Reginald Rose
Still a text but a play, not a
Legal terms
No names
Stage directions
Key scenes
Guilty or innocent?
Question types
High scoring responses
What now?
Brand new text, replaces the most popular text of
the last few years, the film ‘Look Both Ways’
 Whilst not a film, as a play TAM has similar
attributes which must be acknowledged and
appropriate metalanguage used when discussing
 Not a text to be looked at as an easy option – will
be very popular and therefore lots of competition
to stand out from
 A short text to read and revise from but deceptively
complex to analyse and pinpoint key ideas from
An awareness of context is important in order to shape how you
interpret Rose’s messages
Social backdrop of 1950s America – post depression and WWII
Ongoing conflict with Soviet Union – Cold War
Civil Rights movement – determination to end racial discrimination,
freedom, respect and equality at its core
These conflicts are not specifically referenced but allusions are made
through the personal tensions between the jurors
Setting is the 20th Century American judicial system though the
focus is on the role of the individual within this system
Rose was impressed by the system after serving on a jury himself
and wanted to write about what went on behind closed doors
Jury room is a microcosm of society with the best and worst on
Understand the terms but express them in your own
way or you’ll sound like a legal studies text book.
 Reasonable doubt: if uncertainty exists, a juror
must vote to acquit. Legally, they must find guilt
beyond a reasonable doubt.
 Innocent until proven guilty: a fundamental
principle of the judicial system where the burden
of proof lies with the prosecution.
 Other terms that you should know and be able to
use: verdict, acquit, prosecutor, defendant and
No names are ever referenced – characters are known to the
audience by their juror numbers
Occupations are also revealed – this shapes the jurors’ identities for
the audience also
Intensifies the audience’s focus on the personalities of the jurors,
their actions, values and views
Whilst individuals, these are ordinary men who come from every walk
of life, they could be anyone called to perform a duty
A jury is anonymous to the defendant and so they are kept this way
for the audience who form their own ‘verdict’ on the jurors
Juries are functional, not personal
Be consistent when you talk about the jurors
No juror is deemed more important than their peers
Protagonist, only because he is the
chief arguer
Architect – often looking out the
He votes “not guilty” during the jury’s
first vote
Devoted to justice, and is initially
sympathetic toward the 19-year-old
Urges the others to be patient and to
contemplate the details of the case
Extremely persuasive, reasons and
rationalises his arguments
Something of an antagonist to Juror 8
Is the last to change his vote – despite
his attitude is to be admired for his
Immediately vocal about the supposed
simplicity of the case, and the obvious
guilt of the defendant
Quick to lose his temper, and often
infuriated when Juror #8 and other
members disagree with his opinions
Mixes facts with personal opinion
despite his detailed notes
Poor relationship with his own son
biases his views and only when he
comes to terms with this can he finally
vote “not guilty
‘Beck and Call’ company – couriers –
37 employees
Described as a mild, gentle old
man, defeated by life and
waiting to die in the stage
notes, though proves to be the
very opposite
Is the second of the jurors to
vote ‘not guilty’ as he ‘wants to
here more’
At times timid and bullied by
the other jurors but grows in
confidence, emerging as a key
player in convincing the other
jurors to change their vote
Contrasts with the old man
who takes the witness stand
The most abhorrent member of
the group, openly bitter and
Aggressive and irrational in his
Offensive remarks eventually
lead to the other jurors turning
their backs on him and he
finally reflects enough to change
Owns a chain of garages
Has a Summer cold
A logical, well-spoken stockbroker
Urges fellow jurors to avoid
emotional arguments and
engage in rational discussion
Does not change his vote until
a witness’s testimony is
Apparently unaffected by the
Is capable of emotion – hints
early in the play and feels
pressure under questioning
from Juror 4
A refugee from Europe and has
witnessed great injustices
Intent on administering justice
as a jury member
Conveys a deep appreciation for
democracy and America’s legal
Rational in his arguments
Reminds others of their
responsibilities and that
personal feelings should not
play a role in deliberations
Takes his role of Foreman
seriously and endeavours to
be fair
Lacks the authoritative
nouse to perform his role
Essentially calls for votes
and counts, contributing
little to the discussion
Goes with the majority vote
rather than independently
forming his own judgement
High School Football Coach
Initially very timid and bullied
into submission by the other
Evolves to be more assertive
as discussions progress,
denies Juror 10 a second
cough drop
Has concerns about the knife
angle and inspires Juror 5 to
A nurse in a Harlem hospital
Compassionate, softly spoken,
Initially passes right to speak
after the first vote
Takes the prejudiced attitudes
directed at the defendant as
personal attacks
Experience in the slums proves
key to persuading the votes of
the remaining jurors
Strong sense of justice
A baseball fan with tickets to
the evening’s game
Flippant in his decision making,
undermining the entire process
Is called to account by Juror 3
and from this point says little
Shows the vulnerabilities of the
jury system as he undermines
the integrity of the process
Described as an “honest but
dull-witted man”
A house painter by trade
Says little and is used to being
told what to do by others
Understands the gravity of the
process – hypotheses about
letting the defendant free even
if he did commit the crime to
Juror 8 in the washroom
Feels uncomfortable at the
comments made by Jurors 3
and 10
Advertising executive, writes
jingles and doodles on paper in
the jury room
Impressed by the prosecutor –
has enjoyed the show of a
murder trial
Assumes that oaths will equate
to truth of testimony
Cannot articulate his reasoning
and changes his vote on
multiple occasions
16 years old
On trial for the murder of his
father whose regular beating are
seen as motive for the crime
Spent time in and out of the
system for previous juvenile
Lives in the slums and doesn’t
speak good English
Never heard directly from; all
accounts of him come from
His guilt or innocence is never
Justice and the judicial system
12AM highlights the strengths and fragilities of the American judicial system. All of the jurors
have taken an oath to listen carefully to the evidence presented in court and ‘to separate the
facts from the fancy… I urge you to deliberate honestly and thoughtfully’.
