File - George Corser


Dissertation Proposal

Securing Location Privacy in

Vehicular Communication Systems and Applications

George Corser, PhD Candidate

Oakland University

May 1, 2014

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1. Background

2. Problem Statement

3. Related Work

4. Preliminary Results

5. Proposed Research

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1. Background

• What is VANET?

• DSRC Protocol Stack(s)

• Why VANET?

• What is Privacy?

• VANET Privacy Threat Model

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What is VANET?

Vehicular Ad-hoc Network

Global Positioning System

Roadside Unit

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V2V: Vehicle-to-vehicle


V2R: Also called: V2I

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DSRC Protocol Stack(s)

• Two DSRC stacks

– WSMP: WAVE Short

Message Protocol


• DSRC: Dedicated Short

Range Communications

• WAVE: Wireless Access for Vehicular





Image source: Kenney, 2011


Major Applications

• Safety

– Application: Collision Avoidance

– Est: Eliminate 82% of crashes of non-impaired drivers


– Est: $299.5 billion for traffic crashes (AAA)

• Traffic Management

– Application: Congestion reduction

– Est: $97.7 billion for congestion (AAA)

• Infotainment (LBS)

– Applications: Simple queries, Navigation

– Application: Frequent precise location (FPL) queries

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What is Privacy?

• Definitions of privacy

Charles Fried (1984): “Privacy is not simply an absence of information about us in the minds of others, rather it is the control we have over information about ourselves.”

James Moor (1997): “I agree that it is highly desirable that we control information about ourselves.

However, in a highly computerized culture this is simply impossible.”

IEEE 1609.2 (2013): “ Anonymity —meaning the ability of private drivers to maintain a certain amount of privacy—is a core goal of the system.”

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What is Privacy?

• Types of privacy

Identity privacy: unlinkability with personally identifiable information (PII); often achieved with


Location privacy: unlinkability of PII with a geographical position, and further, the unlinkability of one pseudonym with another by using location data.

Query privacy: unlinkability of PII, not only with location, but also with the particular type of request made or service used.

• This research would focus on location privacy.

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What is Privacy?

• Desired properties of vehicle network privacy systems

1. Safety (Collision


2. Trust (Authentication)

3. Identity Privacy


4. Location Privacy


5. Historical Privacy


6. Conditional Privacy


7. Revocability

8. Trust Authority


9. Anonymous LBS Access

(LBS Pseudonymity)

10. Map Database


11. Context Awareness


12. User Consent, Choice,


* a.k.a. anonymous authentication, pseudonymous authentication

VANET Privacy Threat Model

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RSU: Roadside unit, a wireless access point for vehicles to connect to wired network infrastructure

MAC Layer APP Layer

LBS: Location Based Service, an internet application which uses geographical position as input (e.g. Google Navigation)

2. Problem Statement

• VANET (MAC Layer)

– Ultra low latency, for safety

– Low overhead, for wireless efficiency

– Conditional/revocable anonymity, for privacy

• LBS (APP Layer)

– Frequent precise location (FPL) service availability

– Undeanonymizable* anonymous service access with privacy over wide geographical range

• How to achieve vehicular location privacy?

* protect from RSU/LBS collusion and map deanonymization

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3. Related Work

• Location Privacy Techniques

• Location Privacy Theory

• Dummy Events

• Dummy Events v. Active Decoys

• Location Privacy Metrics

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Location Privacy Techniques

• Group signature

– Chaum, 1991, 1712 citations

– Boneh,Boyen, Shacham, 2004, 1024 citations

• Mix zones

– Beresford, Stajano, 2003, 1068 citations

• Cloaking, anonymous LBS

– Gruteser, Greenwald, 2003, 1303 citations

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Location Privacy Theory

Group Signatures

Mix Zones


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Image source: Shokri (2010)

Dummy Events

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Source: Location Privacy in Pervasive Computing, Beresford & Stajano, 2003

Early abandonment

Assumption: many concentrated vehicles require continuous privacy protection?

Dummy Events

Authors Methods

You, Peng and Lee (2007) Random trajectory


Spatial shift

Lu, Jensen and Yiu (2008) Virtual grid, virtual circle Spatial shift

Chow & Golle (2009) Google Maps poly line Trajectory database

Kido, Yanagisawa and

Satoh (2009)

Krumm (2009)

Moving in a neighborhood

Data gathered from GPS receivers, then modified with noise

Alnahash, Corser, Fu, Zhu

(ASEE, 2014)

Random trajectory confined to road grid

Corser, et. al. (IEEE, 2014) “Live” dummies generated by active vehicles

Spatial shift

Trajectory database

Spatial shift

Active decoy

Recent resurgence, special applicability to vehicular settings

Assumption: only a subset of users desire privacy?

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Dummy Events v. Active Decoys

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Dummy event: a message containing false data, sent in order to help conceal a genuine message. Dummy events and genuine messages are sent by the same genuine entity, and function analogously to aircraft flares.

