Links between Workplace Spirituality, Job

Links between Workplace Spirituality,
Job-Related Attitudes, and Value Fit in a
Non-Profit Agency
Kimberly T. Schneider, Eros DeSouza, & Renee N. Durst
Illinois State University
Midwestern Psychological Association (2014) Symposium on
Bringing the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality into Community Psychology
Spirituality at Work: Overview
• A growing area of interest in the U.S.
• “A source of meaning and purpose in life, providing a sense of
interconnectedness, and a sense of feeling connected with one’s
self, others, and the universe” (Mitroff & Denton, 1999)
• Academy of Management has an interest group on spirituality
• Some MBA programs offer courses on spirituality for leaders
• Some propose that employees may seek spiritual connections at work, in
part to substitute for decline in more traditional community groups
(Ashmos & Duchon, 2000)
• Distinction between overt and covert expressions of spirituality at work
• Tombaugh et al. (2011) argued that both constructs may influence behavior at
work, either via attitudes & behaviors witnessed by coworkers (overt) or
attitudes not publicly demonstrated (covert).
The Study of Workplace Spirituality
• Mitroff & Denton (1999) suggest 4 organizational orientations
toward religion & spirituality:
• Religion-based organization
• Evolutionary organization: evolve from religious identification to nondenominational and values-based
• Recovering organization: build spirituality & focused on recovery
• Values-based organization: not associated w/religion or spirituality
• Level of Analysis
• Can examine spirituality at both individual & organizational levels
Benefits of Workplace Spirituality
• Sense of belonging and connectedness
• Spiritualty may strengthen connections among like-minded
• Offers sense of belonging & connectedness to fellow coworkers, and
may buffer from ostracism (Wesselmann & Williams, 2010)
• Links with job-related attitudes and behaviors
• Correlations among spirituality & job satisfaction among diverse
samples (nurses, grad students, Catholic health system
• Most of these studies focused on global job satisfaction, less is
known about various job satisfaction facets
Person-organization ‘fit’
• Current study focused on a non-profit social service agency
with a spiritual mission.
• Raises questions about ‘fit’ between employees & the agency
• We expect individual differences in importance of spirituality at
work and in life
• Given the agency’s mission, some employees may feel more
supported by such a climate than others
• Importance of perceived ‘fit’
• We expect that employees who felt they did not have to
compromise their basic values in doing their work will ‘fit’ better
with such an agency
•  this may translate to more positive job attitudes
• H1: Individual perceptions of the importance of spirituality at
work will be significantly related to satisfaction with work,
with coworkers, with supervision, and with the agency.
• H2: Employees who value the agency’s service-related and
community-support functions will report more positive job
attitudes than employees who do not hold such values.
• H3: Importance of workplace spirituality will be related to
work having a greater contribution to general meaning in life.
• H4: Employees’ perceptions of the match/fit between
coworkers’ values and the agency’s mission will moderate
relationships between the importance of spirituality at work
and facets of job satisfaction.
• Setting: Nonprofit social service agency in the Midwest
• Christian-based organization historically linked to a religious foundation;
founded as a ‘faith-based orphanage’
• Not run by a specific church or denomination
• Mission statement, “…embodies Christian principles to help families and
children develop the hope, courage, and love they need to become whole
and healthy.”
• “God” is referenced in 3 of 6 agency values
• Respect: ”Humankind, created in God’s image, has inherent value…”
• Teamwork: “We are called to be in relationship with God and with one
• Stewardship: “Our funds, property, and human resources are given to us in trust
from God...”
• Services include residential treatment of children & adolescents, special
education, foster care, adoption services.
• Sample
• One-hundred ninety-two employees participated voluntarily
• out of 300 employees (64% response rate)
• 77% female respondents (reflects employee population)
• Majority worked full-time (88%) in non-supervisory positions
(73%) including residential treatment staff, therapists,
caseworkers, and teachers.
