Bhagavad Gita Power Point

By, Dr. Shamanthakamani Narendran
M.D.(Pead), Ph.D. (Yoga Science)
For Everyone In All The Worlds
 Presents the transcendental knowledge of the
most profound spiritual nature as revealed in
the Bhagavad-Gita.
 It is the divine discourse spoken by the
Supreme Lord Krishna Himself and is the most
popular and well known of all the sacred
scriptures from ancient India.
 Always being revered as a true source of
spiritual knowledge it reveals the purpose and
goal of human existence.
 In conjunction to this we will be presenting
precise Vedic verification of the Supreme Lord
Krishna's divine incarnations as evidence
confirming His supreme position. In BhagavadGita, chapter 10, verse 20, the Supreme Lord
reveals that He manifests as the immortal soul
within each and every living entity.
 No where else within any other religious
scripture is this information available.
 Our purpose is to make the eternal knowledge
of Bhagavad-Gita freely available to everyone
all over the Earth.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
 The Bhagavad-Gita is considered by eastern
and western scholars alike to be among the
greatest spiritual books the world has ever
 In a very clear and wonderful way the Supreme
Lord Krishna describes the science of selfrealization and the exact process by which a
human being can establish their eternal
relationship with God.
 In terms of pure, spiritual knowledge the
Bhagavad-Gita is incomparable.
 Its intrinsic beauty is that its knowledge applies
to all human beings and does not postulate any
sectarian idealogy or secular view.
 It is appproachable from the sanctified realms
of all religions and is glorified as the epitome
of all spiritual teachings.
 This is because proficiency in the BhagavadGita reveals the eternal principles which are
fundamental and essential for spiritual life from
all perspectives and allows one to perfectly
understand the esoteric truths hidden within all
religious scriptures.
 Many great thinkers from our times such as
Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi and Albert
Schweizer as well as Madhvacarya, Sankara
and Ramanuja from bygone ages have all
contemplated and deliberarted upon its timeless
 The primary purpose of the Bhagavad-Gita is to
illuminate for all of humanity the realization of
the true nature of divinity; for the highest
spiritual conception and the greatest material
perfection is to attain love of God!
Lord Krishna’s Divine Incarnations
 Now for the first time Vedic verification of the
Supreme Lord Krishna divine incarnations are
revealed all together according to Vedic
 Manifesting Himself in the forms of His
varieagated incarnations, the Supreme Lord
appears in the material worlds millenium after
millenium to reestablish the principles of
righteousness as confirmed in Bhagavad-Gita,
chapter four, verse eight.
 The question may arise from those followers of
the worlds religions of Buddhism, Christianity,
Hebrewism, Hinduism and Islam as well as
those who have studied Lemurian, Atlantean,
Sumerian, Mayan and Egyptian schools of
thought; why is it that Krishna is positively the
Supreme Lord of all? This illustrated
compilation of the Supreme Lord Krishna's
divine incarnations combined with sincere,
diligent study of the Bhagavad-Gita will
perfectly answer all spiritual questions as well
as illuminate all spiritual directions.
om ajnana-timirandasya jnananjnana salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah
I offer my most humble obeisances to my spiritual
master who has opened my eyes which were
blinded by ignorance with the light of knowledge.
raja-vidya raja-guhyam pavitram idam uttamam
pratyak savagamam dharmyam susukham kartum
This knowledge is the king of all wisdom, the
king of all that is confidential. It is the purest and
the topmost and because it gives direct perception
of the self by realization it is the perfection of all
religion and everlastingly joyful to perform.
Bhagavad-Gita, chapter 9, verse 2
 The Bhagavad-Gita consists of 18 chapters. Each
chapter is called a yoga.
 Yoga is the science of the individual
consciousness attaining communion with the
Ultimate Consciousness.
 So each chapter is a highly specialized yoga
revealing the path of attaining realization of the
Ultimate Truth.
 The first six chapters have been classified as the
Karma Yoga section as they mainly deal with the
science of the individual consciousness attaining
communion with the Ultimate Consciousness
through actions.
 The middle six chapters have been designated
as the Bhakti Yoga section as they principally
are pertaining with the science of the individual
consciousness attaning communion with the
Ultimate Consciousness by the path of
 The final six chapters are regarded as the Jnana
Yoga section as they are primarily concerned
with the science of the individual
consciousness attaining communion with the
Ultimate Consciousness through the intellect.
Chapter – 1
Visada Yoga
46 Verses
Lamenting the Consequence of War
Lamenting the Consequence of War
 Introduces the scene, the setting, the
circumstances and the characters involved
determining the reasons for the BhagavadGita's revelation.
 The scene is the sacred plain of Kuruksetra.
 The setting is a battlefield.
 The circumstances is war.
