Classical inference and design efficiency Zurich SPM Course 2014 Jakob Heinzle Translational Neuromodeling Unit (TNU) Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBT) University and ETH Zürich Translational Neuromodeling Unit Many thanks to K. E. Stephan, G. Flandin and others for material Overview Image time-series Realignment Spatial filter Design matrix Smoothing General Linear Model Statistical Parametric Map Statistical Inference Normalisation Anatomical reference Parameter estimates RFT p <0.05 Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 2 A mass-univariate approach Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 3 Estimation of the parameters i.i.d. assumptions: OLS estimates: š~š(0, š 2 š¼) š½ = (š š š)−1 š š š¦ š½1 = 3.9831 š½2−7 = {0.6871, 1.9598, 1.3902, 166.1007, 76.4770, −64.8189} š½ š¦ = +š š½8 = 131.0040 š= š½~š š½, š 2 (š š š)−1 š2 = šš š š−š Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 4 Contrasts ļ± A contrast selects a specific effect of interest. [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] 0-1 ļ° A contrast š is a vector of length š. ļ° š š š½ is a linear combination of regression coefficients š½. š = [1 0 0 0 … ]š š š š½ = š × š½1 + š × š½2 + š × š½3 + š × š½4 + āÆ = š·š š = [1 0 0 − 1 0 … ]š š š š½ = š × š½1 + š × š½2 + š × š½3 + −š × š½4 + āÆ = š·š − š·š š š š½~š š š š½, š 2 š š (š š š)−1 š Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 5 Hypothesis Testing - Introduction Is the mean of a measurement different from zero? Mean of several measurements Many experiments š=š 0 Exp A Exp B m1, s1 m2, s2 šš = š1,2 š š š Null distribution Null Distribution of T Ratio of effect vs. noise ļ t-statistic What distribution of T would we get for m = 0? Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 6 Hypothesis Testing To test an hypothesis, we construct “test statistics”. ļ± Null Hypothesis H0 Typically what we want to disprove (no effect). ļ° The Alternative Hypothesis HA expresses outcome of interest. ļ± Test Statistic T The test statistic summarises evidence about H0. Typically, test statistic is small in magnitude when the hypothesis H0 is true and large when false. ļ° We need to know the distribution of T under the null hypothesis. Null Distribution of T Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 7 Hypothesis Testing uļ” ļ± Significance level α: Acceptable false positive rate α. ļ° threshold uα Threshold uα controls the false positive rate t ļ” ļ” ļ½ p (T ļ¾ u ļ” | H 0 ) Null Distribution of T ļ± Conclusion about the hypothesis: We reject the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative hypothesis if t > uα ļ± p-value: A p-value summarises evidence against H0. This is the chance of observing a value more extreme than t under the null hypothesis. š š > š”|š»0 t p-value Null Distribution of T Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 8 T-test - one dimensional contrasts – SPM{t} cT = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 effect of interest > 0 ? = amplitude > 0 ? = b1 = c T b > 0 ? Question: b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 ... H0: cTb=0 Null hypothesis: contrast of estimated parameters T= Test statistic: T ļ½ T c bˆ T var( c bˆ ) variance estimate T c bˆ ļ½ sˆ c 2 T ļØX T X ļ© ļ1 ~ tN ļ p c Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 9 T-contrast in SPM ļ± For a given contrast c: ResMS image beta_???? images bˆ ļ½ ( X T X ) ļ1 X T y con_???? image c T bˆ 2 sˆ ļ½ T ļ„ˆ ļ„ˆ N ļ p spmT_???? image SPM{t} Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 10 T-test: a simple example ļ± Passive word listening versus rest Q: activation during listening ? Null hypothesis: b1 = 0 š”= šš š½ var šš š½ T Threshold T = 3.2057 {p<0.001} SPMresults: voxel-level ( Zļŗ) 13.94 12.04 11.82 13.72 12.29 9.89 7.39 6.84 6.36 Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf 7.83 6.36 5.99 5.65 p uncorrected 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Mm mm -63 -48 -66 57 63 57 36 51 -63 mm -27 15 -33 12 -21 6 -21 12 -12 -3 -39 6 -30 -15 0 48 -54 -3 Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 11 T-test: summary T-test is a signal-to-noise measure (ratio of estimate to standard deviation of estimate). ļ± Alternative hypothesis: H0: c T b ļ½ 0 vs HA: c T b ļ¾ 0 ļ± T-contrasts are simple combinations of the betas; the Tstatistic does not depend on the scaling of the regressors or the scaling of the contrast. Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 12 Scaling issue [1 1 1 1 ]/ 4 T ļ½ T c bˆ var( c bˆ ) Subject 1 T T c bˆ ļ½ sˆ c 2 T ļØX T X ļ© ļ1 c The T-statistic does not depend on the scaling of the regressors. ļ± The T-statistic does not depend on the scaling of the contrast. Subject 5 [1 1 1 ]/ 3 š½ = (š š š)−1 š š š¦ T ļ± Contrast c bˆ depends on scaling. ļ Be careful of the interpretation of the T contrasts c bˆ themselves (eg, for a second level analysis): sum ≠ average Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 13 F-test - the extra-sum-of-squares principle Model comparison: Null Hypothesis H0: True model is X0 (reduced model) X0 X1 X0 Test statistic: ratio of explained variability and unexplained variability (error) F ļµ RSS ļ„ ļ„ˆ full 2 RSS ļ„ˆ reduced 2 F ļµ ESS RSS Full model ? or Reduced model? ļ RSS RSS RSS0 ļ„ 0 ~ Fļ® 1 ,ļ® 2 ļ®1 = rank(X) – rank(X0) ļ®2 = N – rank(X) Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 14 F-test - multidimensional contrasts – SPM{F} Test multiple linear hypotheses: Null Hypothesis H0: b3 = b4 = b5 = b6 = b7 = b8 = 0 X0 X1 (b3-8) cT = Full model ? c Tb = 0 00100000 00010000 00001000 00000100 00000010 00000001 Is any of b3-8 not equal 0? Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 15 F-contrast in SPM ResMS image beta_???? images bˆ ļ½ ( X T X ) ļ1 X T y 2 sˆ ļ½ T ļ„ˆ ļ„ˆ N ļ p ess_???? images spmF_???? images ( RSS0 - RSS ) SPM{F} Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 16 F-test example: movement related effects contrast(s) contrast(s) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 2 4 6 8 Design matrix 30 40 50 60 70 80 2 4 6 8 Design matrix Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 17 F-test: summary F-tests can be viewed as testing for the additional variance explained by a larger model wrt a simpler (nested) model ļ° model comparison. ļ± F tests a weighted sum of squares of one or several combinations of the regression coefficients b. ļ± In practice, we don’t have to explicitly separate X into [X1X2] thanks to multidimensional contrasts. ļ± Hypotheses: ļ©1 ļŖ 0 ļŖ ļŖ0 ļŖ ļ«0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0ļ¹ ļŗ 0 ļŗ 0ļŗ ļŗ 0ļ» Null Hypothesis Alternativ H 0 : b1 ļ½ b 2 ļ½ b 3 ļ½ 0 e Hypothesis H A : at least one b k ļ¹ 0 ļ± In testing uni-dimensional contrast with an F-test, for example b1 – b2, the result will be the same as testing b2 – b1. It will be exactly the square of the t-test, testing for both positive and negative effects. Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 18 Orthogonal regressors Variability described by š1 Testing for š1 Variability described by š2 Testing for š2 Variability in Y Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 19 Correlated regressors Variability described by Variability described by Shared variance Variability in Y Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 20 Correlated regressors Variability described by Variability described by Testing for š1 Variability in Y Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 21 Correlated regressors Variability described by Variability described by Testing for š2 Variability in Y Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 22 Variability described by Variability described by Correlated regressors Variability in Y Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 23 Correlated regressors Variability described by Variability described by Testing for š1 Variability in Y Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 24 Correlated regressors Variability described by Variability described by Testing for š2 Variability in Y Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 25 Correlated regressors Variability described by Variability described by Testing for š1 and/or š2 Variability in Y Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 26 Design orthogonality For each pair of columns of the design matrix, the orthogonality matrix depicts the magnitude of the cosine of the angle between them, with the range 0 to 1 mapped from white to black. ļ± If both vectors have zero mean then the cosine of the angle between the vectors is the same as the correlation between the two variates. Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 27 Correlated regressors: summary ā We implicitly test for an additional effect only. When testing for the first regressor, we are effectively removing the part of the signal that can be accounted for by the second regressor: ļ° implicit orthogonalisation. x^2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x^ x2 x^2 = x2 – x1.x2 x1 x1 1 ā ā Orthogonalisation = decorrelation. Parameters and test on the non modified regressor change. Rarely solves the problem as it requires assumptions about which regressor to uniquely attribute the common variance. ļ° change regressors (i.e. design) instead, e.g. factorial designs. ļ° use F-tests to assess overall significance. Original regressors may not matter: it’s the contrast you are testing which should be as decorrelated as possible from the rest of the design matrix Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 28 Design efficiency ļ± The aim is to minimize the standard error of a t-contrast T ļ½ (i.e. the denominator of a t-statistic). T c bˆ T var( c bˆ ) T 2 T T ļ1 var( c bˆ ) ļ½ sˆ c ( X X ) c ļ± This is equivalent to maximizing the efficiency e: ļ1 e (sˆ , c , X ) ļ½ (sˆ c ( X X ) c ) 2 2 T Noise variance T ļ1 Design variance ļ± If we assume that the noise variance is independent of the specific design: ļ1 e(c, X ) ļ½ (c ( X X ) c ) T T ļ1 ļ± This is a relative measure: all we can really say is that one design is more efficient than another (for a given contrast). Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 29 Design efficiency A B ššš = 1 −0.9 −0.9 1 š = [1 0]š : š š, š = 18.1 š š = [0.5 0.5] : š š, š = 19.0 š = [1 − 1]š : š š, š = 95.2 A+B A-B ļ± High correlation between regressors leads to low sensitivity to each regressor alone. ļ± We can still estimate efficiently the difference between them. Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 30 Bibliography: Statistical Parametric Mapping: The Analysis of Functional Brain Images. Elsevier, 2007. ļ± Plane Answers to Complex Questions: The Theory of Linear Models. R. Christensen, Springer, 1996. ļ± Statistical parametric maps in functional imaging: a general linear approach. K.J. Friston et al, Human Brain Mapping, 1995. ļ± Ambiguous results in functional neuroimaging data analysis due to covariate correlation. A. Andrade et al., NeuroImage, 1999. ļ± Estimating efficiency a priori: a comparison of blocked and randomized designs. A. Mechelli et al., NeuroImage, 2003. Classical Inference and Design Efficiency 31