• Procedure
• Online survey emailed to all agency employees
• Voluntary participation & confidential responses
• No one from the agency had access to data, only feedback reports
our team prepared
• Measures
• We used the agency’s pre-existing Employee Opinion Survey (EOS),
administered online
• The EOS included measures of
Satisfaction with work (7 items)
Satisfaction with coworkers (3 items)
Satisfaction with supervision (6 items)
Satisfaction with the agency in general (1 item)
• Six items from Mitroff & Denton’s (1999) spirituality measure
• 1 item – “Choose (from among 12 job attributes) the 3 that provide the most
meaning & purpose in your job”
• Options of interest to us:
• “Being associated with a good organization”
• “Providing community service”
• 2 items – “rate the importance of spirituality in your life” and “rate the
importance of spirituality at work” (not at all important – very important)
• 3 items –
• To what extent does work contributes to general meaning in your life?
• How frequently you feel forced to compromise your values while at work?
• To what extent do your coworkers’ values match those of the agency?
• Hypothesis 1: Individual perceptions of the importance of
spirituality at work will be significantly related to satisfaction with
work, with coworkers, with supervision, and with the agency.
• Significant correlations between employees’ perceptions of
the importance of workplace spirituality with all job attitudes
• Perceived spirituality as more important…
Reported higher sat w/supervision (r = .15, p = .03)
Reported higher sat w/coworkers (r = .15, p = .02)
Reported higher sat w/work itself (r = .12, p = .04)
Reported higher sat w/the agency (r = .17, p = .01)
• Spirituality assessments may be domain-specific – the
correlations between job attitudes & spirituality in general (as
opposed to ‘at work’) were non-significant
• Hypothesis 2: Employees who value the agency’s service-related
and community-support functions will report more positive job
attitudes than employees who do not hold such values.
• Focused on forced-choice item of top 3 dimensions that give
most meaning & purpose on the job
• Created groups based on whether they chose ‘being associated
with a good organization’ or not
Mean (SD) for
those selecting
Mean (SD) for
those not
selecting ‘Good
2.34 (.33)
2.19 (.37)
3.43 (.37)
3.25 (.42)
3.38 (.37)
3.23 (.42)
3.63 (.52)
3.30 (.63)
• Hypothesis 3: Importance of workplace spirituality will be related
to work having a greater contribution to general meaning in life.
• Correlation between these 2 variables was significant,
r = .29, p = .001
• Hypothesis 4: Employees’ perceptions of the match/fit between
coworkers’ values and the agency’s mission will moderate
relationships between the importance of spirituality at work and
facets of job satisfaction.
Hierarchical regression to test the moderator:
1. Employees’ ratings of the importance of spirituality at work
2. Perceptions of coworkers’ values
3. Interaction terms
The ‘value match’ moderated the relationship between the
importance of workplace spirituality and sat w/supervision
(F (1, 176) = 4.89, Δ R2 = .02, p =.03)
Those who perceive low
value match (between
coworkers & the agency)
sat w/supervision was
lower for those who view
workplace spirituality as
more important
Supervision Satisfaction
Low Value Match
High Value Match
Low Spirituality
High Spirituality
Importance of Spirituality at Work
• For some employees, workplace spirituality is an important
contributor to meaningfulness and contributes to a healthy
working climate.
• In our sample, workplace spirituality was significantly &
positively related to facets of job satisfaction
• And employees’ perceptions of their coworkers’ values matching
those of the organization were important predictors of their own
• Employees at this agency distinguished between the importance
of workplace spirituality and spirituality in life in general
• …and that was reflected in relationships with job satisfaction
•  may reflect good person-job fit in this social service agency
• Previous research on person-job fit has focused on dimensions related
to performance rewards, training & development, & teamwork (Bretz &
Judge, 1994) but not aspects of spirituality.
• Workplace spirituality as a possible barrier to burnout?
• Used as a buffer for stress – especially for employees who feel their
spiritual values are supported by their organization
• Organizational context is important to keep in mind. Spirituality is
difficult to study within organizations!