 The main characters are the Supreme Lord
Krishna and Prince Arjuna, witnessed by four
million soldiers led by their respective military
 After naming the principal warriors on both
sides, Arjuna’s growing dejection is described
due to the fear of losing friends and relatives in
the course of the impending war and the
subsequent sins attached to such actions.
Important points of the Discourse
 Description of the warriors of the two armies.
 Conch sounds of the two armies.
 Arjuna surveys the armies.
 The despondency of Arjuna.
Chapter – 2
72 Verses
Sankhya Yoga
The Eternal Reality of the Soul’s Immortality
 Arjuna accepts the position as a disciple of
Lord Krishna and requests the Lord to instruct
him in how to dispel his lamentation and grief.
 This chapter is oftened deemed as a summary
to the emtire Bhagavad-Gita.
 Here many subjects are explained such as:
karma yoga, jnana yoga, sankhya yoga, and the
atma which is the soul, etc.
 Predominance has been given to the immortal
nature of the soul existing within all living
entities and it has been described in great detail.
Important points of the Discourse
 Arjuna explains his mental distress and
confusion and surrenders to Lord Krishna for
 Description of Atma.
 The necessity to fight the battle according to
Kshatriya Dharma.
 The doctrine of Nishkama Karma
 The man of steadfast wisdom.
Chapter – 3
43 Verses
Karma Yoga
The Eternal Duties of the Human Being
 Establishes the fact by various points of view
that the performance of prescribed duties is
obligatory for everyone.
 Here Lord Krishna categorically and
comprehensively explains how it is the duty of
each and every member of society to carry out
their functions and responsibilities in their
respective stage of life according to the rules
and regulations of the society in which one
 Further the Lord explains why such duties must
be performed, what benefit is gained by
performing them, what harm is caused by not
performing them.
 Plus what actions lead to bondage and what
actions lead to salvation.
 All these points relating to duty have been
described in great detail.
Important points of the Discourse
 Proving that detached performance of prescribed
duties is the best way of life.
 Showing that work done without desire to enjoy
the fruits is Yoga, and the need for yajna in the
 Stating that the sage of knowledge and God work
for the food of humanity and the creation.
 Differentiating the wise and the ignorant, and
exhorting men to work free from attachments
and revulsion.
 Describing Kama and Krodha, and pointing out
the way to conquer them.
Chapter – 4
42 Verses
Jnana Yoga
Approaching the Ultimate Truth
 Lord Krishna reveals how spiritual knowledge is
received by disciplic succession and the reason and
nature of His descent into the material worlds.
 Here He also explains the paths of action and
knowledge as well as the wisdom regarding the
supreme knowledge which results at the culmination
of the two paths.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: Approaching the
Ultimate Truth.
Important points of the Discourse
 The power of the Lord and mention of
Nishkama Karma
 The pure conduct of the Jnani.
 An account of various Yajnas, and the
superiority of Jnana yajna.
 The wonderful efficacy of Jnana.
Chapter – 5
29 Verses
Karma Vairagya Yoga
Action and Renunciation
 In chapter five Lord Krishna delineates the
concepts of action with detachment and
renunciation in actions explaining that both are
a means to the same goal.
 Here He explains how salvation is attained by
the pursuance of these paths.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: Action and
Important points of the Discourse
 Declaration about Sankhya yoga and Karma
 The characteristics of the Sankhyayogi and
karmayogi and their respective merit.
 Explanation of Jnanayoga.
 The Yoga of Meditation (Dhyanayoga)
accompanied with devotion (Bhaktiyoga).
Chapter – 6
47 Verses
Abhyasa Yoga
The Science of Self Realization
 In chapter six Lord Krishna reveals astanga
yoga, and the exact process of practicing such
 He explains in detail the difficulties of the mind
and the procedures by which one may gain
mastery of their mind through yoga which
reveals the spiritual nature of a living entity.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: The Science of
Important points of the Discourse
 Nishkama Karma, and the attributes of the sage
established in yoga.
 The characteristics of the sage of self –
 The method of meditation.
 Enquiry into mind-control.
 The excellence of Dhyana yoga and the future
of the aspirant who fails to reach the ultimate
goal in the life.
Chapter – 7
43 Verses
Paramahamsa Vijnana Yoga
Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth
 In chapter seven Lord Krishna gives concrete
knowledge of the absolute reality as well as the
opulence of divinity.
 He describes His illusory energy in the material
existence called Maya and declares how
extremely difficult it is to surmount it.
 He also describes the four types of people
attracted to divinity and the four types of
people who are opposed to divinty.
 In conclusion He reveals that one in spiritual
intelligence takes exclusive refuge of the Lord
without reservation in devotional service.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: Knowledge of the
Ultimate Truth.
Important points of the Discourse
 Mention of experienced knowledge.
 Qualities of the transcendental (para) and
phenomenal (apara) nature.