They must make a unanimous decision, all agreeing on whether or not ‘reasonable doubt’
exists. The stakes are high; if the defendant is found guilty ‘the death sentence is mandatory’.
The jury brings together twelve men from different walks of life who need to come together to
consider a verdict; justice dictates that all members of the jury need to unite in their desire for
a fair result
Rose highlights the irony of the judicial system. There are certain personalities who shape the
course of the deliberation, yet queries are raised about the ‘twisting of the facts’.
Each of the jurors serves to illustrate that people are not perfect. Each comes in with his own
baggage (J3 and his relationship with his son, J10 and his bigoted views, J7’s want to go to the
‘ball game’)
J12 represents those cynical about the whole judicial process, declaring ‘the whole thing’s
unimportant’ highlighting his lack of understanding of the whole process
Even those who have personal biases seem to understand the importance of fulfilling one’s
responsibility in the system. J3 reminds J10 that he ‘took an oath in the courtroom’ and not
meeting your civic duties is ‘dishonest’.
J8 epitomises a fair and conscientious juror who is prepared to stand alone to see a just verdict
Justice and the judicial system cont…
J7’s instructions to ‘Just worry about yourself’ fly against the message of civic responsibility
within the democratic system. His self-interest is dangerous and seemingly undermines the
whole system. J11, who comments on the beauty of the American system declares his rejection
of his civic duty to be ‘terrible and ugly’
Rose makes it clear that some individuals have the potential to undermine the search for
justice, whilst others will do all they can to ensure it’s achieved ‘You can’t send someone off to
die on evidence like that’.
It is the people who make the decisions not the lawyers or courts. These people are human,
fallible, and the play encourages the audience to empathise with the characters and ask us to
question if we could put aside our prejudices if in such a circumstance.
This play is far more concerned with justice than truth. Even when J8 worries about the
possibility of letting a guilty man go free, this is revealed as a far better alternative than an
innocent man being wrongly convicted.
The play traces how a minority view can emerge as the most rational, despite early opposition.
J8’s ‘soft sell’ is effective, his slow but steady encouragement leads them to ‘responsibly’
question , rather than passively accept
The play ends without ever learning whether or not the defendant is guilty or innocent. This
indicates that the ‘truth’ of the events will never be revealed, and that, in fact, they are of little
consequence. The play is more about the need for reason and rationality in pursuits of justice.
It is the jury system itself, as a legitimate means of obtaining justice, that is being defended in
this play
Prejudice & Stereotypes
Rose highlights that some men are unable to put aside their prejudices and personal beliefs even
when they are sworn to do so.
Prejudice in the play is personified through J3 and J10
Rose deliberately provided several jurors who test the preconceived notions of the other jurors: J5 is
from the slums, J9 is elderly and J11 is a European migrant who has sought refuge from persecution
in America.
Irony of the jury consisting of twelve white men
The jurors put forward opinions on class stereotypes to explain the murder but it is important to
remember that a particular tendency does not equate to evidence of a particular behaviour.
The importance of an open mind rather than sticking with preformed and generalised ideas is
reinforced throughout the play.
J8 states ‘It’s very hard to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And no matter where you
run into it, prejudice obscures the truth’.
The young man on trial is member of an unspecified minority and has been raised in a slum area.