Active decoy: a dummy event sent by an entity pretending to be the genuine one.

Active decoys function analogously to fleeing and dispersing animals in a herd.

The proposed research is designed to examine the tradeoffs between safety, efficiency and privacy using dummy event and active decoy methods.


• Anonymity Set Size: |AS|

• Entropy of |AS|: H( |AS| )

• Tracking Probability: Pt = Prob(|AS|=1)

• Short-term Disclosure (SD)

• Long-term Disclosure (LD)

• Distance Deviation (dst)

* See supplemental slides for equations

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4. Preliminary Results

• EPZ: Endpoint Protection Zone

• PBD: Privacy by Decoy

• RRVT: Random Rotation of Vehicle Trajectory

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Endpoint Vulnerability

• Motorists will use LBS applications (V2I)

• LBS administrators can cross-reference vehicle

trajectory endpoints with map databases to

identify LBS user (privacy problem)

LBS: Location Based Service (like Google Navigation)


Cloaking Under FPL

• Under FPL, cloaking can be defeated by examining trajectory (series of snapshots)

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#1: Vehicle/roadway mobility is more predictable than mobile phone mobility.

#2: What if no other active LBS users in vicinity?



• Endpoint Protection Zone (EPZ)

V: number of vehicles in region, R

λ: ratio of LBS user vehicles to V

A: area of R w, h: width, height of EPZ (endpoint protection zone)

E{ | AS


| } = λVwh/A

“Corserian” mix zone provides “Snowden” privacy defense, and defends against map deanonymization.

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EPZ Simulation Set-up

Realistic mobility models [15][16][17]: MMTS

– Did not want to use grid-like models (e.g.

Manhattan) because EPZ is square-shaped)

• Counted vehicles originating in EPZ

• Computed metrics

– Metrics: |AS|, H(|AS|), Pt

– Variables: LBS user percentage, λ, and EPZ size

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MMTS: Multi-agent Microscopic Traffic Simulator [16]


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Metric: |AS|

• The anonymity set, AS i

, of target LBS user, i , is the collection of all LBS users, j , including i , within the set of all LBS userIDs, ID, whose trajectories, T j

, are indistinguishable from T i

AS i

{ j | j

ID ,

T j s .

t .

p ( i , j )

0 }


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Metric: H(|AS|)

• Entropy expresses the level of uncertainty in the correlations between T i and T j

• It is the sum of the products of all probabilities and their logarithms, base 2.

H i

   j

AS i p ( i , j )

 log


( p ( i , j ))

If all trajectories equally likely to be the real one, then H max

= - log




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Metric: Pt

• Tracking probability, Pt i

, is defined as the chance that |AS i


– If |AS|=1, then vehicle has no anonymity

• This metric is important because average Pt tells what percentage of vehicles have some privacy, and what percentage have no privacy

at all, not just how much privacy exists in the overall system

Pt i

P ( AS i

1 )


Performance Evaluation: |AS|


10% LBS users (λ=0.1) 20% LBS users (λ=0.2)

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Average anonymity set size, |AS| = k

Performance Evaluation: H(|AS|)

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10% LBS users (λ=0.1) 20% LBS users (λ=0.2)

Entropy of average anonymity set size, H(|AS|) = H(k)

Performance Evaluation: Pt


10% LBS users (λ=0.1) 20% LBS users (λ=0.2)

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Average tracking probability, Pt

RSU/LBS Collusion Vulnerability

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• Suppose a vehicle tried sending a request to an LBS using a false location.


• Privacy by Decoy (PBD) Note: an active decoy is different from a dummy.

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PARROTS: Position Altered Requests Relayed Over Time and Space

Group PBD

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PBD Simulation Setup

• Grid: 3000 m x 3000 m (1.864 mi x 1.864 mi)

• Mobility models, rural, urban and city

• Sim. time 2000 seconds or 33.3 minutes.

• EPZ: 600 m x 600 m (25 EPZs) to 300 m x 300 m (100 EPZs)

• λ = LBS users; ρ = potential parrots; φ = pirates

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PBD Overall Results

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Before PBD (EPZ Only)

PBD Results


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Theoretical Values of |AS|

Individual login:

E{ | AS


ρ: ratio of potential parrots to total vehicles

φ: ratio of LBS users who desire privacy

| } = 1 + ρ / φ λ

Group login:

E{ | AS


| } = (λ + ρ) wh/A

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Pure Dummy Event Solution

• Can a vehicle transmit dummy events without recruiting parrots?


• Random Rotation of Vehicular Trajectory

Note: vehicles desiring privacy can produce accurate dummies using points from other vehicles which transmit precise locations.