 Immanence of Atma in the entire objective
 Condemnation of demoniacal qualities and
commendation of divine qualities, and the four
types of devotees.
 Worship of the Gods.
 The nature of the ignorance and excellence of
the wise who know the Supreme Lord.
Chapter – 8
28 Verses
Aksara-Parabrahman Yoga
Attainment of Salvation
 In chapter eight Lord Krishna emphasizes the
science of yoga.
 Revealing that one attains whatever one
remembers at the end of one's life the Lord
emphasizes the utmost importance of the very
last thought at the moment of death.
 Also he gives information on the creation of the
material worlds as well as establishing a
distinction between them and the spiritual
 Here he explains the light and dark paths in
regards to leaving this material existence, the
destination to which they each lead to and the
reward received by each.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: Attainment of
Important points of the Discourse
 Arjuna’s questions and the Lord’s answer.
 The practice of Pranava and its wonderful
 Explanation of creation and dissolution.
 The universal form of the Lord and how the
devotee attains it.
 The paths of the dark and light – fortnights of
the moon.
 The power of the Yogi.
Chapter – 9
34 Verses
Raja-Vidya-Guhya Yoga
Confidential Knowledge of the Ultimate
 In chapter nine Lord Krishna reveals that the
sovereign science and the sovereign secret.
 He explains how the entire material existence is
created, prevaded, maintained and annihilated
by His external energy and all beings are
coming and going under
 His supervision.
 The subjects matters covered subsequently are
primarily concerned with devotional service
and the Lord Himself declares that these
subject matters are most confidential.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: Confidential
Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth.
Important points of the Discourse
 The excellence of Atmavidya.
 The form of the Lord.
 The Origin of the Universe.
 Qualities of man of Divine and demoniacal
 The Universal form of the Lord.
 The rewards of Nishkama Karma and Sakama
 The supreme power of devotion and selfsurrender to the Lord through Nishkama Karma.
Chapter – 10
Vibuthi-Vistara Yoga
42 Verses
The Infinite Glories of the Ultimate Truth
 Chapter ten reveals Lord Krishna's exalted
position as the cause of all causes.
 Also specifying His special manifestations and
 Arjuna prays to the Lord to describe more of
the opulences and the Lord describes those
which are most prominent.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: The Infinite
Glories of the Ultimate Truth.
Important points of the Discourse
 The sovereign yogic powers of the Lord, and
the effect of knowing them.
 The power and fruit of Bhakti Yoga.
 Arjuna’s appeal to the Lord to describe His
miraculous power and manifestation.
 The Lord speaks of His infinite glories.
Chapter – 11
55 Verses
Vishvarupa-Darsana Yoga
The Vision of the Universal Form
 In chapter eleven Lord Krishna is beseeched by
Arjuna to reveal His universal form showing all
of existence .
 Thus this chapter is entitled: The Vision of the
Universal Form.
Important points of the Discourse
 Arjuna’s appeal to the Lord.
 The Lord’s estimate of His Cosmic-Form.
 Sanjaya describes the Visvarupa.
 Arjuna’s vision and prayer to the Lord.
 The Lord reveals His power and inspires Arjuna to
 The terrified Arjuna wishes to see the normal form of
the Lord.
 The Lord declares the glory of seeing the CosmicForm, and assumes His normal form.
 Single-minded devotion alone qualifies a man to see
the Cosmic-Form. The excellence of Ananyabhakti.
Chapter – 12
Bhakti Yoga
20 Verses
The Path of Devotion
 In chapter twelve Lord Krishna extols the glory
of devotion to God.
 Along with this he explains the different forms
of spiritual disciplines and discusses the
qualities of the devotees who by performing
their activities in this way become very dear to
 Thus this chapter is entitled: The Path of
Important points of the Discourse
 Thoughts about the Divine with form and
without form.
 The excellence of Bhakti Yoga.
 Different spiritual practices.
 The qualities of the Bhakta.
Chapter – 13
35 Verses
Ksetra-Ksetrajna Vibhaga Yoga
The Individual and Ultimate Consciousness
 In chapter thirteen Lord Krishna reveals the
distinct difference between the physical body and
the immortal soul.
 He explains that the physical is transitory and
perishable whereas the soul is immutable and
 The Lord also gives precise knowledge about the
individual soul and the ultimate soul.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: The Individual and
Ultimate Consciousness.
Important points of the Discourse
 An account of the nature of the Kshetra and
 The qualities of the Jnani.
 The enunciation of that which is to be known.
 Distinction between Prakriti and Purusha.
Chapter – 14
27 Verses
Gunatraya-Vibhaga Yoga
The Three Qualities of Material Nature
 In chapter fourteen Lord Krishna reveals
matters pertaining goodness, passsion and
nescience which everything in the material
existence is influenced by.