Slums are identified as ‘breeding grounds for criminals’ (p 12 4th Juror) and supported by the 10th
Juror: ‘the kids who crawl outa those places are real trash’ (p12). Bigoted generalisations come into
conflict with reason and logic.
Rose’s message is for democracy to be maintained, objectivity and common sense must prevail over
this prejudice.
Prejudice and Stereotypes cont…
The defendant’s lower socio-economic class translates to a range of assumptions from those
entrusted to decide his fate.
Rose’s shows the power of prejudice and racism to subvert the very systems meant to be
impregnable to such concerns. Equality can become void at the hands of these men.
Like the defendant, J5 is marginalised for having ‘lived in a slum all my life’. His background provides
him a keen understanding of the irrational prejudice, ‘Maybe it still smells on me’. He is also the first
to identify that ‘There is something personal!’ in the comments from the other jurors.
J11 is a refugee from Europe and represents foreigners who, despite education, are subjected to
taunts and racist comments.
J10 is the most vehement in his racism and xenophobia. Early on he claims ‘You can’t believe a word
they say. I mean, they’re born liars’, probably not only a representative of his character, but also of a
larger percentage of the population. His bigoted diatribe towards the end of Act II shows him
incapable of making a rational decision about the defendant’s guilt as he is so clouded with his
bigoted philosophy.
J3 and J10 disrespected J9 for his advanced age , just like the youth are berated for ‘the way they are
Past experience also works to create personal biases . J3 is determined to convict the defendant due
to his experience with his own son. His admittance that ‘I’ve sat on juries’ also encourages us to think
about other miscarriages of justice he (or men like him) may have been involved with.
Prejudice is overcome by reason and those sensible in the jury silence the zealots.
Reason and Logic versus Emotion
The play highlights we can rarely be absolutely certain of facts. Eg. the first ‘fact’ the men are asked
to question is the uniqueness of the switchblade.
Even J4, a man consumed with reason and who view’s the woman’s witness statement as
‘unshakeable testimony’ is forced to reconsider when J8 brings the woman’s eyesight into questions,
‘I say she only saw a blur’.
The frequency of the use of ‘fact’ also encourages the men, and the audience, to question its validity.
Often the facts that the men discuss are opinion.
Stage directions in the play also support the possible consequences when logic and emotion clash.
Early on J6 questions J8, ‘Suppose you talk us all outa this and the kid really did knife his father?’ J8
has no replay but the uncertainty is clear ‘we know that this is the problem which has been
tormenting him. He does not know, and never will’.
Rose’s message is that there will always be uncertainties in life, and we should remain aware of
‘Reasonable doubt’ is praised as a ‘safeguard which has enormous value in our system. No jury can
declare a man guilty unless it’s sure’.
While J8, 9 and 11 are able to sift logically through the exhibits and testimonies, J3 and 10 can only
personalise the case, unable to contain their tempers and violent outbursts.
Reason and Logic versus Emotion
J3 immediately bases his assessment on personal views, ‘The man’s a dangerous killer. You could
see it’.
J6 displayed his immediate conclusions, ‘I mean I was convinced from the first day’. He seems illequipped to perform his civic duties due to a limited use of reason. He is ‘not used to supposing’,
instead reliant on others to facilitate his role.
J4 wants to use logic for self-gain ‘There’s no reason why they can’t be persuaded to do it again… Just
by using logic’
J7 is not interested in logically working through the evidence ‘Ran, walked. What’s the difference?’
J8 epitomises reason and logic; re-enacting events, making calculations about the el train.
J10 allows emotion to cloud most of what he says, ‘They breed like animals’
J11 is rationale and sensible ‘I don’t believe I have to be loyal to one side or the other. I am simply
asking questions… To say a man is capable of committing murder does not mean that he has
committed murder’.
The tasks to determine the ‘facts’ from ‘fancy’ are not as simple as it would seem. The process
requires the men to deliberate with objectivity; those who cannot are eventually made to look quite
Fallibility and memory
People think eyewitness testimony is reliable , but research shows it is often not.
The following factors can influence accuracy of eyewitness testimony:
Stress and trauma
Disruptive and sometimes reconstructive effects of exposure to facts after the event
Intentional or unintentional leading questions to witnesses
Intentional fabrication by witnesses
Juror says that to gain attention old man could have convinced himself he heard the defendant
shouting before the murder when he hadn’t.
The 8th Juror’s suspicions that the witnesses are fallible and not accurate form much of the basis for
his argument of reasonable doubt.
Those that object to the accuracy of the witnesses’ evidence being called seem to take it personally.
10th Juror says “You’re makin’ out like it don’t matter what people say” p. 32.