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Left image source: You, Peng and Lee, 2007

Metric: SD

• Short-term Disclosure (SD) m: time slices

D i

: set of true and dummy locations at time slot i

SD: the probability of an eavesdropper successfully identifying a true trajectory given a set of true and dummy POSITIONS over a short period of time

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Metric: LD

• Long-term Disclosure (LD) More overlap means more privacy

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n total trajectories

k trajectories that overlap

n k trajectories that do not overlap

T k is the number of possible trajectories amongst the overlapping trajectories

SD: the probability of an eavesdropper successfully identifying a true trajectory given a set of true and dummy TRAJECTORIES over a longer period of time

Overlap Improves Privacy

• 3 trajectories

• 8 possible paths

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Image source: You, Peng and Lee, 2007

Metric: dst

• Distance Deviation (dst) dst

PL j i i

L j dk

: the distance deviation of user i

: the location of true user i at the jth time slot

: the location of the kth dummy at the jth time slot

dist() express the distance between the true user location and the dummy location n dummies m time slots

dst is the average of distance between trajectories of dummies and the true user

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RRVT Simulation Setup

Example real trajectory in red

Example dummy trajectories in black • Sim. time: 20 time slots

• Speed: ~3 squares/slot

• Dummies: sets of 5 to 25

• Manhattan grid 50x50

• Trajectories constrained to roadways every 10 grid squares

• Ran simulation nine times per dummy set

• Data presented: median number of trajectory intersection overlaps

RRVT Results

Improvement in LD when roadway mobility enforced

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For SD, LD: Lower is better

5. Proposed Research

• Systematic Study

• Anticipated Contributions

• Timeline

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Systematic Study

• Measure the effectiveness of existing methods

(See: Metrics supp. slides)

• Create new methods* and compare tradeoffs, effectiveness with existing methods

• Create new metrics, if necessary

• Consider vehicular domain specific issues

– Mobility/density (city, suburb, rural), location privacy metrics, mix zone choices, GPS precision,

LBS query frequency (esp. FPL), RSU coverage area, LBS market penetration, MAC/APP layer collusion, map deanonymization, ...

* Currently working on gas station mix zone

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Anticipated Contributions

• Combined MAC layer and APP layer privacy has not been studied in vehicular contexts.

• Dummy event and active decoy methods have been ignored for many years. It is possible they may apply in vehicular applications because of the different network architecture.

• Journal publication(s) detailing the discovered mathematical relationships (extending conference papers)






(Move to






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Present this dissertation proposal to DAC on May 1

Apply to graduate in fall 2014

Gather early simulation results, develop simulation (simple anonymous LBS access)

Gather more simulation results (LBS access with spatial-temporal cloaking, and active decoy LBS access)

Final simulation results

Begin dissertation write-up

Conclude dissertation initial draft write-up

Submit dissertation draft to DAC prior to August 31

Meet with adviser to ensure all degree requirements met

Register for 1 dissertation credit, Fall 2014

Dissertation write-up

Wait for DAC approval

Schedule defense

Submit Dissertation Defense Announcement Form to Graduate Study and Lifelong

Learning (at least 2 weeks prior to defense)

Defend before DAC prior to Oct 31

Format dissertation and submit for binding

Graduate December 13

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Publications to Date


IEEE IV 2014: 2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles


IEEE ICCVE 2013: Second International

Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo

IJITN: International Journal of Interdisciplinary

Telecommunications and Networking 2013

ACM InfoSecCD 2012: 2012 Information

Security Curriculum Development Conference


PBD: Privacy-by-decoy

(Dearborn, MI)

EPZ: Endpoint Protection Zone

(Las Vegas, NV)

Measuring Attacker

Motivation (Journal)

A tale of two CTs: IP packets rejected by a firewall (Award)






ACM InfoSecCD 2012: 2012 Information

Security Curriculum Development Conference

Professional association membership (Award)


• Alrajei, N., Corser, G., Fu, H., Zhu, Y. (2014, February).

Energy Prediction Based Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor

Networks . International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), Volume 4, Issue 2. (Journal)

• Oluoch, J., Corser, G., Fu, H., Zhu, Y. (2014, April). Simulation Evaluation of Existing Trust Models in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.

In 2014 American Society For Engineering Education North Central Section Conference (ASEE NCS 2014).

• Alnahash, N., Corser, G., Fu, H. (2014, April). Protecting Vehicle Privacy using Dummy Events. In 2014 American Society For

Engineering Education North Central Section Conference (ASEE NCS 2014).

Location Privacy:

Vehicular Methods and Techniques

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Silent period

+ Anonymizing Mix zone

Anonymizing PseudoID

MAC Layer



OK (1)

IP, APP Layers

No service

No service

OK (1)

+ Dummifying Cloaking region Latency:TTP (2) Congestion

+ Dummifying Active decoy OK (2) Congestion



False data





Impaired service

All techniques, except active decoy, impair APP-level continuous precise location (CPL) and frequent precise location (FPL) queries. Other problems:


Anonymizing problems: PseudoID-to-pseudoID tracking, map deanonymization


MAC layer cloaking/decoy problems: too slow for safety beacon, exposes duplicate beacons, complicates authentication/CRL/congestion