 He gives pertinent details on the essential
characteristics of each individually, their cause,
the level of their potency, how they influence a
living entity affected by them as well as the
signs of one who has risen above them.
 Here he clearly advises to relinquish oneself
from ignorance and passion and adopt the path
of pure goodness until aquiring the ability to
transcend them.
 Thus this chapter is entitled; The Three
Qualities of Material Nature.
Important points of the Discourse
 The excellence of jnana and the origin of the
world by the union of prakriti and purusha.
 The nature of the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas,
and Tamas).
 The effects of the three Gunas.
 The way to attain Paramatma.
 The qualities of Jivanmukta
transcended the three Gunas.
Chapter – 15
Purusottama Yoga
20 Verses
Realization of the Ultimate Truth
 In chapter fifteen Lord Krishna reveals the
virtues, the glories and transcendental
characteristics of God being omnipotenet,
omniscient and omnipresent.
 Also He explains the pupose and value of
knowing about God and the means by which
 He can be realized.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: Realization of the
Ultimate Truth.
Important points of the Discourse
 The tree of Samsara and the way to attain God.
 Enquiry into Jivatma.
 The Universal Existence of God, and the power
of the Lord.
 Explanation of the Ksharapurusha
Aksharapurusha and Purushottama.
Chapter – 16
24 Verses
Daivasura-Sampad-Vibhaga Yoga
The Divine and Demoniac Natures Defined
 In chapter sixteen Lord Krishna describes
explicitly, explaining seperately and in detail
the divine properties, conduct and actions
which are righteous in nature and conducive to
 Also he delineates the evil propensities and ill
conduct which are unrighteous in nature and
which determine the unrighteous and which are
antagonistic to divinity.
Important points of the Discourse
 The qualities of Divine nature.
 The qualities of Demoniacal nature.
 The fruit of the two opposed natures.
 The qualities of man of demoniacal nature and
the destruction that comes to them.
 The gateways to Hell.
 The laws of the Sastras, the violation of the
Sastric laws and the Lord’s instruction to accept
the Sastras.
Chapter – 17
28 Verses
Sraddhatraya-Vibhaga Yoga
The Three Divisions of Material Existence
 In chapter seventeen Lord Krishna classifies
the three divisions of faith, revealing that it is
these different qualities of faith in the Supreme
that determine that character of living entities.
 These three types of faith determine one's
consciousness in this world.
Important points of the Discourse
 The threefold Sraddha.
 The threefold forms of worship, Austerity
contrary to the Sastras.
 Threefold types of food.
 Threefold types of Yajna.
 Threefold types of Tapas.
 Threefold types of Dana.
 Commentary on the mantra OM Tat Sat.
 Work devoid of Sraddha.
Chapter – 18
78 Verses
Moksa-Opadesa Yoga
Final Revelations of the Ultimate Truth.
 In chapter eighteen Lord Krishna sums up the
conclusion of the previous chapters and
describes the attainment of salvation by the
paths of karma in chapters one through six and
in jnana yoga section which are chapters
thirteen through eighteen.
 The Lord explains that while doing so one must
offer without reservation everything to God.
 The knowledge revealed gets progressively
more and more confidential then in all the
previous chapters.
 Thus this chapter is entitled: Final Revelations
of the Ultimate Truth.
Important points of the Discourse
 The theme of Tyaga.
 Stating the cause for the accomplishment of all
Karma according to Samkhya theory; the nondoership of Atma.
 Knowledge, action, reason, courage, happiness
– their threefold aspects. (Sattva, Rajas and
 The duties of the four castes.
 The means to attain Brahmasakshatkara;
 Nishkama karma associated with Bhakti.
 Surrender to the Lord, the essence of the Gita.
 Sanjaya’s adoration for the Gita.
Many great and notable individuals from modern
times as well as bygone eras have read the
Bhagavad-Gita and have extolled its universal
 Albert Einstein stated that when reading the
Bhagavad-Gita he thinks about how God
created the universe and then everything else
seemed so superfluous.
 Mahatma Gandhi stated that the BhagavadGita calls on humanity to dedicate mind, body
and soul to purity.
 Dr. Albert Schweizer stated that the
Bhagavad-Gita has a profound influence on the
spirit of mankind by its devotion to God which
is manifested in all actions.
 Sri Aurobindo stated the Bhagavad-Gita has a
new message for every age and every
 Herman Hesse stated that the wonder of the
Bhagavad-Gita is its beautiful revelation of
life's wisdom which has made philosophy
blossom into religion.
 Ramanuja has stated that the Bhagavad-Gita
reveals the goal of the all the Vedic scriptures.
 Aldous Huxley stated that the Bhagavad-Gita
is the most comprhensive statement of
perennial philosophy.
 Madhvacarya has stated that the BhagavadGita is apauruseya which means of divine
origin and eternal.
Thank You
Lord Krishna Preaching Gita to Arjuna