A test case that includes more than one invalid EC may not allow the
tester to distinguish between the program’s separate reactions to each of
the invalid ECs.
• Hence, the number of test cases required for the invalid ECs equals the
number of invalid ECs.
• Compared to the use of a random sample of test cases, equivalence
classes save testing resources because they eliminate duplication of the
test cases defined for each EC.
Test cases and boundary values:
• According to the definition of equivalence classes, one test case should be
sufficient for each class.
• When equivalence classes cover a range of values (e.g. monthly income,
apartment area), the tester has a special interest in testing border values
when these are considered to be error prone.
• In these cases, the preparation of three test cases – for mid range, lower
boundary and upper boundary values – is recommended.
Example – the Golden Splash Swimming Center
• The following example illustrates the definition of (valid and invalid)
equivalence classes and the corresponding test case values.
• The software module in question calculates entrance ticket prices for the
Golden Splash Swimming Center.
• The Center’s ticket price depends on four variables: day (weekday,
weekend), visitor’s status (OT = one time, M = member), entry hour (6.00–
19.00, 19.01–24.00) and visitor’s age (up to 16, 16.01–60, 60.01–120).
Other operation factor testing classes:
• Apart from output correctness tests, operation factor testing classes include the
following classes of tests:
Documentation tests
• An erroneous user manual or programmer manual can lead to mistakes during program
operation and maintenance that may incur damages equivalent in severity to those caused
by software bugs.
• Common components of documentation, supplied by the developer, are:
– Installation manual: In commercial software packages (COTS software), the installation
manual usually includes customization instructions.
– User manual: In many cases, the user manual is supplied as a computerized help
– Programmer manual: It includes the information required for maintaining the system
(bug corrections, adaptation to changing requirements and software improvement),
program structure, description of program logic including algorithms, and so on.
– Document completeness check: Its purpose is to check whether all the required
documents have been completed as specified and as intended by the designer.
– Document correctness tests: Correctness tests determine whether the instructions
listed in the user document are correct.
– Document style and editing inspection: Refers to document clarity.
Availability tests
• Availability is defined as reaction time – the time needed to obtain the requested
information or the time required for firmware installed in computerized equipment to react.
There is a need to carry out the tests under regular operation load as well as under maximal
load conditions as specified in the requirement specifications.
It should be noted that the availability requirements for regular and maximal workloads are
usually different.
Reliability tests
• The software system reliability requirement deals with features that can be translated as
events occurring over time, such as average time between failures (e.g., 500 hours), average
time for recovery after system failure (e.g., 15 minutes) or average downtime per month
(e.g., 30 minutes per month).
Reliability requirements are to be in effect during regular full-capacity operation of the
It should be noted that in addition to the software factor, reliability tests also relate to the
hardware, the operating system and the data communication system effects.
Stress tests
a-Load tests:
• Load tests relate to the functional performance of the system under maximal operational
load: maximal transactions per minute, hits per minute to an Internet site and the like.
Load tests, which are usually conducted for loads higher than those indicated in the
requirements specification, are of utmost importance for software systems planned to serve
simultaneously a large population of users.
Manual performance of load tests is impractical for most software systems, and is therefore
carried out by computerized tests based on comprehensive simulations of high loads, again
similar to the procedures adapted for availability testing.
They allow us to ascertain whether upgrading is necessary and which changes should be
made to allow the software system to meet the planned requirements.
b-Durability tests:
• Durability tests are carried out in physically extreme operating conditions such as
high temperatures, humidity, and high-speed driving along unpaved rural roads.
• Hence, these durability tests are typically required for real-time firmware
integrated into systems such as weapon systems, long-distance transport vehicles,
and meteorological equipment.
• Durability issues for firmware include firmware responses to climatic effects such
as extreme hot and cold temperatures, dust, road bumps, and extreme operation
failures resulting from sudden electrical failure, voltage “jumps” in the supply
mains, sudden cutoffs in communications, and so on.
• Information system software durability tests focus on operation failures resulting
from sudden electrical failures, voltage “jumps” in the supply mains and sudden
cutoffs in communications.
Software system security tests
• Software security components of software systems are aimed at
preventing unauthorized access to the system or parts of it, detection of
unauthorized access and the activities performed by the penetration, and
the recovery of damages caused by unauthorized penetration cases.
• The main security issues dealt with by these tests are:
– Access control, where the usual requirement is for control of multilevel access (usually by a password mechanism).
– Of special importance here are the firewall systems that prevent
unauthorized access to Internet sites.
– Backup of databases and software files and recovery in cases of
system failure.
Training usability tests
• When large numbers of users are involved in operating a system, training
usability requirements are added to the testing agenda.
• The scope of training usability is defined by the resources needed to train
a new employee, in other words, how many hours of training are required
for a new employee to achieve a defined level of acquaintance with the
Operational usability tests
• The focus of this class of tests is the aspects of the system that affect the
performance regularly achieved by system operators. These tests are of
high importance in cases where the workings of the system can affect
substantially the productivity of its users.
Revision factor testing classes:
Maintainability tests
– The system structure abides by the standards and development procedures imposed on the specific
components for support of future maintenance activities.
– The programmer’s manual is prepared according to approved documentation standards and
provides complete system documentation.
– The internal documentation incorporated in the software code is prepared to cover the system’s
documentation requirements.
Flexibility Tests
– Flexibility is required for adaptation of the software to the variety of customer needs for the
purpose of improving system functionality.
– Flexibility tests are intended to test the software characteristics that support flexibility, such as
adequate modular structure and application of parametric options to provide a wide range of
possible applications.
Testability tests
– Testability requirements deal with the ease of testing the software system.
– Testability here relates to the addition of special features in the program that help the testers in
their work, such as the possibility of obtaining intermediate results for certain checkpoints and
predefined log files.
– Another objective of testability deals with diagnostic tool applications implemented for the analysis
of the system performance and the report of any failure found. Some features of this kind are
activated automatically when starting the software package or during regular operation and report
whenever conditions warranting alarm arise.
Transition factor testing classes:
• Portability tests
– Portability requirements specify the environments in which the
software system has to be operable.
– The portability test to be carried out will verify, validate and test these
factors as well as estimate the resources required for transfer of a
software system to a different environment.
• Reusability tests
– Reusability defines which parts of the program (modules, integrations
and the like) are to be developed for future reuse in other software
development projects
– Reusability requirements are of special importance for object-oriented
software projects. Tests are therefore devised to examine whether
reusability standards were indeed adhered to.
• Software interoperability tests
• Equipment interoperability tests
Advantages and disadvantages of black box testing
The main advantages of black box testing are:
• In black box testing, system performance test classes such as load tests and
availability tests are important.
• For testing classes that can be carried out by both white and black box tests,
black box testing requires fewer resources than those required for white box
testing of the same software package.
The main disadvantages of black box testing are:
• Possibility that coincidental aggregation of several errors will produce the
correct response for a test case, and prevent error detection.
• Black box tests do not readily identify cases of errors that counteract each
other to accidentally produce the correct output.
• Absence of control of line coverage. Black box tests may not execute a
substantial proportion of the code lines, which are not covered by a set of test
• Impossibility of testing the quality of coding and its strict adherence to the
coding standards.