Fallible human memory also strengthens defendant’s case – as 8th shows through questioning 4th,,
stress can lead to memory loss..
Rose is not condemning human fallibility just, via 8th juror, saying we should accept it exists and take
it into account in our judgements, particularly here where a boy’s life is at stake.
Integrity/Courage of Conviction
Juror 8 is the only one to vote ‘not guilty’ initially. The 9th’s reason to vote not guilty
with him is initially simply out of admiration for 8th’s integrity: ‘…it’s not easy to stand
alone against the ridicule of others.’
However, it could be argued that 8th is too manipulative. He forces the jury to
consider the other knife he illegally bought, he often questions others closely and is
accused by the 3rd of ‘cross-examining us . Courage of conviction, yes. Integrity?
The 9th and 11th are revealed as men of conviction and integrity. The latter as a
recent immigrant represents the ideal American.
It could be argued that 4th shows courage and conviction by hanging on so long to
the guilty verdict because he is convinced by the woman’s eyewitness testimony.
It is interesting to examine how 2nd grows in conviction and courage. He is a
somewhat fearful placating kind of man at the start of the play. Note he offers
cough drops at the start – ‘I’ll take one’ says 10th. He is trying to be helpful.
Towards the end of the play when 10 has become quite unpopular, 10 asks for the
cough drops and 2 replies, ‘They’re all gone, my friend.’ Then after that he raises
the issue of the angle of the stab wound – first time he initiates discussion
Integrity/Courage of Conviction cont…
Although the 3rd is personally prejudiced and often fairly unpleasant he is not entirely without
integrity. He apologises to the 5th on page 21 for unfairly saying he changed his vote and attacking
him. In Act II he is unimpressed with the 10th juror wanting to quit. “You took an oath in the
courtroom. You can’t just quit” p.43 and calls him ‘dishonest’. He’s also unimpressed with the 7th
for changing his vote to ‘not guilty’ just because he’s had enough ‘That’s no answer’ p. 50.
7th and 10th and 12th cannot be said to exhibit much integrity or courage of conviction. 7th is just
interested in getting out of the jury room and enjoying sport. The 10th is so consumed with prejudice
and selfishness he cannot think reasonably and humanely. It is interesting that unlike the 3rd no
logical reasons account for change of heart of 10 – he just finally feels outnumbered and feigns
indifference as a way of protecting himself from caring. ‘You smart bastards do whatever you want.’
The 12th is an extremely superficial character – he is interested in the appearance of things, of how
ideas are presented but not ideas themselves, of the outside of the Woolworth’s building, but never
going inside.
Foreman does show integrity – when confronting 10th over his rudeness ‘You want to do it? Here. You
sit here. You take the responsibility.’ And then when 12th typically says ‘The whole thing’s
unimportant.’ He replies, ‘Unimportant? You want to try it?’ Indicating that he takes the role seriously.
Fifth – Stands up for himself when the 10th insults those from the boy’s neighbourhood and later is
the first to walk out when the 10th rants against ‘them’ on p.51.
Sixth – a simple working man whose boss does the supposing he says. Yet he is the one who
confronts 8th on p.22 ‘Suppose you talk us all outa this and the kid really did knife his father?’
The play explores how in truly critical situations a person’s integrity and courage is revealed.
One big conflict – 12 angry men arguing over a case – different backgrounds, views
etc. Case itself is obviously result of conflict. Defendant has battled all his life. The
case is about conflict – defending and prosecuting lawyers against each other.
Perhaps if that conflict had been better and sharper the one in the jury room
wouldn’t have been so divisive.
Internal conflict – within themselves. Juror 8 – in washroom after 6th’s question.
Juror 3’s terrible internal conflict over the dysfunctional conflict with his son. Juror 4
– when he can’t remember names of films etc and starts to sweat.
Conflict between the jurors. Conflict between 3 and 8 develops throughout play.
Juror 9 and 10 are in conflict. Juror 9 calls 10 ‘an ignorant man’ and later tries to
confront him again. Juror 8 interestingly stops 9 both times from getting involved.
Juror 9 calls 10 a sick man and says he should sit down during his rant.
Juror 10’s xenophobic rant is rejected by all the jurors.
Stage directions indicate conflict – looks, action, stance, demeanour etc.
Weather/Heat – ongoing tension, parallels to action in the room, adds to the
physical discomfort, often a conversation starter, the storm indicates a shift in
psyche for many of the jurors
Clock – real time indicator of the elapsed time on stage, a reminder of the time
pressure many of the jurors feel, a reminder to the men to use their time wisely
Window – looks out over the Manhattan skyline, a reminder of the bigger picture –
the social implications that the verdict reflects, observations of the skyline reflect the
broader values of the jurors
Small room – the door is locked, the men are caged and as an audience we watch
them like animals in a zoo, exacerbates the feelings of claustrophobia experienced
by the men and tension
The Knife – a weapon in the murder and the case against the boy, intense
discussion of its use is eventually used to shape ‘not guilty’ verdicts, a dramatic
moment when Juror 8 finds another ‘one of a kind’
The Fan – initially does not work so can’t provide relief from the heat, eventually
clear heads prevail and its link to the light switch (a lightbulb moment for all) is
The Washroom – a place to retreat, mundane room but used as a place of grave
Two Acts – Act One ends after Juror 3’s outburst and threats to
kill Juror 8
Trial has lasted three days, deliberations begin on the Friday
Gradual revelation of the crime that has been committed
Most dialogue succinct – Juror 10’s diatribe is the exception
There are pauses and breaks when the jurors move away from
the table – to the washroom, water cooler and the window
Follows the jurors deliberations from one ‘not guilty’ to
unanimous agreement
Each piece of evidence and creation of doubt is carefully
staged – Rose intends for the jurors to look carefully at each
1950s America
 Jurors’ speech reflects their background and
 Juror 11 – migrant, formal, syntax is sometimes
out of order
 Juror 10 accuses the defendant of not even
speaking ‘good English’ – a deliberate strategy by
Rose to highlight the hypocrisy of his observation.
He also has the longest speech in the play filled
with rhetoric, hyperbole and repetition
 Nuances of other jurors – Juror 3, 7 and 12
Contribute to tension and underscore the issues addressed
in the play
Look closely at when and where jurors move – Who is
speaking? What are they saying? Who moves? Why?
What is said about facial expressions?
The judge’s voice over – empty stage before the actors have
entered. Consider what this means?
Re-enactment of elements of the case – the old man’s
testimony and the knife
Consider who changes their vote and how this is described
The weather – how is it described and most importantly –
Symbolism – The weather provides a pathetic fallacy for the growing tension
between the jurors. Just as the storm looms outside, so too does the
pressure within the room grow to a climax.
Foreshadowing – Multiple statements are made by the jurors which
foreshadow events in the play. Consider: ‘everyone has a breaking point’,
‘witnesses make mistakes’ and ‘prejudice obscures the truth’.
Setting – Establishing the setting of the play in the confines of a small jury
room exacerbates the tension experienced by the men. That a decision of
significant gravity is to be made in a drab and ordinary room, mirroring the
decisions that people make on a day to day basis which also have
momentous consequences.
Motif – The knife, a recurring motif in the play is at the heart of a number of
turning points in the play.
That the guilt or innocence is never revealed to the
audience, whilst frustrating for some, is not
important. Rose intends for the focus of the play to
be the jurors and their deliberations and suggests
that it is better to free a guilty man than to convict an
innocent one. It is a question which bothers some of
the jurors, even Juror 8 who is the first to vote not
guilty. Reasonable doubt though is not held up to be
a perfect safeguard, rather just a safeguard in
system which itself is not perfect.
The judge’s opening address
The first vote
The one of kind knife
Juror 9 changes his mind
Jurors 8 and 6 in the washroom
The old man and Juror 9
Re-enactment of the old man’s testimony and Juror 10’s outburst
Juror 11’s reminders of responsibility
Juror 3’s reminder to Juror 10 of the oath
Juror 7 versus Juror 11 – times two
The quizzing of Juror 4
The angle of the stab wound
Juror 10’s racist rant and the others’ responses to him
Juror 4 and the glasses
Juror 3 and ‘he’s not your boy.’
In voting ‘not guilty’ first,
Juror 8 demonstrates the
most integrity of all the
jurors. Do you agree?
Prejudice is both a
dangerous inhibitor to
justice and also a promoter.
Rose’s stage directions
are as important to the
action of the play as the
characters’ dialogue.
Rose legitimises the role of
the jury within the judicial
system. Do you agree?
Juror 10’s vote of ‘not guilty’ is the most significant moment in the
play. Do you agree?
Will treat this text as a play and fluently integrate stage
directions into their writing
Will look at the implications of the topic
Deal with the entire topic and not just key words in
Will contextualise quotes and examples in relation to
where they happen in the action of the play
Develop, develop, develop in detail
Will refer frequently to what Rose’s
intention/values/messages are in relation to the topic
Will use words like play and audience
Topic sentences
 Plans
 Paragraphs
 Concept webs
 Brainstorms
 Pictures and quotes
 Timelines
 Essays
 Watch the film if you need to but remember you’re
writing on the play!